View Scope of Work - Glenn Engineering

All work under this Contract will be performed on Center Avenue within the Borough of West View, Allegheny
County, Pennsylvania. The Borough is located in north central Allegheny County along State Route 279,
approximately six miles north of the downtown area of the City of Pittsburgh.
The following drawings are included herein and made an integral part of the Contract Documents: Location, Plan
View and Details, and Miscellaneous Details.
The work under this project includes the furnishing of all labor, materials, and equipment required for the
performance of all reconstruction as indicated in the Contract Documents. The work essentially includes, but is not
limited to:
A. The excavation, removal and appropriate disposal of all materials to be replaced herein under this
Contract. All required excavation shall be included and made a part of each Bid Item to be constructed
under this Contract.
B. The furnishing and installation of Overflow Inlet Structures, Corrugated Perforated Polyethylene
Drainage Pipe, complete in place, including connection to the existing sewer system.
C. The construction of the Retention Pond, complete in place.
D. The construction of the Upper Treatment Area, complete in place, and including all specified and
related components.
E. The construction of the Lower Treatment Area, complete in place, and including all specified and
related components
F. The construction of the Vegetated Swale, complete in place, and including all specified and related
G. The furnishing and installation of the Stone Underdrain System for the Porous Brick Pavers.
H. The furnishing and installation of the Porous Brick Paver System, complete in place, excluding the
Stone Underdrain System.
I. The construction of the Stacked Stone Wall, complete in place, including base and footing.
J. The furnishing and installation of Polyethylene Parking Stops, complete, including Anchorage Pins.
K. The furnishing and installation of PennDOT Type 2 Weak Post Guide Rail, complete in place.
L. The furnishing and installation of Educational Signage, complete in place.
M. Compliance with all state and local relative to public highway occupancy, roadway openings,
pavement restoration, traffic control and any and all other applicable requirements.
N. The complete cleanup of the entire site of work.
O. The completion of all required site restoration, paving, landscaping and any other such related and
required work.
P. All such other related and required work as indicated on the Contract Drawings or contained elsewhere
in the Contract Documents.
All excavation shall be unclassified. No extra payment will be made for rock excavation.
This work with all related appurtenances shall be performed at the locations as designated and detailed on the
Contract Drawings and as further detailed in the Contract Documents.
The Owner referred to in these Contract Documents shall be the Municipal Authority of the Borough of West View
(Authority.) The Borough shall be defined as the Borough of West View (Borough). The Engineer shall be defined
as Glenn Engineering & Associates, Ltd.
The Contractor shall notify the Authority, Borough, and Glenn Engineering at least seven (7) calendar days before
construction is to start. This project shall be completed not more than sixty (60) consecutive calendar days
following the issuance of the Notice to Proceed.
The liquidated damages will be Three Hundred Fifty Dollars ($350) per consecutive calendar day as a measure of
liquidated damages the Owner will sustain for failure of the Contractor to promptly complete the work.
If inclement weather or conditions beyond the control of the Contractor and the Owner inhibit the performance of
this Contract, such delays will be at no additional cost to the Owner.
Plans and specifications in the possession of any prospective Bidder are not transferable to another Bidder. If a
planholder wishes to give his set of bidding documents to another potential Bidder, he must first secure the
permission of the Engineer.
Before submitting any proposal, the Contractor shall visit the site and examine thoroughly, familiarize himself with
the existing conditions and the work to be performed under this Contract. Should any Contractor accept the work, it
shall be construed as an acceptance by him of all responsibility and as a guarantee to perform all work required,
whether or not distinctly shown on the Drawings or specified.
The Contractor shall be responsible for regular cleaning up of the premises. All refuse, dirt, rubbish, and trash of
any kind shall be removed regardless of who may have left same. All such dirt and debris shall be removed from the
Owner’s property. All removed materials and equipment which may have salvageable value will remain the
property of the Owner, unless otherwise advised by the Owner.
