COURSE OUTLINE CENTRE FOR ADVANCED ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGIES COURSE NAME: Applied Practicum COURSE CODE: HLTH 1105 CREDIT HOURS: max 97 hours PREREQUISITES: T402 Semesters 1 and 2 COREQUISITES: Semester Three courses EFFECTIVE DATE: PROFESSOR: Nancy Sangiuliano and Anne Attard EMAIL: and PLAR ELIGIBLE: YES ( ) NO (X) NOTE TO STUDENTS: Academic Departments at George Brown College will NOT retain historical copies of Course Outlines. We urge you to retain this Course Outline for your future reference. EQUITY STATEMENT: George Brown College values the talents and contributions of its students, staff and community partners and seeks to create a welcoming environment where equity, diversity and safety of all groups are fundamental. Language or activities which are inconsistent with this philosophy violate the College policy on the Prevention of Discrimination and Harassment and will not be tolerated. The commitment and cooperation of all students and staff are required to maintain this environment. Information and assistance are available through your Chair, Student Affairs, the Student Association or the Human Rights Advisor. George Brown College is dedicated to providing equal access to students with disabilities. If you require academic accommodations visit the Disability Services Office or the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services Office on your campus. STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES: Students should obtain a copy of the Student Handbook and refer to it for additional information regarding the grading system, withdrawals, exemptions, class assignments, missed tests and exams, supplemental privileges, and academic dishonesty. Students are required to apply themselves diligently to the course of study, and to prepare class and homework assignments as given. Past student performance shows a strong relationship between regular attendance and success. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This practicum course provides students with the opportunity to consolidate their portfolio. Emphasis is placed on the integration of the program outcomes within an HI setting. Students work within an HI setting with agency personnel and a faculty advisor. Scheduled hours are negotiated with the agency and include hours appropriate to the setting. Seminar times are scheduled throughout the term. Students are to complete a final project report at end of the term. COURSE OUTCOMES: Upon successful completion of this course the students will have reliably demonstrated the ability to: 1. Participate collaboratively as an HI professional supporting the interprofessional health care team. 2. Complete an HI project within a health setting. 3. Effectively communicate HI concepts to a broad and diverse audience through weekly progress reports and a written report and oral presentation that encapsulates 3 semesters of learning and applied practicum experience. DELIVERY METHODS: Collaborative / cooperative learning E-learning / online learning (discussion forums, Webquests, etc.) Field placement / co-op / clinic Field research Patient / client contact (direct) Patient / client contact (indirect) Peer evaluation or feedback Personal / self-reflection Skills practice Student presentation(s) Tutorial / seminar / workshop Utilizing technology WebCT Writing exercise(s) RECOMMENDED LIST OF TEXTBOOKS AND OTHER TEACHING AIDS: Required: Not applicable. Recommended / Optional: Not applicable. TESTING POLICY: Tests are to be written on the dates indicated unless prior arrangements have been made with the professor to write the test on an alternate date. If a test is missed due to unforeseen circumstances, it is the student’s responsibility to contact the professor as soon as possible to explain the situation. The student may be asked to provide documentation or other proof in support of their explanation. If a test was missed for a valid reason, at the professor’s discretion the student may be permitted to write a make-up test or have the marks for the missed test allocated proportionately to any remaining assessments. Students without a satisfactory explanation for missing a test will score 0 on the missed test. If a student arrives late for a test they must hand it in by the original deadline – no additional time will be given. ASSIGNMENT POLICY Assignments are due on the dates indicated unless prior arrangements have been made for an extension. If an assignment deadline is missed due to unforeseen circumstances, it is the student’s responsibility to contact the professor as soon as possible to explain the situation. The student may be asked to provide documentation or other proof in support of their explanation. If an assignment deadline was missed for a valid reason, an extension of up to one week from the original deadline will be granted. Other late assignments will be accepted for up to one week beyond the original deadline, subject to a late penalty of 5% per day. No assignments will be accepted beyond one week after the original deadline. If a student fails to hand in an assignment due to unforeseen circumstances, it is the student’s responsibility to contact the professor as soon as possible to explain the situation. The student may be asked to provide documentation or other proof in support of their explanation. If the assignment was missed for a valid reason, at the professor’s discretion the student may be permitted to complete a make-up assignment or have the marks for the missed assignment allocated proportionately to any remaining assessments. EVALUATION SYSTEM: Assessment Tool: Weekly progress reports Project description and contract sign-off Description: Outcome(s) Date: demonstrated: ½ page written 1 and 3 reflections on applied practicum experience Students complete all 2 required fields on a template provided on the WebCT course website, obtain faculty advisor approval and signature, review with sponsor and obtain signature, and submit completed contract to faculty advisor. Report outline 2 (table of contents) Final report Written report in 2, 3 conformance with template provided. Final project As per template PowerPoint provided on the WebCT presentation course website: a) % of Final Grade: Ongoing 20 10 10 40 10 Sponsor evaluation outline how project objective(s) were met; b) provide final needs assessment; c) outline solution(s); d) report on resources and final costs included in the project; e) describe how issues and/or problems were resolved; f) submit final project evaluation. The PowerPoint presentation for the final report will be an in-class presentation of 15 minutes. The project sponsor will complete a final evaluation, which addresses the student’s professionalism, skills and knowledge related to the assigned project. 10 TOTAL: 100% GRADING SYSTEM The passing grade for this course is: D A+ 90-100 4.0 B+ 77-79 3.3 C+ 67-69 2.3 D+ 57-59 1.3 Below F 0.0 50 A 86-89 4.0 B 73-76 3.0 C 63-66 2.0 D 50-56 1.0 A- 80-85 3.7 B- 70-72 2.7 C- 60-62 1.7 Excerpt from the College Policy on Academic Dishonesty: The minimal consequence for submitting a plagiarized, purchased, contracted, or in any manner inappropriately negotiated or falsified assignment, test, essay, project, or any evaluated material will be a grade of zero on that material. To view George Brown College policies please go to