Study Island

STUDY ISLAND: 10th graders only!
USERNAME: First.Last@shs
PASSWORD: Student number
Every individual test must be completed by answering at least 10 questions in test mode and getting 70% correct. Each test is worth
3 points (zero points are given for any score under 70%). You may take the tests as many times as you wish, as long as they are at
least 10 questions long (they can be longer if you desire). LATE WORK IS NOT ACCEPTED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES!
Study Island may lock out the main test if you are weak in that subject area and require you to complete easier test questions before
they let you take the real test again. There are no points for these lesser tests but you must pass them in order to take the real test
Assignment 1:
Pretest (70% correct is 3 pts extra credit, minimum 10 questions) 1/21/14
3 pts ec
Assignment 2:
Earth and Space
a. The Universe and Our Solar System
b. Earth’s Processes – Interior and Surface
c. Earth’s Processes – Atmosphere and Climate
Due 1/27/14
9 pts
Due 2/3/14
15 pts
Due 2/10/14
12 pts.
Scientific Ways of Knowing
a. Scientific Knowledge
b. Ethics in Science
Due 2/18/14
12 pts
Life Sciences
a. Cells
b. Cell Processes
c. Matter and Energy in Cells
d. DNA and Protein Synthesis
Due 2/24/14
12 pts
e. Genes and Heredity
f. Biodiversity and Continuity
g. Natural Selection and Evolution
h. Energy Flow in Ecosystems
i. Ecosystems and Population
Due 3/3/14
15 pts
Assignment 3:
d. Earth’s History
e. Human Environmental Impact
Physical Sciences
a. Properties of Matter
b. Building Blocks of Matter
c. Interactions of Matter
Assignment 4:
d. Force and Motion
e. Energy
f. Waves
Science and Technology
a. Science and Technology
Assignment 5:
Assignment 6:
Assignment 7:
Scientific Inquiry
a. Collect and Interpret Data
b. Scientific Investigations
75 pts
1. Pretest
2. Earth and Space Science
a. The Universe and Our Solar System
b. Earth’s Processes – Interior and Surface
c. Earth’s Processes – Atmosphere and Climate
d. Earth’s History
e. Human Environmental Impact
3. Life Sciences
a. Cells
b. Cell Processes
c. Matter and Energy in Cells
d. DNA and Protein Synthesis
e. Genes and Heredity
f. Biodiversity and Continuity
g. Natural Selection and Evolution
h. Energy Flow in Ecosystems
i. Ecosystems and Population
4. Physical Sciences
a. Properties of Matter
b. Building Blocks of Matter
c. Interactions of Matter
d. Force and Motion
e. Energy
f. Waves
5. Science and Technology
a. Science and Technology
6. Scientific Inquiry
a. Collect and Interpret Data
b. Scientific Investigations
7. Scientific Ways of Knowing
a. Scientific Knowledge
b. Ethics in Science