Lion Pride Magazine April/May 2014 Volume 42 – Issue 6 A PUBLICATION OF THE LIONS OF LOWER MICHIGAN - MD 11 Race To Your Dream - MD 11 CONVENTION IS QUICKLY APPROACHING! Lions and guests from across the state will soon reunite for a weekend of fun, fellowship, business and more. Planning to arrive early? Join us for a picnic-style dinner at Cornwell’s Turkeyville, just minutes from Battle Creek. Enjoy great entertainment by the Douglas James Band during the Welcome Celebration and buffet dinner on Friday, as we kick-off the weekend with a “Race to your Dream” theme. If you can dream it, you can do it! Register today! Convention forms and details are located on-line at, or clip the form located in the Lion Pride. POWER SESSION TOPICS “Tips on Becoming an Extraordinary Lion” is a session designed with the newer Lion member in mind, as well as a re-charge for Lions everywhere! Led by District Governor, Tim Anderson, 11 E1 and Lion Laura Hunt, 11 D1 and audience participation. “LCI Convention Elections” is your opportunity to learn more about the process. This session will be moderated by Council Chair Brian Shepard. “Toronto Travel Tips.” Heading to Toronto for LCI-Con? Is your passport up to date? Let us help in your planning! Travel tips on how to get there, information on Michigan Night, the Midwest Breakfast, International Parade participation and more will be the theme of this session. MD-11 Convention Speaker The MD 11 State Convention Planning Committee is pleased to announce this year’s convention speaker - WAYNE A. MADDEN, IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT, LCI. Wayne Madden, of Auburn, Indiana, USA, was elected president of Lions Clubs International at the association’s 95th International Convention, held in Busan, Korea June 22-26, 2012. Past President Madden is an insurance agent and a certified insurance counselor. A member of the Auburn Lions Club since 1984, he has held many offices within the association, including club president, zone chairperson, region chairperson, state council chairperson and district governor. In addition, he is a past president of the Indiana Lions Foundation. He served as a District Governor-elect Seminar faculty member five times and as Campaign SightFirst II sector coordinator for Multiple District 25. In recognition of his service to the association, Past President Madden has received many awards, including the 100% Club President Award, Life Membership in the Association, the Senior Master Key Award, four Extension Awards, an International President’s Leadership Medal, nine International President’s Medals and the Ambassador of Good Will Award, the highest honor the association bestows upon its members. He is a Charter W.P. Woods Fellow, a Kentucky Colonel, a Duke of Paducah, a Helen Keller Fellow and a Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow. In 2008, he was recognized for his humanitarian service by the governor of Indiana as a Sagamore of the Wabash, the highest honor the governor can bestow. In addition to his Lion activities, Past President Madden has been active in numerous Professional and community organizations. Past President Madden and his wife, Linda, also a Lion and Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow, have two daughters and five grandchildren. MD-11 Convention Friday Entertainment They’re back by popular demand! The Douglas James Band is a crowd favorite and we’re excited to have them perform on Friday, May 17 during our Welcome Reception “Pit Stop.” Join in on the all the action as we fire-up this year’s convention with Happy Hour, a buffet dinner and dancing to your favorite country music performed live by the Douglas James Band! Upcoming Events Leo Club Awareness April Donate Life Month April White Cane Week April 27-May 3 Mother’s Day Sunday, May 11 5th Council of Governors Meeting May 17 MD 11 State Convention May 17-18 PDG Association Breakfast/Annual Meeting May 18 LCI Convention, Toronto, Ontario, Canada July 4-8 Michigan Night Monday, July 7 For complete calendar of events, check our website: Executive Director’s PRIDE Family and Friends… Or is it friends first then family? We oftentimes confuse the two, but what I know about Lions is that their Lion Friends are their Lion’s Family. That being said, consider the upcoming MD 11 State Convention a family reunion. “A family reunion is an occasion when many members of an extended family congregate. Sometimes reunions are held regularly, for example on the same date of every year.” That would describe us quite accurately! This year will be our 94th consecutive MD 11 State Convention. If you are a newer Lion member, welcome to the Family! If you’ve been a part of the family for years and have missed a few reunions, consider attending this year. You may be in for a pleasant surprise. Staying connected with Lions from around the state and exchanging