LOCAL WORKFORCE INVESTMENT AREAS LONG-TERM INDUSTRY AND OCCUPATIONAL PROJECTIONS 2012-2022 Asa Hutchinson, Governor State of Arkansas Daryl Bassett, Director Department of Workforce Services Published By: Department of Workforce Services Labor Market Information Occupational Career Information “Equal Opportunity Employer/Program” “Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.” P.O. Box 2981 Little Rock, AR 72203 Phone: (501) 682-3123 Fax: (501) 682-3186 TTD/TTY Voice: 1-800-285-1121 TDD: 1-800-285-1131 State of Arkansas Home Page: http://www.arkansas.gov Department of Workforce Services Home Page: http://www.dws.arkansas.gov Labor Market Information Web Portal: http://www.discover.arkansas.gov Except for ranking tables, the projections contained in this publication are summary level. To find a more detailed industry or occupation, go to the Labor Market Information Library at http://www.discover.arkansas.gov. 2 Table of Contents Explanation of Industry Projections Data ……………………………………. 5 Explanation of Occupational Projections Data ……………………………………. 5 Definition of Important Terms ……………………………………. 6 Methodology ……………………………………. 7 Total Employment Projections by Workforce Investment Area ……………………………………. 8 Percent Growth of Total Employment by Workforce Investment Area (Chart) ……………………………………. 9 Local Workforce Investment Areas Map ……………………………………. 10 Northwest Arkansas Workforce Investment Area Profile ……………………………………. 11 2012-2022 Industry Projections by Major Division ……………………………………. 12 Industry Rankings ……………………………………. 13 2012-2022 Occupational Projections by Major Group ……………………………………. 15 Occupational Rankings ……………………………………. 16 North Central Arkansas Workforce Investment Area Profile ……………………………………. 18 2012-2022 Industry Projections by Major Division ……………………………………. 19 Industry Rankings ……………………………………. 20 2012-2022 Occupational Projections by Major Group ……………………………………. 22 Occupational Rankings ……………………………………. 23 Northeast Arkansas Workforce Investment Area Profile ……………………………………. 25 2012-2022 Industry Projections by Major Division ……………………………………. 26 Industry Rankings ……………………………………. 27 2012-2022 Occupational Projections by Major Group ……………………………………. 29 Occupational Rankings ……………………………………. 30 Western Arkansas Workforce Investment Area Profile ……………………………………. 32 2012-2022 Industry Projections by Major Division ……………………………………. 33 Industry Rankings ……………………………………. 34 2012-2022 Occupational Projections by Major Group ……………………………………. 36 Occupational Rankings ……………………………………. 37 West Central Arkansas Workforce Investment Area Profile ……………………………………. 39 2012-2022 Industry Projections by Major Division ……………………………………. 40 Industry Rankings ……………………………………. 41 2012-2022 Occupational Projections by Major Group ……………………………………. 43 Occupational Rankings ……………………………………. 44 Central Arkansas Workforce Investment Area Profile ……………………………………. 46 2012-2022 Industry Projections by Major Division ……………………………………. 47 Industry Rankings ……………………………………. 48 2012-2022 Occupational Projections by Major Group ……………………………………. 50 Occupational Rankings ……………………………………. 51 3 4 City of Little Rock Workforce Investment Area Profile ……………………………………. 53 2012-2022 Industry Projections by Major Division ……………………………………. 54 Industry Rankings ……………………………………. 55 2012-2022 Occupational Projections by Major Group ……………………………………. 57 Occupational Rankings ……………………………………. 58 Eastern Arkansas Workforce Investment Area profile ……………………………………. 60 2012-2022 Industry Projections by Major Division ……………………………………. 61 Industry Rankings ……………………………………. 62 2012-2022 Occupational Projections by Major Group ……………………………………. 64 Occupational Rankings ……………………………………. 65 Southwest Arkansas Workforce Investment Area Profile ……………………………………. 67 2012-2022 Industry Projections by Major Division ……………………………………. 68 Industry Rankings ……………………………………. 69 2012-2022 Occupational Projections by Major Group ……………………………………. 71 Occupational Rankings ……………………………………. 72 Southeast Arkansas Workforce Investment Area Profile ……………………………………. 74 2012-2022 Industry Projections by Major Division ……………………………………. 75 Industry Rankings ……………………………………. 76 2012-2022 Occupational Projections by Major Group ……………………………………. 78 Occupational Rankings ……………………………………. 79 EXPLANATION OF INDUSTRY PROJECTIONS DATA LOCAL WORKFORCE INVESTMENT AREAS 2012-2022 NAICS Title 2012 Estimated Employment 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth Percent Growth Indu str y t it le ac cor di ng to the Nor th A mer ica n I ndu st ry Cl as sif ic at ion Sy ste m (N AI C S) T itl e a nd Co di ng Str uc ture An es ti mat e o f the num ber of job s in an ind ustr y in 201 2 The p roj ec ted numb er o f job s exp ect ed to be in an ind ustr y in 2022 Tota l n umb er o f job s a n ind ust ry is exp ect ed to ga in or los e o ver th e 2 01 2 to 2 02 2 per io d Per ce nt cha nge i n the num ber of jo bs in an ind us try ov er the 201 2 t o 2 02 2 peri od NAICS Code Indu str y cod e a cc ord ing to the N orth Am eri can In du stry C la ss if i cat ion Sy ste m (N AI C S) T itl e a nd Co di ng Str uc ture EXPLANATION OF OCCUPATIONAL PROJECTIONS DATA LOCAL WORKFORCE INVESTMENT AREAS 2012-2022 SOC Code The occupational code based on the Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) Coding and Title Structure SOC Title The occupational title based on the Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) Coding and Title Structure 2012 Estimated Employment An estimate of the number of jobs in an occupation in 2012 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth Percent Growth The projected number Total number Percent change in of jobs expected of jobs an the number to be in an occupation occupation of jobs in an in 2022 is expected to gain occupation over or lose over the the 2012 to 2022 2012 period to 2022 period Annual OpeningsGrowth Annual OpeningsReplacement Average number of Average number of annual job openings annual job openings expected to expected to be be available during available during the the projection period projection period due due to employment to the need to replace growth workers who leave the occupation Total Annual Openings Average number of annual job openings expected to be available during the projection period due to employment growth and replacements 5 6 Definition of Important Terms Base Employment – The average number of jobs in a particular industry or occupation during the benchmark year or quarter. Current Employment Statistics (CES) – A monthly survey of business establishments that provides estimates of employment, hours, and earnings data by industry for the nation as a whole, all states, and most major metropolitan areas. Employment – The number of jobs in a business or firm at any given time. Establishment – The physical location of a certain economic activity, for example, a factory, mine, store, or office. Generally, a single establishment produces a single good or provides a single service. Fastest Growing – Refers to percent growth. The higher the percent growth, the faster an industry or occupation is growing. Industry – A group of establishments that produce similar products or provide similar services. Metropolitan Statistical Area – A county or group of contiguous counties that contains an urban center of at least 50,000 residents and has a high degree of economic and social ties. Net Growth – The difference between projected employment and base employment. North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) – A system used in assigning industry-designated code numbers to employers and/or establishments based on the nature of their activities, services rendered, or products delivered. It was established by the U.S. Office of Management and Budget and is used by all agencies for data compilation. Occupation – A set of activities that employees are paid to perform; employees who perform the same tasks are in the same occupation, whether or not they are in the same industry. Occupational Employment Statistics (OES) – A federal/state cooperative program that produces employment and wage estimates for over 700 occupations. These are estimates of the number of people employed in certain occupations and estimates of the wages paid to them. They are also used to gather occupational staffing patterns by industry that are used to project employment needs by occupation. Percent (%) Growth – The rate at which an industry or occupation is expected to grow or decline. Projected Employment – The average number of jobs expected to be in an industry or occupation in the future. Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) – A federal/state cooperative program that produces employment and wage data for workers covered by state unemployment insurance laws and federal workers covered by the Unemployment Compensation for Federal Employees Program; data is arranged by the type of industry according to the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). Sector – A level of industry classification under supersector according to the NAICS structure. Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) – A coding system used by all federal statistical agencies to classify workers into occupational categories for the purpose of collecting, calculating, or disseminating data. Subsector – A level of industry classification under sector according to the NAICS structure. Supersector – The top level of industry classification according to the NAICS structure. Workforce Investment Area – A group of contiguous counties where employment, training, and educational services are provided; established through the Workforce Investment Act to provide services for eligible youth, adults, and dislocated workers Methodology The following shows a brief overview of the method used to produce long-term employment projections in Arkansas. Data Development Data development is accomplished by using three sources: The Quarterly Census of Employment and Wage reports. This source provides all the covered employment for Arkansas. A firm or business is considered “covered” if it meets the guidelines established under the Unemployment Insurance Law. The Current Employment Statistics Survey. This source provides employment information for non-covered establishments, which are railroads, the Federal Work Study Program, churches, religious-based schools, church-related day care centers, elected officials, commissioned insurance agents, and sheltered workshops. Agriculture employment. This is obtained from the Census of Agriculture. The Census of Agriculture is taken every five years in years ending in two and seven. Information from the QCEW reports is used to make estimates for years following the Census year until the next Census. Industry Projections The industry projections in this publication were produced using the Projections Suite System software, authorized by the U.S. Department of Labor and developed by the Utah Department of Workforce Services. The software has several components. The system forecasts employment using several models. The analyst chooses an appropriate forecast for each industry. All areas are done at the same time. In addition, business news related to closures, layoffs, openings, and expansions is used in the forecasting process and adjustments are made when necessary. For some industry reporting, Industry Supersectors are used. NAICS codes for Supersectors are not published in the NAICS manual. They were developed for statistical reporting purposes, and are used for some industry data contained on the Data Analysis section of the Discover Arkansas website. Occupational Projections Occupational projections are produced by merging industries and occupations together into an industry-occupational matrix. This matrix is a table showing the occupational pattern of each industry (i.e., the ratios of employment by occupation in a specific industry). The statewide matrix is based on the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Occupational Employment Statistics (OES) survey and uses a Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code for each occupation. It uses the May OES semiannual survey of the year that corresponds to the base year to establish the staffing patterns and is provided through the Estimates Delivery System (EDS). The occupational employment projections contained in this publication were created using the Projections Suite software, authorized by the U.S. Department of Labor and developed by the Utah Department of Workforce Services. The software applies occupational change factors to the projected patterns to form a projected matrix. Also, using national self-employment and unpaid family workers staffing patterns, the system generates base and projected employment for self-employed and unpaid family workers. Data Limitations The projections contained in this publication are estimates based on historical data. It is important not to rely on these projections as the actual employment numbers that will occur in 2022. While every attempt is made to incorporate current and future events, such as business closings, corporate layoffs, openings, and expansions, it is not possible to know everything that might happen. Events that take place after the projection period or announcements concerning closings, layoffs, openings, and expansions known after projections were completed are not reflected in the forecasts. Also, legislative policy could cause employment to change. Events such as these will likely cause the actual employment numbers to vary significantly from these projections. It is important to look at both net growth and percent growth when looking at projections. Generally, industries or occupations with small employment will have higher growth rates than those with larger employment, but these industries may only add a few employees over the projection period. Concerning occupational projections, it is important to look at both replacement and growth openings. Even if an occupation is in decline, it still may have openings to replace workers who leave the profession for various reasons. 7 8 Total Employment Projections by Workforce Investment Area Workforce Investment Area Northwest Arkansas North Central Arkansas Northeast Arkansas Western Arkansas West Central Arkansas Central Arkansas City of Little Rock Eastern Arkansas Southwest Arkansas Southeast Arkansas 2012 Estimated Employment 268,330 83,452 107,445 116,877 122,369 168,330 186,552 42,615 92,376 84,530 2022 Projected Employment 302,692 94,994 120,493 126,343 137,302 193,943 202,085 45,636 96,517 86,914 Net Growth Percent Growth 34,362 11,542 13,048 9,466 14,933 25,613 15,533 3,021 4,141 2,384 12.81% 13.83% 12.14% 8.10% 12.20% 15.22% 8.33% 7.09% 4.48% 2.82% Annual OpeningsGrowth 3,545 1,186 1,348 1,059 1,540 2,617 1,700 349 558 454 Annual OpeningsReplacement 6,124 1,911 2,490 2,675 2,856 3,974 4,247 999 2,098 1,914 Annual OpeningsTotal 9,669 3,097 3,838 3,734 4,396 6,591 5,947 1,348 2,656 2,368 The Northwest Arkansas Workforce Investment Area (WIA) is projected to add the most jobs during the 2012-2022 projection period with an anticipated growth of 34,362 new jobs, but Central Arkansas is estimated see the fastest growth at 15.22 percent. All of the 10 Areas are forecasted to add jobs with seven seeing more than 8 percent growth. Southeast Arkansas, while the smallest in terms of net and percent growth, is still expected to see 2,384 new jobs, an increase of the workforce by 2.82 percent. In terms of job openings, the Northwest Arkansas Area is projected to have 9,669 job openings available annually, with 6,124 due to replacement. Percent Growth of Total Employment by Workforce Investment Area Southeast Arkansas 2.82% Southwest Arkansas 4.48% Eastern Arkansas 7.09% City of Little Rock 8.33% Central Arkansas 15.22% West Central Arkansas 12.20% Western Arkansas 8.10% Northeast Arkansas 12.14% North Central Arkansas 13.83% Northwest Arkansas 0.00% 12.81% 2.00% 4.00% 6.00% 8.00% 10.00% 12.00% 14.00% 16.00% 9 10 Local Workforce Investment Areas Northwest Arkansas Workforce Investment Area Baxter, Benton, Boone, Carroll, Madison, Marion, Newton, Searcy, and Washington Counties NW North Central Arkansas Workforce Investment Area NE Cleburne, Fulton, Independence, Izard, Jackson, Sharp, Stone, Van Buren, White, and Woodruff Counties NC Northeast Arkansas Workforce Investment Area Clay, Craighead, Greene, Lawrence, Mississippi, Poinsett, and Randolph Counties E W Western Arkansas Workforce Investment Area C WC Crawford, Franklin, Logan, Polk, Scott, and Sebastian Counties West Central Arkansas Workforce Investment Area SE SW LR Clark, Conway, Garland, Hot Spring, Johnson, Montgomery, Perry, Pike, Pope, and Yell Counties Central Arkansas Workforce Investment Area Faulkner, Lonoke, Monroe, Prairie, Pulaski outside the city limits of Little Rock, and Saline Counties City of Little Rock Workforce Investment Area Inside the city limits of Little Rock Eastern Arkansas Workforce Investment Area Crittenden, Cross, Lee, Phillips, and St. Francis Counties Southwest Arkansas Workforce Investment Area Calhoun, Columbia, Dallas, Hempstead, Howard, Lafayette, Little River, Miller, Nevada, Ouachita, Sevier, and Union Counties Southeast Arkansas Workforce Investment Area Arkansas, Ashley, Bradley, Chicot, Cleveland, Desha, Drew, Grant, Jefferson, and Lincoln Countie Northwest Arkansas Profile The Northwest Arkansas WIA has many tourist attractions. Among these are the Buffalo National River and the Prairie Grove Civil War Battlefield. Nestled in the Ozark Mountains, the Area gives visitors a chance to view Rocky Mountain Elk near Ponca, and the picturesque city of Eureka Springs offers shopping and unique architecture. The Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art in Bentonville houses a permanent collection of signature works from American artists, along with galleries dedicated to regional art including American Indian art. The Northwest Arkansas WIA consists of nine counties: Baxter, Benton, Boone, Carroll, Madison, Marion, Newton, Searcy, and Washington. The Area borders two states, Missouri to the north and Oklahoma to the west. The Fayetteville-SpringdaleRogers Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA), is located within the Area. The University of Arkansas, the state’s largest public university, is located in Washington County in the city of Fayetteville. John Brown University, a private four-year university, is located in Siloam Springs. Offering associate degrees and certificate programs, Arkansas State University-Mountain Home, North Arkansas College, and Northwest Arkansas Community College are two-year colleges based in this WIA. Among the 10 Local Workforce Investment Areas, Northwest Arkansas has the largest employment base in the state. This region is projected to gain 34,362 jobs, an increase of 12.81 percent, from 2012 to 2022. Goods-Producing industries are projected to gain 3,299 net jobs, while Services-Providing industries are predicted to add 31,492 jobs over the 2012-2022 projection period. An estimated 26,643 Self-Employed and Unpaid Family Workers are expected to be based in Northwest Arkansas by 2022, a loss of 429. Education and Health Services is expected to be the top and fastest growing supersector with 10,965 jobs anticipated, equivalent to 21.11 percent job growth. Educational Services is predicted to be the top growing industry adding 4,236 new jobs, while Food Services and Drinking Places appears to be a step behind at 4,235 new jobs. Chemical Manufacturing is projected to be the fastest growing industry with a growth of 73.75 percent over the 10-year period. Information is the only supersector expected to experience a decline with a small loss of 61 over the projection period. Postal Service is estimated to lose 157 jobs making it the top declining industry, while Crop Production is forecasted to lose more than 20 percent of its workforce. Northwest Arkansas is projected to have 9,669 annual job openings over the 2012-2022 projection period, with 3,545 for growth and expansion and 6,124 for replacement. The Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations major group is predicted to add the most jobs with a net gain of 4,499, while Personal Care and Service Occupations is estimated to be the fastest growing major group with a 25.33 percent growth. Heavy and Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers is estimated to be the top growing occupation with an anticipated growth of 1,821 new jobs. Food Scientists and Technologists could increase by more than 55 percent making it the fastest growing occupation. Farmers, Ranchers, and Other Agricultural Managers is projected to lead the Area in decline with 398 job losses, while Data Entry Keyers could be the fastest declining occupation losing nearly a quarter of its workforce. With respect to annual job openings, Retail Salespersons tops all occupations with 413. 