Chemistry 211 2013 Equilibrium Controlled Reactions: Carbonyl Reactions - 11 A. Original Reactions: In the Carbonyl Reactions-3 through -10, we have explored fifteen examples of three general types of reactions of carbonyl containing compounds. The fifteen example reactions are reproduced below. The mechanistic analyses of these reactions can be found in the summaries of class discussion files for Carbonyl Reactions-3-10. 1. Carbonyl Addition Reactions. 2. Carbonyl Addition-Elimination Reactions. Acid-Catalyzed Uncatalyzed O a. C CH3 H3O + + H O H CH3 CH3 CH3 Base-Catalyzed C H H2O + H H C N O C C N C CH2 O H + H2O CH3 j. CH3 CH3 H2O HN H C H2O + + C CH2 N N H H NH3 Base-Catalyzed O CH3 CH3 NH3OH HN CH2 Base-Catalyzed CH2 CH3 NH2 O H d. 2 H2O . + NH2OH C CH2 N Uncatalyzed O b. O c. C H2O CH3 O H OH C H H2 O CH3 CH CH2 m. C CH2 CH3 + C CH2 H O H CH2 CH3 O H O O O C CH2 H CH2 O C CH2 H H H2O D C CH2 CH3 CH2 C H C + H 2O CH3 CH2 CH3 CH2 Uncatalyzed Base-Catalyzed H O k. + C H Cl H O O O O .. S O C Cl S n. O O O + C O + H2O OH D H H O Base-Catalyzed Uncatalyzed N l. H2O O + H C C N o. O H O C N H2O C + NH2OH CH3 NH3OH CH3 H O + H2O 2 Carbonyl Reactions – 11 3. Acyl Substitution Reactions. Acid-Catalyzed f. Base-Catalyzed O O C NH + H3O 2 C O + O H + NH4 C 2 h. O OCH3 CH3 O O C C CH3 O + HOCH3 Acid-Catalyzed Uncatalyzed O O p. O H3O H + + H2O O r. OH O O O CH3 C O + H CH3O CH3 C + C O CH3 CH3OH H C O O Uncatalyzed O O i. CH3 C H Cl + 2 CH3CH2N H CH3 CH2 C + Cl N CH3 H + CH3CH3NH3 So far we have been working with reactions that provide structures of products as well as structures of reactants and the reaction conditions. Now that we have an understanding of how the energies of HEE in the reactions control possible steps in the reaction mechanism of carbonyl reactions, we are prepared to use our understanding of mechanistic possibilities to determine likely products for reactions such as the one below that provide only reactant structures and reaction conditions. O O + NH2 ? O Since we don’t have product structures to guide us, we need to use energies of HEE and our experiences with the reactions on pp. 1 & 2 to help us determine the likely course of the mechanism. To assist us in using our experience, the types of mechanisms are indicated above each reaction on pp. 1 & 2 and formalized general representations of the types of mechanisms we discovered are provided on pp. 3-5. The questions on p. 6 should help in exploring the general mechanisms to develop approaches for analyzing mechanisms and predicting products for reactions like the example above. Carbonyl Reactions - 11 3 General Mechanisms for Reactions of Carbonyl Compounds = H or a carbon atom group Nu: = Nucleophile = group with O, N, Cl, Br H-A & H-B = potential acid catalysts B:- & A:- = potential base catalysts Base Catalyzed Addition H B Nu H 1 O O Nu + H B C C 2 O C 3 + B + B Nu Nu Base Catalyzed Acyl Substitution B Nu H 1 Nu + O O O C C 2 C 3 Nu + Nu Base Catalyzed Addition-Elimination H H B Nu H H B 1 Nu H + O O O H B C C 2 C 3 Nu H Nu H 4 H O H + H A C Nu O C 5 Nu + H B 4 Carbonyl Reactions – 11 O O Nu + Uncatalyzed addition H O H Nu: C 2 C C 1 H Nu H + Nu H Nu: O C 3 Nu: H Uncatalyzed Acyl Substitution Nu + O O O C C 1 C 2 Nu + Nu Uncatalyzed Addition-Elimination H Nu H + O O O H A C C 1 C + A 2 Nu H Nu H 3 H O H + H A C Nu 4 O C Nu + H A + Nu H Carbonyl Reactions - 11 5 Acid Catalyzed Addition ..O .. C + + + H H A Nu: 1 H O C + Nu : H + A: 2 Nu C 3 Nu : 2 .. O .. H + .. H + .O . H C + Nu + H A Nu H Acid Catalyzed Acyl Substitution H .. O + H + :A + .. .+ H + H .O H 1 H Nu: .. + H O C O C + ..O .. C H O H . .