The Municipality is mandated by the MS4 Permit (Municipal

Assembly Committee Document
Some clarifying statements about municipal permits and EPA permits
 The Municipality is mandated by the MS4 Permit (Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System
Permit—from the EPA because of the Clean Water Act) to have a storm water discharge
program. There is nothing in the proposed section that is not mandated.
 The Municipality is mandated to control storm water discharge during construction (the
temporary element) and after construction is completed (the permanent element). For the
temporary element, we accept the SWPPP (Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan) that is
created to satisfy the Construction General Permit from the EPA—this fulfills our
requirements for submittals for the temporary element.
 The EPA does not inspect every project operating under the Construction General Permit as a
matter of course. There is only one Alaska-based EPA inspector for the whole state, who
inspects for all sorts of different EPA permits. In the past four years, EPA has brought up
out-of-state inspectors (or contract inspectors) to inspect a range of projects (not all projects)
as a compliance check.
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