11 12 Northwest Arkansas Workforce Investment Area 2012-2022 Industry Projections by Major Division NAICS Code 000000 000671 006010 007010 101000 101100 110000 210000 101200 101300 102000 102100 420000 440000 480000 220000 102200 102300 520000 530000 102400 540000 550000 560000 102500 610000 620000 102600 710000 720000 102700 102800 NAICS Title Total All Industries Total Self Employed and Unpaid Family Workers, All Jobs Self Employed Workers, All Jobs Unpaid Family Workers, All Jobs Goods Producing Natural Resources and Mining Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting Mining Construction Manufacturing Non-Durable Goods Manufacturing Durable Goods Manufacturing Services Providing Trade, Transportation, and Utilities Wholesale Trade Retail Trade Transportation and Warehousing Utilities Information Financial Activities Finance and Insurance Real Estate and Rental and Leasing Professional and Business Services Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Management of Companies and Enterprises Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services Education and Health Services Educational Services Health Care and Social Assistance Leisure and Hospitality Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation Accommodation and Food Services Other Services (except Government) Government 2012 Estimated Employment 268,330 27,072 26,885 187 43,363 1,672 1,479 193 8,640 33,051 19,880 13,171 197,895 52,672 8,871 26,996 15,640 1,165 2,483 8,036 5,583 2,453 38,471 9,517 21,486 7,468 51,933 23,973 27,960 24,434 2,506 21,928 8,224 11,642 2022 Projected Employment 302,692 26,643 26,467 176 46,662 1,738 1,524 214 10,107 34,817 20,537 14,280 229,387 59,189 9,680 30,028 18,137 1,344 2,422 9,018 6,134 2,884 43,453 11,234 23,542 8,677 62,898 28,209 34,689 29,568 2,695 26,873 9,526 13,313 Net Growth Percent Growth 34,362 -429 -418 -11 3,299 66 45 21 1,467 1,766 657 1,109 31,492 6,517 809 3,032 2,497 179 -61 982 551 431 4,982 1,717 2,056 1,209 10,965 4,236 6,729 5,134 189 4,945 1,302 1,671 12.81% -1.58% -1.55% -5.88% 7.61% 3.95% 3.04% 10.88% 16.98% 5.34% 3.30% 8.42% 15.91% 12.37% 9.12% 11.23% 15.97% 15.36% -2.46% 12.22% 9.87% 17.57% 12.95% 18.04% 9.57% 16.19% 21.11% 17.67% 24.07% 21.01% 7.54% 22.55% 15.83% 14.35% Northwest Arkansas Workforce Investment Area 2012-2022 Industry Projections Rankings (by NAICS Subsector) Top 10 Growing Industries Ranked by Net Growth NAICS Code NAICS Title 611000 722000 621000 484000 624000 551000 541000 999300 452000 238000 Educational Services Food Services and Drinking Places Ambulatory Health Care Services Truck Transportation Social Assistance Management of Companies and Enterprises Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Local Government, Excluding Education and Hospitals General Merchandise Stores Specialty Trade Contractors 2012 Estimated Employment 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth Percent Growth 23,973 19,060 9,556 11,687 6,143 21,486 9,517 6,909 7,720 6,204 28,209 23,295 12,650 13,913 8,239 23,542 11,234 8,286 9,052 7,416 4,236 4,235 3,094 2,226 2,096 2,056 1,717 1,377 1,332 1,212 17.67% 22.22% 32.38% 19.05% 34.12% 9.57% 18.04% 19.93% 17.25% 19.54% Top 10 Fastest Growing Industries Ranked by Percent Growth (Minimum Employment of 50) 2012 2022 NAICS Net NAICS Title Estimated Projected Code Growth Employment Employment 325000 314000 624000 621000 115000 524000 331000 442000 721000 315000 Chemical Manufacturing Textile Product Mills Social Assistance Ambulatory Health Care Services Support Activities for Agriculture and Forestry Insurance Carriers and Related Activities Primary Metal Manufacturing Furniture and Home Furnishings Stores Accommodation, including Hotels and Motels Apparel Manufacturing 259 403 6,143 9,556 322 1,319 1,994 674 2,868 85 450 543 8,239 12,650 410 1,674 2,523 844 3,578 105 191 140 2,096 3,094 88 355 529 170 710 20 Percent Growth 73.75% 34.74% 34.12% 32.38% 27.33% 26.91% 26.53% 25.22% 24.76% 23.53% 13 14 Top 5 Declining Industries Ranked by Net Growth (Bottom Five) 2012 NAICS NAICS Title Estimated Code Employment 491100 237000 424000 334000 112000 Postal Service Heavy and Civil Engineering Construction Merchant Wholesalers, Nondurable Goods Computer and Electronic Product Manufacturing Animal Production 923 818 2,617 956 1,079 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth Percent Growth 766 711 2,514 909 1,036 -157 -107 -103 -47 -43 -17.01% -13.08% -3.94% -4.92% -3.99% Top 5 Fastest Declining Industries Ranked by Percent Growth (Bottom Five) (Minimum Decline of Five) NAICS Code NAICS Title 111000 491100 512000 237000 517000 Crop Production Postal Service Motion Picture and Sound Recording Industries Heavy and Civil Engineering Construction Telecommunications 2012 Estimated Employment 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth Percent Growth 24 923 228 818 763 19 766 196 711 722 -5 -157 -32 -107 -41 -20.83% -17.01% -14.04% -13.08% -5.37% Northwest Arkansas Workforce Investment Area 2012-2022 Occupational Projections by Major Group SOC Code SOC Title 00-0000 Total, All Occupations 11-0000 13-0000 15-0000 17-0000 19-0000 21-0000 23-0000 25-0000 27-0000 29-0000 31-0000 33-0000 35-0000 37-0000 39-0000 41-0000 43-0000 45-0000 47-0000 49-0000 51-0000 53-0000 Management Occupations Business and Financial Operations Occupations Computer and Mathematical Occupations Architecture and Engineering Occupations Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations Community and Social Service Occupations Legal Occupations Education, Training, and Library Occupations Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations Healthcare Support Occupations Protective Service Occupations Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance Occupations Personal Care and Service Occupations Sales and Related Occupations Office and Administrative Support Occupations Farming, Fishing, and Forestry Occupations Construction and Extraction Occupations Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations Production Occupations Transportation and Material Moving Occupations 2012 Estimated Employment 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth Percent Growth Annual Openings due to Growth Annual Openings due to Replacement Total Annual Openings 268,330 302,692 34,362 12.81% 3,545 6,124 9,669 27,847 13,479 6,956 2,523 1,127 3,576 1,561 14,564 2,984 12,293 6,469 3,305 21,434 8,400 8,464 26,991 37,769 1,476 9,291 9,775 22,941 25,105 29,322 15,333 7,826 2,797 1,392 4,169 1,759 17,351 3,201 14,681 7,866 3,953 25,933 9,488 10,608 30,125 41,183 1,475 10,602 11,029 24,635 27,964 1,475 1,854 870 274 265 593 198 2,787 217 2,388 1,397 648 4,499 1,088 2,144 3,134 3,414 -1 1,311 1,254 1,694 2,859 5.30% 13.75% 12.51% 10.86% 23.51% 16.58% 12.68% 19.14% 7.27% 19.43% 21.60% 19.61% 20.99% 12.95% 25.33% 11.61% 9.04% -0.07% 14.11% 12.83% 7.38% 11.39% 188 185 87 28 26 59 20 279 24 239 140 65 450 109 216 314 380 3 131 126 183 292 520 258 126 59 35 80 25 313 72 254 122 96 780 169 161 806 834 41 154 229 459 530 708 443 213 87 61 139 45 592 96 493 262 161 1,230 278 377 1,120 1,214 44 285 355 642 822 15 16 Northwest Arkansas Workforce Investment Area 2012-2022 Occupational Projections Rankings Top 10 Growing Industries Ranked by Net Growth SOC Code 53-3032 39-9021 35-3021 41-2031 35-3031 43-6014 29-1141 35-2014 25-2021 37-2011 SOC Title Heavy and Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers Personal Care Aides Combined Food Preparation and Serving Workers, Including Fast Food Retail Salespersons Waiters and Waitresses Secretaries and Administrative Assistants, Except Legal, Medical, and Executive Registered Nurses Cooks, Restaurant Elementary School Teachers, Except Special Education Janitors and Cleaners, Except Maids and Housekeeping Cleaners 2012 Estimated Employment 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth Percent Growth Annual Openings due to Growth Annual Openings due to Replacement Total Annual Openings 10,965 3,016 12,786 4,440 1,821 1,424 16.61% 47.21% 182 142 175 22 357 164 4,703 8,644 5,185 6,061 9,811 6,124 1,358 1,167 939 28.88% 13.50% 18.11% 136 117 94 180 296 250 316 413 344 4,789 3,748 2,253 2,397 5,529 4,425 2,922 2,922 740 677 669 525 15.45% 18.06% 29.69% 21.90% 74 68 67 52 58 73 44 53 132 141 111 105 3,953 4,478 525 13.28% 52 74 126 Net Growth Percent Growth Annual Openings due to Growth Annual Openings due to Replacement Total Annual Openings 117 45 1,424 53 28 233 376 30 163 47 55.19% 47.37% 47.21% 46.90% 44.44% 44.21% 39.70% 35.71% 35.67% 34.81% 12 4 142 5 3 23 38 3 16 5 7 1 22 2 1 8 18 1 5 3 19 5 164 7 4 31 56 4 21 8 Top 10 Fastest Growing Industries Ranked by Percent Growth (Minimum Employment of 50) SOC Code 19-1012 25-1071 39-9021 25-1072 29-2032 15-1122 31-1011 13-1121 13-1081 43-4061 SOC Title Food Scientists and Technologists Health Specialties Teachers, Postsecondary Personal Care Aides Nursing Instructors and Teachers, Postsecondary Diagnostic Medical Sonographers Information Security Analysts Home Health Aides Meeting, Convention, and Event Planners Logisticians Eligibility Interviewers, Government Programs 2012 Estimated Employment 212 95 3,016 113 63 527 947 84 457 135 2022 Projected Employment 329 140 4,440 166 91 760 1,323 114 620 182 Top 10 Occupations Ranked by Annual Openings SOC Code 41-2031 53-3032 35-3031 35-3021 41-2011 11-9013 53-7062 39-9021 43-9061 43-4051 SOC Title 8,644 10,965 5,185 9,811 12,786 6,124 1,167 1,821 939 13.50% 16.61% 18.11% Annual Openings due to Growth 117 182 94 4,703 6,061 1,358 28.88% 136 180 316 5,651 11,841 4,541 3,016 5,666 3,383 6,173 11,443 4,999 4,440 6,112 3,888 522 -398 458 1,424 446 505 9.24% -3.36% 10.09% 47.21% 7.87% 14.93% 52 0 46 142 45 50 244 191 141 22 119 92 296 191 187 164 164 142 Net Growth Percent Growth 2012 Estimated Employment Retail Salespersons Heavy and Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers Waiters and Waitresses Combined Food Preparation and Serving Workers, Including Fast Food Cashiers Farmers, Ranchers, and Other Agricultural Managers Laborers and Freight, Stock, and Material Movers, Hand Personal Care Aides Office Clerks, General Customer Service Representatives 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth Percent Growth Annual Openings due to Replacement 296 175 250 Total Annual Openings 413 357 344 Top 5 Declining Occupations Ranked by Net Growth (Bottom Five) SOC Code 11-9013 43-9011 43-5052 43-9021 53-7051 SOC Title Farmers, Ranchers, and Other Agricultural Managers Computer Operators Postal Service Mail Carriers Data Entry Keyers Industrial Truck and Tractor Operators 2012 Estimated Employment 11,841 588 510 287 1,364 2022 Projected Employment 11,443 496 427 216 1,314 -398 -92 -83 -71 -50 -3.36% -15.65% -16.27% -24.74% -3.67% Annual Openings due to Growth Annual Openings due to Replacement Total Annual Openings 0 0 0 0 0 191 6 18 3 31 191 6 18 3 31 Annual Openings due to Replacement 3 2 Top 5 Fastest Declining Occupations Ranked by Percent Growth (Bottom Five) (Minimum Decline of 5) SOC Code 43-9021 43-5051 43-5053 43-9022 43-5052 SOC Title Data Entry Keyers Postal Service Clerks Postal Service Mail Sorters, Processors, and Processing Machine Operators Word Processors and Typists Postal Service Mail Carriers 287 122 216 95 -71 -27 -24.74% -22.13% Annual Openings due to Growth 0 0 137 110 -27 -19.71% 0 1 1 46 510 37 427 -9 -83 -19.57% -16.27% 0 0 0 18 0 18 2012 Estimated Employment 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth Percent Growth Total Annual Openings 3 2 17 18 North Central Arkansas Profile North Central Arkansas has numerous tourist attractions within its borders. Near Mountain View, visitors can tour the underground beauty of Blanchard Springs Caverns and listen to traditional American mountain music at the Ozark Folk Center. Created by a dam in 1964, the 40,000-acre Greers Ferry Lake offers outdoor adventurists plenty of fishing, boating, and camping. Nearby, the Little Red River flows out of the lake’s tailwaters, providing excellent trout fishing. The North Central Arkansas WIA consists of 10 counties: Cleburne, Fulton, Independence, Izard, Jackson, Sharp, Stone, Van Buren, White, and Woodruff, with the state of Missouri bordering the Area to the north. The Area is home to three public two-year colleges that are part of the Arkansas State University (ASU) system with campuses located in Beebe, Newport, and Searcy. Also located in North Central Arkansas are two private four-year institutions, Lyon College in Batesville and Harding University in Searcy. Rounding out the Area’s educational opportunities are several community, technical, and trade schools, including the UA Community College in Batesville and Ozarka College in Melbourne. North Central Arkansas is projected to add 11,542 new jobs during the 2012-2022 projection period, or increase employment by 13.83 percent. Goods-Producing industries are expected to add 1,350 new jobs, while the Services-Providing industries could add 8,308. The Area is also expected to gain 1,884 Self-Employed and Unpaid Family Workers. Education and Health Services is projected to be the top growing supersector in North Central Arkansas with a growth of 3,934 jobs. Health Care and Social Assistance is estimated to have the highest growth of the subsectors with an increase of 2,786 jobs. Leisure and Hospitality is forecasted to be the fastest growing supersector with a growth of 32.48 percent. Food Services and Drinking Places is estimated to be the top growing industry adding 1,792 new jobs, while Machinery Manufacturing is expected to be the fastest growing industry with a rate of 80.80 percent. Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing is likely to have the toughest outlook in the Area with a decline of 195 jobs, or 28.97 percent of its workforce. North Central Arkansas is expected to have 3,097 total job openings annually between 2012 and 2022. Of these, 1,911 would be for replacement, while 1,186 would be for growth and expansion. The Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations major group is predicted to have the highest net growth with 1,908 new jobs. Farmers, Ranchers and Other Agricultural Managers is estimated to add 1,238 new jobs to the workforce making it the top growing occupation in the Area. The occupation is also anticipating the most annual openings with 254 between 2012 and 2022. At 32.20 percent, Personal Care and Service Occupations is projected to be the fastest growing major group. Driving this growth is Personal Care Aides with a percent growth of 56.28. Postal Service Mail Carriers is predicted to be the top declining occupation with a loss of 34 jobs, while Lathe and Turning Machine Tool Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic is estimated to be the fastest declining, losing 43.75 percent of its workforce. North Central Arkansas Workforce Investment Area 2012-2022 Industry Projections by Major Division NAICS Code 000000 000671 006010 007010 101000 101100 110000 210000 101200 101300 102000 102100 420000 440000 480000 220000 102200 102300 520000 530000 102400 540000 550000 560000 102500 610000 620000 102600 710000 720000 102700 102800 NAICS Title Total All Industries Total Self Employed and Unpaid Family Workers, All Jobs Self Employed Workers, All Jobs Unpaid Family Workers, All Jobs Goods Producing Natural Resources and Mining Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting Mining Construction Manufacturing Non-Durable Goods Manufacturing Durable Goods Manufacturing Services Providing Trade, Transportation, and Utilities Wholesale Trade Retail Trade Transportation and Warehousing Utilities Information Financial Activities Finance and Insurance Real Estate and Rental and Leasing Professional and Business Services Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Management of Companies and Enterprises Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services Education and Health Services Educational Services Health Care and Social Assistance Leisure and Hospitality Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation Accommodation and Food Services Other Services (except Government) Government 2012 Estimated Employment 83,452 11,753 11,699 54 14,115 2,944 847 2,097 2,575 8,596 3,969 4,627 57,584 16,278 1,961 9,153 4,471 693 533 2,483 1,892 591 3,129 1,086 176 1,867 20,388 8,778 11,610 6,146 426 5,720 2,622 6,005 2022 Projected Employment 94,994 13,637 13,588 49 15,465 3,244 940 2,304 2,882 9,339 4,537 4,802 65,892 17,092 2,107 9,691 4,619 675 532 2,861 2,221 640 3,545 1,177 192 2,176 24,322 9,926 14,396 8,142 495 7,647 3,018 6,380 Net Growth Percent Growth 11,542 1,884 1,889 -5 1,350 300 93 207 307 743 568 175 8,308 814 146 538 148 -18 -1 378 329 49 416 91 16 309 3,934 1,148 2,786 1,996 69 1,927 396 375 13.83% 16.03% 16.15% -9.26% 9.56% 10.19% 10.98% 9.87% 11.92% 8.64% 14.31% 3.78% 14.43% 5.00% 7.45% 5.88% 3.31% -2.60% -0.19% 15.22% 17.39% 8.29% 13.29% 8.38% 9.09% 16.55% 19.30% 13.08% 24.00% 32.48% 16.20% 33.69% 15.10% 6.24% 19 20 North Central Arkansas Workforce Investment Area 2012-2022 Industry Projections Rankings (by NAICS Subsector) Top 10 Growing Industries Ranked by Net Growth NAICS Code NAICS Title 2012 Estimated Employment 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth Percent Growth 722000 Food Services and Drinking Places 5,079 6,871 1,792 35.28% 611000 Educational Services 8,778 9,926 1,148 13.08% 624000 Social Assistance 2,238 3,293 1,055 47.14% 621000 Ambulatory Health Care Services 3,232 4,009 777 24.04% 622000 Hospitals 3,254 3,777 523 16.07% 623000 Nursing and Residential Care Facilities 2,886 3,317 431 14.93% 333000 Machinery Manufacturing 526 951 425 80.80% 999200 State Government, Excluding Education and Hospitals 2,119 2,518 399 18.83% 311000 Food Manufacturing 2,491 2,883 392 15.74% 452000 General Merchandise Stores 2,743 3,037 294 10.72% Top 10 Fastest Growing Industries Ranked by Percent Growth (Minimum Employment of 50) 2012 2022 NAICS Net NAICS Title Estimated Projected Code Growth Employment Employment 333000 Machinery Manufacturing 624000 Social Assistance 524000 Insurance Carriers and Related Activities 722000 Food Services and Drinking Places 325000 Percent Growth 526 951 425 80.80% 2,238 3,293 1,055 47.14% 414 582 168 40.58% 5,079 6,871 1,792 35.28% Chemical Manufacturing 673 851 178 26.45% 211000 Oil and Gas Extraction 413 517 104 25.18% 621000 Ambulatory Health Care Services 3,232 4,009 777 24.04% 111000 Crop Production 377 457 80 21.22% 721000 Accommodation, including Hotels and Motels 641 776 135 21.06% 812000 Personal and Laundry Services 481 578 97 20.17% Top 5 Declining Industries Ranked by Net Growth (Bottom Five) 2012 NAICS NAICS Title Estimated Code Employment 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth Percent Growth 332000 Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing 673 478 -195 -28.97% 336000 Transportation Equipment Manufacturing 989 799 -190 -19.21% 491100 Postal Service 416 345 -71 -17.07% 115000 Support Activities for Agriculture and Forestry 154 114 -40 -25.97% 442000 Furniture and Home Furnishings Stores 141 115 -26 -18.44% Net Growth Percent Growth Top 5 Fastest Declining Industries Ranked by Percent Growth (Bottom Five) 2012 2022 NAICS NAICS Title Estimated Projected Code Employment Employment 332000 Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing 673 478 -195 -28.97% 115000 Support Activities for Agriculture and Forestry 154 114 -40 -25.97% 336000 Transportation Equipment Manufacturing 989 799 -190 -19.21% 442000 Furniture and Home Furnishings Stores 141 115 -26 -18.44% 491100 Postal Service 416 345 -71 -17.07% 21 22 North Central Arkansas Workforce Investment Area 2012-2022 Occupational Projections by Major Group 00-0000 Total, All Occupations 83,452 94,994 11,542 13.83% Annual Openings due to Growth 1,186 11-0000 13-0000 15-0000 17-0000 19-0000 21-0000 23-0000 25-0000 27-0000 29-0000 31-0000 33-0000 35-0000 37-0000 39-0000 41-0000 43-0000 45-0000 47-0000 49-0000 51-0000 53-0000 Management Occupations Business and Financial Operations Occupations