+ + H O C 3 H H Nu .. H 4 + .. O .. .. O C Nu: = Nucleophile + H C 5 Nu .. H + Nu .. H-A & H-B = potential acid catalysts B:- &A:- = potential base catalysts Exploration: 1. Compare each of the reactions on p.1 with its formalized general mechanism on pp. 3-5 and assign the symbols in the general mechanism to the corresponding component of the reaction. e.g. For reaction b. – base catalyzed addition (p. 1) – compare with Base Catalyzed Addition Mechanism on p. 3. O C + H H H-Nu C N H2O B: H O C C H N 6 Carbonyl Reactions – 11 2. Examine the first step of all of the base-catalyzed reactions: Where are the HEE in each base catalyzed reaction on pp. 1 & 2? What bond is made by the HEE in the first step of the corresponding base catalyzed general mechanism for each reaction (p. 3)? 3. Examine the first step of all of the uncatalyzed reactions: Where are the HEE in each uncatalyzed reaction on pp. 1 & 2? What bond is made by the HEE in the first step of the corresponding uncatalyzed general mechanism for each reaction (p. 4)? Where does the uncatalyzed catalyzed reaction’s first reaction step occur in the base-catalyzed general mechanisms (p. 3)? 4. Examine the first step of all of the acid-catalyzed reactions: Where are the HEE in each acid catalyzed reaction on pp. 1 & 2? What bond is made by in the first step of the corresponding acid catalyzed general mechanism for each reaction (p. 5)? Where does the acid catalyzed reaction’s first reaction step occur in the base-catalyzed general mechanisms (p. 3)? Where does the acid catalyzed reaction’s first reaction step occur in the uncatalyzed general mechanisms (p. 4) Carbonyl Reactions - 11 7 5. Considering your experience with questions 2-4, classify the example reaction from p. 2 (reproduced below) as most likely to be base catalyzed, acid catalyzed or uncatalyzed, then propose the most likely first step in the reaction; provide your warrant for your choice of mechanism and first step. Draw the arrows on the structures and then draw the structures of the first intermediate products after the equilibrium arrows. O O + NH2 O 6. Again examine the three base catalyzed general mechanisms for carbonyl reactions on p. 3. Identify the step where one of the three mechanisms first begins to differ from the others two. Provide your warrant for the choice Which mechanism changes path first? What is happening in that step? What structural difference appears to allow this mechanism to follow a different reaction path from the other two? Provide your warrant for the choice of mechanism and why the step is reasonable for the reaction that changes path and not for the others. In which step do the other two mechanisms begin to diverge? What is happening in that step? What structural difference appears to be responsible for this change in mechanism? Provide your warrant for your choice of step and why the different paths are reasonable for each reaction. 7. Now examine the three uncatalyzed general mechanisms for carbonyl reactions on p. 4. Identify the first step where one of the three mechanisms first begins to differ from the others. Provide your warrant for the choice Which mechanism changes path first? What is happening in that step? What structural difference appears to allow the mechanism that is changing to follow a different reaction path from the other two? Provide your warrant for the choice of mechanism and why the step is reasonable for this reaction and not for the others. In which step do the other two mechanisms begin to diverge? What is happening in that step? What structural difference appears to be responsible for this change in mechanism? Explain why the different paths are reasonable for each reaction. 8. Finally examine the two acid catalyzed general mechanisms for carbonyl reactions on p. 5. 8 Carbonyl Reactions – 11 Identify the step where the two mechanisms first begin to diverge. What is happening in that step? What structural difference appears to be responsible for this change in mechanism? Provide your warrant for the choice of step why the different paths are reasonable for each reaction. 