Before ordering any material or performing any work, the Contractor shall verify all measurements and conditions at
the site and shall be responsible for the correctness of the measurements. Any differences which may be found shall
be submitted to the Engineer, in writing, for consideration before proceeding with the work.
No extra compensation will be allowed on account of difference between dimensions and measurements and those
indicated on the Drawings. The Drawings are generally diagrammatical and indicative of the work to be installed.
The Contractor shall investigate all conditions affecting his work.
Wherever conflict occurs between sections of the Contract Documents, if the conflict is one of degree, the stricter
shall apply. If the conflict is one of intent, Bidders have the responsibility to contact the Owner for resolution of the
conflict. In all cases where the Scope of Work in this Division differs from other Divisions of the Contract
Documents in their content, the wording of this Scope of Work will apply.
After all Contract work is completed, approved and accepted, the Contractor will present an eighteen (18) month
Maintenance Bond in the name of the Municipal Authority of the Borough of West View in an amount equal to one
hundred percent (100%) of the final Contract payment price.
The Contractor shall determine the exact location of all utilities affected by this work and shall protect the utilities
during the course of the work. The Contractor shall, at the discretion of the utility involved, repair or have repaired
all damage to the utilities resulting due to the work at no cost to the Owner. These utilities may interfere with the
installation of the new lines or appurtenances and the Contractor must allow for such interference in his bid. The
Contractor will be required to comply with all provisions of Act 121 of 2008 of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania, which requires notification of all utility companies of the impending excavation work.
No arbitration will be considered for this project.
In addition to the insurance requirements set forth elsewhere herein, the Contractor shall include the Municipal
Authority of the Borough of West View and the Borough of West View as additional named insured on his
insurance policies.
Engineering Specifications are included and made a part of these Contract Documents. In all cases where the Scope
of Work and the Engineering Specifications and/or Contract Provisions differ in their specified intent, the wording
of the Scope of Work shall apply.
The Contractor shall be fully responsible for examining and understanding all terms and conditions relating to the
performance of the work under this project and contained on the Contract Drawings and in these Contract
Should the Contractor have any objections or exceptions to ANY terms and conditions, he shall submit his
objections and/or exceptions, in writing, to the Owner and the Engineer prior to the execution of a Contract. The
Owner reserves the right to evaluate the exceptions and objections and their right to reject the entire bid.
Should the Contractor fail to provide any such written objections and/or exceptions in the manner previously
outlined, and subsequently enter into and executes a Contract for the performance of this project, it shall be fully
deemed the Contractor’s acceptance of ALL terms and conditions contained herein on the Contract Drawings or in
these Contract Documents.
The Contractor will only be permitted to store materials to be used for this project at a site approved by and
acceptable to the Borough and Authority. Additionally, the Borough and Authority assume no responsibility or
liability for materials stored at this or any other site. Prior arrangements must be made by the Contractor relative to
the use of a storage site.
The Contractor shall be fully responsible for any and all restoration necessary as a result of this construction. All
required restoration and landscaping to be performed shall meet the line, grade, and type of existing adjacent,
undisturbed surfaces and bases.
The Contractor shall be responsible for and pay any and all associated costs to obtain any permits needed to perform
this work. Although a Street Opening Permit shall be required by the Borough of West View, costs to the
Contractor shall be waived.
The Contractor shall, prior to ANY construction, submit 35 mm color photographs of all sites of proposed work.
The photographs shall be numbered, indexed, and bound in a three ring binder, complete with a description of the
area covered by each photograph.
In addition, the Contractor shall also, prior to ANY construction, submit full color video tapes (CD format) of all
sites of proposed work, which shall be narrated fully describing the areas being videotaped. Costs shall be included
in the Base Bid or Alternate Bid
All of the foregoing shall be submitted to the Engineer, prior to commencement of construction.
The Contractor shall be required to coordinate his work with and at the approval of the Municipal Authority of the
Borough of West View. Commencement of all construction activities shall be coordinated.
