our lady of kirstall parish council

Norah Small (HN), Kate Bates (A), John Barnes (SM), Alicia Dale (SM), Tony Allinson (HN), Liz
Hopkinson (HN), Father Pat (OLK), Peter Dowson (A), Susan Taggart (A), Teresa Todd (A)
Sarah Anthony (HN)
Pat Kirkby (SM)
Minutes from 10/10/12 circulated
Matters Arising
CAFOD –OLK group - Supported by Assumption group with some joint meetings held
Successful Fair Trade wine tasting evening hosted at St Mary’s, attended by parishioners from all
three of our churches.
Family Fast Day 22nd Feb – A short address will be given by a member of the group at each Mass in
each of our three churches
Two parishioners from Puentecitos (El Salvador), the village linked with Assumption Cafod Group will
be coming for a social evening at Assumption Parish Centre on Friday March 15th.
Sacramental preparation:
First Communions/Reconciliation –
Sacred Heart school now linking with Our Lady of Lourdes church (St Jeanne Jugan Parish)
Holy Name – tuition based mainly in school with ‘celebrations’ at stages in Church.
St Mary’s – tuition based in school and in small family groups with celebrations at stages in school or
in church.
Marriage: 12 engaged couples are currently being prepared by 4 tutor couples
Baptism: - 72 baptisms in the last year. St Marys and Holy Name follow same programme but have
different schedules. Assumption parishioners go to either of the other parishes.
Confirmation: 45 candidates from the 3 churches are taking part in preparation for the conferring of
the Sacrament by the Diocesan Administrator Mgr John Wilson on Friday 10th May (to be hosted at
St Mary’s).
Youth Ministry: It was decided not pursue further the appointment of a ‘Youth Ministry Coordinator’. Instead the ministry will be carried out by giving support to the existing youth groups at
St Mary’s and Holy Name (both composed of post-Confirmation candidates) which meet
approximately once a month.
Spirituality programme
Most events on the programme had been well attended the only exceptions being the recent Advent
Reflection (held in the morning at Assumption and in the evening at St Mary’s).
A Day of Recollection for Parish Eucharistic Ministers and other interested parishioners is scheduled
for Saturday March 2nd 10.00am-3.00pm at St Mary’s
Property update
St Mary’s Sacristy and Toilet provision works are now completed to everyone’s satisfaction.
Refurbishment works at Assumption church are now completed, again to everyone’s satisfaction.
Mass and other services began again in the Church at the beginning of November.
Parish Finance & Property Committee (Meeting 30.1.13)
Finances are in a healthy position and currently within budget set for the year, with the means to
meet anticipated expenditure. However, greater income needs to be generated to meet rising costs.
There will be a short address given by a member of the Committee at all Masses in each church over
the weekend of 2/3 March to ask people to consider if they are in a position to increase their
contribution, if they will do so by standing order or numbered envelope, and Gift Aid their
At a future date there will be a reminder that people can make a donation for an “In Memoriam”
inscription in Hymn books and Mass books to help meet the costs of these, and an invitation to
individuals/families to meet the outlay on the purchase of the new Altar Missals.
Grateful thanks were expressed to parishioners who have given of their professional time and skills
to see through the major projects at St Mary’s and Assumption Churches. There has been a pooling
of personal resources across the three churches for the benefit of the larger Parish which achieved
significant savings in expenditure.
Holy Name Diamond Jubilee
Plans are underway for the celebration of this event to take place this year.
7th June Evening Mass of Thanksgiving – looking back in thanksgiving
9th June Early Evening Service (nature to be deliberated) – looking forward in hope (engaging the
Primary School, Youth Groups, etc)
Copies of a DVD telling the story of Holy Name Parish from its foundation to the inauguration of the
Parish of Lady of Kirkstall will be made available.
A Commemorative Brochure will be produced, and a display mounted of photos and memories of
the parish. A general invitation has been made to contribute photos/reminiscences.
OLK Parish Feast will be celebrated on Sunday 14th July in the late afternoon, with a focus on the
various Ministries exercised in the Parish (Eucharistic, Readers, Catechists, Music, etc). The capacity
of Holy Name church is 400 which impinges upon the nature of the event, but it will not be Mass –
the usual Mass times/locations throughout the Parish will be unchanged. Weather permitting there
could also be activities in the surrounding gardens.
Parish Mission Statement
This has not progressed. It was suggested that St Mary’s Mission Statement is looked at and the
process followed is used to develop a Parish Mission Statement for OLK.
Nominations for Chair of Parish Council – Father Pat is currently acting as chair but this should really
be a lay parishioner. Nominations are sought.
Sunday Evening mass
A request had been put forward for the provision a Sunday evening Mass at St Marys.
The C The Council recalled that such provision had been given consideration by the group representative of
the three constituent churches prior to the inauguration of the Parish of Our Lady of Kirkstall. It was
not made at that time because St Mary’s and Holy Name had previously had Sunday Evening Masses
which had been dropped because of popular preference for a Saturday Evening Mass in each
location. To now provide a Mass on Sunday evening would necessitate dropping one of the existing
Masses in the Parish - each of which was well attended while there was no evidence of a significant
demand for a Sunday Evening Mass. It was noted that Sunday evening Mass is already provided in
Horsforth at Leeds Trinity University College in term times (and not well attended), at SS Peter &
Paul (Yeadon) to which a few of St Mary’s parishioners go (on occasion), in the Deanery at
Immaculate Heart Church (Moortown), and at the Cathedral. It was agreed to provide information
about times and places where Sunday Evening Mass was celebrated in each church, and occasionally
in the Bulletin.
Family Support for Father Boniface
There was unanimous agreement that Father Pat would make an Appeal for support towards the
funeral costs of Father Boniface’s sister Mary and related family expenditure. This Appeal will take
place at Masses on 9/10 Feb and 16/17 Feb.
Lenten Scripture Sharing
There will be opportunities in each church for groups of people to meet together to reflect on the
Lenten Sunday Gospels. Details will be printed on the Parish Bulletin and in the church porches.
Food and Clothes Banks
Following Father Pat’s homily at the beginning of February, parishioners/SVP have provided further
information about what is already happening within our parish to support those individuals and
families who maybe having difficulties.
There is a lot of very good work already happening although more people are needed to help carry it
There are boxes at the back of each church for parishioners to put food items in. It would be helpful
if suggestions were given for the most useful items.
It is recognised that the Parish Primary Schools play an important role in identifying families who
would benefit from support and help and appropriate responses are already happening in a discreet
and sensitive way.
It was suggested that information about the St Anne’s, St Vincent De Paul’s, and St Jude’s Centres be
provided in a leaflet format – outlining how people can help these organisations practically and seek
support from them if they need it.
There are currently four Food Banks in the City of Leeds, with another under consideration north of
the River Aire.
Date and Place of Next Parish Council Meeting
Wednesday June 19th, Holy Name Church Hall (Lounge).
Meeting closed with a prayer at 9.00 pm.