Parent Information - St Mary`s Banbridge

Independent Skills in Primary One
Children should be able to put their own coats on and off themselves
Children should be able to put their own jumper on and off themselves
Teach children to match right/left shoes to feet
Children should be able to use scissors, e.g. practice cutting out Argos
catalogue pictures
Parent Information
All school clothing should be 1abeled, especially jumpers-encourage
children to recognize their own names
All monies should be put into an enveloped with your child’s name,
amount and what the money is for
Check your child’s schoolbag on a daily basis for notes etc.
Please return reply slips as soon as possible
Text messaging service-make sure we have correct mobile phone
Individual Parent’s meeting in October
Formal report at the end of the year
An appointment can be arranged with class teacher if requested
We are in partnership together. Spend time with your child. Read with them
each evening, play games, encourage them to take turns – they do not always
have to win! But keep them playing to the end of the game to develop
concentration. Teachers need your support if we are to achieve the best for
your child. Let the teacher know if there are any problems relating to your child.
Stocking Fillers from Santa!!
Jigsaws-various sizes
Colouring books
Family board games-children should learn they do not always have
to win/taking turns/sharing
Whiteboards/blackboards/markers/magnetic letters
Story books/story CD’s
Picture dictionaries
Primary One
St. Mary’s Primary
Topics in Primary One
Me-photographs will be required of the children as a baby, Homes, Celebrations,
Christmas/birthdays, The Post Office, Living Things, and Journeys
The Primary One curriculum is topic based and children learn the subjects of Art,
Music, History, Geography and Science and Technology through them. Below are
some examples of the learning the children will be doing during Primary One
History: Me now and in the past
Geography: Recording the weather, children will become familiar with their
school and local environment; learn about animals and their habitats
Science and Technology: learn about the changing seasons, how plants/animals
grow, learning about their five senses, electricity and safety in the home.
Primary One CORE COMPETENCIES in Numeracy
The following is a list of numeracy activities the children should achieve by June.
 Count orally in 1’s forwards, backwards, to and from 15
 Count in 1’s forwards, backwards from a given number within 15
 Recognize, read, write numbers to 5, then 10, then 15
 Find numbers “before”, “after’”, “between” within 15
 Order consecutive numbers increasing/decreasing
 Find missing numbers in consecutive sequence
 Understand and use “first”, “last”
 Understand concept of zero as the empty set
 Conservation of number
Practical activities
 Sorting for colour/types
 Formation of numbers 1-15
 Recognition of numbers
 Rote counting
 Understanding the concept of 0-15
 Money 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p, £1
 Measure-capacity, weight and length
 Time: o’clock
 Shape and space: exploring the properties of 2d and 3d shapes
 Mental Maths - daily start to each Maths lesson
Primary One Literacy and Language
Linguistic Phonics approach to reading and writing from P.1-P.7
-Children will learn the sound of a letter NOT the name
Children will learn to build sounds together to make words, words go
together to make sentences
Not all words can be sounded out – HIGH FREQUENCY WORDS are taught
e.g.. here, come
Primary One
St. Mary’s Primary
Shared reading –Big Books – author, illustrator, front/back cover, spinestories are used to engage children in talking and listening activities
Reading books – children will initially get wordless books home in their
homework folder.
Reading in Primary One
Shared Reading: Big Books Front cover, back cover, author, illustrator
 Discuss pictures, predict what story is about
 Focus on listening
Oxford Reading Tree-initially the children will have wordless books to develop
listening, book language and comprehension. Each book will also have a
question sheet. Books and high frequency words will be sent home in a reading
folder and must be returned the next day because the books are shared between
two classes.
ICT Skills in Primary One
The Interactive whiteboard is used in the morning to introduce the class to
computer programs and apps. Children will have the opportunity to use the
computers and iPads on a daily basis.
All children in Primary One will have access to computers and iPads in their
classrooms. The children will learn how to use the mouse and manoeuvre it
around the screen. They will also learn how to navigate through the different
Literacy and Numeracy programmes for foundation Stage. By the end of the year
the majority of P.1 children should be able to type their own name using the
keyboard. Children will also learn how to open and close apps, swipe, and use
the home button.
Children will learn how to use the Beebot – a robot that they can programme
themselves to go in different directions.
Below are some websites that you may find helpful with your child’s learning in
Primary One. -useful for introducing sounds -both Literacy and Numeracy activities for Foundation stage
Primary One
St. Mary’s Primary
iPads in Term One 2014
The Wheels on the Bus
Candy count
3-5 Maths/ sorting and matching
ABC magnetic board
Ready to Print
Starfall ABCs
Literacy: Pencil control/fine motor
Numeracy: shape and number
Syllable awareness
Sight words
Collins Big Cat [books]-It was a
ABC pocket phonics
Hairy Letters
World around us/homes
Kids Doodle
World around us/ourselves
Dr. Panda’s Hospital
World around us/Ourselves
Parents, if you have unused and unwanted headphones that came with
your smartphone we would greatly appreciate these for use with our iPads!
Primary One
St. Mary’s Primary
Physical Development and Movement
P.E will take place once a week
 Gross motor skills
 Playing together
 Dance/movement
 Use of large and small apparatus
Learning Through Play
Planned Topic Based Learning with Specific Focus
 Table top activities: jigsaws, play dough, games
 Small world: house, farm, Noah’s ark, Lego hospital
 Art and craft: painting, drawing, collage, junk art
 Writing table: get well cards, prescriptions, birthday cards shopping lists
 Sand and water: containers, funnels tubing, syringes, medicine bottles,
baby equipment, sea creatures
 Computer/iPads specific programs and apps related to topics and skill
 Home Corner: Hospital, witch’s castle, Christmas at home, Birthday
celebration, Post Office, Home Corner/looking after baby, Beach side café
and barbecue
 Reading Area: related to current topic
 Listening Centre: stories, songs and listening games
Behaviour-Self Control
Clear routine and boundaries
Class rules
Happy sun/Sad cloud
Thinking chair
Sand timer
Praise, Praise, Praise Positive Behaviour
Stickers for best boy/girl every week in assembly
We follow the ‘Alive O’ Programme
 Progressive scheme from P1-P7 of stories, poems and songs with
activities and discussions
 Participate in prayers, assemblies and religion festivals
 Daily prayers
Primary One
St. Mary’s Primary
The following prayers are being taught to Primary
One by their class teachers
1. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of
the Holy Spirit. Amen
2. Morning Prayer: Father in heaven you love me,
you are with me night and day. I want to love you
always in all I do and say. I’ll try to please you
Father, bless me through the day. Amen
3. Prayer Before Meals: Bless us O Lord as we sit
together, bless the food we eat today. Bless the
hands that made the food. Bless us O Lord. Amen.
4. Night Prayer: God our father I come to say than
you for your love today. Thank you for my family
and all the friends you give to me. Guard me in
the dark of night and in the morning send your
light. Amen.
5. Prayer After Meals: Thank you God for the food
we have eaten. Thank you God for all our friends.
Thank you God for every thing. Thank you God.
Thank you for your attendance and support
Primary One
St. Mary’s Primary
Primary One
St. Mary’s Primary