Any and all structures adjacent to the sites of construction such as manholes, other castings, poles, pipes, or any such
structure shall be safeguarded against damage from the construction operation. Any damage to such structures shall
be immediately corrected to the satisfaction of the Owner, by the Contractor, at no expense to the Owner.
The Contractor shall ensure that placement of the new pavement surface shall provide that all existing roof drains
ending in existing gutters and all other curb drains shall be open and free flowing. Any cleaning of said drains
within the public right-of-way or required adjustment to either the drain or the new pavement surface shall be
performed by the Contractor at no additional cost to the Owner. Any unusual conditions relating to any drains shall
immediately be reported to the engineer by the Contractor.
The Contractor shall install the new bituminous pavement to ensure that smooth transitions occur at all existing
driveways and other such accesses. Additionally, the Contractor shall further ensure that proper drainage occurs as a
result of the placement of the new pavement away from all such driveways and accesses and into all available storm
sewers. Unless specifically noted elsewhere in these Contract Documents, the finished pavement surface shall have
a ¼-inch per foot crown from the centerline, downward toward the face of curb, with a minimum of 3 inches of curb
reveal, unless otherwise directed by the Engineer.
The Contractor shall note well that the provisions and requirements contained in Paragraph 10.02, Page VI, 32 –
Concealed Conditions of Division VI – Contract Provisions shall be herewith deleted from this Contract. Paragraph
1.02, Page 1 Classification of Materials – Section 2.3B – Site Excavation and backfilling shall be herewith amended
and superseded to the extent that it might conflict with the following requirements:
All excavation shall be unclassified and no extra payment will be made for rock, boulders, shale, timbers, logs, old
foundations, masonry or other natural or artificial materials encountered in the trenching operations except for those
underground structures defined in Section 2.3B, Paragraph 1.02. The Contractor shall make personal examination of
the locations in which the pipelines are to be constructed to determine for himself the extent and of the rock that may
be encountered. The Contractor shall assume all risks associated with the composition of the subsurface materials
and the ease or difficulty of excavation.
The Contractor shall not at any time claim a misunderstanding regarding the depth or character of the excavation to
be made or in the nature of the materials to be encountered.
The Contractor shall perform his own independent investigation of field conditions, including the drilling of test
borings or other investigation, as he may deem necessary to perform this work. Any associated costs for test borings
or other required investigation shall be included in the Contractor’s Base Bid and Alternate Bid.
The Contractor shall be responsible for full compliance with all current “Clean Fill” regulations. The Contractor
shall complete Form FP-001-Certification of Clean Fill, included and made a part of these Contract Documents,
immediately following Section V, Scope of Work.
RCRA – Section 6002 requires that for purchases of $10,000 or greater, that the Contractor shall, in making
selections of supplies and equipment, purchase goods which contain recycled materials, unless they are reasonably
available in a reasonable period of time, fail to meet reasonable performance standards, or are only available at an
unreasonable price.
The following Special Notes are intended to provide clarification of differences between section of this Scope of
Work section of the Contract Documents and sections of the Engineering Specifications and are detailed as follows:
The Contractor shall NOT be required to provide or maintain record drawings for this project. This item
shall not preclude the report and other requirements detailed in the Scope of Work section of these Contract
Documents. “As-Built” record drawings shall be prepaid by the Engineer.
The Contractor shall negotiate means of egress and ingress through any private property to gain access to
the repairs at no cost to the Owner. For work on private property, the Contractor shall keep informed as to
the right-of-way limits of the proposed work. Confine all operations to this area unless otherwise directed.
The Contractor shall resolve any claims for damages resulting from operations carried out in locations
outside the designated work area as an incidental item. The Contractor shall arrange work to cause the least
inconvenience to property owners. For work on commercial private properties the Contractor shall not
interfere with the operations of that establishment.
The Contractor shall be responsible to visit the site prior to submitting a bid, to determine all private
restorations such as driveways, landscaping, etc., and the bid price for that particular segment must reflect
all restoration costs. All restoration must be equal to, or greater than that disturbed.
