leadership events

ASA Meeting Minutes
October 8, 2014
Plante Moran – Leadership
What makes a good leader?
o Reliable
o Interactive
o Positive
o Encouraging
o Lead by example
What makes a bad leader?
o Poor listener
o Distant
o Lack of personal connection
o Lack of communication
o Inability to meet expectations
o Poor listener
o Self-centered
Attributes of good leadership
o Ability to clearly communicate
o Maturity
o Integrity
o Stability
o Reliability
o Adaptability
o Motivational
o Willingness to learn
o Enthusiastic
o Recognizing aptitude
o Effective teamwork
o Technical skills
Student Leadership – Team Setting
o Set Expectations
o Evaluate style differences
o Assess strengths
o Develop goals and milestones
o Deliver feedback and recognition
o Follow up and grow
Leadership – Looking Beyond YOU
Constant communication is key
Focus on leading, but learn to follow too.
Delegate tasks effectively
Encourage a team effort
Take ownership
Update others on progress
Stick to objectives
Deliver on deadlines
Leadership Events: The Basics
o Typically 1-3 day recruiting event hosted by a company or
o Includes activities and events related to:
 Critical thinking
 Technical skills
 Networking
 Leadership
 Teambuilding
 Philanthropy
o Benefits: A student Perspective
 Develop a network of professional contacts
 Preview the company’s culture/opportunities
 Gain Leadership experience
 Fast-track through the interview process
 See what path is best suited for your individual career
 Build your resume to make yourself more marketable
 Fun!
o Benefits: Employer Perspective
 Strengthens the relationship with universities and other
potential candidates.
 Create more company awareness in community
 Show off our culture and firm
 In-depth interview
Differentiating yourself on campus
o Get Involved!
 Join clubs/ organizations
 Attend presentations
 Stop by information tables
 Volunteer
 Be a student teacher/aide
 Mentor others
Interacting with a potential employer
o Demonstrate a professional demeanor on campus
o Greet with your name, a handshake, and a smile
o Maintain eye contact throughout conversation
o Be prepared to discuss what you are interested in that
particular company
o Know basic information about the company
o Avoid asking questions that can be answered on the front
page of company’s website.
Have fun being a leader!
o Put your time and energy into a career that you enjoy!
o Be a leader and a follower
o Take initiative, ownership, responsibility, and direction
o Enjoy your experience
Plante Moran upcoming events:
 Challenge
 Expo
Plante Moran on campus
 October 14th – Beta Alpha Psi Presentation
 October 14th , 22nd , 27th – Information Table
For more information about events, check out our website: