April 8, 2012 Genevieve Damico USEPA REGION 5 77 West Jackson Boulevard Mail Code: AR-18J Chicago, IL 60604-3507 Sent via email to: <damico.genevieve@epa.gov> Dear Ms. Damico, We are writing to request that the US Environmental Protection Agency, Region 5, work with the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency to deny the permit to install for the proposed Ridge Road Municipal Solid Waste energy recovery facility in the city of Cleveland, Facility ID No. 1318008750, Permit number P0107767. On March 23, 2012, the city of Cleveland fired the Municipal Solid Waste energy recovery facility project consultant, Princeton Environmental Group, for cause. On February 23, 2012 Barry A. Withers, the Director of Public Utilities for the city of Cleveland, wrote to Peter Tien, Owner of Princeton Environmental Group citing the contract between Princeton Environmental and the city of Cleveland for initial design and environmental permitting of a Municipal Solid waste-to-energy facility. (attached) The February 23 letter noted that work submitted by Princeton Environmental did “…not meet the requirements contained in the Agreement, and that contains unacceptable errors and faulty research.” The city goes on to say that the work submitted displayed an unacceptable and unprofessional lack of required care and skill. The work submitted contained errors of calculation and base values for projected revenues, waste volume, waste collection amounts, operation days, and so on. Princeton Environmental was notified that the Agreement was considered in default of obligations, and they were given 10 days to correct the deficiencies. Mr. Tien did submit an updated revised work product on March 10, 2012. The city reviewed and also found this unacceptable citing “unsubstantiated and unexplained estimated projections” in a March 22, 2012 letter. The city called out faulty financial projections, discrepancies in megawatt projections, and questions on feedstock and fuel pellets. (attached) Director Withers again states that the work product submitted by Princeton Environmental continues to demonstrate an absence of required professional skill and care, and says the city has lost confidence in Princeton’s abilities. Page 2 April 8, 2012 Director Withers’ letter closes saying the contract with Princeton Environmental is cancelled. Cleveland Public Power hired Princeton Environmental and Peter Tien, and Mr. Tien provided engineering input into the PTI based exclusively on Kinsei Sangyo batch gasifiers. We are concerned that the same lack of required professional care and skill, as noted by the city of Cleveland, is contained in the permit application and therefore, the draft permit we reviewed. As noted in your February 23 letter to Ohio EPA there are serious questions raised for the draft permit regarding emission calculations and limits, modeling methodology for various pollutants, compliance, concerns for local ambient air quality, visibility, soils and vegetation. Concerns for public health were also raised. Questions for lead and mercury pollution (major areas of public concern for residents), our region’s non attainment status for particulate matter, and, most importantly, the city’s lack of communication with the public on key components of this major new source of air pollution in our neighborhood were noted. We are grateful for your-in depth careful review of the draft permit. Your February 23 letter brought to light and verified some of the public’s fears as well as raising additional significant concerns. Unfortunately your important comment letter as well as the city’s initial letter announcing the deficiencies in Princeton Environmental’s project deliverables are dated February 23, 2012, the exact date for the end of public comment. Thus, the public did not learn about this critical information until it was too late. We, like the city of Cleveland, noted numerous discrepancies as we examined the draft permit and other project information. Like the city of Cleveland, we have lost confidence in Princeton Environmental’s abilities. We question whether Princeton Environmental provided the diligence, calculations, research and required care and skills necessary to submit an acceptable permit that will protect public health. Therefore, we ask that you do everything in your power to deny this permit. On the day the comment period ended, Cleveland Public Power submitted proposed changes to the permit based on new calculations from Princeton Environmental Group and its consultants. We believe that these changes were another thinly veiled attempt to avoid designation as a major source, with the critically important NOx emissions coming in just a hair under the threshold amount. If Ohio EPA issues a final permit based on information and calculations from Princeton Environmental Group and its consultants, we will petition the US EPA to object to the permit. Page 3 April 8, 2012 We want pollution prevention, expanded recycling, composting and zero waste programs, green jobs, truly renewable energy, safe technologies, and environmental justice for those who live close to this proposed facility and the rest of our impacted community. We look forward to your response to this letter. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Sandy Buchanan, Executive Director Ohio Citizen Action 614 W. Superior Ave, Suite 1200 Cleveland, OH 44113 216-861-5200 sbuchanan@ohiocitizen.org Randy Cunningham, Chair NE Ohio Sierra Club Coal and Energy Committee 3623 West Boulevard Cleveland, OH 44111 216-245-1073 randino@sbcglobal.net Stuart Greenberg, Executive Director Environmental Health Watch 3500 Lorain Ave, Suite 302 Cleveland, OH 44113 216-961-4646 sgreenberg@ehw.org Teresa Mills, Ohio Children’s Health Organizer Center for Health Environment and Justice 2319 Park Ridge Court Grove City, OH 43123 614-871-1353 Tmills@chej.org Page 4 April 8, 2012 Chris Trepal, Executive Director Earth Day Coalition 3606 Bridge Ave. Cleveland, OH 44113 216-281-6468 ctrepal@earthdaycoalition.org Cc: Cheryl L. Newton, Division Director, Air and Radiation <newton.cheryl@epa.gov> Richard Angelbeck, Environmental Scientist, Region 5 <angelbeck.richard@epa.gov> Lara Lasky, Environmental Justice Program Coordinator, Region 5 <lasky.lara@epa.gov> Scott J. Nally, Director, Ohio EPA <scott.nally@epa.state.oh.us> Bob Hodenbosi, Administration, Ohio EPA <bob.hodanbosi@epa.ohio.gov> Mike Hopkins, Permitting, Ohio EPA <mike.hopkins@epa.ohio.gov>