LEGAL NOTICE - Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District

Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the Director of Finance of the Northeast
Ohio Regional Sewer District located at 3900 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44115
until 2:00 P.M. Official Time on Tuesday November 15, 2011.
The selection of the Design-Builder will be based upon the qualifications of the DesignBuilder team in accordance with the recently passed HB153 which included substantial
changes to the Ohio Revised Code, specifically Chapter 153 related to construction
reform and the authorization of public entities to utilize the design-build project delivery
The objective of this RFP is to identify and select a design-builder that will successfully
and safely complete the engineering and construction of the West Creek Project
according to schedule; in accordance with the project’s permitting requirements; with the
highest quality design and construction – all while providing the best possible value to
the District. The purpose of project is to design and construct the site restoration and
stormwater improvements to the land area contiguous to the West Creek channel known
as the Confluence Site.
The project as envisioned will stabilize and rehabilitate approximately 1,000 feet of
stream channel and convert the available contiguous land areas into a combination of
stormwater treatment wetlands and hydraulically-connected floodplains.
Stream restoration objectives at this site are to improve stream stability and create
riparian and floodplain habitat by reconfiguring the stream using natural stream design
principles. Stream restoration will be combined with stormwater retrofits to reduce storm
flow and negative water quality impacts to West Creek. Improvements to the riparian
buffer and creating access to the channels floodplain will improve habitat and water
quality and reduce bank erosion. Specific goals for the restoration project set by the
District include:
Design and build a new stream channel with a stable dimension, pattern
and profile
Provide direct access for the creek to the floodplain throughout the reach
Design and build adjacent riparian wetland to capture and store out of
bank flows
Design and build water quality wetlands to accept stormwater flows from
upstream impervious areas at existing outfalls located on-site.
A pre-proposal conference has been set for 10:00 A.M. Local Time on Friday October
21, 2011 at the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District’s Environmental Maintenance
and Service Center (EMSC) located at 4747 East 49th Street, Cuyahoga Heights, Ohio.
The meeting has been set for the purpose of providing all the potential Proposers with an
opportunity to discuss all aspects of the Request for Proposal and Project Criteria for the
West Creek Site Restoration and Stormwater Improvement Project (WCWRCON-DB)
with the District. Any changes, additions and/or deletions resulting from this preproposal conference will be covered in an addendum to the Contract Documents.
Copies of the RFP documents including the Project Criteria Package and Project Related
Documents are on file and may be examined at the office of the Northeast Ohio Regional
Sewer District, or can be obtained via email by contacting Tim Coleman at or calling 216-881-6600.
The Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District reserves the right to reject any and all
proposals, to waive any informalities or irregularities in the proposals received, and to
accept any proposal or proposals which are deemed most favorable to the Northeast Ohio
Regional Sewer District at the time and under the conditions stipulated, all in accordance
with the applicable provisions of laws of the State of Ohio governing the conduct of the
Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District.
Proposals may be held by the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District for a period not to
exceed sixty (60) days from the date of opening of proposals for the purpose of reviewing
the proposals and investigating the qualifications of the Proposer and team.
Proposers on this work must be prepared to comply with the Equal Employment and
Affirmative Action requirements of Executive Order 11246, as amended. The
requirements for Bidders and Contractors under this Order and its implementing
regulations are set forth in the Specifications.
The successful Proposer also must comply with all the provisions of (a) The Davis-Bacon
Act in the event federal funds are used on this project in the future, (b) Contract Work
Hours Standard Act, (c) the Copeland Act (Anti-Kickback) and (d) Title IV of the Civil
rights Act of 1964.
The Contract will be subject to the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District policy and
goals regarding the use of small business enterprises (SBE). The SBE goal for this
Contract is 15%.
All questions regarding the Contract Documents shall be directed to the Northeast Ohio
Regional Sewer District, Mr. Tim Coleman at (216) 881-6600.
Proposal No:
Resolution No.:
October 6, 2011
Advertised Cleveland Plain Dealer: October 17, 2011