12th Annual CE Symposium June 4-5, 2015 Schedule – as of 3/18/15 Thursday, June 4, 2015 Time Title/Topic 7:30-8:00am Registration/Breakfast/Tech Help 8:00-8:15am Welcome and Introductions 8:15-10:15am New Drugs I 10:15-10:30am 10:30-11:45am Break 11:45-1:00PM Lunch Medication Therapy Management Case and Billing Review: An Update Speaker Mary Graham, PharmD, FASHP, Dean of Butler University College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences Joe Jordan, PharmD, BCPS, Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice at Butler University and Drug Information Specialist, IU Health Jessica Wilhoite, PharmD, BCACP, Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice at Butler University, and Primary Care Clinical Pharmacist, St. Vincent Health Activity Type/Hours Objectives Knowledge 2.0 1. Review new molecular entities and newly indicated drugs approved by FDA in 2014 and early 2015, including indications and potential off label uses. 2. Recognize the clinical relevant drug interactions, common adverse effects, monitoring parameters, contraindications and precautions of new drugs. 3. Compare and contrast to other members of the therapeutic classes. UAN #: 0017-0000-15-001-L01-P Application 1.25 1. Practice the five core elements of the MTM service model through patient case discussions. 2. Identify medication-related problems and possible solutions through patient case discussions. 3. Discuss potential sources of reimbursement for the provision of MTM services. UAN #: 0017-0000-15-002-L01-P OPTIONAL Lunch Round Tables (Both Days): 12:00 – 12:30pm Round Table 1: Parenteral Nutrition- Right formula for the right patient? Jane Gervasio, PharmD, BCNSP, FCCP, Chair and Professor of Pharmacy Practice at Butler University Application 0.5 1. Identify which factors to consider when reviewing the history and physical exam of a patient receiving parenteral nutrition? 2. Calculate energy and protein requirements for a given patient. 3. Evaluate a given PN formula for a patient and determine if it meets the patient’s requirements. UAN #: 0017-0000-15-003-L01-P Round Table 2: Ingredients, Excipients, Fillers...Oh My Herbal Supplements! Annette McFarland, PharmD, Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice at Butler University Knowledge 0.5 1. Summarize details about an investigation that revealed select herbal supplements sold by four major retailers were mislabeled and contaminated. 2. Discuss reputable on-line resources with information about selecting nutritional supplements. UAN #: 0017-0000-15-004-L04-P Round Table 3: What’s New in Stroke Prevention? Tracy Costello, PharmD, BCPS, Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice at Butler University, and Clinical Pharmacy Specialist, Family Medicine/PGY2 Pharmacotherapy Residency Program Director, Community Hospital East Sheel Patel, PharmD, BCPS, Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacy Practice, Butler University Knowledge 0.5 1. Discuss the use of antiplatelet agents for the primary prevention of stroke. 2. Identify recommended non-pharmacologic treatment options for the prevention of stroke. 3. List therapeutic goals targeted to reduce risk factors associated with stroke. Round Table 4: Closing the Communication Gap Between Pharmacists & Patients UAN #: 0017-0000-15-005-L01-P Knowledge 0.5 1. Describe the communication gap between health care providers and patients. 2. Identify tips to improve communication during a counseling session. 3. Review strategies to help empower patients to be more informed on medications. UAN #: 0017-0000-15-006-L04-P 1:00-2:00 pm Round Table 5: Designing Your Rotation Experience with the Preceptor and Learner in Mind Tracy Sprunger, PharmD, BCPS, Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice at Butler University, and Clinical Pharmacy Specialist, Ambulatory Care, Butler University Health and Wellness Center Knowledge 0.5 1. Discuss strategies to design or update your learning experience. 2. Review learning styles and discuss ideas to tailor rotation activities to your learner. UAN #: 0017-0000-15-007-L04-P Round Table 6: Recategorizing Pregnancy and Lactation Labeling Deborah Zeitlin, PharmD, Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice at Butler University, and Clinical Pharmacy Specialist, IU Methodist Family Medicine Residency and IUHP Family Medicine Center Knowledge 0.5 1. Describe the new requirements for pregnancy and lactation labeling. 2. Indicate changes that will be made to patient package inserts. 