Computer and Mathematical Occupations Architecture and Engineering Occupations Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations Community and Social Service Occupations Legal Occupations Education, Training, and Library Occupations Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations Healthcare Support Occupations Protective Service Occupations Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance Occupations Personal Care and Service Occupations Sales and Related Occupations Office and Administrative Support Occupations Farming, Fishing, and Forestry Occupations Construction and Extraction Occupations Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations Production Occupations Transportation and Material Moving Occupations 11,295 1,359 339 441 276 1,299 282 5,131 629 5,167 2,755 1,609 6,248 2,758 2,727 7,243 10,644 631 3,958 3,598 7,308 7,755 12,946 1,549 393 481 313 1,529 309 5,880 702 6,181 3,354 1,762 8,156 3,169 3,605 7,855 11,523 694 4,339 3,956 8,030 8,268 1,651 190 54 40 37 230 27 749 73 1,014 599 153 1,908 411 878 612 879 63 381 358 722 513 14.62% 13.98% 15.93% 9.07% 13.41% 17.71% 9.57% 14.60% 11.61% 19.62% 21.74% 9.51% 30.54% 14.90% 32.20% 8.45% 8.26% 9.98% 9.63% 9.95% 9.88% 6.62% 166 19 5 5 4 23 3 75 8 101 60 15 191 41 88 61 100 6 39 37 83 55 SOC Code SOC Title 2012 Estimated Employment 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth Percent Growth Annual Openings due to Replacement 1,911 196 28 6 10 8 29 5 110 15 108 53 48 202 56 55 234 234 18 79 88 156 170 Total Annual Openings 3,097 362 47 11 15 12 52 8 185 23 209 113 63 393 97 143 295 334 24 118 125 239 225 North Central Arkansas Workforce Investment Area 2012-2022 Occupational Projections Rankings Top 10 Growing Occupations Ranked by Net Growth SOC Code 11-9013 35-3021 39-9021 31-1014 29-1141 29-2061 35-2011 53-3032 35-3031 39-9011 SOC Title Farmers, Ranchers, and Other Agricultural Managers Combined Food Preparation and Serving Workers, Including Fast Food Personal Care Aides Nursing Assistants Registered Nurses Licensed Practical and Licensed Vocational Nurses Cooks, Fast Food Heavy and Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers Waiters and Waitresses Childcare Workers 15.42% Annual Openings due to Growth 124 Annual Openings due to Replacement 130 687 41.29% 69 64 133 511 290 258 253 247 236 229 224 56.28% 16.14% 20.71% 19.70% 23.52% 8.38% 29.93% 21.41% 51 29 26 25 25 24 23 22 6 34 24 31 21 45 37 31 57 63 50 56 46 69 60 53 Annual Openings due to Replacement 6 8 2012 Estimated Employment 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth Percent Growth 8,027 9,265 1,238 1,664 2,351 908 1,797 1,246 1,284 1,050 2,816 765 1,046 1,419 2,087 1,504 1,537 1,297 3,052 994 1,270 Total Annual Openings 254 Top 10 Fastest Growing Occupations Ranked by Percent Growth (Minimum Employment of 50) SOC Code 39-9021 35-2014 35-3021 41-3021 43-4061 31-2021 51-4111 35-3031 29-1123 29-2055 SOC Title Personal Care Aides Cooks, Restaurant Combined Food Preparation and Serving Workers, Including Fast Food Insurance Sales Agents Eligibility Interviewers, Government Programs Physical Therapist Assistants Tool and Die Makers Waiters and Waitresses Physical Therapists Surgical Technologists 2012 Estimated Employment 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth Percent Growth 908 401 1,419 576 511 175 56.28% 43.64% Annual Openings due to Growth 51 18 1,664 2,351 687 41.29% 69 64 133 218 146 59 61 765 101 54 307 203 79 81 994 131 70 89 57 20 20 229 30 16 40.83% 39.04% 33.90% 32.79% 29.93% 29.70% 29.63% 9 6 2 2 23 3 2 5 3 1 0 37 2 0 14 9 3 2 60 5 2 Total Annual Openings 57 26 23 24 Top 10 Occupations Ranked by Annual Openings SOC Code 11-9013 35-3021 41-2011 41-2031 53-3032 53-7062 31-1014 35-3031 39-9021 29-2061 SOC Title 15.42% Annual Openings due to Growth 124 Annual Openings due to Replacement 130 687 41.29% 69 64 133 2,460 2,323 3,052 1,719 2,087 994 1,419 1,537 124 146 236 149 290 229 511 253 5.31% 6.71% 8.38% 9.49% 16.14% 29.93% 56.28% 19.70% 12 15 24 15 29 23 51 25 101 74 45 49 34 37 6 31 113 89 69 64 63 60 57 56 2012 Estimated Employment 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth Percent Growth 216 105 182 77 -34 -28 -15.74% -26.67% Annual Openings due to Growth 0 0 Annual Openings due to Replacement 8 1 141 123 -18 -12.77% 0 4 4 401 60 74 386 47 61 -15 -13 -13 -3.74% -21.67% -17.57% 0 0 0 9 1 1 9 1 1 Percent Growth Annual Openings due to Growth Annual Openings due to Replacement Total Annual Openings 2012 Estimated Employment 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth Percent Growth 8,027 9,265 1,238 1,664 2,351 2,336 2,177 2,816 1,570 1,797 765 908 1,284 Farmers, Ranchers, and Other Agricultural Managers Combined Food Preparation and Serving Workers, Including Fast Food Cashiers Retail Salespersons Heavy and Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers Laborers and Freight, Stock, and Material Movers, Hand Nursing Assistants Waiters and Waitresses Personal Care Aides Licensed Practical and Licensed Vocational Nurses Total Annual Openings 254 Top 5 Declining Occupations Ranked by Net Growth (Bottom Five) SOC Code 43-5052 43-9021 51-4011 53-7051 43-5051 51-9122 SOC Title Postal Service Mail Carriers Data Entry Keyers Computer-Controlled Machine Tool Operators, Metal and Plastic Industrial Truck and Tractor Operators Postal Service Clerks Painters, Transportation Equipment Total Annual Openings 8 1 Top 5 Fastest Declining Occupations Ranked by Percent Growth (Bottom Five) (Minimum Decline of 5) SOC Code 51-4034 43-9021 43-5051 43-5053 27-3022 SOC Title Lathe and Turning Machine Tool Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic Data Entry Keyers Postal Service Clerks Postal Service Mail Sorters, Processors, and Processing Machine Operators Reporters and Correspondents 2012 Estimated Employment 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth 16 9 -7 -43.75% 0 0 0 105 60 77 47 -28 -13 -26.67% -21.67% 0 0 1 1 1 1 47 37 -10 -21.28% 0 0 0 41 33 -8 -19.51% 0 1 1 Northeast Arkansas Profile The Hemingway-Pfeiffer Museum and Educational Center in Piggott, including the home and barn studio where Ernest Hemingway lived and wrote portions of "A Farewell to Arms,” is just one of the many attractions located in the Northeast Arkansas WIA. A unique land formation, one of only two in the world, can be found in Crowley’s Ridge State Park near Paragould. Lake Charles, in Powhatan, is one of several lakes in this region, offering camping and fishing. Built in 1888 and restored in the 1970s, the historical Powhatan Courthouse is the main attraction at Powhatan Historic State Park. The Northeast Arkansas WIA consists of seven counties: Clay, Craighead, Greene, Lawrence, Mississippi, Poinsett, and Randolph, with the states of Missouri bordering the area to the north and Tennessee to the east. The Jonesboro Metropolitan Statistical Area is located in this Area. The Area is home to three four-year colleges, two private and one public: Williams Baptist College in Walnut Ridge, Crowley’s Ridge College in Paragould, and Arkansas State University in Jonesboro. Arkansas Northeastern College in Blytheville and Black River Technical College in Pocahontas are two-year colleges located in this WIA. Northeast Arkansas is expected to add 13,048 jobs during the projection period. Goods-Producing industries are predicted to have a gain of 2,942 jobs, while Services-Providing industries could add 8,725. A net gain of 1,381 Self-Employed and Unpaid Family Workers is anticipated. Education and Health Services is expected to be the top growing supersector with 4,627 new jobs to be added during the projection period. Leisure and Hospitality is estimated to be the fastest growing supersector in Northeast Arkansas with a 20.45 percent growth. Driving this growth is Food Services and Drinking Places, which is projected to be the top growing industry with a gain of 1,639 jobs. Food Manufacturing could also drive growth in the Area with a 55.52 percent growth making it the fastest growing industry. Electrical Equipment, Appliance, and Component Manufacturing is estimated to be the top declining industry with a decline of 115, while Leather and Allied Product Manufacturing could lose a quarter of its workforce. The Northeast Arkansas WIA is expected to have 3,838 annual job openings during the projection period. Of these, 2,490 would be for replacement, while 1,348 would be for growth and expansion. The Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations major group is predicted to add the most new jobs with 1,742, while Personal Care and Service Occupations is predicted to be the fastest growing major group at 25.52 percent. Farmers, Ranchers, and Other Agricultural Managers is estimated to lead the Area in net growth with 691 new jobs, while Personal Care Aides could lead the Area in percent growth with a 47.94 percent growth. Office and Administrative Support Occupations is estimated to grow by 847 jobs, but the major group dominates the Top 5 Declining and Top 5 Fastest Declining Occupations list. Stock Clerks and Order Fillers is set to be the top declining occupation with 56 job losses, while Data Entry Clerks is forecasted to be the fastest declining occupation with a decline of 24.19 percent. With 153 annual openings, Combined Food Preparation and Serving Workers, Including Fast Food is predicted to have the most openings between 2012 and 2022. 25 26 Northeast Arkansas Workforce Investment Area 2012-2022 Industry Projections by Major Division NAICS Code 000000 000671 006010 007010 101000 101100 110000 210000 101200 101300 102000 102100 420000 440000 480000 220000 102200 102300 520000 530000 102400 540000 550000 560000 102500 610000 620000 102600 710000 720000 102700 102800 NAICS Title Total All Industries Total Self Employed and Unpaid Family Workers, All Jobs Self Employed Workers, All Jobs Unpaid Family Workers, All Jobs Goods Producing Natural Resources and Mining Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting Mining Construction Manufacturing Non-Durable Goods Manufacturing Durable Goods Manufacturing Services Providing Trade, Transportation, and Utilities Wholesale Trade Retail Trade Transportation and Warehousing Utilities Information Financial Activities Finance and Insurance Real Estate and Rental and Leasing Professional and Business Services Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Management of Companies and Enterprises Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services Education and Health Services Educational Services Health Care and Social Assistance Leisure and Hospitality Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation Accommodation and Food Services Other Services (except Government) Government 2012 Estimated Employment 107,445 94,61 9,384 77 24,748 2,159 2,050 109 3,103 19,486 5,799 13,687 73,236 19,256 4,355 11,897 2,528 476 826 3,145 2,156 989 7,320 1,573 490 5,257 25,309 10,537 14,772 8,029 435 7,594 2,709 6,642 2022 Projected Employment 120,493 10,842 10,770 72 27,690 2,394 2,284 110 3,460 21,836 7,344 14,492 81,961 20,320 4,646 12,295 2,844 535 804 3,297 2,284 1,013 8,127 1,615 505 6,007 29,936 11,921 18,015 9,671 429 9,242 3,087 6,719 Net Growth Percent Growth 13,048 1,381 1,386 -5 2,942 235 234 1 357 2,350 1,545 805 8,725 1,064 291 398 316 59 -22 152 128 24 807 42 15 750 4,627 1,384 3,243 1,642 -6 1,648 378 77 12.14% 14.60% 14.77% -6.49% 11.89% 10.88% 11.41% 0.92% 11.50% 12.06% 26.64% 5.88% 11.91% 5.53% 6.68% 3.35% 12.50% 12.39% -2.66% 4.83% 5.94% 2.43% 11.02% 2.67% 3.06% 14.27% 18.28% 13.13% 21.95% 20.45% -1.38% 21.70% 13.95% 1.16% Northeast Arkansas Workforce Investment Area 2012-2022 Industry Projections Rankings (by NAICS Subsector) Top 10 Growing Industries Ranked by Net Growth NAICS Code NAICS Title 722000 611000 311000 624000 621000 561000 331000 622000 623000 238000 Food Services and Drinking Places Educational Services Food Manufacturing Social Assistance Ambulatory Health Care Services Administrative and Support Services Primary Metal Manufacturing Hospitals Nursing and Residential Care Facilities Specialty Trade Contractors 2012 Estimated Employment 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth Percent Growth 7,018 10,537 2,219 3,645 4,329 5,032 3,941 4,345 2,453 1,974 8,657 11,921 3,451 4,797 5,454 5,746 4,645 4,878 2,886 2,290 1,639 1,384 1,232 1,152 1,125 714 704 533 433 316 23.35% 13.13% 55.52% 31.60% 25.99% 14.19% 17.86% 12.27% 17.65% 16.01% Top 10 Fastest Growing Industries Ranked by Percent Growth (Minimum Employment of 50) 2012 2022 NAICS NAICS Title Estimated Projected Code Employment Employment 311000 322000 488000 321000 325000 624000 425000 493000 621000 814000 Food Manufacturing Paper Manufacturing Support Activities for Transportation Wood Product Manufacturing Chemical Manufacturing Social Assistance Wholesale Electronic Markets and Agents and Brokers Warehousing and Storage Ambulatory Health Care Services Private Households 2,219 80 482 307 696 3,645 248 327 4,329 67 3,451 115 688 433 962 4,797 319 414 5,454 84 Net Growth Percent Growth 1,232 35 206 126 266 1,152 71 87 1,125 17 55.52% 43.75% 42.74% 41.04% 38.22% 31.60% 28.63% 26.61% 25.99% 25.37% 27 28 Top 5 Declining Industries Ranked by Net Growth NAICS Code NAICS Title 335000 491100 333000 448000 454000 Electrical Equipment, Appliance, and Component Manufacturing Postal Service Machinery Manufacturing Clothing and Clothing Accessories Stores Nonstore Retailers 2012 Estimated Employment 945 501 1,879 683 148 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth Percent Growth 830 416 1,817 659 131 -115 -85 -62 -24 -17 -12.17% -16.97% -3.30% -3.51% -11.49% 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth Percent Growth 21 416 830 131 252 -7 -85 -115 -17 -15 -25.00% -16.97% -12.17% -11.49% -5.62% Top 5 Fastest Declining Industries Ranked by Percent Growth NAICS Code NAICS Title 316000 491100 335000 454000 517000 Leather and Allied Product Manufacturing Postal Service Electrical Equipment, Appliance, and Component Manufacturing Nonstore Retailers Telecommunications 2012 Estimated Employment 28 501 945 148 267 Northeast Arkansas Workforce Investment Area 2012-2022 Occupational Projections by Major Group SOC Code SOC Title 00-0000 Total, All Occupations 11-0000 13-0000 15-0000 17-0000 19-0000 21-0000 23-0000 25-0000 27-0000 29-0000 31-0000 33-0000 35-0000 37-0000 39-0000 41-0000 43-0000 45-0000 47-0000 49-0000 51-0000 53-0000 Management Occupations Business and Financial Operations Occupations Computer and Mathematical Occupations Architecture and Engineering Occupations Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations Community and Social Service Occupations Legal Occupations Education, Training, and Library Occupations Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations Healthcare Support Occupations Protective Service Occupations Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance Occupations Personal Care and Service Occupations Sales and Related Occupations Office and Administrative Support Occupations Farming, Fishing, and Forestry Occupations Construction and Extraction Occupations Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations Production Occupations Transportation and Material Moving Occupations 12.14% Annual Openings due to Growth 1,348 Annual Openings due to Replacement 2,490 12.55% 11.14% 13.02% 3.40% 16.67% 19.07% 3.58% 15.08% 9.10% 17.76% 18.66% 4.81% 20.77% 12.30% 25.52% 5.34% 5.90% 8.96% 9.91% 14.90% 11.39% 11.91% 118 24 8 3 6 45 2 98 8 109 61 8 174 45 68 60 109 11 39 69 180 104 167 46 10 15 11 54 7 139 18 128 63 48 289 74 52 340 320 37 67 107 295 204 2012 Estimated Employment 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth Percent Growth 107,445 120,493 13,048 9,313 2,163 576 589 348 2,344 419 6,514 769 6,126 3,258 1,704 8,386 3,641 2,621 11,196 14,344 1,272 3,897 4,529 14,753 8,683 10,482 2,404 651 609 406 2,791 434 7,496 839 7,214 3,866 1,786 10,128 4,089 3,290 11,794 15,191 1,386 4,283 5,204 16,433 9,717 1,169 241 75 20 58 447 15 982 70 1,088 608 82 1,742 448 669 598 847 114 386 675 1,680 1,034 Total Annual Openings 3,838 285 70 18 18 17 99 9 237 26 237 124 56 463 119 120 400 429 48 106 176 475 308 29 30 Northeast Arkansas Workforce Investment Area 2012-2022 Occupational Projections Rankings Top 10 Growing Occupations Ranked by Net Growth SOC Code 11-9013 35-3021 53-7062 39-9021 51-4011 51-2092 29-1141 31-1014 35-3031 53-3032 SOC Title Farmers, Ranchers, and Other Agricultural Managers Combined Food Preparation and Serving Workers, Including Fast Food Laborers and Freight, Stock, and Material Movers, Hand Personal Care Aides Computer-Controlled Machine Tool Operators, Metal and Plastic Team Assemblers Registered Nurses Nursing Assistants Waiters and Waitresses Heavy and Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers 13.76% Annual Openings due to Growth 69 Annual Openings due to Replacement 81 671 29.86% 67 86 153 2,647 1,259 416 408 18.65% 47.94% 42 41 69 6 111 47 935 1,242 307 32.83% 31 26 57 2,995 1,747 1,786 1,375 1,952 3,301 2,046 2,055 1,625 2,187 306 299 269 250 235 10.22% 17.12% 15.06% 18.18% 12.04% 31 30 27 25 24 47 34 34 66 31 78 64 61 91 55 Annual Openings due to Replacement 6 2012 Estimated Employment 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth Percent Growth 5,022 5,713 691 2,247 2,918 2,231 851 Total Annual Openings 150 Top 10 Fastest Growing Occupations Ranked by Percent Growth (Minimum Employment of 50) SOC Code 39-9021 43-5111 49-9041 31-2021 31-1011 51-4011 29-1122 49-9043 29-1123 29-1171 SOC Title Personal Care Aides Weighers, Measurers, Checkers, and Samplers, Recordkeeping Industrial Machinery Mechanics Physical Therapist Assistants Home Health Aides Computer-Controlled Machine Tool Operators, Metal and Plastic Occupational Therapists Maintenance Workers, Machinery Physical Therapists Nurse Practitioners 851 1,259 408 47.94% Annual Openings due to Growth 41 63 88 25 39.68% 2 1 3 501 90 536 685 121 718 184 31 182 36.73% 34.44% 33.96% 18 3 18 14 2 10 32 5 28 935 1,242 307 32.83% 31 26 57 71 116 131 65 94 153 172 85 23 37 41 20 32.39% 31.90% 31.30% 30.77% 2 4 4 2 1 2 3 1 3 6 7 3 2012 Estimated Employment 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth Percent Growth Total Annual Openings 47 Top 10 Occupations Ranked by Annual Openings SOC Code 35-3021 11-9013 41-2031 41-2011 53-7062 35-3031 51-2092 43-9061 29-1141 31-1014 SOC Title Combined Food Preparation and Serving Workers, Including Fast Food Farmers, Ranchers, and Other Agricultural Managers Retail Salespersons Cashiers Laborers and Freight, Stock, and Material Movers, Hand Waiters and Waitresses Team Assemblers Office Clerks, General Registered Nurses Nursing Assistants 2012 Estimated Employment 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth Percent Growth Annual Openings due to Growth Annual Openings due to Replacement 2,247 2,918 671 29.86% 67 86 153 5,022 3,518 2,580 2,231 1,375 2,995 2,454 1,747 1,786 5,713 3,677 2,625 2,647 1,625 3,301 2,580 2,046 2,055 691 159 45 416 250 306 126 299 269 13.76% 4.52% 1.74% 18.65% 18.18% 10.22% 5.13% 17.12% 15.06% 69 16 4 42 25 31 13 30 27 81 120 112 69 66 47 52 34 34 150 136 116 111 91 78 65 64 61 2012 Estimated Employment 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth Percent Growth Annual Openings due to Growth 1,125 276 1,069 232 -56 -44 -4.98% -15.94% 0 0 34 10 34 10 435 396 -39 -8.97% 0 4 4 124 94 -30 -24.19% 0 2 2 298 270 -28 -9.40% 0 6 6 Annual Openings due to Replacement 2 1 Total Annual Openings Top 5 Declining Occupations Ranked by Net Growth (Bottom Five) SOC Code 43-5081 43-5052 51-4031 43-9021 51-4021 SOC Title Stock Clerks and Order Fillers Postal Service Mail Carriers Cutting, Punching, and Press Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic Data Entry Keyers Extruding and Drawing Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic Annual Openings due to Replacement Total Annual Openings Top 5 Fastest Declining Occupations Ranked by Percent Growth (Bottom Five) (Minimum Decline of 5) SOC Code 43-9021 43-5051 43-5053 43-5052 11-9131 SOC Title Data Entry Keyers Postal Service Clerks Postal Service Mail Sorters, Processors, and Processing Machine Operators Postal Service Mail Carriers Postmasters and Mail Superintendents 2012 Estimated Employment 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth 124 68 94 53 -30 -15 -24.19% -22.06% Annual Openings due to Growth 0 0 64 51 -13 -20.31% 0 0 0 276 62 232 53 -44 -9 -15.94% -14.52% 0 0 