Name: Setting: Personal Education Plan (PEP) Early Years ESW: Designated Person: Date PEP: Northumberland Virtual School for Looked After Children Virtual School Headteacher (Northumberland): Jane Walker 01670 622734 Personal Education Plan Early Years Name Became LAC DoB Gender Early Years Setting name and address Designated Person’s: name email contact number Social Worker: name email contact number Date of this PEP Is young person subject to a Statement of Special Educational Needs or Educational Health & Care Plan? Yes No What are the needs? What is the provision? Date of statement/plan Date of last review Does the Young Person receive Top Up Funding? YES/NO If YES, give details of banding Please give details of any support services involved e.g. LIST, CYPS Attendance Autumn Trend % Target for next PEP % Personal Education Allowance (PEA) Has an application for PEA been submitted? How is PEA allowance being used? Spring % % Support Has the child been offered any support Summer % % Yes/No Plan for Progress and pupil premium Agreement Support to be provided Intended spend Actual Spend Impact Progress Foundation Stage Profile 1 = Emerging 2 = Developing 3 = Secure Communication and Language Physical Development Personal, Social and emotional development Listening and attention Moving and handling Understanding Health and self-care Self-confidence and self-awareness Managing feelings and behaviour Making relationships Speaking Literacy Mathematics Understanding the world Expressive arts and design Reading Numbers People and communities Exploring and using media and materials Writing Shape, Space and Measures The world Being imaginative Technology Child’s age in months: Planned Transitions: End early years profile points: Factors affecting progress Fixed term exclusions (number of days in academic year) Date(s) of permanent exclusion(s) Time without a school placement Changes in school placement Changes in Care placement Changes in Social Worker Other comments e.g. social, emotional, health, placement issues Notes Personal Targets from…………….to……………… To be completed by the young person during the meeting or if not possible, following Child’s views(Early Years)adult (to be completed during the meeting) the meeting with the support of an appropriate Do you enjoy going nursery/childminder/pre-school? What do you like doing there? Who do you ask for help? What do you enjoy doing at home? What makes you happy? What makes you sad? People Invited to the meeting Name Role Contact Details Invited Y Social Worker Carer/Key Worker/SENCO Designated person Child ESLAC N Attended Y N Copy of PEP Support Services Early Years Inclusion Consultant Health Visitor Children’s Centre Support Portage Paediatrician Occupational Therapy Physiotherapy Speech & Language Therapy ESLAC EEAST Teacher Newcastle LIST TEAM Communication Support Educational Psychology Literacy Support Behaviour Support Education Welfare Sensory Support Visually Impaired Hearing Impaired Contact Name Nature of involvement and dates Report att Yes/No