MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Student BYOD Resource Page CHEMISTRY I HONORS TOPIC XVI: Nuclear Chemistry Course Code: 200335001 Pacing Date Traditional 10 days Block ESSENTIAL CONTENT OBJECTIVES A. Nuclear reactions Describe how chemical reactions involve the rearranging 1. Compare and contrast nuclear reactions to chemical of atoms to form new substances, while nuclear reactions reactions involve the change of atomic nuclei into 2. Radioactive decay entirely new atoms. Explain and compare radioactive decay, fission and B. Decay and half life fusion), the energy changes associated with them and 1. Alpha their associated safety issues. 2. Beta Identify the 3 types of radioactive decay (alpha, beta, 3. Gamma gamma) and compare their properties to composition, 4. Explain the concept of Half-Life mass, charge and penetrating power. 5. Half-life used in dating objects Explain how the concept of half-life for a radioactive 6. Calculate amount of substance remaining after isotopes can be used to date objects integral number of ½-lives Calculate the amount of radioactive element remaining after an integral number of half-lives have passed. C. Fusion and Fission Recognize that the energy release per gram of material 1. Compare and contrast the energy released for is much larger in nuclear fusion or fission reactions fusion/fission versus chemical reactions than in chemical reactions due to the large amount of 2. Use E=mc2 to calculate energy energy related to small amounts of mass by equation 3. released and to contrast with E=mc2. 4. chemical reactions Identify real-world examples where chemical and nuclear 5. Fusion and Fission energy reactions occur every day 6. changes 5 days 05-10-16 to 05-23-16 05-10-16 to 05-23-16 INSTRUCTIONAL TOOLS Core Text Book: Chapter 25 pp.874–905 Vocabulary: Radioactive decay, fusion, fission, alpha particle, beta particle, gamma ray, half-life, half-life, energy, mass, speed-of-light, chain reaction, fossil fuels, nuclear equation, radiation, radioactive decay, radioisotope. Technology: 1. GIZMO 2. Online Half-Life Quiz 3. Half-Life quiz. D. Real world examples of chemical and nuclear reactions 1. Nuclear reactions used in medicine, energy generation and weaponry 2. Reactions in medicine, materials science, energy generation Division of Academics – Department of Science Fourth Nine Weeks Page 1 of 4 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Student BYOD Resource Page CHEMISTRY I HONORS SC.912.P.10.11 Course Code: 200335001 Half life Nuclear Decay Standard: SC.912.N.1.1 Video Standard: SC.912.N.1.2 Video Standard: SC.912.N.1.4 Video Standard: SC.912.N.1.7 Video Standard: SC.912.N.2.4 Video Where the Sun's Energy Comes From Fusion as an Energy Source Marie Curie: Pioneer of Radiology Rutherford, Radioactivity, and Alchemy Nuclear Fusion and Absolute Zero Supernovae: The Universe's Atomic Factories Division of Academics – Department of Science Fourth Nine Weeks Einstein: Theories, Formulas, and Laying the Foundation for the Modern Nuclear Age What is the Higgs Boson? Page 2 of 4 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Student BYOD Resource Page CHEMISTRY I HONORS Course Code: 200335001 Standard: SC.912.N.4.1 Video Nuclear Fission: Physicists Have Known Radium and Radioactivity Sin Standard: SC.912.N.4.2 Video Dangers of Radiation A World in Motion: Radioactivity Observing the Behavior of Ionizing Radiation The Death of a Star Einstein's Equation and Fusion Einstein's Equation and Fission Radioactivity: Nuclear Disintegration and Subatomic Particles The Alkali Metals: Francium Nuclear Fuel Core Nuclear Fuel Core with Control Rods Highlighted Nuclear Fuel Rods Heating Fusion in a star; CNO cycle (symbols) Standard: SC.912.P.10.11 Video Image The Nature of Radioactive Decay Nuclear Stability How the Sun Produces Energy Uranium Fission Dating; radioactive decay rate, half life Elements of a Nuclear Power Plant Changes in Matter Standard: SC.912.P.10.12 Video Irradiation of Food: Risk Benefit Analysis Comparing Nuclear Changes, Chemical Changes, and Phase Changes The Original Atomic Pile Image Standard: SC.912.L.17.15 Video Radiating the Bugs Nuclear Power Image Nuclear-Biological-Chemical Protective Gear Division of Academics – Department of Science Fourth Nine Weeks Recycling Submarines Transporting Nuclear Reactors Page 3 of 4 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Student BYOD Resource Page CHEMISTRY I HONORS Course Code: 200335001 Video Fukushima Power Plant Leaking Radioactive Water into Ocean Walking the Streets of Japan’s Nuclear Ghost Town Radioactive Tuna Found Off Coast of California Japan’s Radioactive "Exclusion Zone" Is Frozen in Time Japan's Radiation Fallout Worse Than First Reported Japan Criticized for Nuclear Disaster Response Japan Nuke Crisis Now Equal to Chernobyl A Close Look at Japan's Nuclear Crisis Radioactive Water Leak Escalates Japan Crisis Nuclear Crisis in Japan Takes Confusing Turn Calming U.S. Consumers Over Japan Food Fears Nuclear Attack Guide Causes Fallout Flashback Nuclear Power: Time for a Second Look? Reactor Shut-Down Means Shortage of Nuclear Isotopes for Health Scans The Bomb Hunters: Elite Squad Trains to Find, Defuse Terrorists' Nuclear Devices Havasupai Win Legal Battle Over Uranium Mines Four Days After Chernobyl Accident, Experts Try to Assess Cause, Fall-Out Nuclear Exchange Could Bring On Nuclear Winter: Natl Science Academy Nuclear Magnetic Resonance -- Early MRI - Can Scan for Tumors Nuclear Plants Hire Temp Workers To Do High-Dose Radiation Jobs Three Mile Island Accident: Breaking News Report Three Mile Island Remembered Looking Back at Three Mile Island 1970 Debate on Impact of Nuclear Power on the Environment Division of Academics – Department of Science Fourth Nine Weeks Page 4 of 4