Decision Document for Permit Number P0424/13A (Seamus & Nicola Kane) CONDITION(S) JUSTIFICATION 1.1The permitted activities The Permit covers the rearing of poultry for meat production (broilers) and the storage of wastes including carcasses. Bird numbers quoted in the application are 78,000 birds which will be housed in 2 sheds. Litter will be exported for mushroom composting or combustion in authorised facilities. There is also planned storage of litter on site. 1.2.1 The site The site boundary is as shown on the site plan. 1.3 Overall Management These are standard conditions. 1.4 Pre-operation conditions Condition 1.4.1 requires the operator to inform the Chief Inspector 14 days prior to the 40,000 bird capacity being exceeded and therefore the permit becoming effective. Conditions 1.4.2, 1.4.3 and 1.4.4 will ensure that a tank is in place to store dirty wash water and that the systems are in place to route dirty water to the tank from the yard and houses. Condition 1.4.5 requires the operator to provide collision protection for LPG storage tanks. Condition 1.4.6 ensures that suitable bunding is provided for the generator and associated fuel storage. Condition 1.4.7 ensures that a suitable store is provided for pesticides and veterinary medicines and condition 1.4.8 ensures that there is sufficient metering of all water used on the site. 1.5 Off site conditions There are no off-site conditions. 1.6 Minor operational changes These are standard conditions. 2.1 Farm Management Techniques These are standard conditions. Under IMP4 Seamus Kane or some other responsible person in control of the installation, will be required to complete training on Pollution Prevention and Control (e.g. Lantra IPPC Course) and will pass on the knowledge gained to others on the installation. These are standard conditions. Improvement condition IMP1 has been added to ensure that an audit of water use is undertaken within 3 years of the effective date of the permit. 2.2.1 – 2.2.3 Raw Materials and Water 2.3.1 Feed delivery, milling and preparation These are standard conditions. Feed will be blown into new, fully covered and sealed bins. 2.3.2 Storage of agricultural fuel oils and other materials Pre operation condition 1.4.6 has been added to ensure that the generator installation and incinerator fuel storage are bunded. Pre operation condition 1.4.7 requires the operator to provide a suitable store for storage of pesticides and veterinary medicines. 2.3.3 Minimising emissions from housing Arrangements for isolating contaminated run-off and diverting it to the waste tank as required by condition Swale(s) as described in the application and as discussed during the site visit will be constructed to treat lightly contaminated storm run-off. Yard drainage will be diverted to the swale (lightly contaminated) or the waste water tank (heavily contaminated) by means of two diverter manifolds and drain blockers. Waste water tank(s) for the storage of house and yard washings will be constructed in accordance with Schedule 2 of the Control of Pollution (Silage, Slurry and Agricultural Fuel Oil) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2003. Condensate from the heat exchanger system will be routed to the wash water tank. 2.3.4 Litter storage Litter may be stored in a constructed litter store as well as in the houses prior to clean-out. Trailers will be loaded close to the poultry shed doors. 2.3.5 Litter utilisation No litter shall be spread to land on or off the farm. Litter will be exported from the site for use in mushroom composting or combustion in authorised facilities. The operator estimates the litter produced on the site to be up to 660T per year. 2.3.6 Odour These are standard conditions. The closest third party dwelling is approximately 120m South East of the poultry site. The NIEA odour screening tool predicted that the odour guideline value of 3OU/m3 98th percentile 1 hour value (as set out in the Environment Agency H4 Odour Management Guidance, March 2011) is not expected to be exceeded at any of the closest existing 3rd party dwellings. Measures described in the odour management plan provided with the application shall be implemented. A satisfactory complaints procedure was submitted with the odour management plan. It is considered that people should not be unduly affected by odour emissions from the poultry unit provided the conditions set out in the permit are strictly adhered to. This is a standard condition. No list I or II substances will be applied to land i.e. are unlikely to cause problems. 2.4 Discharges to Groundwater 2.5 Avoidance, recovery and disposal of wastes, including carcasses Permit condition requires records of wastes to be kept and wastes to be avoided or minimised. Improvement condition IMP2 has been added to ensure that a waste audit is undertaken within 36 months of the effective date of the permit. Carcasses are disposed of by rendering in an approved rendering facility or incineration on site in a DARD approved incinerator. 2.6 Energy Use The installation is not part of a Climate Change Levy Agreement (CCLA) but may join the scheme in the future. Assuming the installation becomes part of a CCLA no further conditions are required here, however if the operator fails to register with a CCLA an energy audit will be required within 36 months of the effective date of the permit (IMP3). 2.7 Accident Prevention and Management 2.8 Noise and vibration These are standard conditions. The plan provided with the application was satisfactory. 2.9.1 Recording These standard conditions state the requirements for recording. 2.9.2 Emissions No specific controls are required on either emissions to air or water. 