US-IRELAND R&D PARTNERSHIP PROGRAMME PLANNING GRANT CALL FOR SUBMISSION OF PROPOSALS Version: 16th August 2012 Page 2 of 11 Contents 1. BACKGROUND .............................................................................................................. 3 2. PARTNER AGENCIES ................................................................................................... 4 3. ELIGIBILITY OF RESEARCH BODY .............................................................................. 4 4. Objectives of THE US-Ireland R&D Partnership Programme Planning Grant ................. 5 5. FUNDING ....................................................................................................................... 5 6. ELIGIBILITY CITERIA .................................................................................................... 5 Eligibility Criteria for Republic of Ireland Applicants ........................................................ 6 Eligibility Criteria for Northern Ireland Applicants ............................................................ 6 7. US-IRELAND PLANNING GRANT APPLICATION PROCEDURE.................................. 6 8. SUBMISSION OF PLANNING GRANT PROPOSALS .................................................... 7 9. REVIEW PROCESS ....................................................................................................... 8 10. GRANT REPORTING REQUIREMENTS ................................................................... 8 APPENDIX 1 – US-IRELAND PLANNING GRANT APPLICATION FORM ........................ 9 Page 3 of 11 1. BACKGROUND The US-Ireland Research and Development Partnership launched in July 2006, is a unique initiative involving funding agencies across three jurisdictions: United States of America (USA), Republic of Ireland (RoI) & Northern Ireland (NI). The overall goal of the Partnership is to increase the level of collaborative R&D amongst researchers and industry professionals across the three jurisdictions. This collaboration aims to generate valuable discoveries and innovations which are transferable to the marketplace, or will lead to enhancements in health, disease prevention or healthcare. The Partnership achieves its goals through tri-partite research projects in which the funding agencies fund the elements of research undertaken in their own jurisdiction. Importantly, the Partnership must add significant value to each research programme above that is not achievable by the PI in each jurisdiction working alone, supported only by national funding. The current focus of the US-Ireland R&D Partnership Programme, as agreed by the Partnership Steering Group, is on the following five thematic areas: Sensors & Sensor Networks Nanoscale Science and Engineering Telecommunications Energy & Sustainability Health This call document outlines the eligibility and application process for RoI applicants to apply to SFI/HRB for planning grants. These are grants which enable prospective Irish applicants to the US-Ireland R&D Partnership Programme, to travel to the US in order to develop specific projects with US collaborators for identified programmes under the NSF and NIH auspices. For all thematic areas, Northern Ireland applicants should refer to Invest NI for details regarding eligibility and application procedure (see Section 6). Page 4 of 11 2. PARTNER AGENCIES The Partners are the bodies in each jurisdiction that have agreed to provide research funding depending on the thematic research area. 3. In the US, the partner agencies are the National Institutes of Health (NIH)1 and the National Science Foundation (NSF)2. In the Republic of Ireland (RoI), the partner agencies are Science Foundation Ireland (SFI)3; and the Health Research Board (HRB)4 In Northern Ireland (NI) the partner agencies are the Health & Social Care R&D Division (HSC R&D)5, the Dept for Employment and Learning (DELNI) 6, and Invest Northern Ireland (InvestNI) 7. ELIGIBILITY OF RESEARCH BODY8 The Research Body is the body in charge of the financial and administrative coordination of the award. Host Research Bodies must be situated in the Republic of Ireland or Northern Ireland. Please refer to Eligible Research Bodies9 for the current list of eligible research bodies in the Republic of Ireland. Eligible Research Bodies in Northern Ireland are Queen’s University Belfast and the University of Ulster. 