Howard High School 1st and 2nd Semesters 2011-2012 School Year COURSE SYLLABUS: GAA ACADEMICS TEACHER: Mary Ellen Ridley STUDENTS: PROGRAM FOR EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN / ACCESS II OBJECTIVES: -This class is designed to teach basic academic information and skills which will help students to function more independently in the world. The objectives for the class are individualized for each student, based on their Individual Education Plan. Also, students are given access to subjects from the general education curriculum by addressing standards which focus on the subjects listed below. -The Program for Exceptional Children of the Board of Education suggests that our class use the TEACCH method. This is a teaching method which provides visually well-defined areas in the classroom, a picture/word schedule for students to follow each day, and a clear system of work (what, how much, and when it is complete). Specific areas designated in the TEACCH classroom include a neutral meeting area, schedule area, individual and group work areas, leisure area, and computer area. A principal of the TEACCH system is to reward the completion of student work with Leisure time. TOPICS/ACTIVITIES: Functional Academics-Making personal information folders and tracing personal information (To the best of their ability) -Picture cards to identify personal items (To the best of their ability) -Use picture cards to express information (To the best of their ability) -Math (number identification, writing numbers, counting) (To the best of their ability) -Math: Picture Schedule Information (To the best of their ability) -Math: Money Skills (To the best of their ability) -Math: Calendar Skills (To the best of their ability) -Reading: Sight words, Survival Signs, Vocabulary words, and Picture Exchange Symbols (To the best of their ability) -Conversation Skills/Picture Exchange Symbols (non-verbal) (To the best of their ability) -Computer Skills - Vocabulary using Boardmaker Plus! Software (includes words and symbols), and Writing out Loud software. -State personal information or use picture cards to express information -Math (number identification) -Math Time / Schedule Information -Repeating: Sight words, Survival Signs, Vocabulary words, and Picture Exchange Symbols -Conversation Skills/Picture Exchange Symbols (non-verbal) -Computer Skills ACCESS Subjects-9th and 10th grade Literature and Composition -Math I and Math II -Physical Science -American Government MATERIALS: The Unique on-line curriculum, which includes functional and academic topics with worksheets, activities, and vocabulary cards using Boardmaker Plus! Software (includes words and symbols), and Writing out Loud and Writing with Symbols software. GRADING: Students are grades are based on their cognitive level using IEP goals, The Georgia Alternate Assessment (11th grade) , and progress on general education Access standards. Howard High School 1st and 2nd Semesters 2011-2012 COURSE SYLLABUS: GAA Vocational Skills TEACHER: Mary Ellen Ridley STUDENTS: PROGRAM FOR EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN / ACCESS II OBJECTIVES: -This class is designed to teach vocational skills, preparing students for the work setting or program outside of school after graduation. The objectives for the class are individualized for each student, based on their Individual Education Plan. -While at school, the Program for Exceptional Children of the Board of Education suggests that our class use the TEACCH method. This is a teaching method which provides visually well-defined areas in the classroom, a picture/word schedule for students to follow each day, and a clear system of work (what, how much, and when it is complete). Specific areas designated in the TEACCH classroom include a neutral meeting area, schedule area, individual and group work areas, leisure area, and computer area. A principal of the TEACCH system is to reward the completion of student work with Leisure time. -The classroom includes a neutral meeting area, schedule area, individual and group work areas for vocational skills TOPICS/ACTIVITIES -Sorting (size, shape, color, texture…) (To the best of their ability) -Hand eye coordination (To the best of their ability) -Matching (To the best of their ability) -Construct objects (To the best of their ability) -Work Tasks (at school and away from school) -Following a schedule -Personal Hygiene / Appropriate appearance -Social / Communication Skills -Community Referenced Instruction Trips (CRI) Materials: Workbox tasks (sorting, packaging), clothing items and towels, Autism & PDD Adolescent Social Skills LessonsVocational, The A List poster of work skills, Job Search (forms, applications, and role-plays), survival sign worksheets, Survival Sign Bingo games, Edmark Functional Word Series- job/ Work Words worksheets, Attainment’s Personal Success CD, and Attainment’s Social and Skills at Work CD. GRADING: Students are graded on their cognitive level according to their Individual Education Plans (IEPs), using Georgia Alternate Assessment and progress on general education Access standards. Howard High School 1st and 2nd Semesters 2011-2012 Course Syllabus: GAA Social & Communication Skills TEACHER: Mary Ellen Ridley STUDENTS: PROGRAM FOR EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN / ACCESS II OBJECTIVES: -This class is designed to introduce and improve social interaction and communication skills at school, out in the community during Community Referenced Instruction trips, and at home. The objectives for the class are individualized for each student, based on their Individual Education Plan. Students will be provided with opportunities to practice skills at school, at CBVI work sites, and in various community settings through Community Referenced Instruction Trips. -The Program for Exceptional Children of the Board of Education suggests that our class use the TEACCH method. This is a teaching method which provides visually well-defined areas in the classroom, a picture/word schedule for students to follow each day, and a clear system of work (what, how much, and when it is complete). Specific areas designated in the TEACCH classroom include a neutral meeting area, schedule area, individual and group work areas, leisure area, and computer area. A principal of the TEACCH system is to reward the completion of student work with Leisure time. TOPICS/ACTIVITIES: Communication Skills -Communication devices -Picture Cards -Computer -Electronic devices -Reading stories -Leisure Social Skills -Community skills (transportation, appropriate behavior in various settings, ordering food, eating at a restaurant, shopping and purchasing items) -Home Skills (doing chores, resolving conflicts, getting along with others, privacy, neighbors, hygiene) Materials: GRADING: Students are graded on their cognitive level according to their Individual Education Plans (IEPs) and using Georgia Alternate Assessment and progress on general education Access standards. Last Modified on 8/3/2010 5:31:30 PM