North County High School Grade 9 2014-2015 rev 1/14/14 Required Electives: Circle Last Name Pairing Last Name (A-L) Fitness for Life S1 Found of Tech A S2 Last Name M-Z Fitness for Life S2 Found of Tech A S1 A18010/20 Theater Arts (sem or year) (Fine Arts Credit) A17010/20 Creative Writing (sem) A14010/20 Journalism (sem) F82010/20 Musical Theater (sem) Music F51010 Instru Instr: WWinds (year) F52010 Instru Instr: Brass (year) F53010 Instru Instr: Percuss (year) F63010/20 Drum Set: Percussion (sem) F75010 Orchestra I -4 (year) F13010/20 Piano I (sem or year) F09010/20 Guitar I (sem or year ) F20010 Chorus I (year) F24710 Honors Vocal Ensem @ F80720 Honors Music Theory (year) F83910/20 Music Technology AVID AVID 9 (application required ) (sem) World and Classical Language (Must have earned a “C” or better in middle school level 1 to move up to level 2) E11013 E12013 E41013 E42010 E61013 E62013 Physical Education L58010/20 Strength & Conditioning I (sem or year) L37010/20 Team Sports I (sem or year) L51010/20 Walking Wellness I (sem or year) L02010/20 Dance (sem or year) L18010 Dance Co. (Audition Required) (year) Business Administration and Computer Science English K19010 9 French I (year) French II (year) German I (year) German II (year) Spanish I (year) Spanish II (year) Family & Consumer Science H10010/20 Art & Science of Nutrition I (sem) Art G19010/20 Found of Art (sem) G45020 Studio I 2D(Drawing & Painting) * G55020 Studio I 3D(Sculpture & Ceramics) * Q65010/20 Computer Skills for Academic Success (formally titled Keyboarding) Q50020 Software Applications @ Center for Applied Technology – North Application required see T88010/20 Vo-Tech (CAT –N) (AM) (sem or year) T88011/21 Vo-Tech (CAT –N) (After School) (sem or year) PREREQUISITE REQUIRED @ Computer Skills for Academic Success % Algebra I and Geometry * Foundations of Art North County High School Grade 9 2014-2015 rev 1/14/14 9