3. Explain the implications of the label changes. UAN #: 0017-0000-15-008-L01-P Antimicrobial Stewardship Kendra Damer, PharmD, Knowledge 1. Explain the consequences of bacterial Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice at Butler University 1.0 resistance and inappropriate utilization of antimicrobial therapy. 2. Describe the goals of antimicrobial stewardship according to the IDSA guidelines. 3. Select individuals and/or groups that should ideally be involved in the antimicrobial stewardship practices in an acute care setting. 4. List the common strategies utilized for practicing antimicrobial stewardship in the acute care setting. 5. Demonstrate an understanding of antimicrobial stewardship strategies when provided with a case scenario. UAN #: 0017-0000-15-009-L01-P 2:00-2:15 pm Break 2:15-3:30 pm The R.A.I.D. on Pain: Pharmacists on the Frontlines Darin Ramsey, PharmD, BCPS, BCACP, Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice at Butler University and Clinical Pharmacy Specialist, Primary Care, VA Medical Center Knowledge 1.25 3:30-4:45 pm Pharmacy Pearls I All speakers from Thursday, June 4th Knowledge 1.25 4:45 pm Evaluations 1. Review roadblocks in pain management between inpatient and outpatient settings. 2. Assess new formulations and their current place in pain management. 3. Implement Indiana’s new opioid prescribing legislation into pharmacy practice. 4. Discuss tactics to deter crime in the community pharmacy setting. UAN #: 0017-0000-15-010-L05-P 1. Explain one example of a tool, intervention, skill or behavior that improves patient safety, drug information, pharmacy management & leadership, pharmacy career development, or technology. 2. Describe steps for implementation of intervention that improves patient safety, drug information, pharmacy management & leadership, pharmacy career development or technology. 3. Identify one opportunity to improve pharmacy care or pharmacy career development in a variety of healthcare practice settings. 4. List best practices in any area of patient safety, drug information, pharmacy management & leadership, pharmacy career development or technology. UAN #: 0000-15-011-L04-P Friday, June 5, 2015 Time Title/Topic 7:30-8:00am 8:15-8:45am Registration/Breakfast/Tech Help Welcome and House Keeping Erin Albert, MBA, PharmD, JD Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice, Butler University Pharmacy Law Update Erin Albert, MBA, PharmD, JD 8:45-10:45am New Drugs II 10:45-11:00 am Break Advocate to Vaccinate: A 2015 Update on ACIP Vaccination Recommendations 8:00-8:15am 11:00-12:30 pm Speaker Activity Type/Hours Objectives Knowledge 0.5 1. List the updates on pharmacy related laws that came out of the 2015 legislative session; 2. Describe the healthcare related laws that may affect pharmacy out of the 2015 Indiana General Assembly; 3. Recognize changes to the Board of Pharmacy’s administrative code. And 4. Recognize updates and changes to the law that are still pending both at the Indiana State and Federal law levels. UAN #: 0017-0000-15-012-L03-P 1. Review new molecular entities and newly indicated drugs approved by FDA in 2014 and early 2015, including indications and potential off label uses. 2. Recognize the clinical relevant drug interactions, common adverse effects, monitoring parameters, contraindications and precautions of new drugs. 3. Compare and contrast to other members of the therapeutic classes. UAN #: 0017-0000-15-013-L01-P Joe Jordan, PharmD, BCPS, Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice at Butler University and Drug Information Specialist, IU Health Knowledge 2.0 Carolyn Jung, PharmD, BCPS, Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice at Butler University and Clinical Pharmacy Specialist, Internal Medicine, Eskenazi Health Application 1.5 1. Discuss the 2015 ACIP recommendations for child, adolescent, and adult vaccinations. 2. Apply ACIP vaccination recommendations to case-based scenarios. 3. Evaluate the role of pharmacists in promoting immunization as a public health initiative. UAN #: 0017-0000-15-014-L01-P 12:30-1:45 pm Lunch OPTIONAL Lunch Round Tables (Both Days): 12:45– 1:15pm Round Table 1: Parenteral Nutrition- Right formula for the right patient? Jane Gervasio, PharmD, BCNSP, FCCP, Chair and Professor of Pharmacy Practice at Butler University Application 0.5 1. Identify which factors to consider when reviewing the history and physical exam of a patient receiving parenteral nutrition? 2. Calculate energy and protein requirements for a given patient. 