SLIDES FROM SEMINAR Antidepressants Side effects: Dry mouth

Side effects: Dry mouth and other anticholenergics ( hard candy, sips, oral hygiene)
Sedation ( bedtime)
Nausea (take with food)
Discontinuation syndromes: abrupt stopping may result in dizziness, headache, , worsening of
symptoms,etc. (taper)
Patho/ Pharm
1.Tricyclic Antidepressants /TCA: up to 4 weeks to see action; selection of medication is based
on symptoms: side effects: sedation, tachycardia, dry mouth, constipation, urinary retention,
low b/p and seizure threshold; caution in use with elders and glaucoma and heart disease
Blocks reuptakes of neurotransmitters
Be alert to suicidality as medication begin to work
Fatal if overdose!
HYPERTENSIVE CRISIS, hyperpyretic crisis. Severe seizures, tachycardia when used with
Tricyclic PrototypeAmitriptyline(Elavil)50-300mg/D(usually starts with 25 TID or 50 QHS)
Depression; blocks reuptake of norepi, serotonin Adjunct to chronic pain control .Hypertensive
crisis if used with MAOI. Need a 2 week wash out; Check B/P; Cardiac workup prior; SE dizziness,
drowsiness, constipation, urinary retention, EKG changes, hypotension; Suicide precautions;
increased risk of agranulocytosis – Complete blood studies
2.MAO Inhibitors /MAOI’s
Blocks reuptake of neurotransmitters when the enzyme, MAO is inhibited at various site in the
nervous system
HPERTENSIVE CRISIS OCCURS if the patient is using amphetamines, methyldopa, resperpine,
epinephrine, norephinepherine, OR ingests any food with tyramine
Tyramine: 2 hours- pounding headache, photophobia, choking, neck stiffness, marked
What is tyramine?
Amino acid found in aged cheese, other aged, overripe, fermented foods
Get a list from the Nutrition department/Pharmacy
TEXT 160 !!!
Aged cheese, wine Esp. Chianti, road beans, pickled herring, beef or chicken liver, preserved
lunch meats/sausages, beer and wine, yeast products, chocolate, caffeinated drinks, canned figs,
sour cream, coffee, tea, yogurt, soy sauce, some over the counter cold medications, , diet pills
MAOI Prototype:Tranylcypromine(Parnate)30-60mg/DStart 10 BID; Depression; increase concentration
of endogenous epinephrine, norepi, serotonin, dopamine in CNS by inhibiting MAO ; Hypertensive crisis
if consume food with tyramine or select medications; d/c drug immediately, antihypertensive
medications; serotonin syndrome; SE dizziness, drowsiness, anorexia, orthostatic hypotension; monitor
B/P; Suicide precautions******
List of MAOI on page 159
3. Heterocyclics “Other”or Misc
Bupropion (Wellbutrin)200-450mg/DStarts with 100 BID;Slow increase of dose; Depression ,Smoking
Cessation; inhibits reuptake of dopamine, norepi, serotonin ;Precaution if seizure or head injury as it
lowers seizure threshold; complete AV block; SE headache, agitation, n, v, rash, impotence; 2-4 weeks to
see effect
4. SSRI Selective Serotonin reuptake inhibitors/ Nonselective reuptake inhibitors
Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft,Luvox, Celexa, Lexapro
Fewer anticholenergic side effects, faster acting, good efficiency, headache, insomnia, weight
SE profile is more manageable
Action: inhibits the reuptake of serotonin at the brain synapse thus increasing the amount
available at the serotonin sensitive receptor sites
Serotonin norephenerine reuptake inhibitors
Act on both serotonin and NE to relieve depression, OCD, pain often accompanying depression
Serotonin syndrome
Effexor, Cymbalta
SSRI Prototype: Fluoxetine (Prozac)20-80mg/D
Starts 20 qD; Depression’ OCD’ Bulimia nervosa’ PMS Insomnia, headache; serotonin syndrome
when 2 drugs potentiate serotonergic neurotransmission- block serotonin immediately; may be
fatal; do not use with any other medications that increase serotonin or MAOIs. Potentiate many
other drugs, inc St Johns Wort. SE nervousness, insomnia, headache, seizures, tachycardia;
Suicide precautions
Serotonin Syndrome: when 2 drugs that potentiate serotonergic transmission are used
concurrently( St johns Wort, MAOIs, pg 159)
Labile blood pressure, mental status changes, myclonus, hyperreflexia, shivering, tremors
STOP medications immediately. MD will prescribe medication to block the serotonin receptors.