ideas helps to keep us motivated. Who has time to reinvent the wheel? Learning from other clubs is an excellent way to keep current and fresh in your membership drives, club meetings and fundraising efforts. The convention is designed to offer opportunities to connect and communicate with Lion leaders, and create learning opportunities for you to share with your fellow club members. And, because we are Lions, it also involves a whole lot of fun! Make plans to attend this year and see for yourself. Registration forms and complete convention details are included in this issue, or access them online at I look forward to seeing you in Battle Creek. Yours in Service, Lion Wendy Burns Executive Director Why I Am A LION The reason that I first joined the Lions is simple, I was asked. I was nearing the end of a 29½ year involvement with the United States Naval Reserve which took up sometimes one night a week, sometimes one weekend a month, sometimes more than the weekly or monthly commitment, and always two weeks every year. I knew that I would have some extra time and a neighborly gentleman asked me to attend a Lions meeting with him. I did attend and liked what I saw, and also liked the opportunity to serve my community. The reason that I remain a Lion is more complex. I remain a Lion because of the feelings I get when I am able to perform a good deed in the name of Lions-such as when I delivered a food certificate supplied our Lions club to a family of a mother and two teenage children. All three spontaneously hugged me in appreciation of the gesture. Or when I delivered a Lions-supplied food certificate to a family of five, and the father did not say a word, he just gave me a huge hug. I later learned he had just learned of the death of his mother. Or the appreciation received when our club was able to get assistance from the Michigan Service Foundation to provide vision-restoring cataract surgery for a local lady. As a Lion, I have also experienced the gratitude that many people feel toward Lions for past good deeds. Many times, while standing in the middle of the street promoting white cane sales, people have stopped to donate and oftentimes follow up with a story of the time the Lions provided them with eye glasses or some other Good Deed. These are just four of many experiences a Lion Club member may encounter for his/her involvement. I also feel a deep pride when I witness fellow Lions drag themselves out to the streets to solicit for Lions projects-even if they are ill or otherwise handicapped. Individual club and district awards and/or recognition are nice, but pale when compared to the appreciation expressed by the people that we help. The appreciation we experience for our good deeds is something that no amount of money can purchase. That is why I remain a Lion. Our challenge as LIONS in growing Lionism are twofold. First of: attracting new members. The obvious solution is to “just ask”. We have all heard that if each Lion recruits two (2) new members, one (1) as a personal replacement and another for growth, we (Lions) will be in good shape. The second part is in retaining a cadre of veteran Lions and that requires a bit more than just asking. It takes involvement of our newer members in club project and fund-raising activities. It also involves educating our new members through an orientation program tailored to our individual communities. There are few feelings in life as good as the feeling one gets from receiving a “Hug” or just a “Thank You” from a recipient of a good deed. It is GREAT to be a Lion! Have a great month. District Governor District Governor Wes Wagester, District 11 D2 From the Desk of District Governor Betsy Farrell, 11 B2 What is the definition of the word trust? Trust (noun) 1. Reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of a person or thing; confidence. 2. Confident expectation of something; hope 3. A person on whom or thing on which one relies. God is my trust. Governors, how much do you trust your Cabinet? If you are not there, will they do as you have indicated or will they act upon their own initiatives? I trusted the District 11-B2 Cabinet and they didn’t disappoint me. I offered to step down because I didn’t know what was going to happen after being diagnosed with cancer. I was told to concentrate on getting well and not worry about running the district. The Cabinet would handle things until I returned. They would keep me informed of things and if my input was needed or a signature required, I would be contacted. Guess what? The only things they had questions about were related to our convention and the awards being presented. What a wonderful feeling to relax (?!?!?) and concentrate on getting well. That emphasis on recuperating and the power of prayer made me able to attend our recent convention in Holland. We truly are a pride of Lions. If nothing else, this