9. Review your responses to questions 6-8. (Base catalyzed, uncatalyzed and acid catalyzed mechanisms.) Among all mechanistic types, is there any pattern in the identity of the reaction that diverges first (Addition, Addition-Elimination or Acyl Substitution)? Provide your warrant. Is there any pattern in the aspect of reactant structure that seems to be responsible for this first change in path? Provide your warrant. Is there any pattern in the point of variation between the remaining mechanisms? Provide your warrant. Is there any pattern in the aspect of reactant structure that seems to be responsible for the divergence in path? Provide your warrant. 10. Considering your experience with questions 6-9, continue developing the mechanism of the example reaction (Reproduced below) to determine the structures of the most likely products. Classify the reaction as an Addition, Addition-Elimination or Acyl Substitution and identify the step in your mechanism where the type of reaction (the nature of the final product) was determined. Provide your warrant. O O + NH2 O 11. Apply your experience in this activity to first develop a series of questions to consider in discovering a reasonable mechanism and then applying the questions to develop reasonable mechanisms for the following reactions, classify the catalytic type (acid, base, un) and reaction Carbonyl Reactions - 11 9 type (addn, addn-elim, acyl-sub) and identify the step in your mechanism where the reaction type (the nature of the final product) was determined. Question 1: Question 2: Question 3: a. O CH3 + CH3 H2O H CH3 Answer to Question 1: Answer to Question 2: Answer to Question 3: Completed mechanism: b. C N 10 Carbonyl Reactions – 11 H O + N H H O H H N H H Answer to Question 1: Answer to Question 2: Answer to Question 3: Completed mechanism: Reflector’s Report Discussion: Identify the most important concepts you learned from this activity: What questions remain? Carbonyl Reactions - 11 11 Strategy Analyst’s Report Discussion: How did grouping the mechanisms with various types of catalysis for the three different carbonyl reactions help your group to begin to develop an approach for using mechanisms to predict products of reactions? How did the series of questions developed in #11. assist your group in working a new reaction through a mechanism to a reasonable product? 12 Carbonyl Reactions – 11 Carbonyl Reactions - 11 Out of Class Applications A. Additional Nucleophiles for Carbonyl Reactions: 1. Organometallic Reagents (See Also CGW pp. 132-133 & 182-185 & 189-194) Compounds with carbon-metal bonds. Most generally useful reagent includes Mg as the metal. a. Availability of Reagents: These compounds can be synthesized by treating organic halides with the free metal: Organomagnesium Compounds -- Grignard Reagents CH3 CH CH3 CH Cl + Mgo CH3 3 CH3 CH Mg CH3 Br Cl + Mgo Mg Br Grignard Reagents b. Reactivity: In organometallic reagents the highest energy e-'s are those in the partially covalent carbon-metal bond. These e-'s have lower energy than a free localized carbanion, but have considerably higher energy than a carbanion to a carbonyl group. +2 CH3 CH2 : Mg Br CH3 CH2 Mg Br Potential reactions: (1.) Forming a bond to a proton -- Strong Base – Not very useful (2.) Addition to a carbonyl carbon atom – High energy HEE, effective nucleophile (uncatalyzed) – very useful!! O + H Br Mg 1. Dry Ether O 2. -O 2+ Mg Br Dilute H2SO4 H + H2O 2+ Mg + Br - Carbonyl Reactions - 11 13 14 Carbonyl Reactions – 11 2. Metal Hydrides: CGW pp. 130-132, 530-534. a. Reagents and Reaction Conditions: (1.) NaBH4 + H2O (2.) LiAlH4 + (1. Ether 2. H3O+/ H2O) - b. Reactivity: Both react as H: nucleophiles or bases. In both types of hydride reagents the highest energy e-'s are those in the partially covalent hydrogen-metal bond. As with Grignard reagents, these e-'s have lower energy than a free localized hydride ion, H: , but have