10 1 10 1 Percent Growth Total Annual Openings 2 1 31 32 Western Arkansas Profile The Western Arkansas WIA is home to the two highest mountain peaks in Arkansas; Mount Magazine near Paris and Rich Mountain at the Queen Wilhelmina State Park near Mena. The Cossatot River, an American Indian word for “skull crusher,” provides some of the most challenging whitewater rafting in the state. Settled by Swiss and German immigrants in the 1880s, Altus has become the wine capital of Arkansas, producing several award-winning wines from grapes grown in the Boston Mountains. Area visitors can also see an eight-foot tall statue of Popeye in Alma, the self-proclaimed “spinach capital of the world.” The Western Arkansas WIA consists of six counties: Crawford, Franklin, Logan, Polk, Scott, and Sebastian; and is bordered to the west by the state of Oklahoma. The Arkansas portion of the Fort Smith Metropolitan Statistical Area is located in the Western Arkansas WIA. The Area is home to the University of Arkansas at Fort Smith, a four-year public university located in Sebastian County. Offering associate degrees and certificates, Rich Mountain Community College in Mena and Arkansas Tech-Ozark are two-year colleges located in this Area, providing residents with a range of educational options. Western Arkansas is expected to experience a net growth of employment with 9,466 jobs forecasted to be added during the projection period. Goods-Producing industries are projected to have a net gain of 1,195 jobs, while the Services-Providing industries are estimated to add 9,219. The Area is predicted to lose 948 jobs for Self-Employed and Unpaid Family Workers. The Education and Health Services supersector is expected to add the most new jobs with 3,575 anticipated, while Leisure and Hospitality is estimated to see the fastest growth at 18.27 percent. Food Services and Drinking Places is predicted to see the most growth gaining 1,488 jobs during the projection period. Wood Product Manufacturing is projected to be the fastest growing industry with a 37.69 percent increase. Electrical Equipment, Appliance, and Component Manufacturing is anticipated to be the top declining industry with a loss of 239 jobs, while Nonstore Retailers is expected to lose 18.64 percent of its workforce. The Western Arkansas WIA is projected to see an 8.10 percent growth of its workforce between 2012 and 2022. Around 3,734 annual job openings are expected to be available during the projection period with 2,675 for replacement and 1,059 for growth and expansion. The Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations major group is predicted to add the most jobs with 1,642 anticipated, but Personal Care and Service Occupations is expected to see a percent growth of 21.96 percent over the projection period. Personal Care Aides is estimated to be the top and fastest growing occupation with a growth of 554 or an increase of 48.47 percent. Farmers, Ranchers, and Other Agricultural Managers is expected to be the top declining occupation with a loss of 491 jobs, while Data Entry Keyers could lose 27.87 percent of its workforce. Retail Salespersons is projected to have the most job openings with 146 annually. Western Arkansas Workforce Investment Area 2012-2022 Industry Projections by Major Division NAICS Code 000000 000671 006010 007010 101000 101100 110000 210000 101200 101300 102000 102100 420000 440000 480000 220000 102200 102300 520000 530000 102400 540000 550000 560000 102500 610000 620000 102600 710000 720000 102700 102800 NAICS Title Total All Industries Total Self Employed and Unpaid Family Workers, All Jobs Self Employed Workers, All Jobs Unpaid Family Workers, All Jobs Goods Producing Natural Resources and Mining Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting Mining Construction Manufacturing Non-Durable Goods Manufacturing Durable Goods Manufacturing Services Providing Trade, Transportation, and Utilities Wholesale Trade Retail Trade Transportation and Warehousing Utilities Information Financial Activities Finance and Insurance Real Estate and Rental and Leasing Professional and Business Services Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Management of Companies and Enterprises Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services Education and Health Services Educational Services Health Care and Social Assistance Leisure and Hospitality Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation Accommodation and Food Services Other Services (except Government) Government 2012 Estimated Employment 116,877 10,796 10,724 72 27,375 2,545 579 1,966 3,658 21,172 10,901 10,271 78,706 22,354 3,763 12,058 5,838 695 1,263 3,846 2,659 1,187 9,503 1,940 2,106 5,457 23,115 8,536 14,579 8,389 415 7,974 3,837 6,399 2022 Projected Employment 126,343 9,848 9,787 61 28,570 2,868 649 2,219 4,169 21,533 11,063 10,470 87,925 23,979 3,979 12,871 6,444 685 1,284 4,133 2,825 1,308 10,658 2,390 2,301 5,967 26,690 9,524 17,166 9,922 437 9,485 4,233 7,026 Net Growth Percent Growth 9,466 -948 -937 -11 1,195 323 70 253 511 361 162 199 9,219 1,625 216 813 606 -10 21 287 166 121 1,155 450 195 510 3,575 988 2,587 1,533 22 1,511 396 627 8.10% -8.78% -8.74% -15.28% 4.37% 12.69% 12.09% 12.87% 13.97% 1.71% 1.49% 1.94% 11.71% 7.27% 5.74% 6.74% 10.38% -1.44% 1.66% 7.46% 6.24% 10.19% 12.15% 23.20% 9.26% 9.35% 15.47% 11.57% 17.74% 18.27% 5.30% 18.95% 10.32% 9.80% 33 34 Western Arkansas Workforce Investment Area 2012-2022 Industry Projections Rankings (by NAICS Subsector) Top 10 Growing Industries Ranked by Net Growth NAICS Code NAICS Title 722000 611000 624000 622000 621000 561000 484000 541000 238000 999300 Food Services and Drinking Places Educational Services Social Assistance Hospitals Ambulatory Health Care Services Administrative and Support Services Truck Transportation Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Specialty Trade Contractors Local Government, Excluding Education and Hospitals 2012 Estimated Employment 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth Percent Growth 7,320 8,536 2,600 4,238 4,547 5,300 4,493 1,940 2,317 3,071 8,808 9,524 3,525 5,028 5,325 5,785 4,974 2,390 2,694 3,442 1,488 988 925 790 778 485 481 450 377 371 20.33% 11.57% 35.58% 18.64% 17.11% 9.15% 10.71% 23.20% 16.27% 12.08% Top 10 Fastest Growing Industries Ranked by Percent Growth (Minimum Employment of 50) 2012 2022 NAICS Net NAICS Title Estimated Projected Code Growth Employment Employment 321000 624000 814000 541000 112000 722000 622000 332000 621000 331000 Wood Product Manufacturing Social Assistance Private Households Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Animal Production Food Services and Drinking Places Hospitals Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing Ambulatory Health Care Services Primary Metal Manufacturing 605 2,600 63 1,940 230 7,320 4,238 1,551 4,547 778 833 3,525 84 2,390 280 8,808 5,028 1,833 5,325 906 228 925 21 450 50 1,488 790 282 778 128 Percent Growth 37.69% 35.58% 33.33% 23.20% 21.74% 20.33% 18.64% 18.18% 17.11% 16.45% Top 5 Declining Industries Ranked by Net Growth NAICS Code NAICS Title 335000 333000 322000 491100 327000 Electrical Equipment, Appliance, and Component Manufacturing Machinery Manufacturing Paper Manufacturing Postal Service Nonmetallic Mineral Product Manufacturing 2012 Estimated Employment 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth Percent Growth 3,319 1,552 1,078 448 633 3,080 1,439 968 372 558 -239 -113 -110 -76 -75 -7.20% -7.28% -10.20% -16.96% -11.85% Top 5 Fastest Declining Industries Ranked by Percent Growth NAICS Code NAICS Title 454000 491100 327000 322000 812000 Nonstore Retailers Postal Service Nonmetallic Mineral Product Manufacturing Paper Manufacturing Personal and Laundry Services 2012 Estimated Employment 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth Percent Growth 236 448 633 1,078 645 192 372 558 968 581 -44 -76 -75 -110 -64 -18.64% -16.96% -11.85% -10.20% -9.92% 35 36 Western Arkansas Workforce Investment Area 2012-2022 Occupational Projections by Major Group SOC Code SOC Title 00-0000 Total, All Occupations 11-0000 13-0000 15-0000 17-0000 19-0000 21-0000 23-0000 25-0000 27-0000 29-0000 31-0000 33-0000 35-0000 37-0000 39-0000 41-0000 43-0000 45-0000 47-0000 49-0000 51-0000 53-0000 Management Occupations Business and Financial Operations Occupations Computer and Mathematical Occupations Architecture and Engineering Occupations Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations Community and Social Service Occupations Legal Occupations Education, Training, and Library Occupations Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations Healthcare Support Occupations Protective Service Occupations Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance Occupations Personal Care and Service Occupations Sales and Related Occupations Office and Administrative Support Occupations Farming, Fishing, and Forestry Occupations Construction and Extraction Occupations Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations Production Occupations Transportation and Material Moving Occupations 2012 Estimated Employment 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth 116,877 126,343 9,466 10,509 3,370 877 975 444 1,798 529 5,249 970 6,274 3,672 1,751 9,103 3,083 2,891 10,649 15,611 686 4,865 5,127 15,174 13,270 10,377 3,755 963 1,036 500 2,051 595 5,940 1,018 7,277 4,158 1,925 10,745 3,284 3,526 11,328 16,436 724 5,380 5,554 15,675 14,096 -132 385 86 61 56 253 66 691 48 1,003 486 174 1,642 201 635 679 825 38 515 427 501 826 8.10% Annual Openings due to Growth 1,059 Annual Openings due to Replacement 2,675 -1.26% 11.42% 9.81% 6.26% 12.61% 14.07% 12.48% 13.16% 4.95% 15.99% 13.24% 9.94% 18.04% 6.52% 21.96% 6.38% 5.28% 5.54% 10.59% 8.33% 3.30% 6.22% 37 38 9 7 6 25 7 69 6 100 49 17 164 20 67 68 103 4 52 46 72 92 189 68 15 23 14 41 8 111 22 129 71 46 320 63 51 328 353 17 95 120 302 290 Percent Growth Total Annual Openings 3,734 226 106 24 30 20 66 15 180 28 229 120 63 484 83 118 396 456 21 147 166 374 382 Western Arkansas Workforce Investment Area 2012-2022 Occupational Projections Rankings (by NAICS Subsector) Top 10 Growing Occupations Ranked by Net Growth SOC Code 39-9021 35-3021 29-1141 35-3031 41-2031 31-1011 43-6014 35-1012 53-7062 35-2014 SOC Title Personal Care Aides Combined Food Preparation and Serving Workers, Including Fast Food Registered Nurses Waiters and Waitresses Retail Salespersons Home Health Aides Secretaries and Administrative Assistants, Except Legal, Medical, and Executive First-Line Supervisors of Food Preparation and Serving Workers Laborers and Freight, Stock, and Material Movers, Hand Cooks, Restaurant 48.47% Annual Openings due to Growth 55 Annual Openings due to Replacement 8 493 27.43% 49 69 118 2,290 2,299 3,709 1,042 364 311 289 242 18.90% 15.64% 8.45% 30.25% 36 31 29 24 37 96 117 15 73 127 146 39 1,848 2,089 241 13.04% 24 22 46 930 1,149 219 23.55% 22 26 48 2,631 786 2,848 971 217 185 8.25% 23.54% 22 18 82 16 104 34 2012 Estimated Employment 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth Percent Growth 1,143 1,697 554 1,797 2,290 1,926 1,988 3,420 800 Total Annual Openings 63 Top 10 Fastest Growing Occupations Ranked by Percent Growth (Minimum Employment of 50) SOC Code 39-9021 29-2032 51-7042 31-1011 29-2055 31-2021 13-1161 43-4061 49-9041 13-1081 SOC Title Personal Care Aides Diagnostic Medical Sonographers Woodworking Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Except Sawing Home Health Aides Surgical Technologists Physical Therapist Assistants Market Research Analysts and Marketing Specialists Eligibility Interviewers, Government Programs Industrial Machinery Mechanics Logisticians 48.47% 40.68% Annual Openings due to Growth 55 2 Annual Openings due to Replacement 8 1 28 39.44% 3 0 3 242 28 30 48 31 116 22 30.25% 28.87% 28.85% 28.40% 27.93% 27.75% 27.50% 24 3 3 5 3 12 2 15 1 2 2 2 12 1 39 4 5 7 5 24 3 2012 Estimated Employment 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth Percent Growth 1,143 59 1,697 83 554 24 71 99 800 97 104 169 111 418 80 1,042 125 134 217 142 534 102 Total Annual Openings 63 3 37 38 Top 10 Occupations Annual Openings SOC Code 41-2031 35-3031 41-2011 35-3021 53-7062 11-9013 29-1141 39-9021 43-9061 43-5081 SOC Title Retail Salespersons Waiters and Waitresses Cashiers Combined Food Preparation and Serving Workers, Including Fast Food Laborers and Freight, Stock, and Material Movers, Hand Farmers, Ranchers, and Other Agricultural Managers Registered Nurses Personal Care Aides Office Clerks, General Stock Clerks and Order Fillers 8.45% 15.64% 5.20% Annual Openings due to Growth 29 31 13 Annual Openings due to Replacement 117 96 109 493 27.43% 49 69 118 2,848 4,955 2,290 1,697 2,420 1,699 217 -491 364 554 80 -32 8.25% -9.02% 18.90% 48.47% 3.42% -1.85% 22 0 36 55 8 0 82 88 37 8 49 52 104 88 73 63 57 52 2012 Estimated Employment 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth Percent Growth 5,446 1,387 245 122 1,731 4,955 1,305 205 88 1,699 -491 -82 -40 -34 -32 -9.02% -5.91% -16.33% -27.87% -1.85% Annual Openings due to Growth 0 0 0 0 0 Annual Openings due to Replacement 88 32 8 2 52 Annual Openings due to Replacement 2 2012 Estimated Employment 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth Percent Growth 3,420 1,988 2,519 3,709 2,299 2,650 289 311 131 1,797 2,290 2,631 5,446 1,926 1,143 2,340 1,731 Total Annual Openings 146 127 122 Top 5 Declining Occupations Ranked by Net Growth (Bottom Five) SOC Code 11-9013 53-7051 43-5052 43-9021 43-5081 SOC Title Farmers, Ranchers, and Other Agricultural Managers Industrial Truck and Tractor Operators Postal Service Mail Carriers Data Entry Keyers Stock Clerks and Order Fillers Total Annual Openings 88 32 8 2 52 Top 5 Fastest Declining Occupations Ranked by Percent Growth (Bottom Five) (Minimum Decline of 5) SOC Code 43-9021 49-9091 43-5051 43-5053 43-2011 SOC Title Data Entry Keyers Coin, Vending, and Amusement Machine Servicers and Repairers Postal Service Clerks Postal Service Mail Sorters, Processors, and Processing Machine Operators Switchboard Operators, Including Answering Service 2012 Estimated Employment 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth Percent Growth 122 88 -34 -27.87% Annual Openings due to Growth 0 39 30 -9 -23.08% 0 0 0 59 46 -13 -22.03% 0 1 1 64 52 -12 -18.75% 0 0 0 120 98 -22 -18.33% 0 2 2 Total Annual Openings 2 West Central Arkansas Profile The West Central Arkansas WIA contains unbelievable natural resources for recreational use, including multiple lakes and mountains. Petit Jean State Park, located near Morrilton, is home to Cedar Falls, the tallest continuous flowing waterfall in the state. The Crater of Diamonds State Park, located in Murfreesboro, is recognized as the only public diamond mine in the world where you keep what you find. Visitors found 95.38 total carats in 2012. Hot Springs is also a center for tourism with its famous Bathhouse Row, a theme park, and other historic attractions. The West Central Arkansas WIA consists of 10 counties: Clark, Conway, Garland, Hot Spring, Johnson, Montgomery, Perry, Pike, Pope, and Yell; with the Hot Springs Metropolitan Statistical Area located within the WIA. The Area has several four-year colleges: Arkansas Tech University in Russellville; Henderson State University and Ouachita Baptist University in Arkadelphia; and the University of the Ozarks in Clarksville. There are also a number of two-year community and technical colleges in the area: National Park Community College in Hot Springs; a campus of the University of Arkansas Community College System in Morrilton; and College of the Ouachitas in Malvern. West Central Arkansas is expected to see an employment increase of 14,933 during the 2012-2022 projection period. Goods-Producing industries are projected to gain 1,730 net jobs, while the Services-Providing industries are predicted to gain 12,282. There is estimated to be 921 more Self-Employed and Unpaid Family Workers in the Area by 2022. Education and Health Services is estimated to add 5,705 jobs, making it the top supersector in West Central Arkansas for net growth. Leisure and Hospitality is projected to be the fastest growing supersector, increasing employment by 22.38 percent. Food Services and Drinking Places is predicted to lead all industries in net growth adding 2,322 to the local workforce. Social Assistance could increase employment by 46.31 percent making it the fastest growing industry in the Area. Postal Service jobs could fall by 93 making it the top declining industry, while Crop Production could lose 30.16 percent of its workforce making it the fastest declining industry. West Central Arkansas’s occupational employment is expected to increase 12.20 percent during the projection period. About 4,396 annual job openings are anticipated in the Area. Growth and expansion is estimated to account for 1,540 of those jobs, while 2,856 would be for replacement. The Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations major group is projected to add the most jobs with 2,503 between 2012 and 2022. Personal Care and Service Occupations is forecasted to be the fastest growing major group with a 31.21 percent increase. Driving this growth is Personal Care Aides, which is expected to be the top and fastest growing occupation with a gain of 957, a 55.64 percent growth. On the negative side of the economy, Postal Service Mail Carriers is estimated to lose 53 jobs, while Data Entry Clerks could lose more than 25 percent of its workforce. Farmers, Ranchers, and Other Agricultural Managers is estimated to have the most annual openings with 157 between 2012 and 2022. 