illness has taught me that. I received so many cards from individuals and clubs. Thank you – they lifted my spirits when I was down. I still don’t have a lot of strength so I must keep this blurb short. However, I am strong enough to say, and to keep saying, Thank You. District Governor District Governor Betsy Farrell, District 11 B2 2014-2015 Peace Poster Contest “Peace, Love and Understanding” is the theme of the 2014-15 Peace Poster Contest. Lions clubs can sponsor this art contest for kids in their community for children in local schools or organized, sponsored youth groups. Lions clubs interested in sponsoring the Lions International Peace Poster Contest can order a Peace Poster Contest kit (PPK-1) from the Club Supplies Sales Department at International Headquarters. The cost of the kit is US$11.95 plus shipping, handling and applicable taxes. The kit is available in all 11 of our official languages. Lions clubs must purchase a kit for each contest sponsored. Each kit contains: Official Club Contest Guide and Rules Official School or Youth Group Contest Guide and Rules Participant Flyer to duplicate and give to participating students to take home Sticker to place on back of winning poster Certificates for contest winner and school or youth group You can order kits from the Club Supplies Sales Department at International Headquarters from January 15 to October 1. To order a kit, call Club Supplies Sales at (630) 571-5466 or 1-800-710-7822 (U.S., Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands and Canada only). To order online, go to Club Supplies (Item Search: Peace Poster Kit). Lions of Michigan All State Band – Destination: Toronto! We are pleased to hold our pre-tour band camp at the finest facility around: Lions Bear Lake Camp! Camp begins June 30 and will head to Toronto for the International Parade with pre-concert stops in Cascade Falls and Niagara Falls. Plans are in the works for a sneak-preview of this year’s LMASB on Saturday evening during the MD 11 Convention in Battle Creek. There are 45 students from across the upper and lower peninsula of Michigan. LMASB CEO, Lion Caro Uhlemann-Short, along with Band Director, Roger Wyersberg, aka “Santa”, led the 2013 band to a second place finish at the International Convention in Germany. For more information on the LMASB, now in its 36th year, go to “Protecting Our Environment” Global Service Action Campaign The environment is a major concern for communities and people around the world. According to the United Nations Environment Programme, only about 20 percent of the world’s population has access to clean water. More people die from unsafe water than from all forms of violence, including war. During the last century alone, the world lost more than 80 percent of its original forests, which provide a source of livelihood, protection from natural disasters and absorb carbon dioxide emissions that lead to global warming. Lions have an opportunity to bring attention to the environment and show the strength of our worldwide network during a special service action campaign, “Protecting our Environment.” Take Action During April, we invite your club to join Lions around the world to protect the environment. Help us raise awareness of the importance of protecting the environment in connection with Earth Day. Or, organize hands-on projects throughout the month that mobilize your club members to improve your community’s environment. Find complete resources on LCI’s website, BE GOOD TO YOUR MOTHER! Mother Earth deserves our respect. Show your love this Earth Day by incorporating ways to reduce Global Warming into your daily lives. Find out more at issues 5 Simple Things You Can Do to Reduce Global Warming 1. REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE: Do your part to reduce waste by choosing reusable products instead of disposables. By recycling half of your household waste, you can save 2,400 pounds of carbon dioxide annually. 2. USE LESS HEAT AND AIR CONDITIONING -Setting your thermostat just 2 degrees lower in winter and higher in summer could save about 2,000 pounds of carbon dioxide each year. 3. CHANGE A LIGHT BULB -Wherever practical, replace regular light bulbs with compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs. 4. DRIVE LESS AND DRIVE SMART -Less driving means fewer emissions. Besides saving gasoline, walking and biking are great forms of exercise. 