Mariano Marcos State University College of Agriculture Food and Sustainable Development City of Batac TERM PAPER (Biodiversity and Biotechnology) In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements in Agri 10 Submitted by: Desiree Castillo BSA I-F Submitted to: Prof. Charito Acosta BIODIVERSITY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY I. Introduction The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) defined biotechnology as “any technology application that uses biological systems, living organisms, or derivatives there of, to make or modify products or processes for specific use.” In a broad sense, the definition covers many of the tools and techniques, which have been commonly used in agriculture and food production, processing, and utilization. In a narrow sense, however, it encompasses DNA techniques, molecular biology, and reproductive technological applications dealing primarily with gene splicing and recombination, and genomics. In the present context, the narrow sense definition of biotechnology has been considered. Biotechnology is already underpinning the sustainable development of agriculture, forestry, and fisheries, as well as the food and other primary product-related industries. It has tremendous potential for impacting global food security, human and animal health, environmental health, and overall livelihood of mankind. However, as in the case of any complex technology impacting wide range of processes and developments, the gains from modern biotechnology are accompanied with certain negative effects and concerns. The nature and extent of the positive and negative impacts will depend on the choice of the technique, place and mode of application of the technique, ultimate use of the product, concerned policies and regulatory measures, including risk assessment and management ability, and finally on the need, priority, aspiration and capacity of individual countries. Modern biotechnology includes the following interdependent components: genomics, bioinformatics, transformation, molecular breeding, diagnostics, and vaccine technology. While there is general appreciation of the potential and impact of each of the components, controversies generally surround the transformation component resulting in Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs), which may pose certain risks inherent to the technology. Biotechnology, especially as it deals with living organisms, with its veritable manifestations, has been a subject of extensive public debate. As regards biotechnology in relation to biodiversity and sustainable agriculture, the three are complementary, synergistic and interdependent, and not contradictory to each other. Biodiversity is fundamental to both biotechnology and sustainable agriculture. Judicious, rational, and science-and need-based exploitation of genetic resources through biotechnological techniques should lead to sustainable agriculture. The controversy arises only when non-scientific, hasty, profit-motivated, inhuman and unethical applications of biotechnology, and use of biodiversity are contemplated. II. Discussion A. Definition of Biodiversity and Biotechnology Biodiversity, short for biological diversity, is the term used to describe the variety of life found on Earth and all of the natural processes. This includes ecosystem, genetic and cultural diversity, and the connections between these and all species. The definition of biotechnology varies, but a simple definition is the use of living organisms by humans. It is a very interesting and innovative area of study. Biotechnology deals with the use of engineering technology on life forms. This stream has occupied almost all fields like agriculture, electronics, medicine, therapy etc. Now it is difficult to think about a field devoid of the contribution of biotechnology. B. Biotechnology and Sustainable Agriculture Biotechnology has been contributing to sustainable agriculture through the following ways: • Increased resistance against biotic stresses (insect pests and diseases); • Increased resistance against abiotic stresses (drought, cold, flooding, and problem soils); • Bioremediation of polluted soils and bio-detectors for monitoring pollution; • Increased productivity and quality; • Enhanced nitrogen fixation and increased nutrient uptake and use efficiency; • Improved fermentation technology; • Improved technologies for generating biomass-derived energy; • Generation of high nutrient levels in nutrient-deficient staple crops such as rice Biotechnology contributes to sustainable agriculture by reducing the dependence on agrochemicals, particularly pesticides, through the deployment of genes conferring tolerance or resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses. Carefully selected genes from related or unrelated genetic resources are integrated in otherwise desirable genotypes. Systematic pyramiding of genes allows integration of desirable genes in one genotype for different traits, such as tolerance to stresses, productivity, and nutritional quality. Technology, including new varieties and breeds, is an essential element of sustainable agriculture. However, it is not the only element of sustainable agriculture. Non-technological aspects such as governmental policy and will, institutional and infrastructural support, technology sharing and transfer mechanisms, and peoples attitude and awareness are equally, if not more important, in providing the needed conditions for absorption and successful exploitation of the technology toward sustainable agriculture. C. Concept and Importance of Biodiversity Biological diversity or biodiversity is simply the full variety of life on earth – plants, animals and microorganisms – including genes, species and even the entire ecosystems, and the vital services these ecosystems provide to society. Importance of Biodiversity Sustains our life support system on earth/ Contributes to environmental stability Provides options for the present and future in terms of bio-resources Biodiversity is a concern that has direct linkage to poverty and development. The poor in the rural areas are directly dependent on biodiversity resources for food, fuel, shelter, medicines and livelihoods. This variety of living organisms together with its environment provide critical services that are necessary for survival such as air and water purification, soil conservation, disease control, and reduced vulnerability