39 40 West Central Arkansas Workforce Investment Area 2012-2022 Industry Projections by Major Division NAICS Code 000000 000671 006010 007010 101000 101100 110000 210000 101200 101300 102000 102100 420000 440000 480000 220000 102200 102300 520000 530000 102400 540000 550000 560000 102500 610000 620000 102600 710000 720000 102700 102800 NAICS Title Total All Industries Total Self Employed and Unpaid Family Workers, All Jobs Self Employed Workers, All Jobs Unpaid Family Workers, All Jobs Goods Producing Natural Resources and Mining Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting Mining Construction Manufacturing Non-Durable Goods Manufacturing Durable Goods Manufacturing Services Providing Trade, Transportation, and Utilities Wholesale Trade Retail Trade Transportation and Warehousing Utilities Information Financial Activities Finance and Insurance Real Estate and Rental and Leasing Professional and Business Services Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Management of Companies and Enterprises Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services Education and Health Services Educational Services Health Care and Social Assistance Leisure and Hospitality Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation Accommodation and Food Services Other Services (except Government) Government 2012 Estimated Employment 122,369 12,450 12,368 82 23,314 2,174 1,583 591 4,614 16,526 9,735 6,791 86,605 21,370 2,483 13,748 3,841 1,298 724 4,189 3,135 1,054 7,999 2,721 413 4,865 27,614 11,911 15,703 12,044 1,862 10,182 4,148 8,517 2022 Projected Employment 137,302 13,371 13,296 75 25,044 2,437 1,836 601 5,046 17,561 10,198 7,363 98,887 22,614 2,553 14,699 4,127 1,235 705 4,674 3,524 1,150 9,064 2,980 415 5,669 33,319 13,572 19,747 14,740 2,170 12,570 4,666 9,105 Net Growth Percent Growth 14,933 921 928 -7 1,730 263 253 10 432 1,035 463 572 12,282 1,244 70 951 286 -63 -19 485 389 96 1,065 259 2 804 5,705 1,661 4,044 2,696 308 2,388 518 588 12.20% 7.40% 7.50% -8.54% 7.42% 12.10% 15.98% 1.69% 9.36% 6.26% 4.76% 8.42% 14.18% 5.82% 2.82% 6.92% 7.45% -4.85% -2.62% 11.58% 12.41% 9.11% 13.31% 9.52% 0.48% 16.53% 20.66% 13.95% 25.75% 22.38% 16.54% 23.45% 12.49% 6.90% West Central Arkansas Workforce Investment Area 2012-2022 Industry Projections Rankings (by NAICS Subsector) Top 10 Growing Industries Ranked by Net Growth NAICS Code NAICS Title 722000 624000 611000 621000 561000 999300 623000 622000 311000 813000 Food Services and Drinking Places Social Assistance Educational Services Ambulatory Health Care Services Administrative and Support Services Local Government, Excluding Education and Hospitals Nursing and Residential Care Facilities Hospitals Food Manufacturing Religious, Grantmaking, Civic, Professional, and Similar Organizations 2012 Estimated Employment 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth Percent Growth 8,559 3,712 11,911 4,958 4,543 4,046 3,258 3,775 6,471 2,668 10,881 5,431 13,572 6,271 5,297 4,621 3,786 4,259 6,905 2,973 2,322 1,719 1,661 1,313 754 575 528 484 434 305 27.13% 46.31% 13.95% 26.48% 16.60% 14.21% 16.21% 12.82% 6.71% 11.43% Top 10 Fastest Growing Industries Ranked by Percent Growth (Minimum Employment of 50) NAICS Code NAICS Title 624000 814000 332000 523000 112000 722000 621000 115000 524000 327000 Social Assistance Private Households Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing Securities, Commodity Contracts, and Other Financial Investments and Related Activities Animal Production Food Services and Drinking Places Ambulatory Health Care Services Support Activities for Agriculture and Forestry Insurance Carriers and Related Activities Nonmetallic Mineral Product Manufacturing 2012 Estimated Employment 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth Percent Growth 3,712 80 938 179 434 8,559 4,958 601 1,288 342 5,431 106 1,237 233 557 10,881 6,271 748 1,543 402 1,719 26 299 54 123 2,322 1,313 147 255 60 46.31% 32.50% 31.88% 30.17% 28.34% 27.13% 26.48% 24.46% 19.80% 17.54% 41 42 Top 5 Declining Industries Ranked by Net Growth (Bottom Five) NAICS Code NAICS Title 491100 443000 221000 425000 335000 Postal Service Electronics and Appliance Stores Utilities Wholesale Electronic Markets and Agents and Brokers Electrical Equipment, Appliance, and Component Manufacturing 2012 Estimated Employment 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth Percent Growth 547 337 1,298 339 411 454 261 1,235 279 381 -93 -76 -63 -60 -30 -17.00% -22.55% -4.85% -17.70% -7.30% Top 5 Fastest Declining Industries Ranked by Net Growth (Bottom Five) 2012 NAICS NAICS Title Estimated Code Employment 111000 443000 312000 425000 491100 Crop Production Electronics and Appliance Stores Beverage and Tobacco Product Manufacturing Wholesale Electronic Markets and Agents and Brokers Postal Service 63 337 96 339 547 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth Percent Growth 44 261 79 279 454 -19 -76 -17 -60 -93 -30.16% -22.55% -17.71% -17.70% -17.00% West Central Arkansas Workforce Investment Area 2012-2022 Occupational Projections by Major Group SOC Code SOC Title 00-0000 Total, All Occupations 11-0000 13-0000 15-0000 17-0000 19-0000 21-0000 23-0000 25-0000 27-0000 29-0000 31-0000 33-0000 35-0000 37-0000 39-0000 41-0000 43-0000 45-0000 47-0000 49-0000 51-0000 53-0000 Management Occupations Business and Financial Operations Occupations Computer and Mathematical Occupations Architecture and Engineering Occupations Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations Community and Social Service Occupations Legal Occupations Education, Training, and Library Occupations Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations Healthcare Support Occupations Protective Service Occupations Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance Occupations Personal Care and Service Occupations Sales and Related Occupations Office and Administrative Support Occupations Farming, Fishing, and Forestry Occupations Construction and Extraction Occupations Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations Production Occupations Transportation and Material Moving Occupations 2012 Estimated Employment 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth 122,369 137,302 14,933 11,464 2,322 584 1,090 635 2,363 360 7,371 1,117 6,439 4,147 2,269 10,506 4,404 4,527 12,587 17,555 1,021 5,321 4,809 11,989 9,489 12,468 2,617 655 1,139 728 2,720 389 8,554 1,215 7,625 4,988 2,548 13,009 4,918 5,940 13,636 18,793 1,117 5,786 5,270 12,917 10,270 1,004 295 71 49 93 357 29 1,183 98 1,186 841 279 2,503 514 1,413 1,049 1,238 96 465 461 928 781 12.20% Annual Openings due to Growth 1,540 Annual Openings due to Replacement 2,856 8.76% 12.70% 12.16% 4.50% 14.65% 15.11% 8.06% 16.05% 8.77% 18.42% 20.28% 12.30% 23.82% 11.67% 31.21% 8.33% 7.05% 9.40% 8.74% 9.59% 7.74% 8.23% 101 30 7 6 9 36 3 118 11 119 84 28 250 52 142 105 145 12 47 50 103 82 206 48 10 25 20 54 6 157 26 136 79 67 363 89 87 381 407 25 91 115 254 212 Percent Growth Total Annual Openings 4,396 307 78 17 31 29 90 9 275 37 255 163 95 613 141 229 486 552 37 138 165 357 294 43 44 West Central Arkansas Workforce Investment Area 2012-2022 Occupational Projections Rankings Top 10 Growing Occupations Ranked by Net Growth SOC Code 39-9021 35-3021 11-9013 35-3031 35-2014 29-1141 31-1011 31-1014 43-4051 37-2011 SOC Title Personal Care Aides Combined Food Preparation and Serving Workers, Including Fast Food Farmers, Ranchers, and Other Agricultural Managers Waiters and Waitresses Cooks, Restaurant Registered Nurses Home Health Aides Nursing Assistants Customer Service Representatives Janitors and Cleaners, Except Maids and Housekeeping Cleaners 55.64% Annual Openings due to Growth 96 Annual Openings due to Replacement 12 590 32.40% 59 70 129 7,267 2,536 1,534 2,265 1,298 2,405 2,224 467 467 392 339 333 331 324 6.87% 22.57% 34.33% 17.60% 34.51% 15.96% 17.05% 47 47 39 34 33 33 32 110 100 22 37 18 39 52 157 147 61 71 51 72 84 2,464 286 13.13% 29 41 70 Annual Openings due to Replacement 12 1 3 18 22 6 2012 Estimated Employment 2022 Projected Employment 1,720 2,677 957 1,821 2,411 6,800 2,069 1,142 1,926 965 2,074 1,900 2,178 Net Growth Percent Growth Total Annual Openings 108 Top 10 Fastest Growing Occupations Ranked by Percent Growth (Minimum Employment of 50) SOC Code 39-9021 25-1072 31-2021 31-1011 35-2014 29-1123 35-3021 29-1122 25-2051 35-1012 SOC Title Personal Care Aides Nursing Instructors and Teachers, Postsecondary Physical Therapist Assistants Home Health Aides Cooks, Restaurant Physical Therapists Combined Food Preparation and Serving Workers, Including Fast Food Occupational Therapists Special Education Teachers, Preschool First-Line Supervisors of Food Preparation and Serving Workers 2012 Estimated Employment 2022 Projected Employment 1,720 56 116 965 1,142 239 2,677 80 157 1,298 1,534 317 957 24 41 333 392 78 55.64% 42.86% 35.34% 34.51% 34.33% 32.64% Annual Openings due to Growth 96 2 4 33 39 8 1,821 2,411 590 32.40% 59 70 129 111 52 146 68 35 16 31.53% 30.77% 4 2 2 1 6 3 896 1,158 262 29.24% 26 25 51 Net Growth Percent Growth Total Annual Openings 108 3 7 51 61 14 Top 10 Occupations Annual Openings SOC Code 11-9013 35-3031 41-2011 41-2031 35-3021 39-9021 43-4051 43-9061 31-1014 53-7062 SOC Title 6.87% 22.57% 5.26% 8.37% Annual Openings due to Growth 47 47 16 28 Annual Openings due to Replacement 110 100 130 114 590 32.40% 59 70 129 957 324 151 331 153 55.64% 17.05% 5.41% 15.96% 8.34% 96 32 15 33 15 12 52 59 39 57 108 84 74 72 72 Annual Openings due to Growth 0 0 0 0 0 Annual Openings due to Replacement 11 48 18 1 2 Annual Openings due to Replacement 1 1 2012 Estimated Employment 2022 Projected Employment 6,800 2,069 3,003 3,333 7,267 2,536 3,161 3,612 467 467 158 279 1,821 2,411 1,720 1,900 2,793 2,074 1,835 2,677 2,224 2,944 2,405 1,988 2012 Estimated Employment 2022 Projected Employment 320 1,579 803 115 321 267 1,540 770 86 301 Farmers, Ranchers, and Other Agricultural Managers Waiters and Waitresses Cashiers Retail Salespersons Combined Food Preparation and Serving Workers, Including Fast Food Personal Care Aides Customer Service Representatives Office Clerks, General Nursing Assistants Laborers and Freight, Stock, and Material Movers, Hand Net Growth Percent Growth Total Annual Openings 157 147 146 142 Top 5 Declining Occupations (Ranked by Net Growth) (Bottom Five) SOC Code 43-5052 43-5081 53-7051 43-9021 51-6031 SOC Title Postal Service Mail Carriers Stock Clerks and Order Fillers Industrial Truck and Tractor Operators Data Entry Keyers Sewing Machine Operators Net Growth -53 -39 -33 -29 -20 Percent Growth -16.56% -2.47% -4.11% -25.22% -6.23% Total Annual Openings 11 48 18 1 2 Top 5 Fastest Declining Occupations (Ranked by Percent Growth (Bottom Five) (Minimum Decline of 5) SOC Code 43-9021 43-5051 43-5053 43-5052 43-5041 SOC Title Data Entry Keyers Postal Service Clerks Postal Service Mail Sorters, Processors, and Processing Machine Operators Postal Service Mail Carriers Meter Readers, Utilities 2012 Estimated Employment 2022 Projected Employment 115 86 86 67 -29 -19 -25.22% -22.09% Annual Openings due to Growth 0 0 51 41 -10 -19.61% 0 0 0 320 41 267 35 -53 -6 -16.56% -14.63% 0 0 11 1 11 1 Net Growth Percent Growth Total Annual Openings 1 1 45 46 Central Arkansas Profile The Central Arkansas WIA is home to the Prairie County Museum in Des Arc, which contains artifacts and exhibits that tell the story of the Lower White River’s influence on the first settlements in the Arkansas frontier. The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission’s Joe Hogan Fish Hatchery in Lonoke is one of the largest working fish hatcheries in the world, supplying state lakes, rivers, and streams with an abundance of fish. Located in Scott, the Plantation Agricultural Museum, tells the history of cotton agriculture in the state; and the Toltec Indian Mounds State Park, a national historic landmark, preserves and interprets the state’s tallest Native American mounds. The Little Rock Air Force Base in Jacksonville is the world’s largest training ground for C-130 pilots and North Little Rock’s Old Mill, an authentic reproduction of a waterpowered gristmill, was seen in the opening credits of “Gone with the Wind”. The Central Arkansas WIA consists of six counties: Faulkner, Lonoke, Monroe, Prairie, Saline, and the portion of Pulaski County outside of Little Rock. The majority of the Little Rock-North Little Rock-Conway Metropolitan Statistical Area is located in this WIA. Three four-year colleges and universities are located in Conway: the University of Central Arkansas, Hendrix College, and Central Baptist College. There are satellite campuses of other colleges and universities, including the University of Arkansas at Little Rock-Benton and the Pulaski Technical College-Saline County Career Center in Bauxite. Two two-year colleges, Shorter College and Pulaski Technical College, are located in North Little Rock. The Central Arkansas WIA is expected to add 25,613 new jobs between 2012 and 2022. Goods-Producing industries are projected to gain 1,884 net jobs, while the ServicesProviding industries are predicted to add 22,591 jobs. In addition, 1,138 more Self-Employed and Unpaid Family Workers are expected to be based in this area. Education and Health Services is estimated to be the top and fastest growing supersector in Central Arkansas with a growth of 10,837, an increase of 32.46 percent. Educational Services is forecasted to be the top growing industry with an increase of 3,876 new jobs. Nursing and Residential Care Facilities is expected to be the fastest growing industry increasing by 46.47 percent. Postal Service could be the top and fastest declining industry in the Area with 134 job losses, a decrease of 17.05 percent. Central Arkansas is expected to have 6,591 annual job openings during the projection period with 2,617 being for growth and expansion and 3,974 being for replacement. Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations major group is projected to add the most jobs with 3,651 anticipated, while Personal Care and Service Occupations is estimated to be the fastest growing major group with an increase of 36.98 percent. Personal Care Aides is anticipated to be the top and fastest growing occupation adding 1,250 jobs, an increase of 59.21 percent. Postal Service Mail Sorters, Processors, and Processing Machine Operators is predicted to lose 53 jobs making it the top declining occupation, while Data Entry Clerks is estimated to be the fastest declining occupation with a rate of 23.16 percent. Retail Salespersons is estimated to have the most annual openings with 278 during the projection period. Central Arkansas Workforce Investment Area 2012-2022 Industry Projections by Major Division NAICS Code 000000 000671 006010 007010 101000 101100 110000 210000 101200 101300 102000 102100 420000 440000 480000 220000 102200 102300 520000 530000 102400 540000 550000 560000 102500 610000 620000 102600 710000 720000 102700 102800 NAICS Title Total All Industries Total Self Employed and Unpaid Family Workers, All Jobs Self Employed Workers, All Jobs Unpaid Family Workers, All Jobs Goods Producing Natural Resources and Mining Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting Mining Construction Manufacturing Non-Durable Goods Manufacturing Durable Goods Manufacturing Services Providing Trade, Transportation, and Utilities Wholesale Trade Retail Trade Transportation and Warehousing Utilities Information Financial Activities Finance and Insurance Real Estate and Rental and Leasing Professional and Business Services Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Management of Companies and Enterprises Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services Education and Health Services Educational Services Health Care and Social Assistance Leisure and Hospitality Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation Accommodation and Food Services Other Services (except Government) Government 2012 Estimated Employment 168,330 12,517 12,409 108 23,480 2,763 855 1,908 9,180 11,537 3,941 7,596 132,333 36,952 7,014 22,304 7,020 614 1,546 6,099 4,127 1,972 17,624 6,960 936 9,728 33,387 12,517 20,870 16,819 1,439 15,380 5,600 14,306 2022 Projected Employment 193,943 13,655 13,554 101 25,364 3,177 1,000 2,177 10,105 12,082 3,898 8,184 154,924 39,595 7,286 24,003 7,566 740 1,632 6,835 4,671 2,164 19,979 7,622 1,023 11,334 44,224 16,393 27,831 20,378 1,590 18,788 6,396 15,885 Net Growth Percent Growth 25,613 1,138 1,145 -7 1,884 414 145 269 925 545 -43 588 22,591 2,643 272 1,699 546 126 86 736 544 192 2,355 662 87 1,606 10,837 3,876 6,961 3,559 151 3,408 796 1,579 15.22% 9.09% 9.23% -6.48% 8.02% 14.98% 16.96% 14.10% 10.08% 4.72% -1.09% -7.74% 17.07% 7.15% 3.88% 7.62% 7.78% 20.52% 5.56% 12.07% 13.18% 9.74% 13.36% 9.51% 9.29% 16.51% 32.46% 30.97% 33.35% 21.16% 10.49% 22.16% 14.21% 11.04% 47 48 Central Arkansas Workforce Investment Area 2012-2022 Industry Projections Rankings (by NAICS Subsector) Top 10 Growing Industries Ranked by Net Growth NAICS Code NAICS Title 611000 722000 623000 624000 621000 561000 999300 238000 541000 452000 Educational Services Food Services and Drinking Places Nursing and Residential Care Facilities Social Assistance Ambulatory Health Care Services Administrative and Support Services Local Government, Excluding Education and Hospitals Specialty Trade Contractors Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services General Merchandise Stores 2012 Estimated Employment 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth Percent Growth 12,517 14,143 5,072 5,144 5,754 9,240 5,177 6,501 6,960 6,633 16,393 17,517 7,429 7,463 7,633 10,769 6,616 7,187 7,622 7,138 3,876 3,374 2,357 2,319 1,879 1,529 1,439 686 662 505 30.97% 23.86% 46.47% 45.08% 32.66% 16.55% 27.80% 10.55% 9.51% 7.61% Net Growth Percent Growth Top 10 Fastest Growing Industries Ranked by Percent Growth (Minimum Employment of 50) 2012 2022 NAICS NAICS Title Estimated Projected Code Employment Employment 623000 Nursing and Residential Care Facilities 5,072 7,429 2,357 46.47% 624000 Social Assistance 5,144 7,463 2,319 45.08% 327000 Nonmetallic Mineral Product Manufacturing 509 683 174 34.18% 814000 Private Households 55 73 18 32.73% 621000 Ambulatory Health Care Services 5,754 7,633 1,879 32.66% 611000 Educational Services 12,517 16,393 3,876 30.97% 524000 Insurance Carriers and Related Activities 1,582 2,038 456 28.82% 999300 Local Government, Excluding Education and Hospitals 5,177 6,616 1,439 27.80% 722000 Food Services and Drinking Places 14,143 17,517 3,374 23.86% 112000 Animal Production 247 305 58 23.48% Top 5 Declining Industries Ranked by Net Growth (Bottom Five) NAICS Code NAICS Title 2012 Estimated Employment 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth Percent Growth 786 652 -134 -17.05% 491100 Postal Service 999200 State Government, Excluding Education and Hospitals 4,337 4,233 -104 -2.40% 322000 Paper Manufacturing 1,466 1,404 -62 -4.23% 443000 Electronics and Appliance Stores 852 810 -42 -4.93% 326000 Plastics and Rubber Products Manufacturing 328 294 -34 -10.37% Top 5 Fastest Declining Industries Ranked by Net Percent (Bottom Five) NAICS Code NAICS Title 491100 486000 314000 454000 326000 Postal Service Pipeline Transportation Textile Product Mills Nonstore Retailers Plastics and Rubber Products Manufacturing 2012 Estimated Employment 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth Percent Growth 786 52 38 161 328 652 45 33 144 294 -134 -7 -5 -17 -34 -17.05% -13.46% -13.16% -10.56% -10.37% 49 50 Central Arkansas Workforce Investment Area 2012-2022 Occupational Projections by Major Group SOC Code SOC Title 00-0000 Total, All Occupations 11-0000 13-0000 15-0000 17-0000 19-0000 21-0000 23-0000 25-0000 27-0000 29-0000 31-0000 33-0000 35-0000 37-0000 39-0000 41-0000 43-0000 45-0000 47-0000 49-0000 51-0000 53-0000 Management Occupations Business and Financial Operations Occupations Computer and Mathematical Occupations Architecture and Engineering Occupations Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations Community and Social Service Occupations Legal Occupations Education, Training, and Library Occupations Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations Healthcare Support Occupations Protective Service Occupations Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance Occupations Personal Care and Service Occupations Sales and Related Occupations Office and Administrative Support Occupations Farming, Fishing, and Forestry Occupations Construction and Extraction Occupations Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations Production Occupations Transportation and Material Moving Occupations 15.22% Annual Openings due to Growth 2,617 Annual Openings due to Replacement 3,974 12.17% 13.89% 18.81% 3.81% 11.79% 22.48% 12.32% 30.98% 11.88% 22.05% 30.26% 21.35% 23.11% 13.89% 36.98% 8.72% 9.01% 13.33% 10.02% 12.27% 7.00% 11.09% 151 77 74 8 18 67 5 257 16 192 185 77 365 83 182 163 260 8 90 101 79 157 231 110 67 37 47 68 6 177 30 181 116 101 556 124 91 578 587 17 159 190 194 306 2012 Estimated Employment 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth Percent Growth 168,330 193,943 25,613 12,414 5,551 3,935 1,575 1,569 2,971 406 8,287 1,372 8,673 6,083 3,607 15,800 5,990 4,911 18,673 25,798 600 8,910 7,998 9,875 13,332 13,925 6,322 4,675 1,635 1,754 3,639 456 10,854 1,535 10,585 7,924 4,377 19,451 6,822 6,727 20,302 28,122 680 9,803 8,979 10,566 14,810 1,511 771 740 60 185 668 50 2,567 163 1,912 1,841 770 3,651 832 1,816 1,629 2,324 80 893 981 691 1,478 Total Annual Openings 6,591 382 187 141 45 65 135 11 434 46 373 301 178 921 207 273 741 847 25 249 291 273 463 Central Arkansas Workforce Investment Area 2012-2022 Occupational Projections Rankings Top 10 Growing Occupations Ranked by Net Growth SOC Code 39-9021 35-3021 31-1011 31-1014 35-3031 41-2031 43-4051 43-6014 29-2061 53-3032 SOC Title Personal Care Aides Combined Food Preparation and Serving Workers, Including Fast Food Home Health Aides Nursing Assistants Waiters and Waitresses Retail Salespersons Customer Service Representatives Secretaries and Administrative Assistants, Except Legal, Medical, and Executive Licensed Practical and Licensed Vocational Nurses Heavy and Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers 59.21% Annual Openings due to Growth 125 Annual Openings due to Replacement 15 960 30.74% 96 119 215 3,276 2,827 4,006 7,005 3,625 849 659 646 584 544 34.98% 30.40% 19.23% 9.10% 17.66% 85 66 65 58 54 46 41 162 220 84 131 107 227 278 138 3,112 3,611 499 16.03% 50 38 88 1,557 3,764 2,055 4,243 498 479 31.98% 12.73% 50 48 38 60 88 108 Annual Openings due to Replacement 15 4 4 9 2 3 5 6 2012 Estimated Employment 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth Percent Growth 2,111 3,361 1,250 3,123 4,083 2,427 2,168 3,360 6,421 3,081 Total Annual Openings 140 Top 10 Fastest Growing Occupations Ranked by Percent Growth (Minimum Employment of 50) SOC Code 39-9021 27-2022 39-9041 29-1123 21-1094 29-1122 29-1127 25-2012 25-2022 25-2021 SOC Title Personal Care Aides Coaches and Scouts Residential Advisors Physical Therapists Community Health Workers Occupational Therapists Speech-Language Pathologists Kindergarten Teachers, Except Special Education Middle School Teachers, Except Special and Career/Technical Education Elementary School Teachers, Except