considerably higher energy than electrons on negatively charged nitrogen or oxygen atoms. Compared to the larger aluminum atom, the smaller boron atom provides more e--nuclear attraction to lower the energies of the e-'s in the B-H bond so: - (1.) In NaBH4 the B-H bonding e-'s have low enough energy that NaBH4 can be used in the presence of H2O or ROH. The acid-base reaction between NaBH4 and H2O or ROH is slow enough that it doesn't out compete with the NaBH4 reactions with carbonyl compounds. H2O or ROH can then act as proton sources for the alkoxide ion formed in the addition reaction. Example: + C H O H CH3 CH2 H O H B H + Na H O Na H C + B H H H H O H C H H H + CH3CH2O B H H (2.) The Al-H bonding e-'s have high enough energy that LiAlH4 reacts very rapidly with acidic protons of water, alcohols or amines. So LiAlH4 addition reactions must be done in the absence of acidic protons (H2O, ROH, RNH2 or RCOOH). The proton for the alkoxide ion formed in the reaction is supplied by acid added in the second step. Example: O H + C H H Al H + Li H 1. Dry Ether O Li C + H H H 2. Al H Dilute H H2SO4 H2O O H C H H H + H Al OH H Carbonyl Reactions - 11 15 3. Wittig Reagents -- Phosphorus Ylides (See CGW pp. 237-238 & 689-693) a. Structure These compounds contain a polarized carbon-phosphorus double bond with the phosphorus having an expanded octet. Such compounds with positive phosphorous or sulfur atoms bonded to negative carbon atoms are known as ylides. CH2 CH3 P + P C H CH2 CH3 CH2 CH3 CH P + C P CH2 CH3 C - b. Reactivity: The HEE are those in the C-P bond, which is polarized toward the carbon atom. Consequently Wittig reagents are carbon nucleophiles and phosphorus electrophiles. NOTE: Since P is in the Third Row of the Periodic Table, it has low energy d-orbitals that allow it to expand its octet and form 4-membered ring transition-states and intermediate structures. O O + P P P O + The net effect of a Wittig reaction is an addition-elimination in which the carbon ligand on the phosphorus replaces the carbonyl oxygen atom and the carbonyl oxygen atom replaces the carbon that was attached to the phosphorus of the Wittig reagent. So a ketone is converted to an alkene. 16 Carbonyl Reactions – 11 B. Applications: Applications of carbonyl compound reaction mechanisms for predicting products from reactant structures and reaction conditions. Use the approach you developed in Carbonyl Reactions-11 to develop reaction mechanisms and predict final products for the following reactions. O -O (1.) CH2 CH3 D O O (2.) + 1. Dry Ether Mg O Cl 2. H3O H2O O (3.) Cl H2 O + O (4.) Br excess O 2. H3O+ H2O H (5.) N + O (6.) 1. Dry Ether Mg + H3O+ O H2O NaBH4 H2O Text Applications of Carbonyl Reactions: References: CGW Chapters: 6, 10, 11, 26 & 29 CGW ONLINE Chapter 6: Problems 1, 6-8 & 10; Chapter 10: Problems 2-4, 6-7-9, 11-12; Carbonyl Reactions - 11 Chapter 11: Problems 1-3, 5-7, 9; Chapter 26: Problems 17 1, 2 18 Carbonyl Reactions – 11 B. Nomenclature of Amides Tutorials: a. Developed by Richard C. Banks, Professor of Chemistry, Boise State University Provides questions with answers Section Amides b. Developed by Professor Dave Woodcock, Okanagan University College, British Columbia, Canada (Contains many examples.) Sections: 5. Functional Groups with Suffix and Prefix VI. Alkanamides (Amides) c. Developed by Advanced Chemistry Development Laboratories (Gives detailed rules for nomenclature.) Recommendations 1993 R-5 Applications to Specific Classes of Compounds R-5.7 Acids and Related Characteristic Groups R-5.7.8 Amides, imides, and hydrazides R- Monoacyl derivatives of ammonia (primary amides 3. Applications a. Name the following: H O N H O N N H 2N O O b. Draw structural formulas for the following compounds: N-(2-butyl)-2-methylpentanamide N-ethyl-2-hydroxy-3-methylbutanmide Carbonyl Reactions - 11 N-propylbenzamide 2-chloro-4-ethylhexanamide 19