Pacing Calendar Subject: Social Studies Grade: Seventh Grade Understandings: The focus of this content is World Studies from 750 BC to 1600 AD: Ancient Greece to the First Global Age. Suggestions/Ideas: ODE Social Studies Model Curriculum : Social Studies Wordpress site: Unit 1 Subject Think Like an Historian Duration 1st Quarter 1 wk and 1 wk buffer Priority Standards 1- Historians and archaeologists describe historical events and issues from the perspectives of people living at the time to avoid evaluating the past in terms of today’s norms and values. Supporting Resources Standards 16- The ability to understand individual and group perspectives is essential to analyzing historic and contemporary issues. 1. Model Curriculum 2. Wordpress Site (look for 7-H-1 and 7-V-16) 3. Professional Development Article http://www.loc.go v/teachers/tps/qu arterly/historical_t hinking/ ml 4. Read Like an Historian http://sheg.stanfo 5. Think Like an Historian /education/Thinki ngLessonPlan.pdf 2- The civilizations that developed in Greece and Rome had an enduring impact on later civilizations… *Teachers should focus on the pieces that have influenced American culture, i.e. government, language, architecture, etc… 2 Ancient Greece 1st Quarter 5 wks and 1 wk buffer 13- Geographic factors promote or impede the movement of people, products, and ideas. 17- Greek democracy was a radical departure from monarchy and theocracy, influencing the structure and function of modern democratic governments. 12- Maps and other geographic representations can be used to trace the development of human settlement over time. 14- Trade routes connecting Africa, Europe and Asia fostered the spread of technology and major world religions. 15- Improvements in transportation, communication and technology have facilitated cultural diffusion among peoples around the world. 1. Model Curriculum 2. Wordpress Site (look for 7-H-2, 7G-12-15, and 7-V17) 3. TCI textbook “Ancient World” 4. Ancient Greece http://www.ancie ain_Page/ 5. Ancient Greece II http://www.ancie 6. Part III http://www.ancie 7. Part IV aryhistory/ancient _greeks/ 8. Part V http://www.histor ent-greece 9. Part VI http://www.pbs.or g/empires/thegree ks/htmlver/ 2- The civilizations that developed in Greece and Rome had an enduring impact on later civilizations… *Teachers should focus on the pieces that have influenced American culture, i.e. government, language, architecture, etc… 3 Ancient Rome 1st/2nd Quarter 5 wks and 1 wk buffer 14- Trade routes connecting Africa, Europe and Asia fostered the spread of technology and major world religions. 17- The Roman Republic was a radical departure from monarchy and theocracy, influencing the structure and function of modern democratic governments. 3- Germanic invasions helped to break up the Roman Empire and set the stage for the development of feudal and manorial systems… 12- Maps and other geographic representations can be used to trace the development of human settlement over time. 15- Improvements in transportation, communication and technology have facilitated cultural diffusion among peoples around the world. 21- The growth of cities and empires fostered the growth of markets. Market exchanges encouraged specialization and the transition from barter to monetary economies. 1. Model Curriculum 2. Wordpress Site (look for 7-H-2 &3, 7-G-12, 14, 15 –7V-17, and 7-E-21 3. TCI Textbook “Ancient World” and “Medieval World” 4. Roman Holiday http://static.googl /external_content/ untrusted_dlcp/w n/us/educators/le arning_materials/r omecontest/Roma nHoliday_Google_L esson.pdf 5. Rome 3D http://static.googl /external_content/ untrusted_dlcp/w n/us/educators/le arning_materials/r omecontest/TheRomanRecord_Google_Le sson.pdf 6. Ancient Rome http://www.histor ent-rome 7. Ancient Rome Part II http://www.pbs.or g/empires/romans / 4 Feudalism 2nd Quarter 3 wks and 1 wk buffer 18- With the decline of feudalism, consolidation of power resulted in the emergence of nation states. 4- Mongol influence led to unified states in China and Korea, but the Mongol failure to conquer Japan allowed a feudal system to persist. 