Special Education 2012 Estimated Employment 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth Percent Growth 2,111 149 89 369 69 203 305 228 3,361 208 124 514 95 277 415 310 1,250 59 35 145 26 74 110 82 59.21% 39.60% 39.33% 39.30% 37.68% 36.45% 36.07% 35.96% Annual Openings due to Growth 125 6 4 14 3 7 11 8 713 967 254 35.62% 25 16 41 1,254 1,700 446 35.57% 45 28 73 Total Annual Openings 140 10 8 23 5 10 16 14 51 52 Top 10 Occupations Ranked by Annual Openings SOC Code SOC Title 2012 Estimated Employment 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth Annual Annual Total Openings Openings Annual due to due to Openings Growth Replacement 278 9.10% 58 220 Percent Growth 41-2031 Retail Salespersons 6,421 7,005 584 35-3031 Waiters and Waitresses 3,360 4,006 646 19.23% 65 162 227 41-2011 4,384 4,703 319 7.28% 32 190 222 3,123 4,083 960 30.74% 96 119 215 39-9021 Cashiers Combined Food Preparation and Serving Workers, Including Fast Food Personal Care Aides 2,111 3,361 1,250 59.21% 125 15 140 43-4051 Customer Service Representatives 3,081 3,625 544 17.66% 54 84 138 31-1011 Home Health Aides 2,427 3,276 849 34.98% 85 46 131 43-9061 Office Clerks, General 3,887 4,287 400 10.29% 40 82 122 53-7062 Laborers and Freight, Stock, and Material Movers, Hand 2,903 3,205 302 10.40% 30 90 120 53-3032 Heavy and Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers 3,764 4,243 479 12.73% 48 60 108 35-3021 Top 5 Declining Occupations Ranked by Net Growth (Bottom Five) SOC Code 43-5053 43-5052 43-9021 43-5081 43-5051 SOC Title Postal Service Mail Sorters, Processors, and Processing Machine Operators Postal Service Mail Carriers Data Entry Keyers Stock Clerks and Order Fillers Postal Service Clerks 2012 Estimated Employment 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth Percent Growth Annual Openings due to Growth Annual Openings due to Replacement Total Annual Openings 255 202 -53 -20.78% 0 2 2 269 190 3,109 73 223 146 3,074 57 -46 -44 -35 -16 -17.10% -23.16% -1.13% -21.92% 0 0 0 0 9 2 94 1 9 2 94 1 Annual Openings due to Replacement 2 1 Top 5 Fastest Declining Occupations Ranked by Percent Growth (Bottom Five) (Minimum Decline of 5) SOC Code 43-9021 43-5051 43-5053 43-5052 43-2011 SOC Title Data Entry Keyers Postal Service Clerks Postal Service Mail Sorters, Processors, and Processing Machine Operators Postal Service Mail Carriers Switchboard Operators, Including Answering Service 2012 Estimated Employment 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth Percent Growth 190 73 146 57 -44 -16 -23.16% -21.92% Annual Openings due to Growth 0 0 255 202 -53 -20.78% 0 2 2 269 93 223 79 -46 -14 -17.10% -15.05% 0 0 9 2 9 2 Total Annual Openings 2 1 City of Little Rock Profile The City of Little Rock WIA has numerous attractions and resources for people to enjoy. There are a number of museums in the Area, including the Arkansas Arts Center. Located in the historic MacArthur Park, the Center houses art galleries, a Children’s Theater, and other attractions related to the arts. As Arkansas’s only major airport, the Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport transports over 2.2 million passengers in and out of the city each year. Central High School is considered one of Arkansas's most important historical landmarks. In 1957, the school was brought to national attention in one of the earliest school desegregation struggles in the modern civil rights movement. With the addition of the Clinton Presidential Library and the revitalization of the River Market District, the downtown area has become a tourist destination for the state and Area. The City of Little Rock WIA is a center for government operations, serving as the county seat of Pulaski County as well as the state’s capital. The Area is recognized as part of the Little Rock-North Little Rock-Conway Metropolitan Statistical Area. Three four-year colleges are located in the City of Little Rock: one public university, the University of Arkansas at Little Rock; and three private colleges, Arkansas Baptist College, Philander Smith College, and Remington College. It is also home to the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences and the UALR William H. Bowen School of Law, one of two law schools in the state. The City of Little Rock WIA is expected to grow by 15,533 jobs during the 2012-2022 projections period, or an increase of 8.33 percent. Goods-Producing industries are projected to experience a net growth of 231 jobs, while Services-Providing industries are predicted to add 15,391. Self-Employed and Unpaid Family Workers, however, is expected to experience a decline of 89. Education and Health Services is estimated to be the top supersector in the Area adding an anticipated 6,984 new jobs. Leisure and Hospitality is projected to be the fastest growing supersector with a gain of 17.82 percent. Food Services and Drinking Places is estimated to add 2,424 jobs making it the top growing industry, while Machinery Manufacturing could see a significant rise in jobs with a growth of more than 75 percent. Food Manufacturing is predicted to be the top declining industry with a loss of 181, while Miscellaneous Manufacturing could be the fastest declining industry with a loss of 43.46 percent. The Information supersector is estimated to lose 229 jobs. City of Little Rock WIA employers are expected to have 5,947 annual openings during the projection period. Of these, 4,247 would be for replacement and 1,700 for growth and expansion. Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations is predicted to be the top growing major group with 2,522 new jobs. Personal Care and Service Occupations is expected to be the fastest growing major group with an increase of 22.59 percent. Driving this growth is Personal Care Aides, which is estimated to be the top and fastest growing occupation with a growth of 910, an increase of 53 percent. Data Entry Clerks is estimated to lose 116 jobs, while Electromechanical Equipment Assemblers could lose 32.56 percent of its workforce. Retail Salespersons is estimated to have the most annual openings with 242 during the projection period. 53 54 City of Little Rock Workforce Investment Area 2012-2022 Industry Projections by Major Division NAICS Code 000000 000671 006010 007010 101000 101100 110000 210000 101200 101300 102000 102100 420000 440000 480000 220000 102200 102300 520000 530000 102400 540000 550000 560000 102500 610000 620000 102600 710000 720000 102700 102800 NAICS Title Total All Industries Total Self Employed and Unpaid Family Workers, All Jobs Self Employed Workers, All Jobs Unpaid Family Workers, All Jobs Goods Producing Natural Resources and Mining Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting Mining Construction Manufacturing Non-Durable Goods Manufacturing Durable Goods Manufacturing Services Providing Trade, Transportation, and Utilities Wholesale Trade Retail Trade Transportation and Warehousing Utilities Information Financial Activities Finance and Insurance Real Estate and Rental and Leasing Professional and Business Services Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Management of Companies and Enterprises Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services Education and Health Services Educational Services Health Care and Social Assistance Leisure and Hospitality Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation Accommodation and Food Services Other Services (except Government) Government 2012 Estimated Employment 186,552 10,670 10,554 116 12,279 511 59 452 4,221 7,547 2,648 4,899 163,603 27,633 6,876 14,387 4,736 1,634 5,408 13,431 10,616 2,815 23,128 9,311 3,382 10,435 47,158 12,166 34,992 13,561 1,301 12,260 9,755 23,529 2022 Projected Employment 202,085 10,581 10,477 104 12,510 504 56 448 4,306 7,700 2,380 5,320 178,994 29,162 7,522 15,288 4,657 1,695 5,179 14,481 11,567 2,914 23,687 9,458 3,668 10,561 54,142 13,969 40,173 15,978 1,228 14,750 10,750 25,615 Net Growth Percent Growth 15,533 -89 -77 -12 231 -7 -3 -4 85 153 -268 421 15,391 1,529 646 901 -79 61 -229 1,050 951 99 559 147 286 126 6,984 1,803 5,181 2,417 -73 2,490 995 2,086 8.33% -0.83% -0.73% -10.34% 1.88% -1.37% -5.08% -0.88% 2.01% 2.03% -10.12% 8.59% 9.41% 5.53% 9.39% 6.26% -1.67% 3.73% -4.23% 7.82% 8.96% 3.52% 2.42% 1.58% 8.46% 1.21% 14.81% 14.82% 14.81% 17.82% -5.61% 20.31% 10.20% 8.87% City of Little Rock Workforce Investment Area 2012-2022 Industry Projections Rankings (by NAICS Subsector) Top 10 Growing Industries Ranked by Net Growth NAICS Code NAICS Title 722000 622000 999200 611000 624000 621000 813000 524000 333000 623000 Food Services and Drinking Places Hospitals State Government, Excluding Education and Hospitals Educational Services Social Assistance Ambulatory Health Care Services Religious, Grantmaking, Civic, Professional, and Similar Organizations Insurance Carriers and Related Activities Machinery Manufacturing Nursing and Residential Care Facilities 2012 Estimated Employment 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth Percent Growth 10,349 20,295 13,390 12,166 4,343 8,104 6,844 6,144 736 2,250 12,773 22,327 15,362 13,969 6,124 9,125 7,725 6,732 1,291 2,597 2,424 2,032 1,972 1,803 1,781 1,021 881 588 555 347 23.42% 10.01% 14.73% 14.82% 41.01% 12.60% 12.87% 9.57% 75.41% 15.42% Top 10 Fastest Growing Industries Ranked by Percent Growth (Minimum Employment of 50) 2012 2022 NAICS NAICS Title Estimated Projected Code Employment Employment 333000 451000 624000 425000 722000 327000 488000 562000 623000 447000 Machinery Manufacturing Sporting Goods, Hobby, Book, and Music Stores Social Assistance Wholesale Electronic Markets and Agents and Brokers Food Services and Drinking Places Nonmetallic Mineral Product Manufacturing Support Activities for Transportation Waste Management and Remediation Service Nursing and Residential Care Facilities Gasoline Stations 736 620 4,343 1,094 10,349 164 742 376 2,250 642 1,291 928 6,124 1,405 12,773 193 869 434 2,597 739 Net Growth Percent Growth 555 308 1,781 311 2,424 29 127 58 347 97 75.41% 49.68% 41.01% 28.43% 23.42% 17.68% 17.12% 15.43% 15.42% 15.11% 55 56 Top 5 Declining Industries Ranked by Net Growth (Bottom Five) NAICS Code NAICS Title 311000 491100 517000 339000 811000 Food Manufacturing Postal Service Telecommunications Miscellaneous Manufacturing Repair and Maintenance 2012 Estimated Employment 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth Percent Growth 847 994 2,967 214 924 666 825 2,807 121 858 -181 -169 -160 -93 -66 -21.37% -17.00% -5.39% -43.46% -7.14% Top 5 Fastest Declining Industries Ranked by Percent Growth (Bottom Five) NAICS Code NAICS Title 339000 115000 311000 493000 321000 Miscellaneous Manufacturing Support Activities for Agriculture and Forestry Food Manufacturing Warehousing and Storage Wood Product Manufacturing 2012 Estimated Employment 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth Percent Growth 214 28 847 127 159 121 22 666 100 128 -93 -6 -181 -27 -31 -43.46% -21.43% -21.37% -21.26% -19.50% City of Little Rock Workforce Investment Area 2012-2022 Occupational Projections by Major Group SOC Code SOC Title 00-0000 Total, All Occupations 11-0000 13-0000 15-0000 17-0000 19-0000 21-0000 23-0000 25-0000 27-0000 29-0000 31-0000 33-0000 35-0000 37-0000 39-0000 41-0000 43-0000 45-0000 47-0000 49-0000 51-0000 53-0000 Management Occupations Business and Financial Operations Occupations Computer and Mathematical Occupations Architecture and Engineering Occupations Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations Community and Social Service Occupations Legal Occupations Education, Training, and Library Occupations Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations Healthcare Support Occupations Protective Service Occupations Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance Occupations Personal Care and Service Occupations Sales and Related Occupations Office and Administrative Support Occupations Farming, Fishing, and Forestry Occupations Construction and Extraction Occupations Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations Production Occupations Transportation and Material Moving Occupations 8.33% Annual Openings due to Growth 1,700 Annual Openings due to Replacement 4,247 7.52% 10.09% 11.77% 3.41% 11.56% 12.81% 4.49% 15.98% 2.64% 10.63% 14.45% 4.26% 19.97% 4.10% 22.59% 6.98% 3.54% 3.51% 2.66% 4.80% 1.31% 4.75% 86 114 61 12 20 58 12 148 13 187 83 18 252 32 124 134 198 1 17 38 33 58 229 238 99 58 52 100 43 191 68 354 108 103 452 157 107 501 760 6 85 160 144 233 2012 Estimated Employment 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth Percent Growth 186,552 202,085 15,533 11,277 11,109 5,124 2,555 1,730 4,537 2,652 9,257 2,997 17,406 5,590 4,180 12,627 7,629 5,365 17,677 35,496 228 5,037 6,836 7,174 10,069 12,125 12,230 5,727 2,642 1,930 5,118 2,771 10,736 3,076 19,256 6,398 4,358 15,149 7,942 6,577 18,911 36,753 236 5,171 7,164 7,268 10,547 848 1,121 603 87 200 581 119 1,479 79 1,850 808 178 2,522 313 1,212 1,234 1,257 8 134 328 94 478 Total Annual Openings 5,947 315 352 160 70 72 158 55 339 81 541 191 121 704 189 231 635 958 7 102 198 177 291 57 58 City of Little Rock Workforce Investment Area 2012-2022 Occupational Projections Rankings Top 10 Growing Occupations Ranked by Net Growth SOC Code 39-9021 29-1141 35-3021 41-2031 43-6014 43-4051 35-3031 31-1014 35-2014 41-4012 SOC Title Personal Care Aides Registered Nurses Combined Food Preparation and Serving Workers, Including Fast Food Retail Salespersons Secretaries and Administrative Assistants, Except Legal, Medical, and Executive Customer Service Representatives Waiters and Waitresses Nursing Assistants Cooks, Restaurant Sales Representatives, Wholesale and Manufacturing, Except Technical and Scientific Products 53.00% 11.88% Annual Openings due to Growth 91 83 Annual Openings due to Replacement 12 135 820 28.01% 82 112 194 6,057 545 9.89% 54 188 242 4,010 4,422 412 10.27% 41 48 89 5,137 2,328 2,711 1,144 5,547 2,721 3,046 1,469 410 393 335 325 7.98% 16.88% 12.36% 28.41% 41 39 34 32 140 112 52 23 181 151 86 55 2,121 2,408 287 13.53% 29 41 70 Annual Openings due to Replacement 12 11 1 2 2012 Estimated Employment 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth Percent Growth 1,717 6,955 2,627 7,781 910 826 2,928 3,748 5,512 Total Annual Openings 103 218 Top 10 Fastest Declining Occupations Ranked by Percent Growth (Minimum Employment of 50) SOC Code 39-9021 31-1011 25-1071 25-1072 51-4033 29-2032 13-1081 43-4061 49-9062 15-2031 SOC Title Personal Care Aides Home Health Aides Health Specialties Teachers, Postsecondary Nursing Instructors and Teachers, Postsecondary Grinding, Lapping, Polishing, and Buffing Machine Tool Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic Diagnostic Medical Sonographers Logisticians Eligibility Interviewers, Government Programs Medical Equipment Repairers Operations Research Analysts 2012 Estimated Employment 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth 1,717 589 52 135 2,627 865 74 185 910 276 22 50 53.00% 46.86% 42.31% 37.04% Annual Openings due to Growth 91 28 2 5 78 104 26 33.33% 3 2 5 96 163 598 89 92 127 215 783 116 119 31 52 185 27 27 32.29% 31.90% 30.94% 30.34% 29.35% 3 5 18 3 3 1 2 12 2 2 4 7 30 5 5 Percent Growth Total Annual Openings 103 39 3 7 Top 10 Occupations Ranked by Annual Openings SOC Code 41-2031 29-1141 35-3021 43-4051 35-3031 41-2011 43-9061 39-9021 43-1011 37-2011 SOC Title Retail Salespersons Registered Nurses Combined Food Preparation and Serving Workers, Including Fast Food Customer Service Representatives Waiters and Waitresses Cashiers Office Clerks, General Personal Care Aides First-Line Supervisors of Office and Administrative Support Workers Janitors and Cleaners, Except Maids and Housekeeping Cleaners 9.89% 11.88% Annual Openings due to Growth 54 83 Annual Openings due to Replacement 188 135 820 28.01% 82 112 194 5,547 2,721 2,729 4,924 2,627 410 393 94 -13 910 7.98% 16.88% 3.57% -0.26% 53.00% 41 39 9 0 91 140 112 114 104 12 181 151 123 104 103 3,041 3,290 249 8.19% 25 72 97 3,732 3,931 199 5.33% 20 70 90 2012 Estimated Employment 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth 429 2,199 313 2,114 -116 -85 -27.04% -3.87% Annual Openings due to Growth 0 0 Annual Openings due to Replacement 5 66 322 260 -62 -19.25% 0 2 2 340 1,220 286 1,173 -54 -47 -15.88% -3.85% 0 0 12 15 12 15 Annual Openings due to Growth Annual Openings due to Replacement Total Annual Openings 2012 Estimated Employment 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth 5,512 6,955 6,057 7,781 545 826 2,928 3,748 5,137 2,328 2,635 4,937 1,717 Percent Growth Total Annual Openings 242 218 Top 5 Declining Occupations Ranked by Net Growth (Bottom Five) SOC Code 43-9021 43-5081 43-5053 43-5052 43-6011 SOC Title Data Entry Keyers Stock Clerks and Order Fillers Postal Service Mail Sorters, Processors, and Processing Machine Operators Postal Service Mail Carriers Executive Secretaries and Executive Administrative Assistants Percent Growth Total Annual Openings 5 66 Top 5 Fastest Declining Occupations Ranked by Percent Growth (Bottom Five) (Minimum Decline of 5) SOC Code SOC Title 51-2023 Electromechanical Equipment Assemblers 43-9021 41-3041 43-9022 Data Entry Keyers Travel Agents Word Processors and Typists Extruding and Drawing Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic 51-4021 2012 Estimated Employment 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth 43 29 -14 -32.56% 0 0 0 429 37 110 313 28 84 -116 -9 -26 -27.04% -24.32% -23.64% 0 0 0 5 1 0 5 1 0 45 35 -10 -22.22% 0 1 1 Percent Growth 59 60 Eastern Arkansas Profile The Eastern Arkansas WIA is home to several national historic landmarks and interesting facts. The Parkin Archeological Park, in Parkin, is a former American Indian village that some scholars believe was the village “Casqui,” visited during the expedition of Hernando De Soto in 1541. In addition, on the border of Lee and Phillips Counties, a granite monument marks the initial site for the East/West baseline of the 1815 survey of the Louisiana Purchase. Village Creek State Park, located in the Crowley’s Ridge Area, is known for its fishing, hiking trails, and lush scenery. The King Biscuit Time radio show, the longest running daily radio show in the nation, has broadcast blues music for over 70 years on KFFA in Helena. The Eastern Arkansas Workforce Investment Area consists of five counties: Crittenden, Cross, Lee, Phillips, and St. Francis. With Tennessee bordering this Area to the east, Crittenden County, makes up a portion of the Memphis Metropolitan Statistical Area, the fifty-fifth largest in the United States. Although there are no four-year colleges in the Area, several two-year institutions offer a variety of programs. Crowley’s Ridge Technical Institute and East Arkansas Community College are in Forrest City, Phillips County Community College of the University of Arkansas System is in Helena, and Mid-South Community College is in West Memphis, which has merged into the Arkansas State University System. The Eastern Arkansas WIA is expected to gain 3,021 net jobs during the 2012-2022 projection period. Goods-Producing industries are projected to gain 333 jobs, while the Services-Providing industries are predicted to gain 2,636. Self-Employed and Unpaid Family Workers are predicted to gain 52 jobs during the projection period. The Education and Health Services supersector is expected to add the most jobs with 1,572 anticipated. At 16.87 percent, Professional and Business Services is projected to be the fastest growing supersector in the Eastern Arkansas WIA. Social Assistance is estimated to be the top growing industry with a gain of 1,027 jobs, while Waste Management and Remediation Service is predicted to be the fastest growing industry with a gain of 58.33 percent of its workforce. Accommodation, including Hotels and Motels is projected to be the top declining industry with a loss of 81, while Wholesale Electronic Markets and Agents and Brokers could lose 36.92 percent of its workforce and be the fastest declining industry. The Area is expected to have 1,348 annual openings during the projection period with 999 being for replacement and the remaining 349 for growth and expansion. Personal Care and Service Occupations is projected to be the top and fastest growing major group with an anticipated gain of 558 jobs, an increase of 31.05 percent. Driving this growth is Personal Care Aides with a gain of 396, or an increase of 50.97 percent. Stock Clerks and Order Fillers