5. PLANT A TREE –We have PIP Wing Kun Tam to thank for the planting of over 15 million trees in 2012-2013 by Lions around the world! Spread the Word LYEP: Host Homes Needed for International Stay To see their applications, contact your district chair or state LYEP chair Lion Debra VanTol, 989-430-1824 (It is not necessary to be a Lion) France- Oliver Delemazure - 16 yrs. old Likes: theater, movies, internet, tennis, swimming ... June 28- August 9, 2014 Germany - Kyra Stettner - 16 yrs. old Likes: Handball, bicycle riding, waveboard, skiing June 28- August 9, 2014 Japan - 2 Ambassadors - month of August To see their applications, contact your district chair or state LYEP chair Lion Debra VanTol, 989-430-1824 Encourage a Veteran to Join Now! Lions Clubs International is offering qualified U.S. veterans an entrance fee waiver of up to $30 when joining a local Lions club. The waiver is available to the first 5,000 U.S. veterans* and runs through June 30, 2015. United States veterans believe in being part of something bigger than themselves. Lions Clubs International, the world’s largest service club organization, can provide you with an opportunity to serve. With our 1.35 million members in 208 countries, Lions help where help is needed – in our own communities and around the world. * Qualifying veterans include retired U.S. military personnel (i.e. Air Force, Army, Coast Guard Services, Marines, National Guard, Navy or Reserves) or those honorably-discharged from these services. Eligible persons may still be enlisted in the National Guard or Reserves. Student from India Wins Grand Prize in Lions International 2013-2014 Peace Poster Contest Tongbram Mahesh Singh, a 12-year-old boy from Manipur, India. “Peace is [the] most loving word to me,” said Singh. “Where there is peace, there is harmony. Where there is harmony, people will be happy.” As the grand prize winner, Singh will receive $5,000 and a trip to a special awards ceremony at the 97th Lions Clubs International Convention in Toronto, Canada. He will be accompanied by two family members and the president of the Moirang Lions Club in Manipur, India, which sponsored his local contest. PDG Corner Two Important Upcoming Events to Take Notice of! LIONS BEAR LAKE CAMP SEASON OPENING It’s time to plan for the fun and fellowship at Lions Bear Lake Camp For the seasoning opening held Friday May 9th & Saturday May 10th 2014 For those who want to arrive after 3:00 P.M. and spend a FREE night in the bunkhouse BRING YOUR OWN BEDDING. Number of persons staying in bunkhouse __________ Friday Night Dinner @$9.00 each ______ Saturday Breakfast @ $6.00 each ________ Saturday Lunch FREE Make Check payable to: P.D.G. Association Return To: P.D.G. Barnum 7535 Irish Rd. Millington, MI 48746 DEADLINE May 1, 2014 The PDG Annual Breakfast Meeting EVERYONE WELCOME At the MD 11 Convention McCamly Plaza Hotel, Battle Creek, MI May 18, 2014 at 8:00 a.m. RSVP Your Attendance to: PDG R.G. Barnum 7535 Irish Rd. Millington, MI 48746 Make Checks payable to: PDG Association Number of Persons Attending ___________ $15.00 Ticket Price P.D.G. Annual Meeting at 900 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. With Memorial service Club Happenings > district 11 A1 DG Evelyn Cooper Monroe • Wayne Upcoming Events Greater Metro Detroit Lions Club: Whist & Scrabble Fundraiser Harper Woods-Grosse Pointe Woods Lions Club: Pancake Breakfast Madonna University Lions & Lioness: and 50/50 raffle Kick-off Dinner with a silent auction Detroit Mid-City Lions Celebrate DG Cooper The Detroit Mid-City Lions Club meets at the Greater Detroit Agency for the Blind and Visually Impaired to congratulate their member, District Governor Evelyn Cooper. Detroit Northeast Lions Club Detroit Northeast Lions Club sponsored a dinner for Leader Dogs for the Blind with a silent and live auction. > district 11 A2 DG John Kontos Macomb • Oakland District Editor: James Leach, Sr. 855 Miller Rd., Lake Orion, Ml 48362 • Upcoming Events Romeo Lions Club: Held a Mom to Mom Sale Macomb Township Lioness: Presented Lunch with the Easter Bunny Fraser Lions Club: Held a Euchre Tournament Clinton Valley Lions Club: Sponsored Quarter Fever Nite at the Fraser Lion’s Den Centerline Lions Club: Had their 57th Annual Pancake Breakfast Sterling Heights Lioness: Had a Relay for Life Bowling Fundraiser and their 8th Annual Spring Tea Sterling Heights Lions Club: Held Oldies Night with the Stars New Haven Lions Club: Held a Euchre Party each Saturday Evening New Haven Lioness: Are having a Dinner & Fashion Show “An Affair to Remember” Eastpointe Lions Club: Sponsored the 2014 White Cane Kickoff Dinner Clinton Valley Lions: Bingo Nights on Tuesdays Oxford Lions Sponsor Para-Olympic Sport The USA Goal ball tournament was sponsored by the Oxford Lions Club and held in Warren, MI. Teams from Canadian Provinces of New Brunswick & Quebec and teams from the U.S. came to compete from New York, California, Utah, Georgia, Florida to name a few. Goal Ball was actually developed by blind WWII Veterans and it’s now a Para-Olympic Sport. Clawson Lion Jim Receives Award District 11-A2 Region Chair, Dr. Ray Froling, on behalf of the Rochester Hills Lions Club presented the club’s Progressive Melvin Jones Fellowship Award to recipient Lion Jim Banaszek. Also pictured is Lion Zone Chair Cathy Gladd who participated