Artificial ventilation may be needed
May be fatal
Types of Antidepressants
Table 10-2
Table 10-4 All Antidepressants
Dry mouth
Discontinuation Syndromes
Offer sugarless candy, gum ice chips, water, oral hygiene
Administer at bedtime; Advise not to use dangerous equipment when experiencing sedation
Take with food to minimize effect
Must taper gradually all antidepressants
Abrupt withdrawal SSRI-dizziness, headache, lethargy, headache;
TCA-hypomania, cardiac arrhythmias, panic attacks; MAOI;s- confusion, hypomania, worsening of
Tricyclics and Wellbutrin
Reduces seizure threshold
Weight gain
Blurred vision
Urinary retention
Orthostatic hypotension
Observe client with seizure disorder closely; Give no more than 150 mg per dose and nor closer
than 8 hours apart
Encourage increased activity. Nutritional instruction
High fiber food, increased water
Should subside after a few weeks; do not drive while blurred
Monitor any difficulties
Advise to Rise slowly; avoid hot long showers or baths
Ensure the use of sunscreen, sunglasses, protective clothing
Insomnia, agitation
Weight loss
Sexual dysfunction
Serotonin Syndrome
Myclonus, restlessness
Hyperreflexia, tachycardia, shivering, tremors, tremors
Instruct take early in the day, avoid caffeine, teach relaxation prior bedtime
Administer analgesic
Initial loss, instruct maintain caloric intake, daily weights
Men- abnormal ejaculation, impotence; women- delayed or loss of orgasm
Discontinue drug immediately; MD will order a serotonin blocking agent; artificial ventilation may be
required; if med is not discontinued, it may become serious and fatal
Hypertensive Crisis if consumes re occipital headache tyramine
Severe occipital headache
Nuchal rigidity
Fever, sweating
Increased B/P
Chest pain
Discontinue drug immediately
Monitor vital signs, administer antihypertensive agent, use cooling measures
Mood Stabilizers
10-5 in text
Anti manic and anticonvulsant medications; are others
Action is treatment of bipolar illness is unclear
Common side effects include drowsiness, dizziness, dry mouth, GI upset, fine hand tremors,
weight gain.
Therapeutic Blood levels 1.-1.5 mEq/L for mania;
For maintenance: 0.6-1.2 mEq/L
Page 167 in text
AntimanicLithium(Eskalith)300-600mg TID*Blood levels;Ind to blood levels; May balance
biogenic amines of norepi and serotonin ; alters sodium and potassium transport; decreased
sodium intake and water intake leads to lithium toxicity; increased sodium and water intake
leads to decreased lithium retention SE: Headache, drowsiness, seizure, dry mouth, polyuria,
glycouria, proteinuria, albuminuria, hypotension, leukocytosis; contr liver disease, pregt, OBS,
Many precautions, Excreted by kidney: Many toxic interactions; Teach toxicity symptoms ( V,D,
tremors) BLOOD LevelS weekly then monthly-0.5-1.5 mEq/LMust balance use of sodium and
water intake; initially 2-3 L/D then 1-2 L/D; Embryotoxic
Lithium Toxicity
Blood levels
Warning Signs
Muscle twitching
Weakness, drowsiness
Decreased urine output
Decreased blood pressure
Irregular pulse
EKG changes
Altered consciousness
Side effects and intervention Lithium: 10-6
Lithium toxicity
Margin between therapeutic and nontherapeutic are narrow
Usual ranges:
Acute mania:1.0-1.5mEq/L
Maintence0.06-1.2 mEq/L
Toxicity appears at 1.5 or greater and are dosage determinant
1.5-2.0 Blurred vision, ataxia, tinnitus, N,V,D
2.0-3.5 Excess output of urine, tremors, muscular irritability, giddiness, confusion
3.5 or greater impaired consciousness, nystagmus, seizure, coma oliguria, cardiac
Monitor levels weekly until levels are stable then monthly
Blood draw 12 hours after last dose
If high or symptoms: Hold dose, notify MD
Li is similar chemical structure to sodium and competes with sodium in the body; if sodium
intake is reduced or the body is depleted of sodium lithium is reabsorbed by the kidneys
increasing the chance for toxicity
Patients should consume a diet adequate in sodium and 2,5000-3,000 of fluid each day.