is estimated to be the top declining occupation with a loss of 50, while Data Entry Clerks is forecasted to lose 23.08 percent of its workforce and be the fastest declining occupation in the Area. Overall, the Sales and Related Occupations major group could lose 45 jobs, or just over one percent of its workforce. Cashiers leads the Area in the number of annual openings with 60. Eastern Arkansas Workforce Investment Area 2012-2022 Industry Projections by Major Division NAICS Code 000000 000671 006010 007010 101000 101100 101200 101300 102000 102100 420000 440000 480000 220000 102200 102300 520000 530000 102400 540000 550000 560000 102500 610000 620000 102600 710000 720000 102700 102800 NAICS Title Total All Industries Total Self Employed and Unpaid Family Workers, All Jobs Self Employed Workers, All Jobs Unpaid Family Workers, All Jobs Goods Producing Natural Resources and Mining Construction Manufacturing Non-Durable Goods Manufacturing Durable Goods Manufacturing Services Providing Trade, Transportation, and Utilities Wholesale Trade Retail Trade Transportation and Warehousing Utilities Information Financial Activities Finance and Insurance Real Estate and Rental and Leasing Professional and Business Services Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Management of Companies and Enterprises Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services Education and Health Services Educational Services Health Care and Social Assistance Leisure and Hospitality Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation Accommodation and Food Services Other Services (except Government) Government 2012 Estimated Employment 42,615 4,067 4,036 31 5,214 1,236 758 3,220 1,718 1,502 33,334 9,566 2,031 4,797 2,515 223 227 1,405 876 529 2,181 489 176 1,516 10,896 4,824 6,072 3,358 601 2,757 1,241 4,460 2022 Projected Employment 45,636 4,119 4,093 26 5,547 1,297 720 3,530 1,834 1,696 35,970 9,695 2,148 4,664 2,655 228 224 1,417 891 526 2,549 539 192 1,818 12,468 4,845 7,623 3,635 646 2,989 1,319 4,663 Net Growth Percent Growth 3,021 52 57 -5 333 61 -38 310 116 194 2,636 129 117 -133 140 5 -3 12 15 -3 368 50 16 302 1,572 21 1,551 277 45 232 78 203 7.09% 1.28% 1.41% -16.13% 6.39% 4.94% -5.01% 9.63% 6.75% 12.92% 7.91% 1.35% 5.76% -2.77% 5.57% 2.24% -1.32% 0.85% 1.71% -0.57% 16.87% 10.22% 9.09% 19.92% 14.43% 0.44% 25.54% 8.25% 7.49% 8.41% 6.29% 4.55% 61 62 Eastern Arkansas Workforce Investment Area 2012-2022 Industry Projections Rankings (by NAICS Subsector) Top 10 Growing Industries Ranked by Net Growth NAICS Code 624000 722000 623000 999100 561000 621000 484000 424000 311000 813000 NAICS Title Social Assistance Food Services and Drinking Places Nursing and Residential Care Facilities Federal Government, Excluding Post Office Administrative and Support Services Ambulatory Health Care Services Truck Transportation Merchant Wholesalers, Nondurable Goods Food Manufacturing Religious, Grantmaking, Civic, Professional, and Similar Organizations 2012 Estimated Employment 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth Percent Growth 2,355 2,358 1,108 701 1,396 1,544 1,133 1,068 644 615 3,382 2,671 1,409 945 1,628 1,766 1,258 1,187 725 694 1,027 313 301 244 232 222 125 119 81 79 43.61% 13.27% 27.17% 34.81% 16.62% 14.38% 11.03% 11.14% 12.58% 12.85% 2012 Estimated Employment 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth Percent Growth 120 2,355 701 1,108 1,396 1,544 256 2,358 615 644 190 3,382 945 1,409 1,628 1,766 290 2,671 694 725 70 1,027 244 301 232 222 34 313 79 81 58.33% 43.61% 34.81% 27.17% 16.62% 14.38% 13.28% 13.27% 12.85% 12.58% Top 10 Fastest Growing Industries Ranked by Percent Growth (Minimum Employment of 50) NAICS Code 562000 624000 999100 623000 561000 621000 524000 722000 813000 311000 NAICS Title Waste Management and Remediation Service Social Assistance Federal Government, Excluding Post Office Nursing and Residential Care Facilities Administrative and Support Services Ambulatory Health Care Services Insurance Carriers and Related Activities Food Services and Drinking Places Religious, Grantmaking, Civic, Professional, and Similar Organizations Food Manufacturing Top 5 Declining Industries Ranked by Net Growth (Bottom Five) 2012 Estimated Employment 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth Percent Growth 399 869 1,586 118 227 318 803 1,529 78 188 -81 -66 -57 -40 -39 -20.30% -7.59% -3.59% -33.90% -17.18% Top 5 Fastest Declining Industries Ranked by Percent Growth (Bottom Five) 2012 NAICS NAICS Title Estimated Code Employment 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth Percent Growth 41 78 318 188 74 -24 -40 -81 -39 -14 -36.92% -33.90% -20.30% -17.18% -15.91% NAICS Code NAICS Title 721000 445000 999200 327000 491100 Accommodation, including Hotels and Motels Food and Beverage Stores State Government, Excluding Education and Hospitals Nonmetallic Mineral Product Manufacturing Postal Service 425000 327000 721000 491100 442000 Wholesale Electronic Markets and Agents and Brokers Nonmetallic Mineral Product Manufacturing Accommodation, including Hotels and Motels Postal Service Furniture and Home Furnishings Stores 65 118 399 227 88 63 64 Eastern Arkansas Workforce Investment Area 2012-2022 Occupational Projections by Major Group SOC Code SOC Title 00-0000 Total, All Occupations 11-0000 13-0000 15-0000 17-0000 19-0000 21-0000 23-0000 25-0000 27-0000 29-0000 31-0000 33-0000 35-0000 37-0000 39-0000 41-0000 43-0000 45-0000 47-0000 49-0000 51-0000 53-0000 Management Occupations Business and Financial Operations Occupations Computer and Mathematical Occupations Architecture and Engineering Occupations Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations Community and Social Service Occupations Legal Occupations Education, Training, and Library Occupations Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations Healthcare Support Occupations Protective Service Occupations Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance Occupations Personal Care and Service Occupations Sales and Related Occupations Office and Administrative Support Occupations Farming, Fishing, and Forestry Occupations Construction and Extraction Occupations Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations Production Occupations Transportation and Material Moving Occupations 7.09% Annual Openings due to Growth 349 Annual Openings due to Replacement 999 2.89% 10.57% 5.13% 8.77% 17.45% 14.81% 3.40% 3.85% 7.24% 10.82% 25.66% 8.75% 11.58% 3.56% 31.05% -1.02% 0.92% 3.76% 2.27% 5.26% 10.38% 5.86% 12 6 1 2 3 13 1 14 2 23 45 13 39 6 56 4 23 3 5 13 36 32 67 12 2 4 4 20 4 72 6 43 34 40 108 31 32 138 128 21 24 50 60 100 2012 Estimated Employment 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth Percent Growth 42,615 45,636 3,021 3,734 596 117 171 149 891 235 3,325 221 2,097 1,734 1,428 3,325 1,544 1,797 4,401 5,524 745 1,279 2,073 2,841 4,388 3,842 659 123 186 175 1,023 243 3,453 237 2,324 2,179 1,553 3,710 1,599 2,355 4,356 5,575 773 1,308 2,182 3,136 4,645 108 63 6 15 26 132 8 128 16 227 445 125 385 55 558 -45 51 28 29 109 295 257 Total Annual Openings 1,348 79 18 3 6 7 33 5 86 8 66 79 53 147 37 88 142 151 24 29 63 96 132 Eastern Arkansas Workforce Investment Area 2012-2022 Occupational Projections Rankings Top 10 Growing Occupations Ranked by Net Growth SOC Code 39-9021 31-1011 35-3021 53-7062 53-3032 33-3012 39-9011 43-6014 29-2061 49-9041 SOC Title Personal Care Aides Home Health Aides Combined Food Preparation and Serving Workers, Including Fast Food Laborers and Freight, Stock, and Material Movers, Hand Heavy and Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers Correctional Officers and Jailers Childcare Workers Secretaries and Administrative Assistants, Except Legal, Medical, and Executive Licensed Practical and Licensed Vocational Nurses Industrial Machinery Mechanics 50.97% 40.22% Annual Openings due to Growth 40 29 Annual Openings due to Replacement 6 14 161 18.76% 16 33 49 1,287 1,255 816 565 141 109 87 70 12.30% 9.51% 11.93% 14.14% 14 11 9 7 36 18 19 15 50 29 28 22 827 894 67 8.10% 7 10 17 357 229 420 284 63 55 17.65% 24.02% 6 6 9 7 15 13 2012 Estimated Employment 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth Percent Growth 777 726 1,173 1,018 396 292 858 1,019 1,146 1,146 729 495 Total Annual Openings 46 43 Top 10 Fastest Growing Occupations Ranked by Percent Growth (Minimum Employment of 50) SOC Code 39-9021 31-1011 21-1022 39-9032 21-1093 49-9041 51-9061 21-1023 29-1171 35-2014 SOC Title Personal Care Aides Home Health Aides Healthcare Social Workers Recreation Workers Social and Human Service Assistants Industrial Machinery Mechanics Inspectors, Testers, Sorters, Samplers, and Weighers Mental Health and Substance Abuse Social Workers Nurse Practitioners Cooks, Restaurant 2012 Estimated Employment 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth Percent Growth Annual Openings due to Growth Annual Openings due to Replacement Total Annual Openings 777 726 57 126 186 229 91 52 58 188 1,173 1,018 77 162 232 284 112 63 70 225 396 292 20 36 46 55 21 11 12 37 50.97% 40.22% 35.09% 28.57% 24.73% 24.02% 23.08% 21.15% 20.69% 19.68% 40 29 2 4 5 6 2 1 1 4 6 14 1 2 5 7 2 1 1 4 46 43 3 6 10 13 4 2 2 8 65 66 Top 10 Occupations Ranked by Annual Openings SOC Code 41-2011 53-7062 35-3021 39-9021 31-1011 11-9013 41-2031 53-3032 33-3012 35-3031 SOC Title Cashiers Laborers and Freight, Stock, and Material Movers, Hand Combined Food Preparation and Serving Workers, Including Fast Food Personal Care Aides Home Health Aides Farmers, Ranchers, and Other Agricultural Managers Retail Salespersons Heavy and Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers Correctional Officers and Jailers Waiters and Waitresses -2.75% 12.30% Annual Openings due to Growth 0 14 Annual Openings due to Replacement 60 36 161 18.76% 16 33 49 396 292 16 -34 109 87 43 50.97% 40.22% 0.74% -3.25% 9.51% 11.93% 8.48% 40 29 2 0 11 9 4 6 14 35 36 18 19 24 46 43 37 36 29 28 28 Annual Openings due to Growth Annual Openings due to Replacement Total Annual Openings 0 0 0 0 0 17 60 36 4 4 Annual Openings due to Replacement 0 2012 Estimated Employment 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth Percent Growth 1,381 1,146 1,343 1,287 -38 141 858 1,019 777 726 2,148 1,047 1,146 729 507 1,173 1,018 2,164 1,013 1,255 816 550 Total Annual Openings 60 50 Top 5 Declining Occupations Ranked by Net Growth SOC Code 43-5081 41-2011 41-2031 43-5052 53-3022 SOC Title 2012 Estimated Employment 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth Stock Clerks and Order Fillers Cashiers Retail Salespersons Postal Service Mail Carriers Bus Drivers, School or Special Client 574 1,381 1,047 130 237 524 1,343 1,013 110 217 -50 -38 -34 -20 -20 2012 Estimated Employment 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth 26 20 -6 -23.08% Annual Openings due to Growth 0 22 17 -5 -22.73% 0 0 0 32 33 107 25 27 88 -7 -6 -19 -21.88% -18.18% -17.76% 0 0 0 0 1 5 0 1 5 Percent Growth -8.71% -2.75% -3.25% -15.38% -8.44% 17 60 36 4 4 Top 5 Fastest Declining Occupations Ranked by Percent Growth (Minimum Decline of 5) SOC Code 43-9021 43-5053 43-5051 43-5041 43-4081 SOC Title Data Entry Keyers Postal Service Mail Sorters, Processors, and Processing Machine Operators Postal Service Clerks Meter Readers, Utilities Hotel, Motel, and Resort Desk Clerks Percent Growth Total Annual Openings 0 Southwest Arkansas Profile The Southwest Arkansas WIA contains some of the finest attractions in Arkansas. The Arkansas Museum of Natural Resources in Smackover revisits the industrial and social history associated with the oil boom of the 1920s. The South Arkansas Arboretum State Park in El Dorado preserves exotic plants and flowering species native to the West Gulf Coastal Plain region of the United States, while the City of Hope is the center for watermelon production in Arkansas. The Southwest Arkansas WIA is the largest Workforce Area in the state in terms of the number of counties represented. Twelve counties are located within this region: Calhoun, Columbia, Dallas, Hempstead, Howard, Lafayette, Little River, Miller, Nevada, Ouachita, Sevier, and Union. Three states border the Area: Oklahoma to the west, Texas to the southwest, and Louisiana to the south. Miller County is part of the Texarkana AR/TX Metropolitan Statistical Area. Several educational opportunities are available in the Southwest Arkansas WIA. Southern Arkansas University in Magnolia is the only four-year college, while Cossatot Community College, University of Arkansas Community College at Hope, South Arkansas Community College, and Southern Arkansas University-Tech are all two-year colleges located in the Area. Employment in Southwest Arkansas is forecasted to increase by 4,141, or a 4.48 percent growth during the 2012-2022 projections period. Goods-Producing industries are projected to gain 172 jobs, while the Services-Providing industries are predicted to increase by 4,375 jobs. The Area is expected to lose 406 Self-Employed and Unpaid Family Workers. Education and Health Services is estimated to be the top and fastest growing supersector with a gain of 2,764 jobs, a growth of 15.10 percent. Social Assistance is predicted to lead all industries in net growth with a gain of 1,001 jobs and be the second fastest growing industry at 44.59 percent. Wholesale Electronic Markets and Agents and Brokers is anticipated to be the fastest growing industry with a gain of 66.27 percent. On the negative side of the economy, Paper Manufacturing is expected to be the top declining industry, losing 151 jobs between 2012 and 2022, while Support Activities for Transportation could be the fastest declining industry with a loss of 36.07 percent of its workforce. Natural Resources and Mining is projected to have the toughest outlook among the supersectors with a loss of 147, almost six percent of its workforce. Between 2012 and 2022, Southwest Arkansas employers are estimated to have 2,656 job openings annually. The Area is forecasted to have 2,098 replacement annual openings and 558 annual openings due to growth. The Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations major group is expected to add the most jobs with 749 new jobs anticipated, while Personal Care and Service Occupations are forecasted to be the fastest growing major group with an increase of 26.79 percent. Driving this growth is Personal Care Aides with an increase of 536 jobs, a 50.14 percent rise in employment making it the top and fastest growing occupation in the Area. Farmers, Ranchers, and Other Agricultural Managers is estimated to be the top declining occupation with a loss of 290, while Sewing Machine Operators could lose over two-thirds of its workforce making it the fastest declining occupation. The Transportation and Material Moving Occupations major group is expected to lose 106 jobs between 2012 and 2022. Cashiers is expected to have the most annual openings with 113 between 2012 and 2022. 67 68 Southwest Arkansas Workforce Investment Area 2012-2022 Industry Projections by Major Division NAICS Code 000000 000671 006010 007010 101000 101100 110000 210000 101200 101300 102000 102100 420000 440000 480000 220000 102200 102300 520000 530000 102400 540000 550000 560000 102500 610000 620000 102600 710000 720000 102700 102800 NAICS Title Total All Industries Total Self Employed and Unpaid Family Workers, All Jobs Self Employed Workers, All Jobs Unpaid Family Workers, All Jobs Goods Producing Natural Resources and Mining Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting Mining Construction Manufacturing Non-Durable Goods Manufacturing Durable Goods Manufacturing Services Providing Trade, Transportation, and Utilities Wholesale Trade Retail Trade Transportation and Warehousing Utilities Information Financial Activities Finance and Insurance Real Estate and Rental and Leasing Professional and Business Services Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Management of Companies and Enterprises Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services Education and Health Services Educational Services Health Care and Social Assistance Leisure and Hospitality Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation Accommodation and Food Services Other Services (except Government) Government 2012 Estimated Employment 92,376 9,636 9,570 66 26,279 2,489 1,462 1,027 4,763 19,027 10,738 8,289 56,461 15,623 2,397 8,859 3,821 546 471 2,769 1,954 815 4,201 1,082 721 2,398 18,309 8,579 9,730 5,346 366 4,980 3,406 6,336 2022 Projected Employment 96,517 9,230 9,174 56 26,451 2,342 1,393 949 4,912 19,197 10,631 8,566 60,836 16,195 2,739 9,244 3,628 584 459 2,787 1,924 863 4,266 1,044 837 2,385 21,073 8,752 12,321 6,059 383 5,676 3,633 6,364 Net Growth Percent Growth 4,141 -406 -396 -10 172 -147 -69 -78 149 170 -107 277 4,375 572 342 385 -193 38 -12 18 -30 48 65 -38 116 -13 2,764 173 2,591 713 17 696 227 28 4.48% -4.21% -4.14% -15.15% 0.65% -5.91% -4.72% -7.59% 3.13% 0.89% -1.00% 3.34% 7.75% 3.66% 14.27% 4.35% -5.05% 6.96% -2.55% 0.65% -1.54% 5.89% 1.55% -3.51% 16.09% -0.54% 15.10% 2.02% 26.63% 13.34% 4.64% 13.98% 6.66% 0.44% Southwest Arkansas Workforce Investment Area 2012-2022 Industry Projections Rankings (by NAICS Subsector) Top 10 Growing Industries Ranked by Net Growth NAICS Code NAICS Title 624000 621000 722000 623000 332000 425000 813000 611000 325000 321000 Social Assistance Ambulatory Health Care Services Food Services and Drinking Places Nursing and Residential Care Facilities Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing Wholesale Electronic Markets and Agents and Brokers Religious, Grantmaking, Civic, Professional, and Similar Organizations Educational Services Chemical Manufacturing Wood Product Manufacturing 2012 Estimated Employment 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth Percent Growth 2,245 2,438 4,373 3,227 2,655 415 2,137 8,579 1,427 2,202 3,246 3,405 5,074 3,746 3,095 690 2,343 8,752 1,592 2,365 1,001 967 701 519 440 275 206 173 165 163 44.59% 39.66% 16.03% 16.08% 16.57% 66.27% 9.64% 2.02% 11.56% 7.40% Top 10 Fastest Growing Industries Ranked by Percent Growth (Minimum Employment of 50) 2012 2022 NAICS NAICS Title Estimated Projected Code Employment Employment 425000 624000 621000 999100 332000 551000 623000 722000 562000 325000 Wholesale Electronic Markets and Agents and Brokers Social Assistance Ambulatory Health Care Services Federal Government, Excluding Post Office Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing Management of Companies and Enterprises Nursing and Residential Care Facilities Food Services and Drinking Places Waste Management and Remediation Service Chemical Manufacturing 415 2,245 2,438 303 2,655 721 3,227 4,373 442 1,427 690 3,246 3,405 366 3,095 837 3,746 5,074 510 1,592 Net Growth Percent Growth 275 1,001 967 63 440 116 519 701 68 165 66.27% 44.59% 39.66% 20.79% 16.57% 16.09% 16.08% 16.03% 15.38% 11.56% 69 70 Top 5 Declining Industries Ranked by Percent Growth (Bottom Five) 2012 NAICS NAICS Title Estimated Code Employment 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth Percent Growth 1,473 498 949 2,710 416 1,322 367 823 2,598 304 -151 -131 -126 -112 -112 -10.25% -26.31% -13.28% -4.13% -26.92% Top 5 Declining Industries Ranked by Percent Growth (Bottom Five) 2012 NAICS NAICS Title Estimated Code Employment 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth Percent Growth 78 304 367 332 132 -44 -112 -131 -68 -26 -36.07% -26.92% -26.31% -17.00% -16.46% 322000 331000 441000 326000 336000 488000 336000 331000 491100 486000 Paper Manufacturing Primary Metal Manufacturing Motor Vehicle and Parts Dealers Plastics and Rubber Products Manufacturing Transportation Equipment Manufacturing Support Activities for Transportation Transportation Equipment Manufacturing Primary Metal Manufacturing Postal Service Pipeline Transportation 122 416 498 400 158 Southwest Arkansas Workforce Investment Area 2012-2022 Occupational Projections by Major Group 00-0000 Total, All Occupations 92,376 96,517 4,141 4.48% Annual Openings due to Growth 558 11-0000 13-0000 15-0000 17-0000 19-0000 21-0000 23-0000 25-0000 27-0000 29-0000 31-0000 33-0000 35-0000 37-0000 39-0000 41-0000 43-0000 45-0000 47-0000 49-0000 51-0000 53-0000 Management Occupations Business and Financial Operations Occupations Computer and Mathematical Occupations Architecture and Engineering Occupations Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations Community and Social Service Occupations Legal Occupations