Two major disasters struck London within two years. In 1665 the city suffered from a disease called the plague. The dead and dying lay about the streets unattended. More than 70,000 people perished. The next year, 1666, saw London destroyed by fire. The Great Fire of London burned for more than a week, destroying more than 13,000 homes. The cat is one of nature’s most amazing animals. It has 288 light bones of incredible strength. It also has 517 spring like muscles. As a result, the cat almost seems to float into the air when it jumps. Furthermore, it can pick up the directions of a sound ten times faster than a dog can. Its vision is six times better than that of a person. Cats are truly incredible animals. The story mainly tells: A. Why cats are unusual B. How many bones cats have C. How much cats weigh D. How well cats can hear Air pollution is not a modern problem. People of the Stone Age suffered from air pollution too. A study of primitive villages in New Guinea showed that smoky fires built by early natives caused illness and death. Four out of five of those more than forty years old had lung disease. This ailment was a leading cause of death among primitive tribes. (Add you own conclusion here.) Sam: Air pollution, which is caused by smoke, has caused health problems throughout history. Caden: Now you can see that air pollution is not a new problem. Nala: Overall, air pollution has caused health problems for hundreds of years. Breanna: In conclusion, air pollution has caused lung disease for many years. Hannah: So as you can see, many people have died from air pollution over the years. Jeremy: In conclusion, air pollution is not a recent problem. Bells, which are found in many places, are useful in a variety of ways. Sometimes bells are used to scare away birds. In addition, bells warn ships of danger. Bells, also, let us know that someone wants to talk to us on the phone. Lastly, they tell us that a school day is over. Overall, bells are very useful. (Transition words in italics) (Add your topic sentence here: _____________) Nearly every village and town specializes in some fine handicraft. Taxco, for example, is famous for jewelry. Guadalajara is known for its hand-blown glass. The craftsmen of Pueblo produce unique pottery. For many hundreds of years Mexicans have been making beautiful things with their hands.