Sequence what she swallowed! Grade Level: Kindergarten Estimated number of days lesson will cover: 1 day Lesson Subject/Title: Sequencing, "There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Bat!" Performance Standards GA-GPS-07.ELAKR6.1.b Makes predictions from pictures and titles. GA-GPS-07.ELAKR6.1.c Asks and answers questions about essential narrative elements (e.g., beginning-middleend, setting, characters, problems, events, resolution) of a read-aloud text. GA-GPS-07.ELAKR6.1.e Retells familiar events and stories to include beginning, middle, and end. GA-GPS-07.ELAKR6.1.f Uses prior knowledge, graphic features (illustrations), and graphic organizers to understand text. Lesson Objective(s) Lesson Objectives (What students will know and/or do): 1. The students will make predictions about the book from the title and cover. 2. The students will sequence the events of, " There was an Old Lady who Swallowed a Bat " after listening to me read the book. 3. Students will answer questions about the story after reading. Enduring Understanding: 1. Sequencing the events of a story help us to understand the text and retell the story. Essential Questions 1. What does it mean to sequence events of a story? 2. What happened in throughout the story? Key Vocabulary 1. Sequencing (story events)- Putting the events in the order that they occured in story Procedures & Activities INSTRUCTIONAL PLAN Time Allowe d Procedures Differentiatio Materials/Resourc Assessme n es nt Introduction/hook/activati on of prior knowledge: 3 mins Have students look at the front cover, read the title and ask them, what do you think this book is about. Let's read to find out! "The Lady who Swallowed a Bat" Particpation in answering questions Instructional Activities Demonstrate/Model (if appropriate): I will read the book to the 10 mins students Guided Practice (if appropriate): Groups are divided up based on students' ability "The Lady who levels Swallowed a Bat" 5-8 mins As a group, we will discuss what items the lady swallowed, Low group may when she swallowed it, and need extra help why. with their seqencing 10 mins Independent Practice (if appropriate): High group will work more Students will use their pictures independly to seqence the "things swallowed" on their construction paper strips. 3-5 mins Review and Closure Digital Photostory to show pictures of what she swallowed as I read Sequencing the events on their paper in correct order Sentence strips, pictures in bags, glue Making sure the Time Allowe d Procedures One at a time, the students will come up to me to and put the items in the lady's mouth in the order that she swallowed them. Differentiatio Materials/Resourc Assessme n es nt student picks the correct item to go into the dolls mouth