1 National Institutes of Health ( National Science Foundation ( 3 Science Foundation Ireland ( 4 Health Research Board ( 5 HSC R&D ( 6 Dept of Employment & Learning ( 7 Invest NI ( ) 2 8 9 Page 5 of 11 4. OBJECTIVES OF THE US-IRELAND R&D PARTNERSHIP PROGRAMME PLANNING GRANT The aim of the SFI US-Ireland R&D Partnership Programme Planning Grant is to provide planning travel support to researchers in Ireland to travel to the United States in order to develop specific projects with US collaborators for identified programmes under the NIH or NSF. Planning grants are not a pre-requisite for all Ireland researchers who subsequently intend to submit a formal tri-partite application to either the NIH or NSF; they are intended as a vehicle to facilitate development of the tri-partite application. 1. To enable Irish-based researchers to travel to the US to meet with preidentified collaborators for a period of no more than 10 days. 2. To facilitate development of a joint, comprehensive and inclusive tri-partite proposal, for subsequent submission to either the NIH or NSF. 3. The output from the Planning Grant award should enable the development of world-class research proposals in the prioritised thematic areas of the Partnership namely Health, Nanoscale Science & Engineering, Sensors & Sensor Networks, Telecommunications, and Energy & Sustainability. 5. FUNDING The budget available, on a competitive basis, is up to €5,000 direct costs per grant to cover travel and accommodation costs during grant preparation with US and Northern Ireland collaborators. The SFI US-Ireland R&D Partnership Planning Grants are not subject to an overhead contribution. 6. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA For planning grant proposals related to the Health thematic area, the applicant must have completed a pre-eligibility approval step before a US-Ireland planning grant proposal can be accepted. Please refer to the Call for Submission for Tri-Partite Proposals to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) [section 5] on the SFI website US Ireland R&D Partnership For health-related planning grant proposals, either SFI or HRB will fund the planning grant; however all proposals are submitted through SFI. For proposals to the NSF in the areas of Nanoscale Science & Engineering, Sensors & Sensor Networks, Telecommunications, and Energy & Sustainability, a preeligibility step is not required; however the following eligibility criteria must be satisfied: Page 6 of 11 Eligibility Criteria for Republic of Ireland Applicants The applicant must hold, or have held, an SFI research award (*) as either lead Principal Investigator (PI) or co-PI. (*) Research awards include SFI IvP, SFI PI, SFI PICA, SFI RFP, SFI SRC, SFI CSET, SFI Stokes, SFI Research Professor, SFI PIYRA, SFI SIRG, SFI Charles Parsons, SFI Mathematics Initiative, US-Ireland R&D Partnership award, SFI Research Centre. Grants such as personal fellowships or travel grants are not included. If you are unsure as to whether your SFI award is considered eligible, please contact the relevant agency in advance of your submission. If the applicant is not an SFI awardee, s/he must be/have been lead PI on a competitively awarded, internationally peer-reviewed research grant worth more than €200k. This is exclusive of personal awards such as travel awards and career fellowships. In the case of large collaborative EU framework projects the co-PI / workpackage leader is eligible to apply provided they are the lead-PI for their institution and the PI's direct budget for that project is > €200k. Eligibility Criteria for Northern Ireland Applicants For all thematic areas, Northern Ireland applicants should refer to Invest NI for details regarding eligibility and application procedure. Contact: Paul Malcomson, Deputy Principal, Universities and Commercialisation, R&D Division, Invest Northern Ireland, 7. US-IRELAND PLANNING GRANT APPLICATION PROCEDURE The Application form available in Appendix 1 contains the following sections: COVER SHEET The cover sheet must be completed and signed and stamped by the lead Republic of Ireland applicant and the research body. The lead Republic of Ireland applicant should identify the NIH/NSF funding competition that the planning grant will support, specifically identifying the program and specific call (including deadline). For healthrelated proposals, the NIH institute must be included as well as the SFI pre-approval code which was issued at the pre-eligibility stage. Page 7 of 11 SECTION 1.: Contact Details of RoI, NI and US Partners SECTION 2.: RESEARCH PROGRAMME (max. 3 pages) An outline of the proposed joint research programme to be developed, including overall aim and objectives of the work programme, and the specific research contributions and time commitments of the individual researchers identified as lead investigators from the three jurisdictions. The applicants must clearly define how the proposed collaboration will benefit their research activities, and outline how it fits with the remit of the relevant funding agency. An indicative budget for the proposed joint research programme, including estimated research costs