in the award presentation ceremony. This distinguished award is the highest form of recognition conferred by the Lions Club International Foundation representing the recipient’s commitment to and dedication to make the world a better place through humanitarian service. Hazel Park Lions Get An Inspirational Visit Hazel Park Lions Club had a visit from Holt Lions Club members President/PDG Ray Robins and PDG Dave Bennett who presented a program on the Mission to Vamiera, Latvia which they have taken part in. The club enjoyed the slide presentation and information they shared with them about this important eyeglass mission. In the picture are Hazel Park Lions Vice President Troy Dilbeck, Holt Lions Club President/PDG Ray Robins, 11A-2 DG John Kontos, and PDG Dave Bennett from the Holt Lions Club. Clinton Valley Lions Honored The Clinton Valley Lions were honored by the Michigan Recreation and Parks Association with a Community Service Award for their contributions and service to Clinton Township. The presentation took place at the Hannah Community Center in East Lansing, Michigan. > district 11B1 DG Barry Allen Branch • Calhoun • Hillsdale • Jackson • Lenawee • Washtenaw District Editor: Steve Britten 19114th Street, Jackson, Ml 49203 • Upcoming Events Spring Leadership Forum: VCL HS, April 24, 5:30 PM Adrian Lions Club: Breakfast Radio Auction, station WLEN – 103.9 FM – April 26, from 8:30AM to 6PM Vandercook Lake Lions Club: Pancake Breakfast, April 27, 8 – 11:30 AM Saline Lions Club: Volunteer Fair, April 27, 2-4 PM Pennfield Lions Club: Relays (Track Meet), May 2 Napoleon and Hanover Horton Lions Club: BBQ, Napoleon Park, May 26 Hanover Horton Alpha Leos Club Launched! Through the strong efforts of Hanover Horton Middle School Principal Denise Bergman and teacher and National Junior Society Advisor Gabrielle Scheese the formation of the Hanover Horton Alpha Leos has been accomplished. Chartered by Lions Clubs International as Club Number 121401, they set their Charter Celebration the Hanover Horton Middle School with Lions of Michigan MD-11 Council Chair Brian Shepard as their speaker for the evening. Manchester Lions Support Kirk Park Renewal Project The Manchester Lions present a check for $2000 to Ray Berg of the Wellness Coalition in support of the Kirk Park renewal project. The little league fields will get a complete makeover financed by donations from all the area service clubs and grants from the Wellness Foundation. Blissfield Lions Get Presidential The Hall Of Presidents within the Blissfield Elementary School is a photographic display of the Presidents of the United States. Until the Blissfield Area Lions Club undertook the project to update the four displays, the portrait of President Bill Clinton was the most recent. The displays were totally renovated by removing the old portraits, covering the black backing with flag material, replacing the old gold matting, attaching new updated portraits and reassembling the displays. > district 11B2 DG Betsy Farrell Berrien • Cass • Kalamazoo • St. Joseph • Van Buren District Editor: Donna Romanak 31177 County Rd 681, Bangor, Ml 49013 Upcoming Events Covert Township Lions Club: Will hold a pancake breakfast Kalamazoo Westside Lions Club: Will hold their 13th annual Sight and Hearing Golf Open St. Joseph Lions Club: Will be doing a highway cleanup, a Kidsight screening at the St. Joseph YMCA and their White Cane fundraiser Buchanan Leo Club Officially Chartered The Buchanan – Galien Lions Club held the official Charter Night for the newly formed Buchanan Leo Club on March 13, 2014. Forty-one charter members and officers were inducted into the newly formed group by 2nd Vice District Governor Jeff Mayuiers. While the Buchanan Leo Club has only been “officially chartered” for a short time, these students and young adults have already made an impact on their community by echoing the Lions’ “We Serve” motto. Congratulations and thank you, Buchanan Leos, for your outstanding dedication to making a difference in the communities of Buchanan and Galien. Coloma Lions Light It Up The Coloma Lions Club’s entry in the Lighted St. Patrick’s Day parade in Coloma won first place in the annual event. Several club members helped build the float and enjoyed a ride through the parade. The large crowd witnessing the event rewarded the entry with loud appreciation. South Haven Black River Lions Support The Local Humane Society The South Haven Black River Lions club recently donated $200 to the AlVan Humane Society. The Humane Society will use the donation for the care and feeding of the cats and dogs that are housed in the animal shelter. The donated funds are the culmination of fund-raising efforts by the South Haven Black River Lions Club and their commitment to invest those funds in community needs. Edwardsburg Lions Plunge In for Special Olympics Four Edwardsburg Lions and