Web text _draft Reg Coastal Plan_western 5.2.15

What’s New
 Delete heading and text for “Feedback invited to shape new regional coastal plan” section
 Insert heading and text below at top of What’s New
 Delete cover of brochure re Invitation to be involved and replace with cover of draft WRCP
 Make covers etc of What’s New docs/images smaller so that What’s New isn’t so drawn out
and is more condensed.
Feedback invited on Draft Western Regional Coastal Plan
The Board released the Draft Western Regional Coastal Plan for consultation on Monday, 9th
February 2015 and is inviting feedback from organisations and individuals with an interest in the
Main page (http://www.wcb.vic.gov.au/regionalcap.html)
Change heading to: Draft Western Regional Coastal Plan
Replace brochure image with cover of draft WRCP
Replace all text with following text below.
The Board released the Draft Western Regional Coastal Plan for consultation on Monday, 9th
February 2015 and is inviting everyone with an interest in the coast to participate and provide
feedback by the Friday, 20th March 2015.
The Draft Western Regional Coastal Plan
The Draft Western Regional Coastal Plan applies to the Western coastal region from Breamlea to
the South Australian border, including the municipalities from Surf Coast Shire in the east through
to Glenelg Shire in the west.
It identifies challenges at a regional level, provides direction on how the coast will be managed into
the future and proposes actions to address issues. The draft Plan:
Recognises key regional environmental, social and economic values and the role of
communities in caring for the coast
Identifies and articulates key regional issues including the dynamic nature of the coastal
environment and changes to the region’s resident and visitor populations
Establishes strategic directions and actions to address key challenges including visitation
pressures, foreshore management and coastal flooding and erosion.
Works with and builds on existing regional and local plans and strategies to promote an
integrated approach to regional issues.
Includes regional implementation arrangements including a monitoring, evaluation and
reporting framework.
Download a full copy of the draft Western Regional Coastal Plan here (7.6mb) (link to document
called Western Reg Coastal Plan.pdf)
Download a copy of the Plan at a Glance, which shows the structure and chapters of the draft Plan
(144kb). (link to Western Reg Coastal Plan at a Glance.pdf)
Download a copy of our map showing the key economic, social and environmental values of the
Western coastal region (382kb). (link to Western Reg Coastal Plan Values Map.pdf)
Consultation is a key priority for the Board to ensure the plan meets the needs of regional
stakeholders, recognises important values, identifies existing and emerging issues, and proposes
realistic solutions. The feedback we received from stakeholders in 2014 has helped inform the draft
Plan, and we now seek further feedback on our interpretation of those comments.
Three public workshops will be held in the region. Details will be finalised shortly.
 Monday 23 February – Lorne
 Wednesday 4th March – Portland
 Thursday 5th March – Warrnambool.
If you are interested in attending workshops or you would like hard copies of the plan, contact the
Western Coastal Board on 5251 0251 or by emailing yoursay.coastalplan@delwp.vic.gov.au.
Comments about the draft Western Regional Coastal Plan can be submitted to the Board in the
following ways:
 Send an email with your feedback to yoursay.coastalplan@delwp.vic.gov.au
 Post written comments to PO Box 103, Geelong, 3220
 Click here to provide your comments through our on-line submission form.(link to new page
which hosts the form developed from the Proforma word document)
 Click here to download a PDF of our submission proforma to help guide your submission
(311kb) (link to the pdf of the proforma document)
 Click here to download a MS Word version of our submission proforma to help guide your
submission (15kb) (link to the word version of the proforma)
All comments are due by Friday 20th March 2015.
Supporting information
Click here to download the introductory brochure on the initial consultation process to develop the
Western Regional Coastal Plan.
Click here to download the Regional Coastal Plan Update from May 2014
The Board undertook interim and full reviews of current Coastal Action Plans (CAPs) in 2012.
These provide important background for the new Regional Coastal Plan. To read more about the
reviews and other CAPs visit the CAP page (http://www.wcb.vic.gov.au/caps.html)
Further queries
If you have further queries please contact Jane Ryan on 9637 8683 or Steve Blackley on 5226