Learning for Teaching, Teaching for Learning Weblinks Departments of Education The following is a list of web addresses of the Departments of Education around Australia and New Zealand, independent school associations and Catholic education organisations. All these sites are the public faces of the government organisations that provide schooling in these areas. They provide a wealth of resources for prospective or practising teachers. They tend to be large and complex, but they nearly all feature a search function. Visitors can use keyword searching to track down and retrieve resources that are applicable to the teaching or learning tasks they are pursuing. Australian Capital Territory ACT Government Education and Training Directorate http://www.det.act.gov.au Association of Independent Schools of the ACT http://ais.act.edu.au Catholic Education: Archdiocese of Canberra & Goulburn http://cg.catholic.edu.au New South Wales NSW Government Department of Education http://www.det.nsw.edu.au Association of Independent Schools of NSW https://www.aisnsw.edu.au/ Catholic Education Commission NSW http://www.cecnsw.catholic.edu.au Northern Territory Northern Territory Government Department of Education http://www.education.nt.gov.au Association of Independent Schools of the Northern Territory http://www.aisnt.asn.au/ Catholic Education Northern Territory http://www.ceont.catholic.edu.au/ Queensland Queensland Government Department of Education and Training http://education.qld.gov.au/ Independent Schools Queensland http://www.isq.qld.edu.au/ Queensland Catholic Education Commission http://www.qcec.catholic.edu.au/ South Australia South Australian Government Department of Education and Child Development http://www.decd.sa.gov.au/ Association of Independent Schools of South Australia http://www.ais.sa.edu.au/ Catholic Education South Australia http://www.cesa.catholic.edu.au/ Tasmania Department of Education Tasmania http://www.education.tas.gov.au/ Independent Schools Tasmania http://www.independentschools.tas.edu.au/ Tasmania Catholic Education Office http://catholic.tas.edu.au/ Victoria State Government Victoria Department of Education and Training http://www.education.vic.gov.au/ Independent Schools Victoria http://www.is.vic.edu.au/ Catholic Education Commission of Victoria http://www.cecv.catholic.edu.au/ Western Australia Government of Western Australia Department of Education http://www.education.wa.edu.au/ Association of Independent Schools of Western Australia http://www.ais.wa.edu.au/ Catholic Education Western Australia http://internet.ceo.wa.edu.au/ Australia Australian Government Department of Education and Training http://www.education.gov.au/ Independent Schools Council of Australia http://isca.edu.au/ National Catholic Education Commission http://www.ncec.catholic.edu.au/ New Zealand New Zealand Ministry of Education http://www.education.govt.nz/ Independent Schools of New Zealand http://www.isnz.org.nz/ New Zealand Catholic Education Office http://www.nzceo.catholic.org.nz/ Professional associations Australian Science Teachers Association http://asta.edu.au/ This is an informative website for teachers of science in all grade levels. Drama Australia http://www.dramaaustralia.org.au/ This association focuses on national issues relating to drama. Mathematical Association of New South Wales (MANSW) http://www.mansw.nsw.edu.au/ This association provides support for mathematics teachers K–12 and encourages participation from tertiary educators to share their skills and expertise. Primary English Teaching Association Australia http://www.petaa.edu.au/ The home of the Primary English Teaching Association – a professional organisation that supports English teachers. History of education Australian Bureau of Statistics http://www.abs.gov.au/ This is the national website for all details relating to the most recent Census and ongoing demographic research. Current information is available. Teaching strategies CAST UDL Book Builder http://bookbuilder.cast.org/ This site brings together literacy and technology where teachers and students can create their own digital stories. Education Oasis: Graphic Organizers http://www.educationoasis.com/curriculum/graphic_organizers.htm Graphic organisers are useful to assist in organising information and this site offers a range of easy-to-use and printable forms. Neag Center for Gifted Education and Talent Development, University of Connecticut http://www.gifted.uconn.edu/ Top US researchers in gifted education share their work on this site. RubiStar http://rubistar.4teachers.org Create rubrics to evaluate various products using this teacher-friendly website. ThinkBuzan: How to Mind Map http://thinkbuzan.com/how-to-mind-map/ Mind mapping is a skill that is often asked of students and this site gives details of the designer and the methods. Classroom organisation Trent University: Learning styles and profiles http://www.trentu.ca/admin/specialneeds/learninginnovations/howdoyouthink/sections/st yles.html This site discusses Sternberg and Wagner’s (1991) thinking styles inventory. Student motivation A Berkeley Compendium of Suggestions for Teaching with Excellence https://www.ucy.ac.cy/ctl/documents/KEDIMA/WebsiteMaterial/BerkeleyCompendium.pdf This is an informative paper that lists ideas for encouraging best work from students. University of Oregon: Teaching Effectiveness Program http://tep.uoregon.edu/resources/faqs/motivatingstudents/motivating.html This website answers many of the ‘How do I?’ questions related to motivating students. Creating positive learning environments Ezine Articles: Setting the tone for a positive learning environment http://ezinearticles.com/?Setting-The-Tone-For-A-Positive-LearningEnvironment&id=689772 This article explores strategies for creating and maintaining positive learning environments. Slide Share: Creating a positive classroom environment http://www.slideshare.net/kstashuk/creating-a-positive-classroom-environment This PowerPoint presentation highlights important classroom structures that can promote a positive classroom environment. Teaching Channel https://www.teachingchannel.org/ This valuable site offers many short films on different aspects of teaching and learning. Promoting positive behaviour for learning Teachnet.com: Classroom management http://teachnet.com/category/manage/classroom-management/ This website provides practical ideas for preventing discipline issues and provides suggestions for how to deal with problematic behaviour when it occurs. University of Minnesota: Center for Early Education and Development http://www.cehd.umn.edu/CEED/ This comprehensive website focuses on early education and development. University of Minnesota: Para eLink http://ici.umn.edu/elink/bmk1k2/bmk1k2_1.html This website comprises interactive lessons on managing student behaviour. Communicating and working with parents EduGuide http://www.eduguide.org/ This site offers a range of articles and information on teaching. Smart Schools Program http://www.smartschools.ph/Home Advances in information communications technology have transformed how teachers communicate with parents and this website highlights some novel strategies. Teachers.TV http://www.teacherstv.com.au/ Learn about many facets of education through short films on all aspects of teaching. University of North Carolina: Communicating with parents www.learnnc.org/lp/pages/736 A number of key attributes for communicating effectively with parents are discussed in this article. Miscellaneous Australian Council of State School Organisations http://www.acsso.org.au/about/ ACSSO is the peak national organisation representing the interests of the parents, families and school communities of children attending government schools in Australia. Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority http://www.acara.edu.au/default.asp ACARA is responsible for the national curriculum, assessment, data collection, analysis and reporting for K–12 students. Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies http://www.aiatsis.gov.au/ AIATSIS conducts, facilitates and promotes study of Indigenous issues through research, collections and publications. Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership http://www.aitsl.edu.au/home AITSL provides national leadership for the Australian, state and territory governments in promoting excellence in the profession of teaching and school leadership. Australian Research Council http://www.arc.gov.au/ The ARC delivers policies and programs that advance Australian research and innovation globally and benefit the community. My School http://www.myschool.edu.au/ This federal government site offers profiles of Australian schools. National Assessment Program http://www.nap.edu.au/ This site provides details of the NAPLAN and NAP assessment programs. Office for Learning and Teaching http://www.olt.gov.au/ This organisation promotes and supports change in higher education institutions for the enhancement of learning and teaching. Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency http://www.teqsa.gov.au/ This is the independent national regulator of the higher education sector.