The Contractor shall take photographs and video record all areas of private property where work shall
occur and provide copies of same to the Engineer. All required data shall be provided in DVD format.
The Contractor affirmatively represents that he or she is aware and accepts that:
A. No responsibility is assumed by the Owner for subsurface conditions.
B. Any information related to subsurface conditions provided by the Owner, or Engineer, was obtained
for its own use in designing the project, and neither the Owner nor Engineer guarantee the accuracy or
relevance of such data.
C. The Contractor is not entitled to rely on any data provided by the Owner, or Engineer, regarding
subsurface conditions, and that all of such information is excluded from the Contract.
D. The Contractor is responsible to make his or her own independent investigations of the site and
existing subsurface conditions.
In the case of a bid submitted to a joint venture, each party to the venture must be identified in the bid
documents and an affidavit of non-collusion must be submitted separately on behalf of each party.
Failure to do so in compliance with this instruction will result in disqualification of the bid.
The Contractor shall construct the Retention Basin at the location as shown on the Contract Drawings, complete in
place, including all related and required components which include, but are not limited to all required stone and
other aggregate, geotextile material, complete underdrain system and all other such components necessary to
provide for complete and operational facilities
The Contractor shall construct the Rain Gardens at the locations as shown on the Contract Drawings, complete in
place, including all related and required components which include, but are not limited to all trees, shrubs, other
required plantings, seeding, complete underdrain system and all other such components necessary to provide for
complete and operational facilities. All specified vegetation shall be of the quantity and species as designated on the
Contract Drawings. NO substitution of any species shall be permitted unless specifically authorized by the
The Contractor shall construct the Vegetated Swale at the location as shown on the Contract Drawings, complete in
place, including all related and required components which include, but are not limited to all shrubs, other required
plantings, seeding, complete underdrain system and all other such components necessary to provide for complete
and operational facilities. All specified vegetation shall be of the quantity and species as designated on the Contract
Drawings. NO substitution of any species shall be permitted unless specifically authorized by the Engineer.
Section 01.01A – Paragraph 01.11 Reference Concrete Testing Requirements. Please note that these requirements
are a part of the “Boiler Plate” Engineering Specifications and are utilized when applicable. Since there is no
concrete work on this project, these requirements do not apply.
U.S. Department of Labor – Davis Bacon Act
Section II – 11.02 Reference the Davis Bacon Act. Although Davis Bacon Wage Rates do not apply to this Contract
(PA Prevailing Minimum Wages) shall apply, the requirements of Executive Order 11246, as amended, Executive
Orders 11375 and 11625 shall apply to this Contract.
The Contractor shall furnish and install four (4) individual Educational Signs to be placed at the locations as shown
on the Contract Drawings and constructed in full accordance with the appropriate details also shown on the Contract
Drawings. Each of the Educational Signs shall include a “Color” picture of the respective “Green Infrastructure”
component to be identified and described and shall include a narrative to be detailed herein to follow. The Title for
each Educational Sign shall be Times New Roman (Bold) Font, Size 36 uppercase and all capital letters. Each
Narrative shall also be Times New Roman Font, Size 24, upper and lowercase letters. The contractor shall provide
full size submittals of each sign to the Engineer for review prior to actual fabrication. Narratives for each sign are
Retention Ponds are designed to capture the overland flow of surface runoff waters where it is collected in
a stone constructed basin and slowly released through percolation into the ground below. Capture and
release of flows into these facilities can significantly reduce flow to catch basins and storm inlets and
ultimately the sewer system, which can result in reduction of both conveyance and treatment costs.
Rain Gardens are designed to capture surface runoff waters where they are collected in vegetated swales
comprised of various components including compost, clay/soil mixture and a stone underdrain system.
This part of the system provides for a portion of the captured runoff to percolate into the ground below.
Rain Gardens also include trees shrubs and other plantings which can also reduce flow to the sewer system
through process known as ‘Evapotranspiration” in which percolated runoff is absorb into the root systems,
then released back into the atmosphere through the plant. Capture and release of flows into these facilities
can significantly reduce flow to catch basins and storm inlets and ultimately the sewer system, which can
result in reduction of both conveyance and treatment costs.
