
Decision Document for Permit Number P0425/13A Sean McCloskey
1.1The permitted activities
The Permit covers the rearing of poultry for the production of poultry meat and waste storage - including carcasses
prior to transfer off site for rendering in an authorised facility. Bird numbers quoted in the application are 58,000
broilers or 13,500 turkeys. The applicant is proposing to house four/five crops of broilers followed by one crop of
turkeys (August to December) per annum. Alternatively, broilers may be housed all year round. The birds will be
housed in one existing house and one proposed new house. House 1 is currently naturally ventilated. House 2 will
have forced ventilation. There is no land spreading of litter produced by the poultry unit. Litter is removed off-site
for mushroom composting or combustion in authorised facilities. There are no other directly associated activities.
1.2.1 The site
The site boundary is as shown in bold on the site plan. The site encompasses the poultry sheds, surrounding hard
standing areas, waste water tanks, gas tanks, feed tanks, carcass skip, generators & associated fuel tanks. The swale
will be constructed just outside the site boundary.
1.3 Overall Management
1.4 Pre-operation conditions
These are standard conditions.
Condition 1.4.1 requires the operator to inform the Chief Inspector 14 days prior to the 40,000 bird capacity being
exceeded and therefore the permit becoming effective. Pre-Operation Condition 1.4.2 requires a suitable wash water
tank to be constructed prior to the installation being stocked above 40,000 birds. Pre-Operation Condition 1.4.3 has
been added to ensure that a separate drainage system is provided to collect wash water from the houses and drain it
directly to the waste water tanks without relying on a diverter. Pre-Operation Condition 1.4.4 has been added to
ensure that the yard areas associated with the poultry houses are suitably designed and contained with all heavily
contaminated yard drainage directed to waste water tank(s) and all lightly contaminated site drainage directed to
swale. Pre-Operation Condition 1.4.5 requires the ventilation system for the proposed new poultry house 2 to be to a
design that ensures the exhaust velocity from the fan vents matches that assumed in the air dispersion assessment
“Air Quality Impact Assessment – S. McCloskey Facility – 22 July 2013” submitted with the application. Condition
1.4.6 requires the operator to provide and implement proposals to ensure that the odour impacts from the expanded
poultry farm will be below 3.0 OU/m3 98th percentile 1 hour (see notes below on odour) 1.4.7 requires the operator
to provide collision protection for LPG storage tanks. Condition 1.4.8 ensures that suitable bunding is provided for
the generator and associated fuel storage. Condition 1.4.9 ensures that a suitable store is provided for pesticides and
veterinary medicines and condition 1.4.10 ensures that there is sufficient metering of all water used on the site.
1.5 Off site conditions
1.6 Minor operational changes
2.1 Farm Management
There are no off-site conditions.
These are standard conditions.
These are standard conditions. IMP4 has been added to ensure appropriate IPPC training is completed within 12
months of the effective date of the permit or as soon as a course becomes available.
2.2.1 – 2.2.3 Raw Materials and
These are standard conditions. Pre-Operation Condition 1.4.9 requires water meters to be installed to enable water
usage of specific activities to be monitored prior to the site exceeding 40,000 birds. Improvement Condition IMP1
has been added to ensure that an audit of water use is undertaken within 3 years of the effective date of the permit.
2.3.1 Feed delivery, milling and
2.3.2 Storage of agricultural fuel
oils and other materials
These are standard conditions. Feed will be blown into fully covered and sealed bins.
2.3.3 Minimising emissions from
These are standard conditions. Pre-Operation condition 1.4.6 has been added to ensure that suitable collision
protection is provided for any gas tanks on site. Pre-Operation condition 1.4.7 has been added to ensure that the
generator installation and any fuel tanks associated with the generator are suitably bunded to contain any potential
leaks or spills of fuel, coolant or lubricant. Pre-Operation condition 1.4.8 has been added to ensure that all chemicals
are correctly stored.
Improvement item IMP8 requires a swale to be constructed for the treatment of lightly contaminated site run-off.
Pre-Operation Condition 1.4.2 requires an underground tank to be installed to collect poultry house wash water and
heavily contaminated site run-off associated with the new poultry house. Pre-Operation Condition 1.4.3 has been
added to ensure that a separate drainage system is provided to collect wash water from the houses and drain it
directly to the waste water tanks without relying on a diverter. Pre-Operation Condition 1.4.4 has been added to
ensure that the yard areas associated with the two poultry houses are contained with all heavily contaminated yard
drainage directed to waste water tank(s) and all lightly contaminated site drainage directed to swale.
