Minutes of the AGM RTYC November 26th 2014 7 30pm Present

Minutes of the AGM RTYC
November 26th 2014 7 30pm
Present Angus Broadhurst (Commodore); David Gavine (Sailing Secretary); Ron Lorimer (Vice Commodore); Linda Mclachlan (Membership
secretary); Bob Watson (Treasurer); Pete Bartlett (Social Secretary); Frances Jamieson(House Secretary); Malcolm Worsley (Rear Commodore)
Mary Thomas (Secretary)
Sailing members 56; Social members 10
1 . Notice Calling the Meeting
2. Apologies: Stuart and Andrew Buchanan; Bob Gordon; Ross Lorimer; Diane and Arthur Brownlee; Chris Duncan; Brian
Duncan; Dougie Allstaff; Paul Brown; Jane Groombridge; Ralph Hopkins; Liz Furrie; Sean McAleer; Alan and Brenda Massie;
Mandy Gordon
3. Obituaries: The Commodore announced with regret the deaths of the following members: Harry Kennedy; Dorothy Knight; Alex
Soutar; David Ritchie; Andy Simpson
Adoption of the minutes of March 2014 General Meeting Proposed Dave Nicol; Seconded John Knowles.
Matters arising from the minutes of the March 2014 General Meeting None
Committee vacancies ballot none needed
Commodores Report
The Commodore outlined the progress made by the club, its successes and achievements. The club is a complex organisation
made up of two distinct but complimentary parts: first and foremost a water sports club but also a small business whose
activities generate the funds to support the sports activities. At the AGM in 2012 he had spoken of the need for RTYC to develop
to meet the challenges of the future and he now thinks that significant progress has been made in the last two years. He also
felt that none of this progress would have been possible without the support of the membership.
Achievements: - In March an application was made to the RYA to become one of 20 clubs who would receive focussed support
to help with promotion, membership development and engagement. RTYC were not chosen. This was an achievement because
the RYA felt that we were already so developed that there was little they could offer in the way of assistance. While bitterly
disappointed, looking at the Royal Tay from an outsiders perspective can understand why they felt other clubs are more in need
of assistance.
Membership Questionnaire and Focus Group Outcomes
A Membership Drive
 An open day, new beach facilities, coastal rowing, Kestrel nationals and huge number of visitors have resulted in 80
new members in the last year
More Sailing/Water Based Activities.
 The sailing programme for 2014 had 109 separate events scheduled. While it was hard to fit in any more, our new
beach facilities have allowed an increase our sail training activities. (see Tay Sail Training presentation, sailing and
cadet report )
 The catering provision is and always will be a contentious issue (people have different tastes). We continue to work
with Claymore Catering to make improvements. There have been more compliments than complaints and it is worth
noting that the last two carveries have been oversubscribed
 The clubhouse is getting busier with all sorts of activities taking place. We are now on the map as a wedding venue
with a number booked for next summer. It is becoming common for the club to be full with different groups in all
the rooms.
 The other suggestion made in the questionnaire was to introduce a café culture. You can now get speciality coffees
and teas from the bar. This may become even more popular with the recent changes to the licensing laws.
New Activities - The most significant new activity is the introduction of coastal rowing. This has brought in new members and
revitalised some longstanding members. Our first skiff “The Brochty” was launched at the end of August and is proving to be
extremely popular. The Commodore commended the builders, particularly John & Ralph Knowles, on producing a craft to be
proud of.
Progress -2014 has been a great year for RTYC. The challenge is to continue this progress and make the most of the
opportunities we now have.
Finances The treasurer will give more details in his report but it appears that our activities are generating a surplus which can be
reinvested. The current committee have some proposals which will support the activities which generate the major parts of the
surplus i.e. weddings and other private functions and the ALBA Real Ale Festival.
Sailing & Rowing Water activities as always are at the core of our club. I would like to acknowledge the tremendous work done
by our Training arm with the cadets, new members and the community.
Facilities The Water Sports Development project has brought our beach facilities up to a high standard. The proposals I spoke of
earlier are to invest in the clubhouse and make it even more attractive for the money generating events.
Communication & Publicity The publicity we have had has resulted in new members and an increase in interest in the club. We
need to continue with as much promotion as possible.
A Sailing development plan, produced earlier in the year, is being developed within the sailing committee. With regard to
facilities four items are proposed:
 The Harbour Shed is to be rewired as an insurance requirement
 The Gents Toilet is to be refurbished. It is planned to refurbish the toilets in the January shutdown.
 Club Car Park. The base of the flagpole will be surfaced and some seating provided.
 The outline of the proposal for the veranda is on the display board. It involves changing the access from the downstairs
bar will make outside much more accessible for people with a disability. The views from the veranda are spectacular
and a great selling point for our club. A planning application has been submitted for this project as the club is a listed
building and planning restrictions may make the whole proposal unviable. This is a major project. The treasurer will
outline the costs and possible funding mechanisms as part of his report. The views of the membership are requested.
