Looking For - Mr. Brown`s Connection Class Career Development

Mr. Brown
Date :
Career Development
November 2 & 3,
Monday & Tuesday
7 A/B
MSCD7-3: Students will understand the importance of attaining educational achievement and
performance levels needed to reach personal and career goals.
We Are Learning To (Learning Intentions)
Students will understand the benefits of higher
Students will understand the messages they are
receiving at home and in their community about
higher education.
Students will hear and understand firsthand
accounts of the benefits of an education.
What I’m Looking For (Success Criteria)
Describe and understand the benefits of higher education.
Describe and understand the messages they are receiving at home
and in their community about higher education
Describe and understand firsthand accounts of the benefits of an
Warm-Up/ Do-Now (5-8 minutes)
What is an HBCU? Do you know anyone who graduated from college?
Opening (Hook/ Activating Strategy/Learning Intentions)
1. Explore college facts. Tell students that nearly every career requires some type of education or training after high
school. Explain that this is called “postsecondary education” because it is after (or “post”) high school (secondary
education). Postsecondary education is often called college. Ask students if they think they know a lot or a little about
college. Ask student volunteers to share a few things they know. Then distribute the College Facts Quiz and have
students complete it, working individually or in small groups.
Pre-test – college fact quiz
Work Period (I do, we do, you do)
(30 minutes)
Guided Notes - Preparing for College
Power Point - Preparing for College
Video - Preparing for College
Handout – Preparing for College
Puzzle- college
Jeopardy College degrees
Tier I- Core instruction
-All (100%) students – receive
core instruction.
-Whole group, small group, oneto one focus.
Tier II- Supplemental Intervention
-At-Risk, Struggling Students (2030%)
-May require specialize instruction
-Additional minutes of strategic
reading instructions
-Guided Notes for PowerPoint’s.
Tier III –Intensive Intervention
-Student with persistent
difficulties who are not responding
to Tier 1 and 2 (5-10%)
-Requires specialize instructions
-Use benchmark assessments and
progress monitoring weekly
-Additional minutes of strategic
reading instructions in small groups
-Guided notes for PowerPoint on
-Pair struggling student
Closing (Summary) Ticket out the door
(5 minutes)
Review reasons for college. Correct the quiz with your students. Ask if knowing the reasons to go to college makes
students more likely to think about college for themselves. Why or why not? How can they share this information with
their families?
Reflection – What will I do tomorrow?
Preparing for college Continued
Mr. Brown
Week of :
Career Development
November 4 & 5,
Wednesday & Thursday
7 A/B
MSCD7-3: Students will understand the importance of attaining educational achievement and
performance levels needed to reach personal and career goals.
We Are Learning To (Learning Intentions)
What I’m Looking For (Success Criteria)
► Students will describe their goals for life after high school.
► Students will accurately list basic facts about postsecondary
education and describe several reasons why postsecondary
education is needed to achieve their goals.
Describe and understand the benefits of higher education.
Describe and understand the messages they are receiving at
home and in their community about higher education
Describe and understand firsthand accounts of the benefits
of an education
Warm-Up/ Do-Now (5-8 minutes)
college fact quiz
List 3 facts you think you know about college.
Opening (Hook/ Activating Strategy/Learning Intentions)
(5-10 minutes)
1. Discuss students’ college aspirations. Ask for a show of hands: how many students think they will go to college (fouryear, two-year, technical or community college) after they graduate from high school? Ask a few volunteers to explain why
they think they WILL or WILL NOT attend college. Make a list of reasons on the board. Did anyone give lack of money as
a reason? Write “money” on the board and explain that many students have trouble attending college because they
cannot pay for their tuition.
Work Period (I do, we do, you do)
(30 minutes)
Guided Notes - Preparing for College
Power Point - Preparing for College
Video - Preparing for College
Handout – Preparing for College
Puzzle - college
Jeopardy College degrees
Tier I- Core instruction
Tier II- Supplemental Intervention Tier III –Intensive Intervention
-All (100%) students – receive
-At-Risk, Struggling Students (20-Student with persistent
core instruction.
difficulties who are not responding
oneto Tier 1 and
2 (5-10%)
Week of :
-Requires specialize
to one focus.
7 A & B minutes of strategic
November 6, 2015
Friday instructions
reading instructions
-Use benchmark assessments and
-Guided Notes for PowerPoint’s.
progress monitoring weekly
MSCD7-3: Students will understand the importance of attaining educational-Additional
and of
levels needed to reach personal and career goals.
reading instructions in small groups
We Are Learning To (Learning Intentions)
-Guided notes for PowerPoint on
What I’m Looking
For (Success Criteria)
-Pair struggling student
Students will understand the benefits of higher education.
Students will
the messages
are receiving at home and in
out the
community about higher education.
Students will hear and understand firsthand accounts of the benefits of an
Describe and understand the benefits of higher education.
Describe and understand the messages they are receiving at
home and in their community about higher education
Describe and understand firsthand accounts of the benefits
of an education
To determine which colleges have the characteristics
you desire.
Give students a chance to interview other students in the class to determine:
Warm-Up/ Do-Now (5-8 minutes)
will I do tomorrow?
Write down
computer –
College Unit
Assign computer
lab seats
Opening (Hook/ Activating Strategy/Learning Intentions)
(5-10 minutes)
College Needs Assessment Worksheet
Work Period (I do, we do, you do)
(30 minutes)
Introduce the video, “Why Do I Want to Go to College,” by explaining to students that they are going to see a
short (5 minute video) by students who graduated in 2012 about why they wanted to go college. Share with your
students that the students in the video are all first generation, low-income students. Your students may be very
interested to know that this is a student-directed video that won first prize in the Double the Numbers-DC Youth
Media Competition. It is a true case of students talking to students
2. Hand out the student worksheet and explain that students will be responsible for writing down the reasons
they hear in the interviews for going to college. The object is not to fill the boxes but to be attentive listeners and
to develop a survey sheet the class will use to discuss and explore more reasons for going to college.
3. At the conclusion of the video, give students time to review their notes. Next, ask students to share what they heard in
the video. Make a list on the board or chart paper of the student responses as they fill in the classroom survey tool.
College Comparison Worksheet
Tier I- Core instruction
-All (100%) students – receive
core instruction.
-Whole group, small group, oneto one focus.
Tier II- Supplemental Intervention
-At-Risk, Struggling Students (2030%)
-May require specialize instruction
-Additional minutes of strategic
reading instructions
-Guided Notes for PowerPoint’s.
Tier III –Intensive Intervention
-Student with persistent
difficulties who are not responding
to Tier 1 and 2 (5-10%)
-Requires specialize instructions
-Use benchmark assessments and
progress monitoring weekly
-Additional minutes of strategic
reading instructions in small groups
-Guided notes for PowerPoint on
-Pair struggling student
Closing (Summary)
(5 minutes)
Follow up questions about comparison worksheet
Reflection – What will I do tomorrow?
College Unit continue
Choose two colleges that you would like to learn more about and research the following areas. You can
find this information on each college’s website and www.gcic.edu. Complete the comparison worksheet
and the 5 questions.