2.3.4 Litter storage
Litter will be loaded directly from the poultry sheds onto covered trailers and removed from site for mushroom
composting or for combustion in an authorised facility.
2.3.5 Litter spreading
No litter shall be spread to land on or off the farm. Litter will be exported from the site for use in mushroom
composting or combustion in authorised facilities. The operator estimates the litter produced on the site to be up to
390T per year.
2.3.6 Odour
2.4 Discharges to Groundwater
2.5 Waste minimisation
2.5.2 Disposal of carcasses
2.6 Energy Use
2.7 Accident Prevention and
2.8 Noise and vibration
2.9.1 Recording
These are standard conditions.
The closest third party dwelling is approximately 120m west of the poultry site. The independent odour assessment
submitted with the application indicates that the current odour guideline value of 3OU/m3 98th percentile 1 hour
value (as set out in the Environment Agency H4 Odour Management Guidance, March 2011) is not expected to be
exceeded at any of the closest existing 3rd party dwellings. Check Air Dispersion Modelling carried out by NIEA
indicates that the odour guideline value of 3 OU/m3 may be breached at the closest third party dwelling.
Pre-operation condition 1.4.6 has be added to ensure that the operator submits proposals on how they intend to
modify the existing house (which is naturally ventilated) to ensure that that the current odour guideline value of
3OU/m3 is not expected to be exceeded. These proposals will be implemented prior to the new house being stocked.
Measures described in the odour management plan provided with the application shall be implemented. A
satisfactory complaints procedure was submitted with the odour management plan. It is considered that people
should not be unduly affected by odour emissions from the poultry unit provided the conditions set out in the permit
are strictly adhered to.
No list I or II substances will be applied to land.
These are standard conditions. IMP2 has been added to ensure a waste minimisation audit is undertaken within 3
years of the effective date of the permit.
These are standard conditions. Carcasses will be disposed of to an approved rendering plant. On site incineration in a
DARD approved incinerator is also an option.
These are standard conditions. The operator does not participate in a Climate Change Levy Agreement. Therefore,
IMP3 has been added to ensure an Energy Audit is carried out within 3 years of the effective date of the permit.
These are standard conditions. The plan provided with the application was satisfactory.
These are standard conditions. A satisfactory noise management plan including complaints procedure was provided
with the application. The closest third party dwelling is approximately 118m west of the poultry site.
Significant noise impacts are not considered likely from this installation at these distances provided permit
conditions are adhered to. Permit condition 2.8.2 requires deliveries of feed, apart from emergencies, to be restricted
to between the hours of 0700 and 2200 Monday to Saturday, or as otherwise agreed in writing with the Chief
These are standard conditions stating the requirements for recording and monitoring
2.9.2 Emissions and Monitoring
2.10 Decommissioning
Public Health Agency
District Council
No specific controls are required on either emissions to air or water.
These are standard conditions. A satisfactory site closure plan was submitted with the application.
IMP1 has been added to reinforce the need for a water audit to be undertaken within 36 months of the effective date
of the permit. IMP2 requires a waste minimisation audit to be undertaken within 36 months of the effective date of
the permit. IMP3 ensures that the operator will either become part of a CCLA or submit an energy audit within 36
months. IMP4 will ensure that the operator, or another responsible person working on the installation, will complete
training in Pollution Prevention and Control. IMP5 requires the operator to carryout and submit a review of the site
drainage plan after the site is constructed. IMP6 will ensure that a swale(s) is constructed to treat the lightly
contaminated roof and yard drainage prior to stocking the houses.
Comments and measures in permit where applicable
No concerns were raised by The Public Health Agency.
The closest third party dwelling is approximately 118m west of the poultry site.
At these distances, significant impacts from odour and dust emissions from a poultry site of this size are not
expected. The results of independent and IPRI in-house air impact assessments indicate that odour impacts from the
site will be acceptable at all existing 3rd party dwellings and that dust impacts will be acceptable at all existing
No concerns were raised by Ballymoney Borough Council. No further conditions are thought necessary.
Food Standards Agency
The FSA states that a well managed poultry production facility should present a very low risk of compromising the
safety of the food chain and concludes that provided the operator complies with relevant technical guidance it is
unlikely there will be any unacceptable effects on the human food chain as a result of the operations at the facility.