for researchers in each of the three jurisdictions must be included in the proposal. SECTION 3. CVs for each participating investigator (max. 2 pages) SECTION 4. BUDGET The budget available, on a competitive basis, is up to €5,000 direct costs per grant to be awarded to the Host Body of the Republic of Ireland applicant. The SFI USIreland R&D Partnership Planning Grants are not subject to an overhead contribution. A detailed Partnership Planning Grant budget request should outline the travel and other preparatory costs being requested (up to €5,000) and figures should be provided in the format: €1,000. SECTION 5: LETTERS OF SUPPORT A letter of support from the US investigator and the Northern Ireland investigator is required outlining his/her support for the collaborative project and detailing their unique contribution to the proposal. The partner hosting the project planning meeting should also confirm his/her willingness to host this meeting. 8. SUBMISSION OF PLANNING GRANT PROPOSALS All documents must be combined into a single Adobe pdf document and emailed to The Subject line should include the thematic area; i.e. Health, Nanoscale Science & Engineering, Sensors & Sensor Networks, Telecommunications, and Energy & Sustainability. Applications are accepted on a rolling call basis. However please bear in mind that the completed tri-partite proposal must be submitted to the relevant funding agency at least 6 weeks in advance of the NSF/NIH deadline. Incomplete applications will be returned without review. Page 8 of 11 9. REVIEW PROCESS SFI Technical Staff will review the applications and may seek additional expert advice if appropriate. Submissions will be evaluated based on the following criteria; The budget is well-justified and represents value for money. The work proposed for each jurisdiction adds significant value so that the overall programme of research goes beyond what might be achieved by any one PI working alone supported by national funding only. The proposed research fits within the relevant agency’s remit. Overall quality of the proposal. The quality of the collaborators’ plans for interaction. 10. GRANT REPORTING REQUIREMENTS Once travel has been completed, please email SFI at within 45 days of your return, with the following details; (i) Your planned date for submission of the draft tri-partite proposal to SFI; please note the draft tri-partite proposal must be submitted to SFI at least 6 weeks in advance of the NSF/NIH deadline. (ii) If you are not planning a submission within 9 months of your return date, please submit a short report outlining the reason for the delay in submission, the activities undertaken with the US and Northern Ireland collaborators, and an update on the current status of the proposed collaborators funding request. QUESTIONS Please email all questions to Page 9 of 11 APPENDIX 1 – US-IRELAND PLANNING GRANT APPLICATION FORM COVER SHEET PROGRAMME NAME SFI US-Ireland R&D Partnership Programme Planning Grant NIH/NSF PROGRAMME NAME and CLOSING DATE NIH INSTITUTE THEMATIC AREA (Tick as relevant) Sensors & Sensor Networks Nanoscale Science and Engineering Telecommunications Energy & Sustainability Health TITLE OF PROPOSAL (up to 30 words) NAME OF HOST INSTITUTION TITLE & FULL NAME OF LEAD REPUBLIC OF IRELAND CONTACT REQUESTED BUDGET DIRECT COSTS (euro) PRE-APPROVAL CODE (relevant for Health) PLANNED TRAVEL DATES Is NI collaborator also travelling Y/N Signatures below confirm acceptance and agreement with the SFI grants and awards Terms and Conditions, and that the institution ensures the applicant meets eligibility requirements, and that the project is in full agreement with all legal and regulatory matters governing research in Ireland, and no aspect of this project is already being funded from another source and all details provided are correct. INSTITUTIONAL SIGNATORY AUTHORITY LEAD Republic of Ireland CONTACT Name (print): Position: Signed: Email: Correspondence Address: Date: Signed: Date: Page 10 of 11 SECTION 1: CONTACT DETAILS LEAD Republic of Ireland CONTACT All fields must be completed. Title and Name Host Institution Address Country Postcode E-mail Phone Fax Investigator Website Correspondence Address (if different) Northern Ireland CONTACT All fields must be completed. Title and Name Host Institution Address Country Postcode E-mail Phone Fax Investigator Website Correspondence Address (if different) United States CONTACT All fields must be completed. Title and Name Host Institution Address Country Postcode E-mail Phone Fax Investigator Website Correspondence Address (if different) Page 11 of 11 SECTION 2: RESEARCH PROGRAMME (max. 3 pages) SECTION 3. CVs of PIs involved in collaboration (free format max. 2 pages) SECTION 4. BUDGET SECTION 4: LETTERS OF SUPPORT