2.10 Site Closure and Decommissioning A site closure plan was submitted with the application and conditions 2.10.1 and 2.10.2 ensure that this plan is maintained and reviewed. IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMME IMP1 has been added to reinforce the need for a water audit to be undertaken within 36 months of the effective date of the permit. IMP2 requires a waste minimisation audit to be undertaken within 36 months of the effective date of the permit. IMP3 ensures that the operator will either become part of a CCLA or submit an energy audit within 36 months. IMP4 will ensure that the operator, or another responsible person working on the installation, will complete training in Pollution Prevention and Control. IMP5 requires the operator to carry out and submit a review of the site drainage plan after the site is constructed. IMP6 will ensure that a swale(s) is constructed to treat the lightly contaminated roof and yard drainage prior to stocking the houses. A noise management plan was provided and the conditions enforce the requirement to keep this up to date. Standard conditions with limits on the timing of feed deliveries have been added to enforce what is stated in the noise plan. Given the restriction in feed delivery times and the fact that the nearest receptor is 120m away further noise control measures are not considered necessary. Decision Document for Permit Number P0424/13A (Seamus & Nicola Kane) CONSULTEE COMMENTS The Public Health Agency District Council The Public Health Agency expressed no particular concerns about the proposed installation. No additional conditions are considered necessary. Antrim Borough Council raised no concerns about the proposed installation. No further conditions are thought necessary. Food Standards Agency The FSA state that provided the operator complies with the relevant technical guidance, it is unlikely that there will be any unacceptable effects on the human food chain as a result of the operations at this facility. Conservation Designations & Protection (CDP) CDP have stated that the impact of ammonia from the proposed farm on nearby habitats (Antrim Hills SPA at 6700m) should not exceed 10% of the critical level. The Environment Agency Air Quality Modelling and Assessment Unit (AQMAU) screening tool (v4) predicts that the contribution from the farm will be 0.6% of critical level. This impact is not considered to be significant and is below the threshold (4%) above which an in-combination assessment would be required with other PPC installations in the area (as set out in the Environment Agency guidance document “Assessing the impact of ammonia releases from new and expanding intensive farms on nature conservation sites”). IMPACTS ON THE ENVIRONMENT European sites ASSIs The closest European Sites is Antrim Hills SPA which is located approximately 6.7 Km from the installation. The impact from the proposed farm at this distance is predicted to be 0.6% of the critical level. This impact is not considered to be significant and is below the threshold (4%) above which an in-combination assessment would be required with other PPC installations in the area (as set out in the Environment Agency guidance document “Assessing the impact of ammonia releases from new and expanding intensive farms on nature conservation sites”). The closest ASSI is Garron Plateau ASSI at 7.5 Km. The Environment Agency AQMAU Ammonia Screening Tool V4.1 predicts the impact of ammonia from the farm to be <0.6% of the critical level for the habitat and is not considered significant. This impact is not considered to be significant and is below the threshold (4%) above which an in-combination assessment would be required with other PPC installations in the area (as set out in the Environment Agency guidance document “Assessing the impact of ammonia releases from new and expanding intensive farms on nature conservation sites”). Decision Document for Permit Number P0424/13A (Seamus & Nicola Kane) CONSULTEE COMMENTS Other environmental receptors People Overall BAT demonstration. Improvement condition IMP8 has been added to ensure the construction of a swale, this should help ensure that emissions to water will be adequately controlled. The installation will be well maintained having clean yard surfaces. House wash water will be conveyed directly to waste tanks in a fail safe manner. Emissions to the atmosphere will be low due to good litter quality, and the design of the roof fans expels exhaust air into the atmosphere in a manner that should not result in dust deposition on roofs. This also ensures that odours from this installation should not be noticeable at sensitive receptors. Pre-operation conditions will ensure that facilities for fuel and chemical storage will be secure so reducing the risk from storage of potentially hazardous products. Heat exchangers will be installed which will return some of the heat to the sheds which would otherwise be lost through ventilation, and therefore will reduce energy inputs. The nearest third party dwelling is located approximately 120m from the installation. Given the size of the installation, the proposed house ventilation type (i.e. ridge high speed fans) and the distances involved people should not be affected by dust, odours, noise or other emissions from this installation, provided that the odour and noise management plans are implemented. The IPRI Odour Screening Tool predicts that the guideline value for odour (3.0 OU/m3 as set out in the Environment Agency H4 Odour Management Guidance, March 2011) is unlikely to be exceeded at any of the third party dwellings in the area. The application and additional information submitted indicates that appropriate measures be taken to control the risk of pollution of waterways and that procedures are in place for the control of the handling/storage of waste materials on the site. The site is designed with a high level of containment. The releases to air from the poultry farm are predicted to be low. The installation is not a major energy user and is not likely to give reasonable cause for annoyance due to noise. The combination of measures proposed in the application and required by the permit is considered to represent the Best Available Techniques for an installation of this nature. The determination of this application (P0424/13A) is that a permit should be granted. Completed by: Date: Philip Mayes 10 October 2013