to disasters such as floods, droughts and landslides. When these resources or its environment are subjected to pressures that exceed their capacity to be resilient or to bounce back to its original state, imbalance in the ecosystem is created. Examples of these pressures are over-exploitation, unsustainable practices and pollution which could result to less production, increased health risks and vulnerability to natural disasters, and loss of livelihood. When imbalance is created, degradation occurs. When situations like these arise, they make lives especially in the rural areas more difficult therefore making development efforts more challenging. D. Threats to Philippine Biodiversity The continuing habitat degradation and forestland conversion are major threats to Philippine biodiversity. These are attributed primarily to large-scale and indiscriminate logging and mining, burgeoning human population, overharvesting of resources, and infrastructure development. Indiscriminate logging literally changes the forest landscape. Although there has been a decline in logging activities– due to the combined effects of a ban on logging old growth forests– illegal logging activities persist. Indiscriminate mining operations threaten ecological sustainability. The Philippines is considered the fifth most highly mineralized country in the world. It is a significant producer of gold, copper, nickel and chromite and has in the recent past ranked among the world’s top 10 producers. It is also abundant in non-metallic and industrial minerals such as marble, limestone, clay, feldspar and aggregates. The threat is compounded by the fact that most of the country’s priority conservation areas sit on top of huge mineral reserves. Thus there are many areas of significant biodiversity with overlapping tenurial instruments, and with conflicting land uses and management objectives. The burgeoning human population against a limited land base causes forestland conversion. With the country’s annual population growth rate of 2.04%, poverty, landlessness and absence of secure tenure rights over secondary forest areas or logged-over areas have become attractive for conversion into agricultural land and settlements. Over-harvesting of resources such as medicinal and ornamental plants and wild animals for trade and domestic use has contributed to habitat degradation and dramatic reductions in species populations. Infrastructure development, such as major industries, road networks, irrigation, water resources, power and energy projects affect biodiversity directly and indirectly. Directly, their operations and possible expansion may disturb, pollute, or encroach upon biodiversity-rich ecosystems. Indirectly, they may attract satellite developments or settlements that can cause fragmentation of species-rich habitats, provide access thereto, and/or threaten the quality of surrounding water bodies. E. Scope of Biotechnology Gene Therapy: This is in a way, genetic engineering of humans, which would allow a person suffering from a disabling genetic disorder to lead a normal life. Immunotechnologies: Such as monoclonal antibodies (MABs) for diagnosis and therapy. Antibodies, special sets of proteins present in humans that enable them to fight incursion of their bodies by harmful chemicals or micro organisms. Monoclonal antibodies are single chemical species of antibodies produced in the laboratory by a special technique. Tissue culture: Tissue culture of both plant and animal cells. These are used for Micro propagation of elite or exotic materials (Such as orchids), production of useful compounds such as taxol (the widely used anti-cancer drug) and vanillin, and preparation in the laboratory of “natural” tissues such as arteries for arterial graft or skin for burn victims. (Modern tissue culture technologies allow the multiplication in the laboratory of cells isolated from plants and animals. In the case of plants, one can grow in the lab a whole plant from a single cell.) Stem cell techniques: Which would involve purification and isolation of stem cells from various tissues and develop into the desired tissue which could then be used, for example, for transplantation. Stem cells can be either totipotent (have the capability to produce any desired cell type or organ of the body under specific conditions) or they could be pluripotent (able to develop into several though not all cell types or organs). As embryonic stem cells are more likely totipotency than stem cells from adult tissues, the immediate emphasis in the area of stem cells is going to be first in the direction of establishing cell lines derived from early human embryos, from which stem cells could be isolated. Enzyme engineering and technology: Involves immobilized or stabilized enzymes, new classes of enzymes (ribozymes) or new enzymatic routes that produce important organic compounds. Enzymes are biological catalysts (Generally proteins) poised to replace inorganic catalysts, which are used in chemical industry. (Proteins are abundant biological entities made up of twenty amino acids strung together like pearls in a necklace, by a special type of thread- a chemical bond called the peptide bond. One protein differs from another in the total number of amino acids and their sequence in the chain.) Photosynthetic efficiency: Increasing photosynthetic efficiency for biomass production in the plant with the same amount of light and other inputs. New DNA technologies: These include DNA fingerprinting, sequencing of genomes, development and use of new molecular markers for plant identification and characterization. Also the development of DNA- based probes for diagnosis of inherited disorders, antisense technologies that are aimed at blockage of the function of a particular stretch of DNA and computing using DNA. Plant-based drugs: Use of modern biological techniques for validation, standardization and manufacture of indigenous plant-based drug formulations. Peptide synthesis: Synthasis to make new drugs or other materials of industrial and commercial importance, such as salmon GnRH analogue (Ovaprim) to induce ovulation in fish. (Peptides are small proteins, generally containing less than 50 amino acid moieties.) - See more at: IV. References Department of Environment and Natural Resources. 1997. Philippine Biodiversity: An Assessment and Plan of Action. Makati City, Bookmark. V. Pictorials Related to Biodiversity and Biotechnology