Guide_Relationships with other schemes

Relationships with other schemes
These are the instructions on how to enter information under the ‘Relationships with other schemes’ topic
in the Habitat Definition. All instructions are written in red. Please write your own answers in black and
remove the links and guiding texts from the Habitats Definitions. Remember to also copy this section to the
Habitats Fact Sheet, under the Classification topic on the first page.
Annex 1 relationships
The relationship between HUB biotopes and Annex 1 habitats has not yet been mapped
No photograph currently available for this habitat.
No corresponding habitat type found.
The biotope does not correspond directly to any EUNIS (2004) level 4 habitats due to
structural differences the classification systems. The closest correspondence in EUNIS is
found in the level 4 habitat ‘Deep circalittoral mud’ (A5.37).
MAES relationships
Marine – Marine inlets and transitional waters
Marine – Coastal
MSFD relationships
Please choose the relevant category or categories for your habitat from the attached crosswalk between
EUSeaMap and MSFD predominant habitat types (Annex 1). Only the highlighted habitats are relevant for
the European Red List of Habitats project.
EUSeaMap relationships
Please choose the relevant category or categories for your habitat from the attached crosswalk between
EUSeaMap and MSFD predominant habitat types (Annex 1). Only the highlighted habitats are relevant for
the European Red List of Habitats project.
IUCN ecosystem relationships
Please choose the relevant category or categories for your habitat from the attached IUCN Habitats
Classification Scheme (Annex 2).
Annex 1: EUSeaMap and MSFD predominant habitat types
Crosswalk between EUSeaMap and
MSFD predominant habitat types
Source: ETC/BD
EUSeaMap (Agregate Map)
MSFD Predominant Habitat Types
Littoral rock & biogenic reef
Littoral sediment
Not mapped
Pelagic habitats (5 types)
Sea ice habitats
Shallow photic rock or biogenic reef
Shallow aphotic rock or biogenic reef
Shallow sublittoral rock & biogenic reef
Shallow sands
Shallow sublittoral sand
Shallow muds
Shallow sublittoral mud
Shallow coarse or mixed sediments
Shallow sublittoral coarse sediment and Shallow
sublittoral mixed sediment
Shelf rock or biogenic reefs
Shelf sublittoral rock & biogenic reef
Shelf sands
Shelf sublittoral sand
Shelf muds
Shelf sublittoral mud
Shelf coarse or mixed sediments
Shelf sublittoral coarse sediment and Shelf sublittoral
mixed sediment
Bathyal rock or biogenic reefs
Upper bathyal rock & biogenic reef
Lower bathyal rock & biogenic reef
Bathyal sands
Bathyal muds
Upper bathyal sediment
& Lower bathyal sediment
Bathyal coarse or mixed sediments
Abyssal rock or biogenic reefs
Abyssal rock & biogenic reef
Abyssal sands
Abyssal muds
Abyssal sediment
Abyssal coarse or mixed sediments
Seagrass meadows
Shallow sublittoral sand (and coarse/mixed sediment)
Highlighted with yellow = photic habitats
Highlighted with blue = aphotic habitats
The European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity (ETC/BD) is a consortium of nine organisations
under a Framework Partnership Agreement with the European Environment Agency
Annex 2: IUCN Habitats Classification Scheme – only habitats relevant for the Baltic Sea
WG (European Red List of Habitats) are included.