THE THREE SWANS SURGERY PATIENT PARTICIPATION GROUP ANNUAL REPORT MARCH 2015 Our Patient Participation/Reference Groups support the surgery by helping to improve our quality of care and shaping our services for all of our patients. At our meeting in November 2013 the future of our PPG was in question as our existing Chair, Margaret Roper, had retired from the role, meetings were not very well attended and even though Margaret spent a lot of time in the surgery trying to raise awareness and encourage new members to join the group this was not proving to be successful, in patients attending meetings or putting themselves forward to be Chair. It was agreed that the group would continue and we would work hard to find a new Chair. In January 2015 a willing and enthusiastic volunteer has agreed to act as Chair for our PPG and at our recent AGM he was introduced to the group, where it was unanimously agreed for him to take on this role. A further meeting will be held to discuss the committee and future events and projects. Our annual Patient Satisfaction Survey 2013/2014 was reported on by Dr Hugh Bond in March 2014. Afon House kindly came and gave an excellent talk and demonstration on ‘Looking after your back’ we are hoping they can come back this year for another talk on ‘Gardening safely’ The Surgery population: Age Range 0 - 16 17 - 24 25 - 34 35 - 44 45 - 54 55 - 64 65 - 74 75 - 84 85 - 94 95 - 100 101 - 110 Total Male 781 372 530 534 632 541 382 229 94 3 1 4099 Female 751 366 570 612 634 533 519 354 194 21 1 4555 Total 1532 738 1100 1146 1266 1074 901 583 288 24 2 8654 In the main our patients live in the city and suburbs of our market town. Figures indicate the 85.41% of our patients are white and the vast majority of ethnic minorities are white Irish and Polish. We also have a small percentage of patients from China, India and the Philippines. We now have 263 carers listed, which is 3% of our patient population. We won a gold + award in 2014 for our work with Carers and continue to work hard to help this group. Patient Participation and Reference Group Recruitment: We continue to try to attract new members, of all ethnic origins, disabilities, age and gender by Advertising on our website Advertising on our waiting room screens Putting up posters in the waiting rooms Putting a joining form with all of our new patient registration packs. We also put articles in our regular newsletters and recruit during flu clinics, while large numbers of patients are coming in to the surgery where we try to attract members from the minority groups, such as disabled patients. The doctors, nurses and receptionists also invite patients to join when appropriate. At our Carers Clinics patients are encouraged to join. Profile of the Patient Participation and Reference Group: We have managed to increase members to both the PPG and PRG groups this year. The Patient Participation Group has increased from 61 to 88 members an increase of 27 since last year, and the Reference Group from 422 to 528 members and increase of 106. The Reference Group demographics are made up of 37.52% female and 33.53% are male. We have 2.8% aged 17-24, 6.81% aged 25-34, 8.71% aged 35-44, 9.84% aged 45-54, 13.04% aged 5564,19.50% aged 65-74, 6.81% aged 74-84 and 1.32% aged over 84 and over. The Reference group is made up of 95.64% White British, 0.38% White Irish, 1.32% Indian 0.19% Chinese and 2.7% of other ethnic origin. Under Represented groups: We are aware that although we have increased our membership in both groups we need to continue to encourage all areas of the community to join, especially our ethnic minority and disabled patients. We will carry on recruiting by advertising on our website, using our waiting room screens, giving all new patients information, organising events and encouraging patients to join when we have our annual flu clinics. Priority Areas: At our meeting in March 2014 priority areas were highlighted for the surgery to look at which were: AIM New Chairperson Advising all patients that Electronic Prescribing will be commencing in the practice. ACTION Advertising on website, in waiting room and at reception. As well as GPs would identify any patients who may be interested. Add information to our website, waiting room screens, notice boards and in our newsletter. Vulnerable patients seeing a An alert to be added the doctor who they are familiar with patient’s electronic record. RESULT An acting Chair came forward January 2015 Smooth transition to Electronic prescriptions. Receptionist able to identify patients and signpost them to their usual GP We also applied for an improvement Grant for the installation of a lift to give patients with poor mobility access to the first floor consulting rooms which will increase space in the surgery. This has been successful and work is now underway. We are looking at our telephone system as we received negative feedback as patients were sometime unable to get through. Patient Survey We have used the new ‘Friends and Family Test’ As from January 2015 a new monthly patient survey was introduced to replace the regular annual patient participation survey called ‘The Friends and Family Test’ Patients are being encouraged to complete the forms, whilst in the surgery and also from our website. We have advertised this ongoing survey on our website, on our waiting room screens and on posters in the waiting rooms, as we really appreciate feedback to help improve our services for our patients. The results and any comments from the on-going survey will be discussed at regular staff meetings and any actions will be put on to the website, on our waiting room screens, as well as fed back to the PPG. We asked our patients:How likely are you to recommend our GP practice to friends and family if they needed similar care or treatment? Results MONTH Extremely Likely Likely January February March Total 10 22 38 70 2 2 2 6 Neither likely or unlikely Unlikely Extremely Unlikely Don’t know Total responses 1 13 25 41 79 1 1 1 1 0 1 Additional information Our practice is open to new patients who can register in person or by downloading an electronic registration form from our website Our opening hours are:Monday 08.00 a.m. – 7.30 p.m. Tuesday 08.00 a.m. – 6.30 p.m. Wednesday 08.00 a.m. – 6.30 p.m. Thursday 08.00 a.m. – 6.30 p.m. Friday 07.30 a.m. – 6.30 p.m Saturday (alternate) 08.30 a.m. – 10.30am Extended Opening Hours – additional appointments available with a doctor Monday 6.30 p.m. – 7.30 p.m. Friday 7.30 a.m. – 8.00 a.m. Alternate Saturdays 8.30 a.m. – 10.30 a.m. All doctors participate in the extended hours rota. Patients may book appointments with doctors or nurses by ringing the surgery appointment line on 01722 333161 or 01722 333548 or by calling in to the reception desk. We offer face to face appointments and telephone appointments. If you require a same day appointment, you will be put in for a telephone triage call by the duty doctor, who will assess your symptoms and help decide what the best course of action is. This may consist of telephone advice, arranging an assessment in our urgent clinic by one of the doctors or nurses, arranging an appointment to be seen at another time or arranging other tests or referrals. ‘On Line’ Appointments and Repeat Prescription Service access to medical records Patients are now able to book their appointments, order their repeat prescription and view their summary care record ‘On Line’ using our system provider through our website Named Doctor We encourage our patients to always, where possible, to see a named doctor, please ask the receptionist if you would like to see a named doctor or nurse.