Vegetated Swales are designed to capture surface runoff waters where they are collected in vegetated
swales comprised of various components including compost, clay/soil mixture and a stone underdrain
system. This part of the system provides for a portion of the captured runoff to percolate into the ground
below. Vegetated Swales also include shrubs and other plantings which can also reduce flow to the sewer
system through process known as ‘Evapotranspiration” in which percolated runoff is absorb into the root
systems, then released back into the atmosphere through the plant. Capture and release of flows into these
facilities can significantly reduce flow to catch basins and storm inlets and ultimately the sewer system,
which can result in reduction of both conveyance and treatment costs.
Porous Brick Pavers are designed to capture the overland flow of surface runoff waters where it is collected
in a stone constructed basin and slowly released through percolation into the ground below. Pavers are
installed to allow for voids between units to allow for the percolation process. Capture and release of flows
into these facilities can significantly reduce flow to catch basins and storm inlets and ultimately the sewer
system, which can result in reduction of both conveyance and treatment costs.
Technical questions pertinent to the work to be performed under this Contract may be addressed to:
Robert E. Zischkau, Jr.
Phone: 412-824-5672
Glenn Engineering & Associates, Ltd.
Fax: 412-824-9587
14920 Route 30
North Huntingdon, PA 15642
The Total Prices as shown are based upon the estimated quantities and shall be used only as the basis for bid
comparison. The Contractor shall be paid only for the actual quantities of each item, authorized, furnished, and
The Bidder shall submit bids for all Bid Items as set for in the Proposal under both the Base Bid and Alternate Bid
and herein described in detail. Failure to do so shall be sufficient grounds for the rejection of the entire bid.
The Contractor, under the Unit Price Bids shall submit unit prices for the performance of all work as shown on the
Contract Plans and specified in the Contract Documents, all as intended or reasonably to be inferred therefrom as
necessary to complete the work, including the furnishing of materials, necessary tools and equipment, and all utility
and transportation services, and including the providing of all such other work and services as required for the
performance of the project. The Contractor shall be paid for the actual quantity of items furnished and installed in
accordance with the applicable unit prices submitted
It shall be clearly noted that all items to be specified herein shall be complete in place, including all required
excavation. ALL excavation shall be unclassified. No extra payment shall be made for rock or other such
Bid Items
Bid Item Number 1
Bid Item Number 1 – The Contractor shall under this Bid Item Number I, submit prices to furnish and install two (2)
each overflow inlet structures at the locations shown on the Contract Drawings, complete in place, including all
required unclassified excavation, bedding and cast iron frames and grates and including connections to the new
drainage piping to be installed herein. The Contractor shall also furnish and install eight (8”) inch diameter
corrugated perforated polyethylene drainage pipe at the location as shown on the Contract Drawings, complete in
place, including unclassified excavation and pipe bedding. Backfill and other appurtenances shall be furnished and
installed under the other respective Bid items. All other related and required work shall be included as intended or
reasonably implied on the Contract Drawings or in the Contract Documents.
Bid Item Number 2 – The Contractor shall under this Bid Item Number 2, submit a lump sum price to construct the
Retention Pond, complete in place, including all required stone materials and other required materials, including, but
not limited to geotextile fabric and any other components necessary to provide for a complete and operational
facility. All other related and required work shall be included as intended or reasonably implied on the Contract
Drawings or in the Contract Documents.
Bid Item Number 3 – The Contractor shall under this Bid Item Number 3, submit a lump sum price to construct the
Upper Treatment Area, complete in place, including all required stone materials, soil mixtures, compost and other
required materials, including, but not limited to, geotextile fabric and any other components necessary to provide for
a complete and operational facility. The work shall also include the furnishing and planting of all components to
include trees, shrubs and other such plantings in the quantities as indicated on the Contract Drawings. Stone
materials and other required materials, including, but not limited to, geotextile fabric and any other components
necessary to provide for a complete and operational facility.
