PEDATA Lesson Plans 2015-2016 Please note: All lessons on subject to change at any time dependent on school events and the needs of the students. Accommodations are followed according to student’s individual plans in conjunction with the Guidance/ESE/ESOL Departments. BIOLOGY Date Learning Goal 9/14/15 Students will discuss the 9/15/15 special properties of H20 9/16/15 that contributes to Earths 9/17/15 suitability as an 9/18/15 environment for life. Objective Agenda Describe the properties 1. Water property demo. 2. Finish Prop of H2O notes w/PP (NB pg. 8-9) 3. Put foldables in your “Comp” book 3. Property of water examples matching. Reflection Posters of H2O and the 1. Go over Prop of H2O notes. 2. In your “Comp” book, do text pg. 43 #1-4 significance of 1. continue working on text pages and missing assignments. those SUBSTITUTE: 1. Do review worksheets. properties. Properties of H2O lab. Reflection Posters Reflection Posters Reflection Posters Reflection Posters Ticket Out Biology Honors PEDATA Lesson Plans 2015-2016 Date 9/14/15 9/15/15 9/16/15 Learning Goal Objective Students will discuss the special properties of H2O that contributes to Earths Hypothesize on the importance of the properties of H2O to 1. Finish x-word, starts with, and create your own test. 2. Text pg. 31 #9-19 (Turn in) 3. Make prop of H2O cover page (NB pg. 11) 1. Work on Macromolecule notes from schoology SUBSTITUTE: 1. Article Review: Carbohydrates 2. Finish notes from schoology on Macromolecules 1. Properties of H2O lab Reflection Posters Reflection Posters Reflection Posters Reflection Poster Agenda Ticket Out 1. Water Properties demo 2. Go over properties of water notes. 3. Start pg. Reflection Posters 9/17/15 suitability as an 9/18/15 environment for life. the environment