Youth Jam Leader Posting

Youth Jam Leader
Northwood United Church in the Fleetwood area of Surrey is looking for a music leader
for our "Youth Jam" - a combined choir and band of young people ages Grade 7 and
older. This position is best suited for those with some music leadership experience,
including arranging and familiarity with a range of instruments. It is preferable to be
familiar with the United Church of Canada.
The successful applicant will:
 Choose age-appropriate and inspiring/engaging music of our faith
 Lead practice for an hour following the morning service each Sunday
 Prepare the young people to sing and perform music, using voice and a variety of
instruments, in Sunday morning worship service every 4-6 weeks.
Salary is $300.00 per month.
Please e-mail a cover letter and your resume to Pam Dawson, Chair M&P committee,
Northwood United Church at