five Leos participated in the Polar Plunge for Special Olympics. Lions Dave Stiffler, Amy Anderson, Dave Halgren, and Lauren Meier willingly made the freezing cold “plunge” into Pleasant Lake . . . all for a good cause. The Edwardsburg Fire Department cut through 26” of ice for the plungers to make their plunge in temperatures that were in the teens. A total of 46 people made the plunge and raised $8,500. Everyone enjoyed the morning, and almost all of the plungers said they would return again next year! > district 11C1 DG Doug Schneider Allegan • Barry • Ionia • Kent • Muskegon • Ottawa District Editor: Sue Ferris Upcoming Events Rockford Lions Club: Held their annual Rockford Easter Ham Sale Grandville Jenison Lions Club: Held a fundraiser at Culver’s Restaurant Rockford Lions Club: Are holding their 60th Anniversary celebration at the American Legion Hall in Rockford with Sparta and Thornapple Valley Lions Clubs also participating. Sparta Lions will be grilling chickens for a cost of $10 per person. Ravenna Lions Club: Will hold their annual Goldfest Fundraiser. Marne Lions Club: Second Annual Walker Charity Golf Outing Spring Has Sprung In Nashville It’s Maple Syrup time again. The sweet tradition continues. Blair Hawblitz stated that since 1941 there were only three years that they did not make syrup. The Nashville Syrup Association processes thousands of gallons of sap each year, but not without the help of members, the Nashville Lions Club, and other volunteers. The Syrup Association (The local Syrup Association is made of mostly Lion members) donates to several organizations, i.e. food bank, churches, Cub Scouts, 4-H, etc. The Sugar Shack at Putman Park is a production one would not imagine, from receiving the sap, firing up the large burners, skimming the sap, boiling, labeling and delivering. 400-700 gal of sap is boiled at one session. It takes 30 to 40 gallon of sap to make one gal of syrup. Recently the technic of (reverse osmosis}, to remove the water from the sap to reduce the boiling time, has been used. It takes 40 to 100 hours per season for this production. Pales hanging on trees throughout Nashville can be seen, hung by the local Boy Scouts and 4-H. Putman Park is collected by tubes into 300 gallon containers. Local residents bring sap in by the buckets to be processed on shares. You can purchase their Maple Syrup at the Sugar shack at Putman Park, also at several other locations. It is a job well done, by dedicated individuals, who think Nashville is the place to live and get the best Maple Syrup available. Grand Rapids Lions Club Blind Dinner Date 2014 Great turn out for this event! Thank you to everyone who participated on the committee and donated their time and financial support the blind and visually impaired! Funds raised went to help support the Grand Rapids Lions Club Vision Clinic at Cherry Street Health. Lyons-Muir Fundraiser Breakfast It may have been early for some but not for the 55 people, not including Lions and Applebee workers, who attended the pancake fundraiser breakfast for 4 year old autistic, Camden Cash Ziegler. The breakfast was held March 8 from 8 till 10 am at the Ionia Applebee’s restaurant. After fees to Applebee’s for their part hosting and cooking for the fundraiser, the club made $437 for the family to put towards ongoing medical and therapy expenses. Therapy alone costs Camden’s family close to $300 a week with little covered by insurances. The family still awaits a therapy dog which will do much to ease and enrich Camden’s life allowing him to sleep, and to make life more comfortable with his anxiety disorder. > district 11C2 DG David Boes Clinton • Eaton • Gratiot • Ingham • Livingston • Shiawassee District Editor: Noreen Boes 2065 Woven Heart, Holt Ml 48842 Upcoming Events Holt Lions Club: Is selling Easter Flowers and Mother’s Day plants, also getting ready for Kids Day and the Touch a truck event both to be held in June St. Johns Lions Club: Participated in Adopt a Highway cleanup date for business US-127 and held their annual White Cane sale fundraiser. Stockbridge Lions Club: Held a several Blood drives; an Easter egg hunt for the Stockbridge Community and participated in “March Hoops to Beat Blindness at the University of Michigan they also hold Bingo every Monday night. Grand Ledge Lions Club: Is working on the MDOT Highway Clean-up and having their annual Clive Peabody Memorial Golf Classic. The Laingsburg & Ovid Lions Clubs: Are co-sponsoring their benefit golf outing along with the Famous Steak Dinner Durand Lioness Club Holds Fundraising Pageant Nicklaus Nurmikko and Allison Zdunic were selected as Prince and Princess of the Durand Railroad Days Pageant. Voting was based on the amount of money they collected from their changes canisters, which were placed at their local sponsors’ place of business. Each cent collected counted as one vote, with the money to go to the Durand Lioness Club. Nearly $1,400.00 was raised by the contestants, which will help the Durand Lioness with their support to the Durand Backpack Program and the Loaves and Fishes Community Pantry. St. Johns Lions Club The St. Johns Lions Club inducted two new members. Successful Blood Drive For the Williamston Lions Club The Williamston Lions Club, together with the Knights of Columbus and D & W Food Stores sponsor blood drives at St. Mary Church in Williamston every other month. Many brave souls came out in February even though it was blizzard-like weather. 