Should this proposal be pursued?
Management Structure
As the club becomes more successful it puts strain on the management structure of the club. A meeting was held with past
commodores to discuss possible options for change. The view of that meeting was that while change is required it needs careful
consideration. To this end proposals will be developed by a group led by Past Commodore Sandy Bremner with a view to
presenting options to the membership.
The Commodore concluded that it has been an exceptional year for this club and he believes it will continue to go from strength
to strength.
8. Financial report and adoption of accounts Bob Watson (Treasurer)
The Treasurer outlined the financial situation of the club. The full or abridged accounts for the last fiscal year, ending August
2014 had been made available to the club membership. The summary on the abridged accounts gives the members an
indication of how well the club has improved financially. However it was important not to get complacent and to work
continually to control spending. Key points to note:
 The gross profit from the bar is down to 53.8% (itself an excellent figure) from 58.7%.This was caused mainly by a small
increase in prices by the brewers, which was absorbed by the bar.
 Harbour Shed/Beach account .This is down – although not obvious why - although last year, members were asked to
pay their dues in an honesty system and by email. We are reverting invoicing for the coming year.
 Large savings were made on both insurance and utilities, by changing insurer and signing into fixed contracts re utilities.
The utility contracts come up for renewal early in the New Year and our commodore elect has agreed to renegotiate
them, hopefully achieving a good rate.
 Postage, stationery, etc shows an increase. This is due to a substantial increase in the cost of postage. But also reflects
that we are communicating more with the members and using more stationary.
 Rescue, workboat etc, shows a high expenditure, with one off costs, such as new radios and tender.
 For the first time in many years the club shows a surplus on the ordinary activities.
Current Liabilities
 The figure is high due to money being held for Tay Sailing. This was due to the change from Trust to SCIO and not
having a bank account in situ before the end of our fiscal year.
Sundry Income
 Room hires – we reviewed the charges levied by the club and in keeping in line with the RPI, increases were applied and
are reflected in this increase.
 Again the 200 club makes a sizeable contribution to the coffers,
Exceptional Income
 VAT Recovery – as reported at the March general meeting we were the subject of a VAT inspection, which is a long and
protracted process. Thanks must go to past commodore Euan Webster, who dealt with this superbly which resulted in
the club achieving a substantial recovery.
 All major events have a positive effect to the club’s income, with both the Kestrel championships and the Beer Fest
giving a handsome return. This is only due to sterling efforts by our members.
Melville Mitchell asked about the value of the main clubhouse as described in the accounts. This was explained to the meeting.
Adoption of the Accounts Proposed by Euan Webster and Seconded by Neil Ferguson
Future Expenditure
The club has accumulated a good reserve and as a members club ( i.e. not for profit) we are required to return the profits back
to the club. We have already installed a wifi bridge in the premises, including the beach clubhouse, and security cameras at the
club and on the beach. Webcam installation is imminent.
Future planned programme of work:
 Harbour Shed - following an inspection by the insurance assessor we are required to rewiring the premises and
submitting a safety certificate. This work will be completed soon
 Gents Toilets - These are badly in need of renovation and the work is to start on Monday 5 th January 2015, the start of
the close down period. The first three days will hopefully involve Dad’s army, by gutting out the premises ready for the
 Club Car Park - The flag pole area is presently being re-configured, with mono block and a retaining wall. This area will
be furnished with a bench/benches sponsored by members.
 Veranda – Planning application made. The whole development presently has a start out estimated cost of £20,000.
This would enhance the area that is presently under used. Should get feedback by the end of this month.
Funding – The club holds a reserve of money to cover all eventualities and to carry out the planned work it would be seriously
depleted. It is hoped that some money could be raised from the members by means of short term loans. This would be for a
maximum period of 3 years or longer if the member is agreeable.
Such loans will hopefully guarantee that we can complete the projects to a high quality and on a short timescale. This would
give the members greatly improved facilities and keep the club up to date. The club is also willing to listen to any forms of
sponsorship, which may help achieve our goal.
It is necessary to hold a reserve to cover the unseen eventualities, and undoubtedly this will arise and we have to be in a
position to meet the fiscal requirement to address the problem.
The treasurer then asked the members to give his request due consideration. Members will be contacted in Spring next year for
their views.
Overall, the club is vibrant, and this is reflected in the accounts and fabric of the premises. The beach received a vast investment
now it’s time to invest in the clubhouse to bring it up to speed.
There were no questions.
