EMS Programs - Louisburg College

EMS Programs
Program(s) established for achieving environmental objectives & targets
Responsibility for achieving objectives & targets at relevant functions & levels in organization
Means includes or resources allocated
Program includes timeframe
Environmental Policy Objective
Specific Target
1) Maintain Conditional Exempt Small
Quantity Generator /CESQG Status.
Compliance to all applicable CESQG
state, federal and local legal
requirements with a goal of beyond
compliance wherever practical and
Maintain CESQG status:
 generate no more than 100 kg [approx. 220 lb]
of hazardous waste in a calendar month
 total onsite accumulation does not exceed
more than 1000 kg [approx. 2205 lb] of
hazardous waste
 no more than 1 kg [approx. 2 lb] of acute
hazardous waste is generated in a calendar
 no more than a total of 100 kg [approx. 220 lb]
of any residue or contaminated soil, waste, or
other debris resulting from the cleanup of any
acute wastes in a calendar month is generated.
 Increases the procurement of recycled content
products and recyclable products; recycled
content shall be included in products that also
meet other specifications, such as chlorine free
or bio-based.
2) Reduce the rate at which we
contribute to the depletion and
degradation of natural resources;
3) Lower the consumption utilities
(electric and water) where
opportunities arise;
1) Reduce electric consumption 0.5% over 2 years
EMS Program Description
(performance measures)
Track waste removal; proper labeling; 180 day accumulation limit
Weekly waste accumulation inspections, monitor campus lab waste, ewaste and universal waste.
Semi-annual: lab waste removal and waste stream determinations
Annual: Chemical Hygiene Plan review and chemical inventory; actively
track requirements applicable to CESQG federal web site:
Eco-friendlier Food Services: Explore the feasibility of purchasing less
Styrofoam, fewer plastics. Investigating the purchase compostable
plastics. Increasing disposables recycled content.
•New appliances will be in the upper 25% of energy efficiency for all
similar products, or that is at least 10% more efficient than the
minimum level that meets Federal standards.
•Dormitory washing machines only cold water supplied.
Promote reducing waste in the
following order: Reduce Reuse and
2) Reduce water Consumption 0.5% over 2 years
•Water-Saving Products - products in the upper 25% of water
conservation for all similar products, or at least 10% more waterconserving than the minimum level that meets the Federal standards. will be installed on campus through renovation and expansion projects.
Reduce waste
•Promote Food Services Clean Plate Initiative to decrease food waste
by 10% in 2012.
•Make available Campus Classifieds http://www.campusave.com/
accessible from the main page to the Environmental communications
page for Fall 2012.
EMS Programs
Promote Environmental Management
System / EMS awareness and a basic
understanding of environmental issues
among faculty, staff, students and the
Communicate to the University community the
EMS Awareness
•RE:SCUE (Reuse Everything: Save College’s Usable Excess)
capture/collect clothing, household items, furniture, appliances, and
other items that departing students leave behind. Donate to local
nonprofits and other items to clean and stored for sale the following
fall. (taking loads of material out of the waste stream for reuse)
•Produce an annual “Environmental State of LC” report in the
Midweek Message, release the report to coincide with Earth Week
activities. Earth Week usually runs from April 16th to Earth Day, April