42 pints of blood were donated for this worthy cause! The Lions provided sandwiches & coffee, the Knights donated Chili and D & W donated juice for those that attended. Grand Ledge Lions Club The Grand Ledge Lions Club held their annual Bear there was such a great turn out that more tables were attended. Plenty of prizes were awarded and a silent along with a 50/50 raffle. A total of $3232.00 was event! Lake Camp fundraiser; added for all who auction was held raised during the > district 11D1 DG Jake Dasho Bay • Genesee • Saginaw • Tuscola District Editor: Shari Johnson 8334 Rich Rd., Mayville, Ml 48744 Upcoming Events Auburn Williams Lions Club: Is sponsoring “Dueling Piano’s” Fundraiser Free Eye Screenings From Fenton Lions Club The Fenton Lions Club once again offered free eye screenings for both children and adults, and free diabetes screenings for adults at the Fenton Expo held at the Fenton High School. The Lions have been a part of the Expo for the past 14 years. This year 75 children ages 1-5, 86 children and adults age five and older were screened for vision. There were a total of 34 referrals for vision checks by an optometrist or an ophthalmologist. 31 adults were screen for diabetes; a registered nurse from the Diabetic Foundation of Michigan was on hand for these screenings. We would like to thank the Linden Lions and the Otisville Lions for their help with this project. Kingston Lions Club The Kingston Lions Club assisted at the local Mobile Food Pantry distribution where 158 families registered to receive food (which included 695 individuals from 28 area communities). This is a labor intensive program unloading 11,755# of food from the semi-truck, unloading cases from the pallets, unpacking and sorting the product and then handing out the food at various stations. Joint Effort In Saginaw County For D1 Lions The Saginaw West Lions Club along with Carrollton Lions, Buena Vista Lions, St. Charles and East Flint Lions packaged 2,365 boxes of groceries for Saginaw County needy residents. East Flint Lions Club The East Flint Lions had their auxiliary dinner and auction at the Flint Lions Clubhouse. Fairgrove Lions Club The Fairgrove Lions held a Pig and Turkey Roast with silent auction and 50/50 drawing. Kingston Lions Club Kingston Lions held a Craft Show & Sloppy Joe /Soup Lunch at the Kingston Elementary School Cafeteria and sold Chocolate Easter bunnies. Saginaw West Lions Club Saginaw West Lions donated$150.00 to a family for clothing. > district 11D2 DG Wesley Wagester Huron • Lapeer • Sanilac • St. Clair District Editor: Bruce Bronson 10898 Smiths Creek Rd., Riley, Ml 48041 Upcoming Events Applegate Lions Club: Holds a Euchre party the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month Emmett Lions Club: Will be holding A Casino Trip to Soaring Eagle Casino, a arts & crafts show ARTISTS & THEIR CRAFTS with over 43 exhibit tables & displays and also their Annual Yard Sale. “Ladies Night Out” With The Emmett Lions The Emmett Lions held a special “Ladies Night Out” meeting where they invited several prospective Lions and membership spouses. During the meeting, Lions Dick Belesky and John Foley of the Emmett Lions were recognized with a Founders Award for contributions to Leader Dogs for the Blind. Lions clubs all over the world are recognized for the tremendous support they give to Leader Dogs for the Blind. This was a good opportunity to attract new membership. Hopefully the four prospective members in attendance will return as full members. Governor Wes Wagester installed, yet another new member. Mr. Jeff Troy. State Rep Paul Muxlow Helps Marlette Lions Present Liberty Day Books The Marlette Lions Club presented the Marlette Middle School with 65 Liberty Day books. There were two fifth grade classes called together to receive these books. Marlette Lions Bill Rakow and Don Spinks went over some of the principals of the constitution and the bill of rights. Attending the presentation was State Representative Paul Muxlow and Ed Smith of US Representative Candice Miller’s office. Mr. Muxlow related some facts on service clubs and how they support their community. Mr. Smith relayed the importance of how the constitution works and what it means to every individual. District Governor Wes Wagester focused on the