Why did Gulliver think he had made an enemy of the

Dear students
Please read the chapters from 5 to 8 and then use the guiding questions to write
an essay about this part of the story.
This is to be submitted the first day of school.
Ch. 5
 Dropping Gulliver:
 A baby giant had dropped Gulliver some ten metres from the ground, but he was lucky. He
did not hit the hard floor but landed in a soft blanket.
 The attack of the rats:
 Suddenly Gulliver saw two rats, the size of two large dogs. They jumped up onto the bed
and began to attack him. Gulliver was able to hurt the giant rat that attacked him. He used
his knife to defend himself.
  The farmer's daughter's kindness:
 The farmer's daughter, Glumdalclitch helped her mother to prepare a bed for Gulliver.
 she made Gulliver clothes and dressed him like a doll.
 She taught him her language.
 She was very kind and called him Grildrig, That name means "puppet".
 The old man's suggestion:
 The old man suggested that the farmer take Gulliver to the market and have people pay to
see him walking and talking.
  People flock to see Gulliver:
 More and more people wanted to see Gulliver.
 Getting more money:
 The farmer was very happy because he was getting a lot of money, and he decided to take
Gulliver to all the cities in the land so he could show him to more people.
 Gulliver's illness and tiredness:
 Gulliver had to perform many times a day for the people who came to see him. After a few
weeks, Gulliver had lost a lot of weight and felt ill and tired.
  Luck:
 Luck was with Gulliver. A servant arrived from the palace and said that the farmer should
go at once to show Gulliver to the Queen.
 Reasons for selling Gulliver:
 The farmer was so willing to sell Gulliver to the Queen for a thousand pieces of gold
because he saw that Gulliver was losing weight and felt ill and tired. He thought he would
die soon.
Ch. 6
 The king's confusion:
 The King of Brobdingnag did not know what to think of Gulliver, so he decided to ask for
the advice of the best scholars in the land.
 The king's advisers' opinion:
 Three advisers arrived and examined Gulliver carefully.
 One of them said he couldn't understand how a man could be so small and stay alive in
their country.
 Another one said Gulliver wasn't very strong or very fast and his teeth were too small to eat
anything without help, unless he ate insects.
 Gulliver's defense:
 Gulliver said that there were many people like him in his country and that they lived and
ate as easily as the people of their land.
  The king's decision:
 The King asked the farmer, his daughter and the Queen more questions about Gulliver. He
said that his scholars were wrong and what Gulliver said was true.
 He also said the Queen could keep him and Glumdalclitch could stay as his teacher as she
liked him greatly.
 Gulliver's house:
 The Queen asked the palace carpenter to make Gulliver a comfortable home, the size of the
box that he had been carried in by the farmer. Soon he had a lovely house with a front door
and large windows.
 The cream accident:
 The servant picked Gulliver up and dropped him into a bowl of cream and then ran away. it
was lucky that he was a good swimmer . Glumdalclitch rescued him
 Another trick by the servant:
 the servant shoved him down the hole of a meat bone. Glumdalclitch took him out.
 The bees:
 A bigger problem for Gulliver was the bees One day, when Gulliver was eating some cake,
three bees flew in through his window. He pulled out his sword and attacked them, cutting
off their stings,
 Gulliver's accidents in the palace gardens:
 One day, Glumdalclitch put him down on the ground under some apple trees while she
went for a walk. When the servant saw him under the trees alone, he shook the branches
and about twelve apples fell down.
 Once, a bird almost picked him up before he frightened it away with his sword.
 Another time, he fell into a huge hole that had been made by some animal and found it
very difficult to get out of it.
 On another day, it began to hail. Each hail stone was the size of a tennis ball
 Gulliver's worst accident happened when a dog arrived, smelt him and took him in its
mouth before he could run away to its master
 The monkey and Gulliver:
 The biggest danger for Gulliver was from a monkey. When Gulliver tried to escape, he
squeezed him. monkey quickly climbed up onto the roof of the palace
 Gulliver felt the wind blowing strongly on his face. He prayed that the servants could get
him down before the wind blew him off the roof.
Ch. 7
 Saving Gulliver:
 Gulliver was at the top of the palace roof. He was in danger of being blown off by the
wind. A brave servant reached him from his ladder and carried him down in his pocket.
 Gulliver's illness:
 After this adventure, Gulliver was so ill that he had to stay in bed for two weeks.