Education, Training, and Library Occupations Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations Healthcare Support Occupations Protective Service Occupations Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance Occupations Personal Care and Service Occupations Sales and Related Occupations Office and Administrative Support Occupations Farming, Fishing, and Forestry Occupations Construction and Extraction Occupations Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations Production Occupations Transportation and Material Moving Occupations 9,314 1,930 428 948 360 1,674 302 5,205 671 3,528 2,874 1,492 5,552 2,754 2,617 7,446 11,595 1,102 6,300 4,415 13,124 8,745 9,180 2,076 451 966 385 1,901 300 5,446 677 4,169 3,367 1,545 6,301 2,851 3,318 7,978 11,758 1,045 6,364 4,575 13,225 8,639 -134 146 23 18 25 227 -2 241 6 641 493 53 749 97 701 532 163 -57 64 160 101 -106 -1.44% 7.56% 5.37% 1.90% 6.94% 13.56% -0.66% 4.63% 0.89% 18.17% 17.15% 3.55% 13.49% 3.52% 26.79% 7.14% 1.41% -5.17% 1.02% 3.62% 0.77% -1.21% 17 16 2 4 3 23 0 25 2 64 50 5 76 10 70 54 44 1 16 23 41 9 SOC Code SOC Title 2012 Estimated Employment 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth Percent Growth Annual Openings due to Replacement 2,098 166 40 7 24 11 38 5 111 16 75 55 40 175 56 49 237 264 28 120 107 282 194 Total Annual Openings 2,656 183 56 9 28 14 61 5 136 18 139 105 45 251 66 119 291 308 29 136 130 323 203 71 72 Southwest Arkansas Workforce Investment Area 2012-2022 Occupational Projections Rankings Top 10 Growing Occupations Ranked by Net Growth SOC Code 39-9021 35-3021 29-2061 31-1011 31-1014 41-4012 29-1141 41-2011 35-1012 41-2031 SOC Title Personal Care Aides Combined Food Preparation and Serving Workers, Including Fast Food Licensed Practical and Licensed Vocational Nurses Home Health Aides Nursing Assistants Sales Representatives, Wholesale and Manufacturing, Except Technical and Scientific Products Registered Nurses Cashiers First-Line Supervisors of Food Preparation and Serving Workers Retail Salespersons 50.14% Annual Openings due to Growth 54 Annual Openings due to Replacement 8 333 21.71% 33 59 92 1,156 915 1,509 211 182 172 22.33% 24.83% 12.86% 21 18 17 23 14 25 44 32 42 810 980 170 20.99% 17 16 33 966 2,289 630 2,144 1,116 2,424 744 2,255 150 135 114 111 15.53% 5.90% 18.10% 5.18% 15 14 11 11 19 99 18 73 34 113 29 84 2012 Estimated Employment 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth Percent Growth 1,069 55 51 99 265 135 133 733 52 71 1,605 80 70 134 347 174 169 915 64 87 536 25 19 35 82 39 36 182 12 16 50.14% 45.45% 37.25% 35.35% 30.94% 28.89% 27.07% 24.83% 23.08% 22.54% Annual Openings due to Growth 54 2 2 4 8 4 4 18 1 2 Annual Openings due to Replacement 8 1 1 1 7 3 4 14 1 1 2012 Estimated Employment 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth Percent Growth 1,069 1,605 536 1,534 1,867 945 733 1,337 Total Annual Openings 62 Top 10 Fastest Growing Occupations Ranked by Percent Growth (Minimum Employment of 50) SOC Code 39-9021 31-2021 21-1022 43-6013 21-1093 31-9091 29-2041 31-1011 21-1011 47-2132 SOC Title Personal Care Aides Physical Therapist Assistants Healthcare Social Workers Medical Secretaries Social and Human Service Assistants Dental Assistants Emergency Medical Technicians and Paramedics Home Health Aides Substance Abuse and Behavioral Disorder Counselors Insulation Workers, Mechanical Total Annual Openings 62 3 3 5 15 7 8 32 2 3 Top 10 Occupations Ranked by Annual Openings SOC Code 41-2011 35-3021 11-9013 41-2031 39-9021 53-7062 53-3032 29-2061 31-1014 43-9061 SOC Title Cashiers Combined Food Preparation and Serving Workers, Including Fast Food Farmers, Ranchers, and Other Agricultural Managers Retail Salespersons Personal Care Aides Laborers and Freight, Stock, and Material Movers, Hand Heavy and Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers Licensed Practical and Licensed Vocational Nurses Nursing Assistants Office Clerks, General 5.90% Annual Openings due to Growth 14 Annual Openings due to Replacement 99 333 21.71% 33 59 92 -290 111 536 47 -44 211 172 -57 -5.21% 5.18% 50.14% 2.84% -1.41% 22.33% 12.86% -2.89% 0 11 54 5 0 21 17 0 90 73 8 51 50 23 25 41 90 84 62 56 50 44 42 41 2012 Estimated Employment 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth Percent Growth 2,289 2,424 135 1,534 1,867 5,564 2,144 1,069 1,656 3,127 945 1,337 1,972 5,274 2,255 1,605 1,703 3,083 1,156 1,509 1,915 Total Annual Openings 113 Top 5 Declining Occupations Ranked by Net Growth (Bottom Five) SOC Code 11-9013 43-9061 53-7051 51-6031 53-3032 SOC Title Farmers, Ranchers, and Other Agricultural Managers Office Clerks, General Industrial Truck and Tractor Operators Sewing Machine Operators Heavy and Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers 2012 Estimated Employment 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth Percent Growth Annual Openings due to Growth Annual Openings due to Replacement Total Annual Openings 5,564 1,972 510 73 3,127 5,274 1,915 457 23 3,083 -290 -57 -53 -50 -44 -5.21% -2.89% -10.39% -68.49% -1.41% 0 0 0 0 0 90 41 12 0 50 90 41 12 0 50 Percent Growth Annual Openings due to Growth Annual Openings due to Replacement Total Annual Openings 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 Top 5 Fastest Declining Occupations Ranked by Percent Growth (Bottom Five) (Minimum Decline of 5) SOC Code 51-6031 45-4023 43-9021 43-9022 43-9011 SOC Title Sewing Machine Operators Log Graders and Scalers Data Entry Keyers Word Processors and Typists Computer Operators 2012 Estimated Employment 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth 73 65 78 34 22 23 44 54 26 17 -50 -21 -24 -8 -5 -68.49% -32.31% -30.77% -23.53% -22.73% 73 74 Southeast Arkansas Profile Several attractions can be found in the Southeast Arkansas WIA. In Gillett, the Arkansas Post Museum, the first capital of the Arkansas Territory, explores the history of and life on the Grand Prairie and the Delta. Lake Chicot, near Lake Village, is Arkansas’s largest natural lake and the largest natural oxbow lake in the nation, offering excellent fishing opportunities. The Arkansas River flows into the Mississippi River near Arkansas City, while Stuttgart is home to the World Championship Duck Calling Contest each fall. The Southeast Arkansas WIA consists of 10 counties: Arkansas, Ashley, Bradley, Chicot, Cleveland, Desha, Drew, Grant, Jefferson, and Lincoln. Two states border the Southeast Arkansas WIA, Louisiana to the south and Mississippi to the east; and the Pine Bluff Metropolitan Statistical Area is located in the Area. Two campuses of the University of Arkansas system are in the Area, one in Pine Bluff, and the other in Monticello. Southeast Arkansas College, a two-year institution, is also located in Pine Bluff. Two campuses of Phillips County Community College, affiliated with the University of Arkansas System, are located in the Arkansas County cities of Stuttgart and DeWitt. This gives students a variety of choices for their academic studies. The Southeast Arkansas WIA is expected to increase employment by 2,384 between 2012 and 2022. Goods-Producing industries are projected to lose 856 jobs, while the Services-Providing industries are predicted to gain 3,647 jobs. The Area is estimated to lose 407 Self-Employed and Unpaid Family Workers. The Education and Health Services supersector is projected to lead the Area in net growth with 2,603 new jobs anticipated, while Leisure and Hospitality is estimated to be the fastest growing supersector during the projection period with an 18.10 percent increase in jobs. Social Assistance is projected to be the top growing industry adding 1,139 jobs between 2012 and 2022. Nonmetallic Mineral Product Manufacturing could be the fastest growing industry with a 45 percent rise in employment. On the negative side of the economy, Paper Manufacturing is expected to lose 376 jobs during the projection period, while Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing could lose 292 jobs, or more than 30 percent of its workforce, making it the fastest declining industry in the Area. Southeast Arkansas WIA employment is expected to increase by 2.82 percent between 2012 and 2022. Of the 2,368 job openings projected to be available annually, 454 would be for growth and expansion, while 1,914 would be for replacement. Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations is predicted to be the top growing adding 947 new jobs during the projection period. Personal Care and Service Occupations is anticipated to be the fastest growing major group with a gain of 25.68 percent. Personal Care Aides is estimated to be the top and fastest growing occupation with a gain of 528 jobs, a 44.48 percent rise in employment. Farmers, Ranchers, and Other Agricultural Managers is predicted to be the top declining occupation with a loss of 247, while Signal and Track Switch Repairers could lose 37.50 percent of its workforce making it the fastest declining occupation. Overall in the Southeast Arkansas WIA, eight major groups are anticipated to see net job losses with Production Occupations losing the most at 596, or 5.60 percent of its workforce. Combined Food Preparation and Serving Workers, Including Fast Food is estimated to have 111 annual job openings between 2012 and 2022. Southeast Arkansas Workforce Investment Area 2012-2022 Industry Projections by Major Division NAICS Code 000000 000671 006010 007010 101000 101100 110000 210000 101200 101300 102000 102100 420000 440000 480000 220000 102200 102300 520000 530000 102400 540000 550000 560000 102500 610000 620000 102600 710000 720000 102700 102800 NAICS Title Total All Industries Total Self Employed and Unpaid Family Workers, All Jobs Self Employed Workers, All Jobs Unpaid Family Workers, All Jobs Goods Producing Natural Resources and Mining Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting Mining Construction Manufacturing Non-Durable Goods Manufacturing Durable Goods Manufacturing Services Providing Trade, Transportation, and Utilities Wholesale Trade Retail Trade Transportation and Warehousing Utilities Information Financial Activities Finance and Insurance Real Estate and Rental and Leasing Professional and Business Services Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Management of Companies and Enterprises Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services Education and Health Services Educational Services Health Care and Social Assistance Leisure and Hospitality Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation Accommodation and Food Services Other Services (except Government) Government 2012 Estimated Employment 84,530 8,065 8,001 64 20,152 2,523 2,377 146 2,738 14,891 9,003 5,888 56,313 13,509 2,368 7,952 2,509 680 414 2,635 2,084 551 2,799 992 346 1,461 20,120 9,174 10,946 4,520 255 4,265 2,532 9,784 2022 Projected Employment 86,914 7,658 7,603 55 19,296 2,486 2,349 137 2,604 14,206 8,612 5,594 59,960 13,149 2,361 7,866 2,353 569 398 2,550 2,025 525 2,733 946 385 1,402 22,723 9,253 13,470 5,338 238 5,100 2,741 10,328 Net Growth Percent Growth 2,384 -407 -398 -9 -856 -37 -28 -9 -134 -685 -391 -294 3,647 -360 -7 -86 -156 -111 -16 -85 -59 -26 -66 -46 39 -59 2,603 79 2,524 818 -17 835 209 544 2.82% -5.05% -4.97% -14.06% -4.25% -1.47% -1.18% -6.16% -4.89% -4.60% -4.34% -4.99% 6.48% -2.66% -0.30% -1.08% -6.22% -16.32% -3.86% -3.23% -2.83% -4.72% -2.36% -4.64% 11.27% -4.04% 12.94% 0.86% 23.06% 18.10% -6.67% 19.58% 8.25% 5.56% 75 76 Southeast Arkansas Workforce Investment Area 2012-2022 Industry Projections Rankings (by NAICS Subsector) Top 10 Growing Industries Ranked by Net Growth NAICS Code NAICS Title 2012 Estimated Employment 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth Percent Growth 624000 Social Assistance 2,879 4,018 1,139 39.56% 722000 Food Services and Drinking Places 3,858 4,710 852 22.08% 623000 Nursing and Residential Care Facilities 2,496 3,292 796 31.89% 621000 Ambulatory Health Care Services 2,557 3,034 477 18.65% 999200 State Government, Excluding Education and Hospitals 4,458 4,923 465 10.43% 813000 Religious, Grantmaking, Civic, Professional, and Similar Organizations 1,528 1,715 187 12.24% 999100 Federal Government, Excluding Post Office 1,938 2,120 182 9.39% 321000 Wood Product Manufacturing 1,563 1,679 116 7.42% 622000 Hospitals 3,014 3,126 112 3.72% 611000 Educational Services 9,174 9,253 79 0.86% Top 10 Fastest Growing Industries Ranked by Percent Growth (Minimum Employment of 50) 2012 2022 NAICS NAICS Title Estimated Projected Code Employment Employment Net Growth Percent Growth 100 145 45 45.00% Social Assistance 2,879 4,018 1,139 39.56% 623000 Nursing and Residential Care Facilities 2,496 3,292 796 31.89% 425000 Wholesale Electronic Markets and Agents and Brokers 168 216 48 28.57% 722000 Food Services and Drinking Places 3,858 4,710 852 22.08% 621000 Ambulatory Health Care Services 2,557 3,034 477 18.65% 562000 Waste Management and Remediation Service 86 100 14 16.28% 493000 Warehousing and Storage 415 481 66 15.90% 814000 Private Households 76 88 12 15.79% 448000 Clothing and Clothing Accessories Stores 305 344 39 12.79% 327000 Nonmetallic Mineral Product Manufacturing 624000 Top 5 Declining Industries Ranked by Percent Growth (Bottom Five) 2012 2022 NAICS NAICS Title Estimated Projected Code Employment Employment Net Growth Percent Growth 3,719 3,343 -376 -10.11% 973 681 -292 -30.01% Food Manufacturing 3,428 3,259 -169 -4.93% 452000 General Merchandise Stores 2,266 2,120 -146 -6.44% 221000 Utilities 680 569 -111 -16.32% 322000 Paper Manufacturing 332000 Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing 311000 Top 5 Declining Industries Ranked by Percent Growth (Bottom Five) 2012 2022 NAICS NAICS Title Estimated Projected Code Employment Employment Net Growth Percent Growth 332000 Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing 973 681 -292 -30.01% 491100 Postal Service 355 295 -60 -16.90% 221000 Utilities 680 569 -111 -16.32% 113000 Forestry and Logging 821 717 -104 -12.67% 339000 Miscellaneous Manufacturing 80 71 -9 -11.25% 77 78 Southeast Arkansas Workforce Investment Area 2012-2022 Occupational Projections by Major Group 00-0000 Total, All Occupations 84,530 86,914 2,384 2.82% Annual Openings due to Growth 454 11-0000 13-0000 15-0000 17-0000 19-0000 21-0000 23-0000 25-0000 27-0000 29-0000 31-0000 33-0000 35-0000 37-0000 39-0000 41-0000 43-0000 45-0000 47-0000 49-0000 51-0000 53-0000 Management Occupations Business and Financial Operations Occupations Computer and Mathematical Occupations Architecture and Engineering Occupations Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations Community and Social Service Occupations Legal Occupations Education, Training, and Library Occupations Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations Healthcare Support Occupations Protective Service Occupations Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance Occupations Personal Care and Service Occupations Sales and Related Occupations Office and Administrative Support Occupations Farming, Fishing, and Forestry Occupations Construction and Extraction Occupations Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations Production Occupations Transportation and Material Moving Occupations 8,123 2,263 506 620 708 1,517 348 5,527 657 4,291 3,083 3,233 5,125 2,164 2,465 6,858 10,822 1,834 3,262 4,147 10,646 6,331 7,939 2,369 533 600 755 1,690 351 5,713 677 4,814 3,870 3,440 6,072 2,197 3,098 6,860 10,624 1,800 3,156 4,124 10,050 6,182 -184 106 27 -20 47 173 3 186 20 523 787 207 947 33 633 2 -198 -34 -106 -23 -596 -149 -2.27% 4.68% 5.34% -3.23% 6.64% 11.40% 0.86% 3.37% 3.04% 12.19% 25.53% 6.40% 18.48% 1.52% 25.68% 0.03% -1.83% -1.85% -3.25% -0.55% -5.60% -2.35% 12 12 3 1 5 17 0 21 3 55 80 21 95 5 64 6 22 2 3 10 12 5 SOC Code SOC Title 2012 Estimated Employment 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth Percent Growth Annual Openings due to Replacement 1,914 146 46 9 15 20 34 6 118 15 91 59 85 159 44 43 220 239 44 59 98 220 145 Total Annual Openings 2,368 158 58 12 16 25 51 6 139 18 146 139 106 254 49 107 226 261 46 62 108 232 150 Southeast Arkansas Workforce Investment Area 2012-2022 Occupational Projections Rankings Top 10 Growing Occupations Ranked by Net Growth SOC Code 39-9021 35-3021 31-1014 31-1011 29-2061 33-3012 29-1141 35-2011 49-9041 35-3031 43-6014 SOC Title Personal Care Aides Combined Food Preparation and Serving Workers, Including Fast Food Nursing Assistants Home Health Aides Licensed Practical and Licensed Vocational Nurses Correctional Officers and Jailers Registered Nurses Cooks, Fast Food Industrial Machinery Mechanics Waiters and Waitresses Secretaries and Administrative Assistants, Except Legal, Medical, and Executive 44.48% Annual Openings due to Growth 53 Annual Openings due to Replacement 8 474 28.52% 47 64 111 1,985 1,259 1,231 2,052 1,190 1,173 711 491 428 310 227 189 127 119 67 62 27.49% 32.67% 22.61% 10.14% 11.95% 11.29% 10.40% 14.45% 43 31 23 19 13 12 7 6 30 18 24 50 21 21 19 21 73 49 47 69 34 33 26 27 1,724 62 3.73% 6 20 26 Annual Openings due to Replacement 8 18 2012 Estimated Employment 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth Percent Growth 1,187 1,715 528 1,662 2,136 1,557 949 1,004 1,863 1,063 1,054 644 429 1,662 Total Annual Openings 61 Top 10 Fastest Growing Occupations Ranked by Percent Growth (Minimum Employment of 50) SOC Code 39-9021 31-1011 35-3021 25-1072 31-1014 35-3041 21-1022 29-1171 29-2061 11-9151 SOC Title Personal Care Aides Home Health Aides Combined Food Preparation and Serving Workers, Including Fast Food Nursing Instructors and Teachers, Postsecondary Nursing Assistants Food Servers, Nonrestaurant Healthcare Social Workers Nurse Practitioners Licensed Practical and Licensed Vocational Nurses Social and Community Service Managers 2012 Estimated Employment 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth Percent Growth 1,187 949 1,715 1,259 528 310 44.48% 32.67% Annual Openings due to Growth 53 31 1,662 2,136 474 28.52% 47 64 111 50 1,557 217 63 60 1,004 115 64 1,985 274 78 74 1,231 137 14 428 57 15 14 227 22 28.00% 27.49% 26.27% 23.81% 23.33% 22.61% 19.13% 1 43 6 2 1 23 2 1 30 6 1 1 24 2 2 73 12 3 2 47 4 Total Annual Openings 61 49 79 80 Top 10 Occupations Ranked by Annual Openings SOC Code 35-3021 41-2011 11-9013 31-1014 33-3012 41-2031 39-9021 31-1011 29-2061 53-7062 SOC Title Combined Food Preparation and Serving Workers, Including Fast Food Cashiers Farmers, Ranchers, and Other Agricultural Managers Nursing Assistants Correctional Officers and Jailers Retail Salespersons Personal Care Aides Home Health Aides Licensed Practical and Licensed Vocational Nurses Laborers and Freight, Stock, and Material Movers, Hand 2012 Estimated Employment 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth Percent Growth Annual Openings due to Growth Annual Openings due to Replacement Total Annual Openings 1,662 2,136 474 28.52% 47 64 111 2,167 4,758 1,557 1,863 1,940 1,187 949 1,004 1,435 2,136 4,511 1,985 2,052 1,964 1,715 1,259 1,231 1,441 -31 -247 428 189 24 528 310 227 6 -1.43% -5.19% 27.49% 10.14% 1.24% 44.48% 32.67% 22.61% 0.42% 0 0 43 19 2 53 31 23 1 94 77 30 50 66 8 18 24 44 94 77 73 69 68 61 49 47 45 2012 Estimated Employment 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth Percent Growth 4,758 915 1,800 641 4,511 811 1,719 561 -247 -104 -81 -80 -5.19% -11.37% -4.50% -12.48% Annual Openings due to Growth 0 0 0 0 Annual Openings due to Replacement 77 28 38 16 493 416 -77 -15.62% 0 4 2012 Estimated Employment 2022 Projected Employment Net Growth Percent Growth 16 33 37 81 10 22 25 57 -6 -11 -12 -24 -37.50% -33.33% -32.43% -29.63% Annual Openings due to Growth 0 0 0 0 Annual Openings due to Replacement 0 1 1 1 27 19 -8 -29.63% 0 1 Top 5 Declining Occupations Ranked by Net Growth (Bottom Five) SOC Code 11-9013 43-5081 43-9061 51-4121 51-4031 SOC Title Farmers, Ranchers, and Other Agricultural Managers Stock Clerks and Order Fillers Office Clerks, General Welders, Cutters, Solderers, and Brazers Cutting, Punching, and Press Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic Total Annual Openings 77 28 38 16 4 Top 5 Fastest Declining Occupations Ranked by Percent Growth (Minimum Decline of 5) SOC Code 49-9097 49-3043 45-4023 43-9021 51-4033 SOC Title Signal and Track Switch Repairers Rail Car Repairers Log Graders and Scalers Data Entry Keyers Grinding, Lapping, Polishing, and Buffing Machine Tool Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic Total Annual Openings 0 1 1 1 1