Liberty Day purpose. This program was the creation of Lion Andy McKean and his late wife, Kathy from Denver Colorado. It is designed to bring awareness to all Americans on the workings of the constitution of the United States, in particular the fifth grade classes in our schools. There is a pocket copy of the constitution that is given to the students. Lion Andy also set up an instructors guide for the teachers. This is all to assist in teaching the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. It is amazing what we can learn each and every one of us. It is the local Lions Clubs that are making this happen. Lion Orville Collins the district chairman is instrumental in keeping the clubs involved. > district 11 E1 DG Tim Anderson Benzie • Clare • Grand Traverse • Isabella • Lake • Leelanau • Manistee • Mason • Mecosta • Midland • Missaukee • Montcalm • Newaygo • Oceana • Osceola • Wexford District Editor: Deb Kreitner 514 W. High St., Greenville, MI 48838 Upcoming Events Honor Lions Club: Are busy selling the last of our 500 raffle tickets for our LUCKY 13 RAFFLE Fremont Lions Club: Annual Vidalia Onion sale is underway. Midland Lions Club: Is once again working on the planning of their “Shoot for Sight” “Hole-in-One” contest. The purpose is to raise money to provide vision and hearing help to those in the Midland area who cannot afford the treatment to improve their vision and hearing acuity. DG Anderson Gets A Shave And A Pie District Governor Tim Anderson Keeps Good To His Word! A promise is a promise and at our District Convention I held up my end of our deal. Lion Karla Roebuck shaved off my beard and PDG Lion Laura Johnson had the honor of throwing the pie since percentage wise Baldwin brought in the most new members reaching a 71% increase in membership so far this year. My wife 1st Lady Christina was spared when PDG Jim Walls stepped in and took her place. $130 was raised to save my wife and to allow Stanwood Lions President Peggy Walls the right to throw the 2nd pie into her husband’s face. Happy 60th Six Lakes Lions! The Six Lakes Lions Club held their 60th Anniversary Celebration. Lions from multiple clubs within our district joined them and community members for the evening. PDG Lynn Mast presented the club with a banner, patch and certificate from IP Barry Palmer in recognition out this event. A new member Lion Laura Hallock was also sworn in during the evening as well marking growth from this club. Crossroads Lions Charter Night The Crossroads Lions Charter Night had Lions from all over our district in attendance to help our newest club celebrate! Special THANKS goes out to PID Dennis Cobler for being our guest speaker and helping to make this night more memorable. The club is busy preparing for its first BIG community event; a Chili Cook-off. Bake Sale Bonanza For Coleman Lions Coleman Lions Club’s Bake Sale was a big success! Held at the Coleman Area Library, we had more than 19 family and friend bakers, not to mention Coleman Lions bakers! We brought goodies to the Senior Center on Friday and sold everything we brought, and received cash donations as well! The sale brought in about $900! > district 11E2 DG Gus Malmberg Alcona • Alpena • Antrim • Arenac • Charlevoix • Cheboygan • Crawford • Emmet • Gladwin • Iosco • Kalkaska • Montmorency • Ogemaw • Oscoda • Otsego • Presque Isle • Roscommon District Editor:Mitch Smith 20933 Palmateer Rd,Hillman, Ml 49746 Elk Rapids Lions Donate To the Elk Rapids School The Elk Rapids Lions Club made a sizeable donation to the Elk Rapids School K-12. The funds were used to purchase the Destiny Resource Management Solution Suite. The program helps keep track of all educational resource material making them readily available to students and teachers. The Lions received a demonstration of the system at a special dinner held at the Cherryland Middle School Library. AuGres Lions Club AuGres Lions Club paid for a local citizen to have an eye exam and obtain a pair of glasses. Fairview-Comins Lions Club Fairview–Comins Lions Club paid for a local citizen to receive hearing aids and also held a Reading Action Program. Gaylord Lions Club Gaylord Lions Club approved funding for on sight case, held a successful Lion Mint Sale and sold Sight & Hearing tickets. Grayling Lions Club Grayling Lions Club sold candy bars and continue to collect and pack ink cartridges for recycling. We also made a donation to the High School theater group. Mio Lions Club Mio Lions Club donated monies to a local student who will be an exchange student to Italy this summer; the club is also working on their $11,000 raffle and their Lucky 13 raffle. Oscoda Lions Club The Oscoda Lions help in assisting a local family get water into their home and also helped with repairs to another local home to make it wheelchair accessible. The Oscoda Lions also held another successful Pancake Breakfast.