EWHURST PARISH COUNCIL BULLETIN #5 September 2011 Information received from Surrey Police re : CATALYTIC CONVERTER MARKING & REGISTRATION PACK : The theft of catalytic converters is a growing problem – particularly for owners of 4x4 vehicles, large vans and motor homes. DIY pack available for £9.95 (including P & P and VAT), includes ultra destruct label, marking fluid, window warning decal. Retainagroup Ltd, www.retainagroup.com 01233 333000 Home Visiting Basic Foot Care for Disabled People in Surrey - Surrey Disabled People’s Partnership (SDPP) has announced that the home visiting foot care service has been extended and is available to disabled adults across Surrey. For more information email home@sdpp.org.uk or phone 01483 750973 or visit their website http://www.sdpp.org.uk Please do keep us up to date on your group’s planned events however far in advance, and any local news which may be of interest to residents. Email clerk.epc@btinternet.com with details please! EWHURST DIARY Click on the links for more information KIKS - Keep Interested, Keep Socialising - SOCIAL CLUB held at the Baptist Church - meet up with other people and be socially active! Please pass on information about this Club to elderly or less mobile residents; 2pm on the First and Third MONDAY each month www.ewhurstbaptistchurch.org.uk BULLS HEAD Every Tuesday – Curry night; Every Friday – Takeaway Beer Battered Fish & Chips www.thebullsheadhotel.com 10 September HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY AUTUMN SHOW - Village Hall Show Secretary Zoe Horton email: autumnsec@ewhursthortsoc.org.uk; RECTORY FETE www.ewhursthortsoc.org.uk www.saintpeterandsaintpaulewhurst.org.uk DINNER and LAST NIGHT OF THE PROMS – Bulls Head For further information call 01483 277447 www.thebullsheadhotel.com 11 September OPEN DAY at Sayers Croft 11am to 5pm – a fun-filled day with fantastic activities including orienteering, archery, ropes courses, ballista building, adventure playground - more details www.sayerscrofttrust.org.uk 14 September FILM NIGHT AT THE BULLS HEAD Ewhurst Film Club presents - 'True Grit 2010' Tickets - £6.50 EWHURST PLAYERS - Auditions for January Pantomime "Sinbad the Sailor" - Open to All: at the Village Hall - 7.30 p.m. and … 19 September Auditions for Ewhurst Players January Pantomime as above but at the EYSC - 7.30 p.m. www.ewhurstplayers.com Ring Liz Foley: 01483 275965 for further details. 23 September BARN DANCE – Ewhurst Baptist Church With Stockbrokers Belt – Tickets £10 - 01483 267878. Food and glasses provided – bring own drink www.ewhurstbaptistchurch.org.uk 17 October EWHURST PLAYERS – KATHERINE HOWARD – BOX OFFICE OPENS 09.00 Tel: Julie Yates - 01483 277354 Tables of 8; bring your own drinks. Glasses and nibbles provided. www.ewhurstplayers.com 4 November Friends of Hurtwood : Surrey Archeological Society talk “Warfare on The Hurtwood, hills forts, trenches and PoW camp”. Contact Trasna Palmer for tickets and further information trasna@talktalk.net website : www.friendsofthehurtwood.co.uk 16th – 19 November EWHURST PLAYERS - November Production : "Katherine Howard" by William Nicholson: 7.45 p.m. Box Office details to follow. www.ewhurstplayers.com 30 November THE OLD RECTORY CHRISTMAS FAIR - In aid of Arthritic Research UK 2012 27th, 28th, 29th Jan & 3rd, 4th Feb EWHURST PLAYERS – Pantomime "Sinbad the Sailor" Box Office details to follow. www.ewhurstplayers.com Please let us know if you have any forthcoming events and activities in the village that could go on this Ewhurst Diary to make sure it is fully up to date and provides a reliable central source of information on what is going on in and around our parish. EWHURST WEBSITE www.ewhurst.org has a notice board, gives loads of links to services and local activities, and general information about the parish council too If you are a member of a local group or society please ask the Secretary to make sure we have your contact details correct on the website – email clerk.epc@btinternet.com Please remember that the Bulletin’s email address is ONLY for transmission purposes and for residents to request registration onto the mailing list. No replies will be sent to emails received. Please rest assured that your email address will not appear on the heading as everyone will be listed under ‘blind’ cc. Under no circumstances will your data be shared with others and will be held securely. Please contact us via clerk.epc@btinternet.com to subscribe, unsubscribe or to raise any queries Ewhurst Parish Council