3. Evaluate a given PN formula for a patient and determine if it meets the patient’s requirements. UAN #: 0017-0000-15-003-L01-P Round Table 2: Ingredients, Excipients, Fillers...Oh My Herbal Supplements! Annette McFarland, PharmD, Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice at Butler University Knowledge 0.5 1. Summarize details about an investigation that revealed select herbal supplements sold by four major retailers were mislabeled and contaminated. 2. Discuss reputable on-line resources with information about selecting nutritional supplements. UAN #: 0017-0000-15-004-L04-P Round Table 3: What’s New in Stroke Prevention? Tracy Costello, PharmD, BCPS, Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice at Butler University, and Clinical Pharmacy Specialist, Family Medicine/PGY2 Pharmacotherapy Residency Program Director, Community Hospital East Knowledge 0.5 1. Discuss the use of antiplatelet agents for the primary prevention of stroke. 2. Identify recommended non-pharmacologic treatment options for the prevention of stroke. 3. List therapeutic goals targeted to reduce risk factors associated with stroke. Sheel Patel, PharmD, BCPS, Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacy Practice, Butler University Knowledge 0.5 Round Table 4: Closing the Communication Gap Between Pharmacists & Patients UAN #: 0017-0000-15-005-L01-P 1.Describe the communication gap between health care providers and patients. 2. Identify tips to improve communication during a counseling session. 3. Review strategies to help empower patients to be more informed on medications. UAN #: 0017-0000-15-006-L04-P Round Table 5: Designing Your Rotation Experience with the Preceptor and Learner in Mind Round Table 6: Recategorizing Pregnancy and Lactation Labeling Tracy Sprunger, PharmD, BCPS, Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice at Butler University, and Clinical Pharmacy Specialist, Ambulatory Care, Butler University Health and Wellness Center Deborah Zeitlin, PharmD, Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice at Butler University, and Clinical Pharmacy Specialist, IU Methodist Family Medicine Residency and IUHP Family Medicine Center Knowledge 0.5 1. Discuss strategies to design or update your learning experience. 2. Review learning styles and discuss ideas to tailor rotation activities to your learner. UAN #: 0017-0000-15-007-L04-P Knowledge 0.5 1. Describe the new requirements for pregnancy and lactation labeling. 2. Indicate changes that will be made to patient package inserts. 3. Explain the implications of the label changes. UAN #: 0017-0000-15-008-L01-P 1:45-2:45 pm Safe Delivery of the Most Complex Drug – Parenteral Nutrition 2:45-3:00 pm 3:00-4:00 pm Break What’s New in Diabetes? A Case-Based Approach to the Guidelines 4:00-5:15 pm Pharmacy Pearls II 5:15 pm Evaluations Jane Gervasio, PharmD, BCNSP, FCCP, Chair and Professor of Pharmacy Practice at Butler University and Angela Ockerman, BS, RPh, PharmD, Assistant Professor and Laboratory Coordinator, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Butler University Application 1.0 1. Summarize best practices for parenteral nutrition prescribing and order review and processing. 2. Apply safe parenteral nutrition administration recommendations to improve the safety of this process. 3. Appraise the safety of current parenteral nutrition compounding practice. UAN #: 0017-0000-15-015-L05-P Lauren Czosnowski, PharmD, BCPS Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice at Butler University and Clinical Specialist, IU Health Methodist Hospital Application 1.0 1. Discuss updates in the 2015 American Diabetes Association Standards of Medical Care for patients with type 2 diabetes. 2. Practice making recommendations for optimizing blood glucose control based on drug mechanisms and standards of care using specific patient cases. 3. Formulate medication recommendations to help prevent long-term complications of type 2 diabetes using the 2015 American Diabetes Association Standards of Medical Care. UAN #: 0017-0000-15-016-L01-P All speakers from Friday, June 5th Knowledge 1.25 1. Explain one example of a tool, intervention, skill or behavior that improves patient safety, drug information, pharmacy management & leadership, pharmacy career development, or technology. 2. Describe steps for implementation of intervention that improves patient safety, drug information, pharmacy management & leadership, pharmacy career development or technology. 3. Identify one opportunity to improve pharmacy care or pharmacy career development in a variety of healthcare practice settings. 4. List best practices in any area of patient safety, drug information, pharmacy management & leadership, pharmacy career development or technology. UAN #: 0017-0000-15-017-L04-P