9. Sailing Report and Cadet Report (Malcolm Worsley)
The 2014 programme aimed to provide training, sailing for fun as well as competitive racing and a community activity. The
Open day and the racing programmes were a big success. There was a big turn out too for this year’s prize giving. Kestrel
Nationals were an important highlight of the year. They will come again in 2017. There has been an increase too in the number
of Dart 18s in the club.
Broughty Ferry Boating has been very active since the launch of Brochty. It has been great to see queues of people waiting to
take part. The plan is for a rowing regatta August 2015.
Cadet Programme
This has been a great success with the youth regatta involving visitors from local clubs. Fiona Ferguson and all the helpers
(parents as well as sailors) were thanked for their hard work. Cadet of the year, Hamish Brunton helmed in the Kestrel
Nationals and there are four cadets in the winter series. Tonight the cadets are doing fitness training in the Broughty boathouse.
2015 Plan - Tay Weekend in June; Dart 18 Scottish Championships; Rowing regatta 1 August 2015
Questions : Boyd Baird queried East Coast sailing week (ECSW) and its continuation . The Forth are changing the whole ECSW
to an East Coast festival ...introducing coastal rowing too. It was agreed that we would consider this as a possibility. It was also
noted Drascombe class will come to the club in 2016 for a rally. Melville Mitchell asked about the cadets bring and buy social. It
is on March 7th 2015
10. Tay Sail Training (TST) AGM (Sandy Bremner)
TST has been in operation for 11 years with an aim to promote community participation in healthy recreation by the provision of
facilities for sailing.
The highlights of 2014 have been the completion of the facilities project with its official opening on 29 June; the development of
the coastal rowing project with the launch of “Brochty” on 31 August. There have been 19 cadet Nights; cadet Week; adult
learn to sail/ powerboat courses; and involvement with Dundee University sailing club training. Also there has been the
conversion to a SCIO in the latter stages of the year.
Annual Report and Accounts 2014
Adoption of the Accounts Proposed by Hugh Scott Seconded by Stewart Murdoch
Questions : Boyd Baird asked about coastal rowing funding. Some bills still in hand. Boyd Baird asked about further skiffs. We
can’t buy them and we do need a second but may not need a third.
TST SCIO Trustees were approved:
 Martin Adams, Fiona Ferguson, Sandy Bremner, Willie Fergusson, Angus Broadhurst, Marjory Knowles, Stuart Coombes,
Robin Smith, David Duff, Malcolm Worsley .
 Training Principal Stewart Murdoch
Appointment of Independent Examiner
 Lesley Campbell was accepted as CA
Forthcoming activities for 2015
 Winter shore based courses
 Comprehensive Training/ Coaching-Squibs, Lasers
 Sailability/ Community Sessions
 Instructor training
 Coastal Rowing
Thanks were extended to all the donors and all the others who have made the TSTSCIO a success.
11. Appointment of RTYC Office Bearers . Commodore Angus Broadhurst acknowledged the people retiring and all the work
they had achieved : Peter Bartlett and Malcolm Worsley. He welcomed Ron Lorimer as the new Commodore .
New Commodore (Ron Lorimer)
The outgoing Commodore Angus Broadhurst was thanked for all his contributions and presented with the ex commodores
burgee, to applause from the membership. Ron Lorimer noted the upsurge in membership and activity and then updated the
membership on the office bearers.
Office Bearers : Vice Commodore Peter Toms; Rear Commodore David Gavine;Treasurer Bob Watson; House Secretary Frances
Jamieson ; Sailing Secretary Steve Menhinick; Membership Secretary Linda McLachlan; Secretary Mary Thomas
Sailing Committee: Sailing Committee Stuart Coombes , Sailing/Safety Ross Lorimer ; Sailing/Cadets Fiona Ferguson; Dinghy
Class Captain TBC; Keel Class Captain TBC; Squib Class Captain Alan Massie; Rowing Captain Neil Ferguson; Harbour Shed John
2015 will be RTYC 130th year and we are looking forward to people taking up their committee places. We have had an increase in
membership of about 10 a month. It is important to keep members informed with updates. Volunteers are greatly appreciated
and we look forward to their continuing support.
12. Appointment of Auditors Findlay and co agreed as auditors.
13. Election of Honorary Members
 HRH Duke of Edinburgh; Lord Provost of Dundee Mr. Bob Duncan; Murray Brown, Coxswain RNLI; Sean Ward,
Harbourmaster, Dundee; Mrs. Jean Elvidge. The Meeting accepted the nominations and letters will be written to
confirm these posts
14. Any other competent business
 Bob Wilson raised his concern about the speed limit on cyclists along grassy beach and that action was needed to avoid
an accident.
 Ralph Knowles commented on the increase in erosion of beach into the grass area The secretary to raise both the
above issues with the council
 It was noted that the harbour key is now available from the bar.
 Webcam for the shore will be in action before Xmas.
Meeting Closed 20 50.