 Gulliver's visit to the king in his office:
 When Gulliver was better, he visited the King in his office.
 Telling the king about England:
 The king asked Gulliver to tell him more about his country.
Gulliver told him all about England: its government and its weather, about the arts and our
education, and about their own kings and queens. The king took notes
Gulliver seemed to think that his country's legal system was very weak and the government
was extremely strange, and slowly he began to see England through his eyes.
 Was Gulliver lucky?
 The king thought that Gulliver was lucky to have come to his country. He thought his land
was better because the people wanted to grow food rather than make war.
 The difference between Brobdingnag and England:
 In his talks with the King, Gulliver discovered that Brobdingnag was different from his
country. The people never travelled outside the country. They didn’t need weapons. They
didn’t have wars with other countries. They didn’t have many books.
 The King's library:
 The King's library, the largest in the land, had only a thousand books in it. The King said
that he could borrow anything that he wanted to read and asked his carpenter to make him a
ladder so he could reach the top shelves.
 A journey to one of the King's palaces:
 One day, Glumdalclitch and Gulliver travelled with the King and Queen in the south of
 Going to the beach:
 When they arrived at the beach, Gulliver was very pleased to see the sea again.
 Gulliver and the seabird:
 A seabird picked up his box and carried it off in its feet.
 Gulliver was worried because some birds carry seashells high into the sky and drop them
onto a hard rock to break open the shells so they can get to the soft food inside.
Ch. 8
 Dropping Gulliver in the sea:
 The bird dropped Gulliver's box in the sea.
 Shouting for help:
 The box also had a small hole in one side to let in air. Gulliver put his mouth close to this
hole and shouted for help,
 The sailors' opinion about Gulliver:
 Gulliver asked the sailors to pick up the box and carry it onto their ship, where they could
lift up the roof. They laughed because they thought he was joking, or perhaps he was mad
 The captain's kindness:
 The captain of the ship, Mr Thomas Wilcocks, realised that Gulliver was very weak and
probably ill. He took him inside and sat him down on a bed before giving him a hot drink.
 Taking Gulliver's things out of the box:
 Before going to sleep, he told him that he had said some important things in the box that
he didn't want to lose: valuable furniture and blankets and some other souvenirs.
 The captain's opinion about Gulliver:
 the captain thought that he was a criminal, who'd been put inside the box to be punished.
He threatened to take him to the nearest port and leave him there.
 Speaking in a loud voice:
 The captain asked Gulliver why he spoke in such a loud voice. Gulliver said he was so
small in their land that he had to speak loudly to be heard.
 Reaching England:
The ship arrived back at the south coast of England,
 Arriving home:
 Gulliver arrived back at his house. He was very happy to see his family. He blamed ‫ وبخ‬his
wife for not feeding his children enough because they were all too small. Gulliver's wife
thought that he was behaving very strangely and that perhaps he was mad
 Gulliver's promise:
Gulliver promised his wife not to go abroad again. She said there must have been a job that
could pay him enough money in their country. He agreed that his adventures were finally
1 – Why did not Gulliver get hurt when the baby dropped him?
2 – What happened to Gulliver when he was in the bedroom?
3 – What did the farmer's daughter Glumdalclitch do for Gulliver?
4 – Who suggested that the farmer take Gulliver to the market?
5 – Why did Gulliver become ill and tired?
6 – Why was the farmer so willing to sell Gulliver to the queen?
7 – How did Gulliver feel towards the farmer and his daughter?
8 – What did the king think when he saw Gulliver and why didn't he believe
Gulliver's story?
9 – Why did Gulliver think he had made an enemy of the king?
10 – Where did Gulliver stay in the palace? and describe it?
11 – Who did Gulliver eat with ?
12 – Mention some of bad things that happened to Gulliver at the palace?
13 – What did Gulliver know about the geography of the country?
14 – Where did the monkey take Gulliver?
15 – What are the differences between England and Brobdingnag?
16 – How was Gulliver rescued from the roof ?
17 – What happened to the monkey ?
18 – What did the king think of Gulliver's country?
19 – What were some of the questions did the king ask Gulliver about
E n g la n d ?
20 – What was the king's reaction when Gulliver offered to show him how to
make weapons?
21 – Why did the king of Brobdingnag think Gulliver was lucky?
22 – How did Gulliver read the books in the library?
23 – Why did Gulliver decide he wanted to leave Brobdingnag?