12- Maps and other geographic representations can be used to trace the development of human settlement over time. 1. Model Curriculum 2. Wordpress Site (look for 7-H-4, 7G-12, and 7-V-18) 3. TCI Textbook 4. Middle Ages http://www.learne middleages/feudal .html 5. http://www.histor /feudalism.htm 6. Feudalism Profession Dev. http://www.blacks ntillians/feudalism. html 7. Castles at War http://www.discov teachers/freelesson-plans/thefeudal-systemcastles-at-war.cfm 8. Mongol Empire ans.html 5- Achievements in medicine, science, mathematics and geography by the Islamic civilization dominated most of the Mediterranean after the decline of the Roman Empire… 5 Renaissance 3rd Quarter 4 wks and 1 wk buffer 6- The Renaissance in Europe introduced revolutionary ideas, leading to cultural, scientific and social changes. 15- Improvements in transportation, communication and technology have facilitated cultural diffusion among peoples around the world. 21- The growth of cities and empires fostered the growth of markets. Market exchanges encouraged specialization and the transition from barter to monetary economies. 6 Reformation 3rd Quarter 3 wks and 1 wk buffer 7- The Reformation introduced changes in religion including the emergence of Protestant faiths and a decline in the political power and social influence of the Roman Catholic Church. 16- The ability to understand individual and group perspectives is essential to analyzing historic and contemporary issues. 1. Model Curriculum 2. Wordpress Site (look for 7-H-5 & 6, 7-G-15, 7-E-21) 3. TCI Textbook 4. Crusade Perspectives http://www.ii.umi enas/Home/Resou rces/K14%20Educational %20Resources/Cur ricular%20Resourc es/Crusades%20Se condary%20Ed%20 Lesson.pdf 5. Muslim Conquests ons/islam/history/ spain_1.shtml 6. Renaissance http://www.renais sanceconnection.o rg/lesson_general. html 7. Renaissance Part II http://www.learne renaissance/ 1. Model Curriculum 2. Wordpress Site (look for 7-H-7 and 7-V-16) 3. TCI Textbook 4. Intro. To Ref. http://www.calvin. edu/meeter/educa tionalresources/BierlingPowers,%20Elizab eth%20%20Lesson%20Pla n.pdf 5. Reformation kunqax7ptnb/prot estantreformation-unitplan/ 6. Reformation PD http://www.cfbcm 7/377/docs/The%2 0Protestant%20Re formation%20IV% 20(1517-1648).pdf 9- The advent of the trans-Saharan slave trade had profound effects on both West and Central Africa and the receiving countries. 7 African Empires 4th Quarter 4 wks and 1 wk buffer 8- Empires in Africa (Ghana, Mali, Songhay) and Asia (Byzantine, Ottoman…) grew as commercial and cultural centers along trade routes. 13- Geographic factors promote or impede the movement of people… 14- Trade routes connecting Africa, Europe and Asia fostered the spread of technology and major world religions. 15- Improvements in transportation, communication and technology have facilitated cultural diffusion among peoples around the world. 1. Model Curriculum 2. Wordpress Site (look for 7-H-8 and 9…7-G-13-15) 3. TCI Textbook 4. 3 West Empires http://ims.ode.state. ons/Content/CSS_LP _S01_BD_L07_I06_0 1.pdf 5. Part II ~cgober/aalessonpla n.html 6. Timbuktu 7. Ottoman Empire hers/free-lessonplans/the-ottomanempire.cfm 8. Rise and Fall of the Ottoman Empire http://www.thirteen. org/edonline/teachin gheritage/lessons/lp 5/learning3.html 9. Trans-Saharan Slave Trade t/classes/TradeAfrica.pdf 10. Wonder s of Afr. wonders/Classrm/les son5.htm 8 Age of Exploration 4th Quarter 4 weeks 10- European economic and cultural influence dramatically increased through explorations, conquests and colonization. 20- The variability in the distribution of productive resources in the various regions of the world contributed to specialization, trade and interdependence. 11- The Columbian Exchange among previously unconnected parts of the world reshaped societies in ways still evident today. 19- Individuals, governments and businesses must analyze costs and benefits when making economic decisions… Reminders: Sept 11th is Patriots Day Sept 17th is Constitution Day (this may vary depending on the calendar year) Sept 15th – Oct 15th Hispanic Heritage Month February is Black History Month March is Women’s History Month April 22nd is Earth Day (this may vary depending on the calendar year) 1. Model Curriculum 2. Wordpress Site (look for 7-H-10 & 11--- 7-E-19 & 20) 3. TCI Textbook 4. Age of Exploration http://betterlesson.c om/lesson/29923/ag e-of-explorationhow-europeanscame-to-the-newworld 5. Great Age of Exploration http://school.discove chersguides/pdf/worl dhistory/ul/the_grea t_age_of_exploration _1400_to_1550_tg.p df 6. The opportunity cost of a lifetime http://www.econedli php?lid=51&type=ed ucator 7. Three Gorges Dam essons/index. php?lid=347& type=educator