Martin Luther King Junior Elementary School Lesson Plan Teacher: Stephanie Goodwin Grade: Fourth Grade Week of: January 30- February 3rd Assisting: Mrs. Collins (All subjects)/Invention Instructors are included in lesson plans. Mathematics Alabama Course of Study: Mathematics (2003) Grade(s): 4 16.) Determine if outcomes of simple events are likely, unlikely, certain, equally likely, or impossible. Lesson Objectives: Students will be able to demonstrate their knowledge of the outcomes of simple events. Students will be able to demonstrate the appropriate vocabulary used when determining outcomes. Math Intervention Alabama Course of Study: Mathematics (2003) Grade(s): 4 6.) Solve problems, including word problems, that involve addition and subtraction of four-digit numbers with and without regrouping. • Estimating sums and differences of whole numbers by using appropriate strategies such as rounding, front-end estimation, and compatible numbers • Adding and subtracting decimals and money amounts Lesson Objectives: Sources: Teacher Generated Materials Chart Paper Marker Promethean Board Probability PowerPoint Probability Worksheet Brown Bag (for each group) Full bags of candy (for each group) Whole Group Today’s lesson will be focusing on probability. To begin ask students what is probability? Have student’s think-pairshare with a neighbor. As a class discuss the meaning of probability. As students express their ideas create a web about probability on chart paper to give students a visual. After completing the probability Students will demonstrate their knowledge of subtracting of three to four digit numbers with regrouping. Sources: Teacher Generated Materials Paper Pencils Subtraction Bags (one per group) Whole Group Today we will be working on subtracting four digit numbers with regrouping. Before we begin students will be broken up into pairs. These pairs will be preselected. Students will scattered around the room. Each pair will be given a bag of with triple and quadruple subtraction problems inside of it. Not only will students are solving these problems they will be solving them through hangman. The rules are a student has to get six problems in a row correct. As students get a correct answer they are able to add a body part to their hangman. Students web begin the Probability PowerPoint. This PowerPoint will define probability, discuss vocabulary, give examples, and group practice. When defining probability refer to the web to determine if students’ ideas were accurate. When discussing the vocabulary ask students first what they think about the meaning of the word before revealing the true definition. After the vocabulary begin showing examples. When working the example problem complete them as a class. Question the student’s before giving the correct answer. Answer any questions before moving on to group practice. Small Group The group practice portion of the PowerPoint explains the group activity we will be completing today. The slides will give directions for the activity and an example. The first activity has students broken up into small groups, not based on ability. Each group will be given a probability worksheet, brown bag, and a bag of candy. Students will have to read the different situations/problems on their worksheet in order to determine the probability of each of the situations. Make sure students include their name and group members on their worksheet they will be turning in for a grade. Math Centers: Students are given a math work plan at the beginning of each week. This plan gives detailed directions, explanation, and point descriptions for each of the four centers they have to complete each week. This week’s copy is attached to the lesson plan. Students must sign the bottom of the work plan saying that they agree with the directions and that they will complete the assignments. This week there are four centers: M&M Probability Center Free the Animals Center Blow Pop Probability Technology Center will continue to play until a player completes a full body. A body includes a head, body, two arms, and two legs. Students will alternate turns so that no time is wasted. Monitor students as they work in pairs. During this small group time all three fifth grade teachers divide their students up into their target need areas. Each teacher is assigned a target skill. Mrs. Barksdale, Mrs. Fisk, and I will be trading students. Mrs. Collins will be assisting. Power Math (Whole Group) Before beginning power math pass out the class set of power math journals. These journals are found in a basket on the book shelf. Make sure students write the date at the top of their paper. Students will be given ten problems based on the Alabama Course of Study standards to complete. Students must write the problem and show their work to receive full credit on this assignment. This work should be done independently NOT in a group. When everyone is finished take up the power math journals and return them all to the basket on the book shelf. These may or may not be graded at a later date. Encourage students to put forth their best effort. *Problems are attached. Invention with Mrs. Harris: Desiray Collins Aliyah McNeil Aarianna Patton BriAsia Simmons Probability Work Plan M&M Math Problem Center- Who does not like playing with M&M’s? Students will place M&M markers on the numbers 2-12 on the number line. Students may place one M&M marker on each number or place several on some numbers and leave other numbers blank. After your board is set up toss two 6-sided dice, find the sum, and remove an M&M marker from that number, if there is still one. Repeat these steps until the first player to remove all markers wins the game. Make a chart and record all of your rolls. At the end of this center make sure to take a pack of M&M’s from the basket. Free the Animals Center- Who can free the animals first? Students will set up their board, select their playing pieces, and begin playing. Place the animals on all of the cages. Students must use the recording sheet to record how many animals they placed in each cage. The first player must roll the dice twice and calculate the difference and free one animal from that number cage, if there is an animal in the cage. Repeat these steps. Play until a player releases all of their animals. Create a chart and record results of each roll. The first person to free all of their animals wins the game! Blow Pop Probability- What are the chances of getting a piece of candy after this center? Well, play the game and we will find out. There should be two brown bags in the basket. One bag is filled with blow pops the other empty. Students will make a chart and count how many of each flavor is in the bag while emptying them into the other brown bag. Each student will then pick their favorite flavor. Make a graph, include all flavors, and decide the probability of pulling your favorite flavor and each different flavor of sucker out of the bag. If everyone completes the entire center then everyone can have a sucker. Enjoy!! Technology Center- Log on to the computer and go to This web address will take you to Miss Goodwin’s site. The student password is Goodwin. Play all of the games available on the site. Afterwards write a paragraph about what you learned from at least one of the games played.