24 – How did he leave Brobdingnag ?
25 – What did Gulliver do to get people's attention?
26 – How did Gulliver get rescued and out of his box?
27 – Why did Gulliver tell the sailors to lift up the roof?
28 – Why did the sailors laugh when Gulliver asked them to lift the roof?
29 – Why did the sailors look small and strange to Gulliver?
30 – Why did the sailors let the box fall back into the sea after taking
Gulliver's things from it?
31 – Why did Gulliver speak in such a loud voice?
B ) Read the quotation and answer the questions :
" Well if he is so clever , you should make him work so that you can earn some money
from him. "
1 – W ho said this to whom?
The farmer's friend to the farmer.
C ) Find the mistake :
1 – Gulliver killed the rats that attacked him.
Gulliver hurt one of them and they escaped.
2 – The farmer took Gulliver to the supermarket after some weeks.
to the market
3 – The farmer went to the market by ship.by horse
4 – The farmer asked the queen if his daughter could stay as Gulliver's
Gulliver asked the queen if Glumdalclitch could stay as his teacher
5 – Glumdalclitch was sad to leave her father.
happy (excited) to have a good job
6 – The farmer tricked the queen by selling Gulliver.
The farmer didn't trick queen
7 – W hen the queen saw Gulliver she thought he was a toy.
The king
8 – Gulliver was sad to leave the farmer.
was happy
9 – The farmer's daughter taught Gulliver the language of Lilliput.
the language of Brobdingnag
10 – Lorbrulgrud was the name given to Gulliver. Grildrig
B ) Read the quotation and answer the questions :
" I cannot believe that people who are so small can have houses and
cities , clothes and jobs, rewards and prizes , arguments and fights! "
1 – W ho said this and to whom?
The king to one of his advisers.
C ) Find the mistake :
1 – The scholars thought that it was possible that there was a land full of
small people.
2 – Gulliver took all his meals with the king and the queen.
The king join them only on Wednesday.
3 – Gulliver felt happy when the king laughed at his country.
sad and
4 – The country of the giants has only one harbor.
5 – The giants get their fish from the seas.
The rivers
6 – The carpenter made Gulliver a boat to leave the country.
to sail in the lake
7 – A bee jumped into the lake.
A frog
8 – The monkey came into Gulliver's house.
Gulliver's room.
9 – The frog took Gulliver to the top of the palace.
The monkey
10 – A servant dropped Glumdalclitch in the bowl of cream.
B ) Read the quotation and answer the questions :
" I have always been very interested in science but I cannot believe that
anyone would want to have such terrible things."
1 – W ho was the speaker and to whom?
The king of Brobdingnag to Gulliver.
2 – W hat are the terrible things?
the weapons that easily kill people.
3 – How did the listener feel after hearing these words?
He thought that his country was small and unimportant and badly run
2 – " You are very lucky because you have escaped to a better place,
where people want to grow food rather than make war."
1 – W ho said these words? and to Whom
The king of Brobdingnag to Gulliver .
C ) Find the mistake :
1 – A brave scholar saved Gulliver.
2 – The king was interested to know how to make weapons. horrified.
3 – The queen's library had a thousand books.
4 – Brobdingnag had wars with other countries.
had no wars.
6 – Brobdingnag often have wars with other countries. Never
7 – The king said if a ship came Gulliver could return in it.
B ) Read the quotations and answer the questions :
1 – " That is not necessary . Just ask one of your sailors to pick up the
box and carry it onto your ship."
1 – W ho said this and to whom?
Gulliver to the sailor (captain)
2 – " The sailors said this was very difficult and they had only raised it a
little when I saw your handkerchief .."
1 – W ho said this and to whom?
The captain (Thomas Wilcoks)
C ) Find the mistakes :
1 – The captain thought the box was a house.
a boat.
2 – Gulliver could raise the roof of the house.
3 – Gulliver used a blanket and tied it to a pole.
a handkerchief
4 – Someone called to Gulliver in French.
In English.
5 – Gulliver thought the sailors were as small as him. were giants.
6 – The captain asked the cook to make a hole to get Gulliver out
the carpenter
7 – The captain believed Gulliver's story immediately.Believed he was mad
8 – The captain was interested in the ring.in the tooth.
9 – Gulliver hired a bike to go home.a horse
10 – The ship was returning to Brobdingnag.to England.