NIEA Conservation,
Designations and Protection
In their response CDP expressed concern about the continuing increases in outputs of ammonia and nitrogen
deposition in the area around this proposed farm. The closest habitats are Antrim Hills SPA (2.3Km), Slieveanorra
and Croaghan ASSI (4.1Km) and Main Valley Bogs SAC (6.2Km). They point out that all these sites currently
exceed the critical thresholds for atmospheric N deposition.
The Air Quality and Odour Study submitted with the application predicts that the ammonia impact from the
proposed farm on the habitats listed above will be 1.9%, 0.85% and 0.42% of the critical level for these habitats. Use
of the AQMAU Ammonia Screening Tool (v4) agrees with these predictions. These impacts are not considered to be
significant and are below the threshold (4%) above which an in-combination assessment would be required with
other PPC installations in the area (as set out in the Environment Agency guidance document “Assessing the impact
of ammonia releases from new and expanding intensive farms on nature conservation sites”).
European sites
Other environmental receptors
The closest European sites are Antrim Hills SPA (2.3Km) and Main Valley Bogs SAC (6.2Km). The independent
ammonia impact assessment submitted with the application indicates that the annual mean NH3 concentration from
the farm at these distances is predicted to be approx. 0.019ug/m3 and 0.004ug/m3 respectively i.e. approx. 1.9% and
0.4% of the annual mean critical level for these habitats respectively. Therefore, as the impacts are predicted to be
less than 4% of the critical levels for these habitats they are not considered significant. The independent results
submitted are backed up by in-house ammonia assessment carried out by IPRI using the AQMAU Ammonia
Screening Tool (V4) (as set out in the Environment Agency guidance document “Assessing the impact of ammonia
releases from new and expanding intensive farms on nature conservation sites”).
The closest ASSI is the Slieveanorra and Croaghan ASSI (4.1Km from the poultry site). The independent ammonia
impact assessment submitted with the application indicates that the annual mean NH3 concentration from the farm at
these distances is predicted to be approx. 0.009ug/m3, i.e. approx. 0.9% of the annual mean critical level for the
habitat. Therefore, as the impacts are predicted to be less than 20% of the critical levels for these habitats they are
not considered significant. The independent results submitted are backed up by in-house ammonia assessment
carried out by IPRI using the AQMAU Ammonia Screening Tool (V4) area (as set out in the Environment Agency
guidance document “Assessing the impact of ammonia releases from new and expanding intensive farms on nature
conservation sites”).
Pre Operation Conditions have been included to ensure that all heavily contaminated yard drainage is diverted to
waste water tanks to be disposed of in accordance with DARD CoGAP and that a swale is constructed to treat all
lightly contaminated site drainage to minimise potential for pollution of ground and surface waters. Pre-Operation
Conditions also require gas tanks and feed bins to be protected from collision; fuel to be adequately contained to
minimise potential for surface or ground water pollution and chemicals to be adequately contained within a suitable
store. All litter is removed from the installation in covered trailers for combustion or mushroom composting at
authorised facilities. All carcasses are removed from the site for rendering at an approved rendering facility.
Odour, Dust or Noise impacts are not expected to be significant at any existing dwellings provided permit conditions
are adhered to. Satisfactory Noise and Odour Management Plans, including complaints procedures, were provided
with the application. There is no history of noise or odour complaints associated with the existing poultry site. Noise,
dust or odour concerns were not raised in any of the consultation responses received.
As discussed above (Section 2.3.6 Odour), Pre-operation condition 1.4.6 requires the operator to provide and
Overall BAT demonstration.
implement proposals on modifying the existing naturally ventilated house prior to stocking the new poultry house to
ensure that the odour impact on third party dwellings will be below 3 OU/m3. People should therefore not be unduly
affected by emissions from the poultry unit provided the conditions set out in the permit are strictly adhered to.
The application and additional information submitted indicates that appropriate measures have been taken to control
the risk of pollution of waterways and that procedures are in place for the control of the handling/storage of waste
materials on the site. The site is designed with a high level of containment. The releases to air from the poultry farm
are predicted to be low. The installation is not a major energy user and is not likely to give reasonable cause for
annoyance due to noise. The combination of measures proposed in the application and required by the permit is
considered to represent the Best Available Techniques for an installation of this nature.
The determination of this application (P0425/13A) is that a permit should be granted.
Completed by Philip A Mayes
10 October 2013