Second Nine Weeks Study Guide


Second Nine Weeks Study Guide

Multiple Choice

Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. Which of the following statements is part of the cell theory? a. Only plants are composed of cells. b. All cells are produced from other cells. c. Cells can be produced from nonliving matter. d. Cells are one of several basic units of structure and function in living things.

____ 2. Which of the following statements is NOT part of the cell theory? a. Cells are the basic unit of structure and function in living things. b. All cells are produced from other cells. c. Only animals are composed of cells. d. All living things are composed of cells.

Short Answer

3. What are the products of photosynthesis?

Oxygen and sugars

4. What happens during photosynthesis?

The cell uses the energy in sunlight to make food

5. What happens during respiration?

Glucose id broken down, making energy.

6. The stage of respiration that releases most of the energy in glucose occurs in the mitochondria

7. How are photosynthesis and respiration related?

They have opposite equations

8. During DNA replication, adenine (A) always pairs with thymine

9. Each rung of the DNA ladder is made of

A pair of nitrogen bases

10. In which of these does alcoholic fermentation occur?


11. During what stage of the cell cycle does replication occur?


12. What are chromatids?

Identical strand of chromosomes

13. The regular cycle of growth and division that cells undergo is called

The cell cycle

14. What is the chromosome theory of inheritance?

Genes are carried from parent to offspring on chromosomes

15. What happens during meiosis?

Chromosome pairs separate and are distributed into new sex cells

16. When sex cells combine to produce offspring, each sex cell will contribute

Half the number of chromosomes in body cells

17. What does messenger RNA do during protein synthesis?

Copies the coded message from the DNA and carries it into the cytoplasm

18. What do transfer RNA molecules do during protein synthesis?

Carry amino acids and add them to the growing protein

19. Where does protein synthesis take place?

On the ribosomes in the cytoplasm in the cell

20. Which nitrogen base in RNA is NOT part of DNA?


21. Chromosomes are made up of

Many genes joined together

22. What is the total magnification of a microscope with two lenses when one lens has a magnification of 15, and the other lens has a magnification of 30?


23. What is the function of a cell membrane?

To control what enters and leaves the cell

24. Which organelle is the control center of a cell?


25. Cells in many-celled organisms are same or different?

Are often quite different from eachother

26. What is the function of a cell wall?

To protect and support the cell

27. Which organelles store food and other materials needed by the cell?


28. What parts of a fern grow underground?

Roots and stems

29. What happens in the phloem?

Food moved down from the stem

30. The reproductive structures of most cone producing plants are called cones

31. A flower’s female reproductive parts are called pistils

32. Germination will not happen unless a seed

Absorbs water

33. Gases pass in and out of a leaf through the stomata

Use the diagram to answer each question .

34. Identify A and B, which are the raw materials for respiration.

A is glucose, B is oxygen

35. Explain where raw materials A and B come from.

Plants and other organisms that undergo photosynthesis make their own glucose. Animals and other heterotrophs get glucose from the food they consume. Oxygen comes from the surrounding air or water

36. Identify C and D, which are the products of respiration.

C and D are water and carbon dioxide

Use the diagram to answer each question .

37. List drawings 1-5 in their correct order, beginning with the drawing that represents interphase.

The correct order is 3,2,5,1,4

Use the diagram to answer each question .

38. Name two structures that are not found in the cell shown here but that are found in plant cells.

Cell wall, chloroplast

39. Structure A is a Golgi body. Describe its function.

Golgi bodies package proteins and other newly formed materials and distribute them to other parts of the cell.

40. Is the cell shown a plant cell? Explain your reasoning.

No, because it doesn’t contain a cell wall or chloroplasts

Use the diagram to answer each question .

41. Identify the structures labeled A and B in the diagram. Are these male or female reproductive structures?

Structure A is a filament and Structure B is an anther. They are reproductive structures.

42. After fertilization, what happens to the structure labeled E in the diagram?

Structure E, the ovary, develops into a fruit.

43. What is copied during replication? The cells DNA

44. Dogs have 78 chromosomes in their diploid cells, How many chromosomes are in their haploid cells?

A. 78 B. 39 C. 30 D. 41

45. Horses have 32 chromosomes in their diploid cells. How many chromosomes are in their haploid cells?

A. 64 B. 16 C. 20 D. 30

46. Body cells of a human have _____46___ chromosomes and are called ____diploid cells__________.

47. Which student has selected the appropriate descriptions for the cells produced during meiosis?

Students’ Identification of Cells Produced During Meiosis

Student 2 Sex Cells 4 Sex Cells Haploid Cells Diploid Cells

1 X X


3 X



4 X X


Student 1 B. Student 2 C. Student 3 D. Student 4

48. The sperm cells of a squirrel have 20 chromosomes. How many chromosomes are found in a body cell of the same animal?

A. 10 chromosomes B. 20 chromosomes C. 40 chromosomes D. 80 chromosomes

49. A tomato plant has 24 chromosomes in its egg cells. How many chromosomes are found in a leaf cell from the same plant?

A. 6 chromosomes B. 12 chromosomes C. 24 chromosomes D. 48 chromosomes

50. Where are the genes located? On the chromosomes

51. What is the difference between DNA and RNA. DNA is double stranded, RNA is single. DNA has the base thymine, RNA has the base uracil, DNA has the sugar deoxyribose, RNA has ribose.

52One Strand of DNA IS ATACCGATAAACG. What are the complementary bases on the other strand.


53. The unzipped strand of DNA has the bases ATACCGGAATTGCAA. What are the bases copied on to


