School life - Curriculum Support

Stage 4
School life
Co-creator: Amanda Singh
School: Cherrybrook Technology High School
Activity context
These digital resources have been designed for languages teachers to use with Interactive Whiteboards
(IWBs) to consolidate the language learned when studying the topic of school life.
Syllabus links:
A student demonstrates understanding of the main ideas and supporting detail in written
texts and responds appropriately
A student establishes and maintains communication in familiar situations
A student applies a range of linguistic structures to express own ideas in writing
A student demonstrates understanding of the importance of appropriate use of language in
diverse contexts
Notebook page
Title page
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Classroom objects: Introduction
This page introduces the vocabulary of classroom objects.
The teacher touches the cell shades to reveal the
vocabulary for each classroom object.
To remove a cell shade, click on it. To put a cell shade
back, right-click in the cell and choose 'Add Cell Shade'
from the pop-up menu.
To change images, drag new images into each cell.
Change the matching vocabulary word/s by double clicking
in the cell.
Classroom objects: Writing
This is the same table as on the previous page, but the
cells have been left blank.
The teacher can use this page to have the students write
the vocabulary on the IWB.
To change images, drag new images into each cell. To
add text, double-click on a cell and type.
Classroom objects: Speaking
The teacher pulls the tab across the screen to read
Students drag the arrow from the top of the bag to pull an
object out of the bag. Students can use this page to talk
about what is in their bag.
Classroom objects: Reading 1
The teacher drags the tab down to read the instructions.
Students read the text and drag the appropriate objects
into the bag. If an object belongs in the bag, it will
disappear behind the bag. If an object does not belong, it
will sit in front of the bag.
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Classroom objects: Reading 2
The teacher drags the tab down to read the instructions.
Students read the text and drag the appropriate objects
into the bag. If an object belongs in the bag, it will
disappear behind the bag. If an object does not belong, it
will sit in front of the bag.
Classroom objects: Reading 3
The teacher drags the tab down to read the instructions.
Students read the text and drag the appropriate objects
into the bag. If an object belongs in the bag, it will
disappear behind the bag. If an object does not belong, it
will sit in front of the bag.
Classroom objects: Object sort
The teacher drags the tab across to read the instructions.
This activity is for practising indefinite articles and gender.
Students drag each image into the correct column.
To change the images and/or column labels, click on 'Edit'.
Days of the week
The teacher drags the tab across to read the instructions.
The teacher touches the left or right edge of the black box.
The box moves down to reveal the next day of the week.
This can be used by the teacher to introduce the days of
the week.
To reset, drag the black box back to the top of the page.
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Subject vocabulary: Introduction
The teacher and/or students drag the magnifying glass
around the screen to reveal vocabulary related to school
Subject vocabulary: Image match
The teacher drags the tab across to read the instructions.
The images for different school subjects will flash on the
page. When students touch the images, they will stop
flashing and three vocabulary items will be displayed from
which to choose.
To change the images and/or text, click on 'Edit'.
The teacher drags the tab across to read the instructions.
This page can be used as a stimulus for speaking practice.
The teacher can also cover some of the subjects in the
timetable with cell shades (right-click in any cell and
choose 'Add Cell Shade' from the pop-up menu). Students
then listen to the teacher speaking a text in French, and
work out which subjects are missing from the timetable.
Describing subjects: Colour reveal
The teacher and/or students slide the French phrases
through the tunnel to reveal the definition on the red side
of the screen.
To edit text, double-click on it.
Assessment strategies:
The teacher:
 observes students responding to questions, participating in activities and interacting with each other
 provides direct oral feedback to the class to enhance learning
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 supports individual students with additional explanations and feedback
 reinforces linguistic links and encourages students to make linguistic connections
 provides opportunities for summative as well as formative assessment.
Assessment criteria:
The student:
 listens actively to aid comprehension
 practises pronunciation to assist in oral skills
 develops skills in the spelling of French words
 participates in activities to develop vocabulary recognition
 demonstrates comprehension of written French
 develops and demonstrates oral and writing skills in context.
The Notebook files for each student can form part of your assessment to inform your teaching and capture
"point in time" learning.
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