Bid Item Number 4 – The Contractor shall under this Bid Item 4, submit a lump sum price to construct the Lower
Treatment Area, complete in place, including all required stone materials, soil mixtures, compost and other required
materials, including, but not limited to, geotextile fabric and any other components necessary to provide for a
complete and operational facility. The work shall also include the furnishing and planting of all components to
include trees, shrubs and other such plantings in the quantities as indicated on the Contract Drawings. stone
materials and other required materials, including, but not limited to geotextile fabric and any other components
necessary to provide for a complete and operational facility.
Bid Item Number 5 – The Contractor shall under this Bid Item 5, submit a lump sum price to construct the
Vegetated Swale, complete in place, including all required stone materials, soil mixtures, compost and other
required materials, including, but not limited to, geotextile fabric and any other components necessary to provide for
a complete and operational facility. The work shall also include the furnishing and planting of all components to
include shrubs and other such plantings in the quantities as indicated on the Contract Drawings. stone materials and
other required materials, including, but not limited to geotextile fabric and any other components necessary to
provide for a complete and operational facility.
Bid Item Number 6 – The Contractor shall under this Bid Item Number 6, submit a lump sum price to construct the
Stone Underdrain System under the area specified for the installation of Porous Brick Pavers (not included in this
Bid Item), complete in place, including bedding stone and all other required stone materials and other required
materials, including, but not limited to geotextile fabric and any other components necessary to provide for a
complete and operational facility. All other related and required work shall be included as intended or reasonably
implied on the Contract Drawings or in the Contract Documents.
Bid Item Number 7 – The Contractor shall under this Bid Item Number 7, submit a unit price per square yard to
furnish and construct the Porous Brick Pavers, complete in place, including all required materials, to the top of the
Stone Underdrain System to be constructed under Bid Item Number 6 and any other components necessary to
provide for a complete and operational facility. All other related and required work shall be included as intended or
reasonably implied on the Contract Drawings or in the Contract Documents.
Bid Item Number 8 – The Contractor shall under this Bid Item Number 8, submit a lump sum price to furnish and
construct the Stacked Stone Wall, complete in place, including all required excavation, footing, stone materials,
other required materials and any other components necessary to provide for a complete and operational facility. All
other related and required work shall be included as intended or reasonably implied on the Contract Drawings or in
the Contract Documents.
Bid Item Number 9 – The Contractor shall under this Bid Item Number 9, submit a unit price per each to furnish and
install Polyethylene Wheel Stops, complete in place, including all required anchor pins and any other components
necessary to provide for a complete and operational facility, at the locations as shown on the Contract Drawings.
All other related and required work shall be included as intended or reasonably implied on the Contract Drawings or
in the Contract Documents.
Bid Item Number 10 – The Contractor shall under this Bid Item Number 10, submit a unit price lineal foot to
furnish and install Penn D.O.T. Type 2 Weak Post Guide Rail, complete in place, including all required components
necessary to provide for a complete and operational facility, at the location as shown on the Contract Drawings. All
other related and required work shall be included as intended or reasonably implied on the Contract Drawings or in
the Contract Documents.
Bid Item Number 11 – The Contractor shall under this Bid Item Number 11, submit a unit price per each to furnish
and install Educational Signage, complete in place, including all required components necessary to provide for
complete and operational facilities, at the locations as shown on the Contract Drawings. Photographic Illustrations
for each sign shall be as shown on the Contract Drawings. Language and Text required for each site specific sign
shall be as detailed in the Scope of Work Section V, Page, Paragraph, of the Contract Documents. The Contractor
shall be required to submit Shop Drawings of each sign to the Engineer for approval prior to fabrication and/or
installation. All other related and required work shall be included as intended or reasonably implied on the Contract
Drawings or in the Contract Documents.
NOTE: All excavation shall be unclassified. No extra compensation shall be made for rock excavation.