Algebra 1 Syllabus - KS Blogs

Kamehameha Schools Hawaiÿi
High School
Course Title: Algebra 1
Instructor: Mr. G. Kainoa Sharpe
SY 2012-2013
Overview: Algebra 1 is a year course designed with the
intent of preparing our haumana with a strong
foundation in the basic skills of theoretical
mathematics necessary for success in proceeding high
school courses such as Geometry, Algebra 2,
Trigonometry, and Calculus. I believe if our haumana
build a strong foundation now in Algebra 1 the skills
will not only carry them through high school but
through college and life! This class is vital if your
keiki wants to enroll in college with the intent of
studying physical or social sciences, technology,
engineering, and/or mathematics and a variety of other
disciplines. It provides the foundation for
understanding the basic logic structure of each
We begin by investigating graphs of different number
systems and building them into expressions and
equations and inequalities, and establishing a
relationship with how these equations are built to
model pictures or graphs of linear equations. Then we
extend that idea to polynomial equations and other nonlinear equations and functions and their graphs. And
finally we will end with an investigation of radical
numbers and rational functions and their graphs.
Course Essential Questions/Goals/Objectives: What are
some of the basic fundamental concepts of algebra? Why
are these algebraic concepts important to know? How can
we use algebra to model real-life problems in everyday
Content Standards/Areas of Study: Kamehameha Schools
Hawaii High School has selected the Indiana State
Standards for Mathematics. Algebra 1 Standards Indiana
/Algebra 1 Standards Indiana 2006.docx Some of the key
standards covered in this class will include, but not
be limited to the following:
 Standard 1- Operations with Real Numbers
 Standard 2- Linear Equations and Inequalities
 Standard 3- Relations and Functions
 Standard 4- Graphing Linear Equations and
 Standard 5- Pairs of Linear Equations and
 Standard 6- Polynomials
 Standard 7- Algebraic Fractions
 Standard 8- Quadratic, Cubic, and Radical
 Standard 9- Mathematical Reasoning and Problem
 Communication
 Representation
 Connections
Course Materials/Text/References:
Prentice Hall Mathematics: Algebra 1,
Bellman, Bragg, Charles, Hall,
Handlin, Kennedy; Prentice Hall 2007
Scientific Calculator:
Texas Instruments Graphing
Calculator TI-83 will be provided for
classroom use only. Please bring (2)
AAA batteries. It is strongly
recommended you purchase one for home
usage. Approximate cost is $125.00.
Student Supplies: Textbook (pick up at Learning Center
Composition Notebook
3-ring binder with lined paper
#2 pencils
Multi-disciplinary Projects: Our school as a whole
focuses on interdisciplinary
projects throughout the year. Mathematics in general
lends itself to many
connections with science, engineering, health,
business, and the social sector, and
we can look forward to projects within the respective
academies whenever
meaningful connections become apparent.
Reading/Writing Component: Students will also be asked
to do reading/writing assignments incorporating
language arts into our mathematics curriculum.
Assignments may include textbook design and structure,
journal entries, article reviews, newspaper articles,
periodicals, and in particular explanations of how
various solutions are obtained. The reading/writing
component will help prepare students for higher
mathematics and a deeper understanding and appreciation
of the material being covered.
Classroom Rules/Guidelines:
Follow all rules of the Kamehameha Schools as outlined
in the Student-Parent Handbook.
Be prompt and ready with all needed supplies before
the bell rings. A strong emphasis will be placed on
tardiness this year. Three warnings and then a
detention will be issued.
Students need to be in compliance with the dress code
at all times. Dress code will be strictly enforced.
Participate in all activities including discussions
and group work.
Pay attention during lectures and other class
activities. In particular, courtesy should be given to
anyone speaking.
Listen and follow directions given by the instructor.
Take good notes.
Seek help in a timely manner.
Be responsible for your textbook. Keep it covered and
in good shape. You are responsible for any loss or
damage to the text.
Be honest and respectful to yourself and others in the
Use appropriate language in class. Profanity will not
be tolerated.
Respect all property of the Kamehameha Schools at all
times. Take care of classroom supplies and clean up
your area at the end of class.
Homework Policy/Assignment Policy:
student and parent handbook)
(Please refer to
Grading Scale and Weighted Grades: Your weighted grade
will be comprised by using the following percentages
for each category:
90% Assessments- tests, quizzes, projects,
presentations, formative and summative.
10% Other Work- homework, class work, worksheets,
vocabulary assignments,
practice skills, warm-up problems, problem of the day,
daily board presentations, journal writing,
reflections, TI-83/Vernier labs, and in-class
Your weighted grade will be determined by the following
conversion 4 point grade scale based on equal
percentage rates of 20% for each grade represented.
Semester grades will be determined using a simple
formula based on 40% for each quarter grade and 20% for
the semester exam grade. For example:
40%(Qtr 1) + 40%(Qtr 2) + 20%(Sem. Exam) = 1st Semester Grade
40%(Qtr 3) + 40%(Qtr 4) + 20%(Final Exam) = 2st Semester Grade
Mahalo and AlohaG. Kainoa Sharpe
Kamehameha School Hawaii
Mathematics Instructor
Aloha Parents and/or Guardians,
I am very honored and excited to be working with
your child this school year. The first three pages of
this document give you an outline of what to expect
this year. Please take the time to read them
thoroughly. If you have any questions or concerns
please do not hesitate to contact me by leaving a
message through the school and I will return your call
as soon as possible. If you would like to email your
concerns or thoughts to me throughout the year, my
email address is and my phone number
is 808.982.0645.
Parents play an important role in the success of
any student and I look forward to working with you for
the success of your child. Thank you for taking the
time to read this document. Please sign this sheet and
have your child do the same indicating that you have
read and understand and agree to the information
presented in this document. Please return the lower
portion of this form as soon as possible.
Mahalo and AlohaG. Kainoa Sharpe
Kamehameha School Hawaii
Mathematics Instructor
I have read and understand and agree to the above
course expectations and policies for Mr. Sharpe’s
Algebra 1 class.
Signature of Student
Signature of Father/Guardian
Name Here
Signature of Mother/Guardian
Name Here
Please Print Name
Please Print
Please Print