Generic Brief for a Wildlife Report

Generic Brief for a Wildlife Report – to commission wildlife consultants
Proposal: xxxxxxx
A. Background
Include as many details of the proposal as possible, including a map / plans, timetable and any
previous wildlife surveys. Attach supporting documents. Note that it is vital that you keep the
consultant informed of any changes to the proposal and timetable.
B. Requirements
Please quote for the production of a Wildlife Report. The quote should include itemised costs and a
detailed programme for:
 A desk data search from Devon Biodiversity Records Centre and other sources (if required).
 A walkover/extended Phase 1 survey to identify impacts and need for further survey.
 Any further detailed surveys which you believe (on the basis of information supplied with
this brief) are likely to be required. Include a brief description of the additional survey and
indicative programmes for these works. Subject to the outcome of the initial walkover this
quotation is renegotiable on the basis of quoted rates to adjust for substantive changes to
type or duration of the survey work actually needed.
 Producing a final Wildlife Report.
 Discussions with the Project Manager (Please suggest the number of face to face meetings
you think would be needed for this project). It is likely that at least two or three meetings
will be needed – to discuss the proposal prior to the walkover, to discuss any detailed
surveys required post walkover and to agree actions prior to submission to the LPA.
 Daily rate for any further survey / meetings required (including any pre application
discussions needed (if any) with the LPA or other organisations such as Natural England).
The quote should set out your approach to the work (including a timetable for surveys), a fee
schedule and a summary of the experience / qualifications of the consultants carrying out the work.
The final Wildlife Report (and all survey work) should follow relevant national guidance (including BS
42020). It should clearly and succinctly set out:
An overview of surveys (detailed methodology to be included in the appendices) – including an
annotated map to show areas surveyed.
An overview of any existing wildlife interest which could be affected by this proposal (any
detailed survey results to be included in the appendices) – including one simple annotated
overview map highlighting features of interest (e.g. wildlife habitats, any badger setts, bat flight
lines, dormouse habitat, reptile habitat, bat roosts ).
Impacts (direct and indirect) on designated sites (statutory and non statutory), European
protected species, other protected species, priority species and habitats. These impacts should
be clearly summarised on an annotated map.
Avoidance, mitigation, compensation and enhancement measures required. This information
can be used to influence scheme design from the outset and options must be discussed with the
Project Manager + integrated into the landscape design scheme for the project. These
measures should be set out in a Conservation Action Statement that can be pulled out of the
report. Again these measures should be clearly summarised on an annotated map (along with
any detailed maps required).
A balance sheet of any losses and gains to show overall net gain for wildlife (see DCC guidance at
Compliance with relevant legislation and policy – and clear justification for any non compliance.
The presence of any invasive species and a method statement for control.
Photos should also be included where relevant.
The Devon Wildlife Checklist should be filled in and included with the report. See
Other Devon wildlife and planning guidance should be followed. See
The length of the report should be proportionate to the impacts. If there are no or minimal impacts
then a short written statement should cover the points listed above.
Note that the Project Manager should be informed immediately if the proposal is likely to result in
significant impacts.
C. Key project deadlines
Initial Walkover Report to be completed by xxxxx
Draft to be submitted for discussion by xxxxxx
Final report by xxxxxxxxxx
D. Technical matters
Insurance requirements…………
E. Project Manager
F. Invitation to quote
Please submit a simple quote for this work by xxxxxxx along with details of the individual(s) who will
undertake the work setting out relevant experience, qualifications, licences and memberships
(CIEEM). Examples of similar work would be useful.
Provide details of the relevant daily rate and associated expenses (e.g. travel costs).
G. Assessment of quotations
Quotations received will be judged using the following criteria:
 Cost
 Experience (relevant to the project) and suitability of the individual(s) undertaking the work
 Ability to complete within the stated timetable
Amend to suit requirements
Last updated: 22 September 2014