Adequate intake and output records
Side effects and intervention Lithium: 10-6
Lithium toxicity
Margin between therapeutic and nontherapeutic are narrow
Usual ranges:
Acute mania:1.0-1.5mEq/L
Maintence0.06-1.2 mEq/L
Toxicity appears at 1.5 or greater and are dosage determinant
1.5-2.0 Blurred vision, ataxia, tinnitus, N,V,D
2.0-3.5 Excess output of urine, tremors, muscular irritability, giddiness, confusion
3.5 or greater impaired consciousness, nystagmus, seizure, coma oliguria, cardiac
Monitor levels weekly until levels are stable then monthly
Blood draw 12 hours after last dose
If high or symptoms: Hold dose, notify MD
Li is similar chemical structure to sodium and competes with sodium in the body; if sodium
intake is reduced or the body is depleted of sodium lithium is reabsorbed by the kidneys
increasing the chance for toxicity
Patients should consume a diet adequate in sodium and 2,5000-3,000 of fluid each day.
Adequate intake and output records
Drowsiness, dizziness
Dry mouth
GI upset, N,V
Hand tremors
Polyuria, dehydration
Weight gain
Teach client must not participate in activities that require alertness
Hard candy, sips, oral hygiene
Take medication with food
Report tremors to MD, observe severity
Monitor vital signs
Daily weight,intake,output,skin turgor
Instruct keep adequate intake of sodium; instruct reduced calorie diet if gain weight
Lithium con’t
Med noncompliance
Dietary teaching
Risk of fetal malformation
Instruct to take ,even when feeling well
Do not skimp on dietary sodium intake, drink 6-8 glasses of water daily
Avoid caffeine which increases urinary output
Notify MD if N,V occurs (sodium loss)
Carry a card regarding Li
Discuss with MD the desire to become or realization of pregnancy
As previous, instruct patient on bloodwork, dietary teachings and signs and interventions
Valproic Acid
Drowsiness, dizziness
Blood dyscrasias
Prolonged bleeding time
Severe rash
Decreased efficacy of BCP
Do not discontinue
Do not mix with alcohol
Take with food
Do not operate machinery
Report bleeding ( gums, bruising)
Regular bloodwork for therapeutic levels and platelet count
Instruct to inform of rash
Make client aware of BCP risks
Instruct to not abruptly withdrawal , MD will taper
Carry a card
Quicker action
Can be used with lithium
Action unknown
( Do you use antidepressants in mania?)
Anticonvulsant Valproic Acid (Depakote)Psych purposes750 mg QD, max 60mg/kg/dBlood
levelsIncrease GABA in the brain;Manic episodes, adjunctive to schizophrenia, tardive dyskinesia
( Mental health Purposes)Thrombocytopenia, sedation, drowsiness, dizziness, N,V,C,D ,hepatic
failure Valproic acid levels to prevent toxicity 50-100mcg/mlMust wean slowly to prevent
seizuresPhysical dependency may result