ADMS Questionnaire No. 2 List your Metadata of asset description – Federation of Repositories The ADMS Community tackles the issue of a federation of repositories for semantic assets to make decentralised resources available through a single point of access. The primary goal to achieve the level of interoperability required for such a federation is to make artefacts available by means of a harmonised Asset Description Metadata Schema (ADMS). ADMS can be used as a common language to describe semantic artefacts stored in separate systems. It can also provide some directions for new initiatives to create similar repositories. In this way, ADMS will facilitate the federated use of semantic resources, especially of those used for and by public administrations. Our second step of the ADMS development is to identify metadata fields describing assets in existing repositories and metadata that is necessary to enable a federated search across a federation of repositories on semantic assets. What do we mean by “List your Metadata requirements”? The following questionnaire is based an initial evaluation of repositories that can be found as “related repositories” at As a repository owner: We would like you to evaluate the list of metadata and semantic statements. Do they match with metadata of your repository? Please give us a short yes/no-statement and a short comment about those metadata that are defined differently in your repository. Add any metadata which is missing in the list and of course metadata that might be helpful to have in future. As an academic ADMS-Member: We would like you to evaluate the list of metadata and semantic statements. Please provide a short statement and/or comment on relevance of this metadata. Add any metadata which is missing and of course metadata that might be helpful to have in future. Your next step Please send the filled questionnaire back to Renke. The SEMIC.EU team will set up a synopsis and publish it within the ADMS Community. Please consider that you don’t have to complete the questionnaire. Just send it, if you finalize your work. Contact Coordinator Dr. Renke Fahl-Spiewack SEMIC.EU Phone: +49 (0) 30 97006-702 Mail: Community chair Vassilios Peristeras, PhD Programme Manager European Commission, DG Informatics, Interoperability solutions for European public administrations (ISA) Phone: +32 (0) 2 29 81014 Mail: Metadata Evaluation (ADMS Community) (filled by: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) Initial questions for repository owner Type Name of Repository Semantic Statement Repository Owner The repository/registry belongs to which organisation? Responsible person Who is the person responsible for service and maintenance of the repository/registry? URL Please note the URL of the repository/registry. Domain Please put explanation of the domain of the repository/registry. Is it focused on eGovernment? Number of assets Estimated number of assets in your repository Please note the name of the repository/registry you are reporting from. Your Comments Please indicate the metadata used to describe the assets. If you are using any additional metadata fields please add them to this list. No Type 1. Name 2. 3. Title Abstract 4. Description 5. Represented Countries 6. 7. 8. Tags Owner Image 9. Semantic Statement The name of the use case is a short way to identify and to refer to the use case in discussions. A headline for the asset A short overview of case(s) in which this asset is used A description of the asset for example comprising it's content, use cases, structure, etc. Countries involved in the development and/or countries in the scope of the asset Keywords to make the asset traceable The owner of the copyright for this asset An image to represent the asset (something like an icon) Domains which are covered by the asset (e.g. health, justice, economy, etc.) Domains / Scope 10. Links to related Any connection to related assets Assets Any information about the asset's state 11. Status 12. Publisher 13. Frequency (e.g. published, under construction, final, ect.) The (official) publisher of the asset To measure how often the asset has been updated in any way over a certain time period Yes / No Your Comments No Type 14. Release Data 15. Update Data 16. Temporal Coverage 17. License 18. Granularity 19. Asset format 20. Documentation Language 21. Type 22. History 23. Last changed by 24. Link to website 25. User Groups 26. Quality level Semantic Statement The date an asset / a version of an asset has been released E.g. date, person, reason for an update of the asset A time span in which the asset is valid or available A license specifying the terms of use for an asset A field to specify the level of detail of an asset E.g. XML, PDF, OWL, etc. The language(s) in which the asset is written E.g. code list, ontology, taxonomy, etc. A change history of the asset Last person / body to change the asset A link to another (maybe original) web resource of the asset To allow access to an asset for certain groups of repository users Any indicator for the quality for an asset (e.g. current level in a clearing process) Yes / No Your Comments List your Asset formats 1. Asset Format Archives (ZIP, etc.) HTML PDF DOC XLS CSV RDF XSD XML UML OWL SKOS Please indicate the format(s) in which assets are stored in your repository. If you are using any additional formats please add them to this list Your Comments 2. Interfaces SPARQL SOAP REST ODBC Please indicate the interfaces of your repository. If you are providing any additional interfaces please add them to this list. Your Comments