paper AB/12/09 attached

Academic Board
21 March 2012
Agenda item: 13
Paper: AB/12/09
The University of Essex offers a wide range of taught modules with environmental content. To date,
no details of the specific modules have been collated centrally. The People and Planet Green League
is an annual survey of university environmental performance. One of the areas assessed by the
Green League was the extent to which sustainability is embedded in the curriculum. In order for the
University to demonstrate good performance it was necessary to undertake an audit of sustainability
in the curriculum. The audit also enabled the University to raise awareness of, and reflection on, the
extent to which we do include environmental and sustainability concerns within the curriculum.
The audit below, compiled by Professor Rob Stones at the request of the Sustainability Strategy
Group, shows the breadth of the University’s environmental curriculum offer. The list includes all
modules in which there is any engagement at all with green, environmental, or sustainability
concerns. Academic staff were asked for the name and code of the relevant module, and a short
indication of the subject matter discussed. The latter will be incorporated into a longer document,
which will be disseminated more widely within the University.
Recommended to Academic Board
The Academic Board is requested to receive this report for information and provide any
feedback on future development of sustainability in the curriculum.
Faculty of Law and Management
Essex Business School Sustainability Modules
BE111 Management Accounting II
BE131 Advanced Management Accounting
BE138 Accountability
BE157 Business Ethics and Accountability
BE201 Business Economics
BE256 Social Enterprise
BE439 Business Ethics
BE442 Business Ethics
BE461 Ethics, Governance and Sustainability
BE530 Advanced marketing
LW807 Acute Crises and Displacement (PG)
LW925 Human Rights and the Environment (PG)
LW215 Public International Law
LW222 Environmental Law
LW229 Animal Welfare and Wildlife Law
LW709 European Environmental Law (PG)
LW803 International Law of Armed Conflict for Humanitarian Situations (PG)
Faculty of Science and Engineering
CE263 Electronic Devices
CE301 Final Year Project
Biological Sciences
BS113 Animal and Plant Biology
BS212 Ecology Residential Field Course
BS702 Natural Resources
BS713 Mariculture and Fisheries
BS141 Scientific and Transferable Skills for Biosciences
BS330 Climate Change
BS701 Environmental issues
BS702 Natural resources
BS703 Valuing Environmental Services
BS704 Politics and society
BS344 Pollution: Impacts and Management
BS348 Sustainability
BS112 Marine Ecology and Oceanography
BS241 Ecology – Populations & Communities
BS717 Marine Primary Productivity
BS252 Freshwater Ecology
BS251 Marine Biodiversity
BS254 Marine and Freshwater Vertebrates
BS256 Tropical Marine Field Research Skills
BS352 Tropical Aquatic Biology
BS701 As above
BS702 As above
BS713 Mariculture and Fisheries
BS714 Marine Zoology
BS716 Coral Reef Conservation Management Field Module
BS243 Biodiversity & Conservation
BS245 Ecological Monitoring and Assessment
BS351 Coastal Ecology
BS273 Health and Lifestyle
BS376 Issues in Sports and Exercise Science
Faculty of Social Sciences
SC301 Current Disputes in Sociology
SC361 American Society: Ethnic Encounters in the Making of the USA
SC164 Introduction to United States Sociology
CS201 The World in Question: Humanities Perspectives on our Current Era [CISH]
SC554 Society and the Environment
SC242 Sociology of Crime and Control
Language & Linguistics
LA422 Intensive Spanish Programme
LA250 Proficiency Level German
LA220 Elementary German
LA230 Intermediate German
LA247 Three Countries, One Language – Austria, Switzerland & Germany
LA221-222 Intensive German
LA130 Intermediate French
EC111 Introduction to Economics
EC202 Microeconomics
EC335 Strategies of Economic Development
EC336 Economic Development in a Global Perspective
EC355 Public Economics
EC383 Environmental Economics
EC938 Trade and Development
GV102 Introduction to European Politics
GV103 Introduction to International Relations
GV204 New British Politics
GV591 Environmental politics
GV902 Theories of International Relations
BS704 Politics and Society
Faculty of Humanities and Comparative Studies
International Academy
IA710 Introduction to Economics
IA940 Materials and Methods (PG)
CE902 Professional Practice and Research Methodology (Academic Literacy Strand) – Skills Centre
IA 102 Biology
IA707 Business Creation and Growth
IA 711 Introduction to Management
Centre for Inter-disciplinary Studies in Humanities (CISH)
CS201 The Environment and Nature
School of Philosphy & Art History
PY943 Environmental Ethics
PY944 Philosophies of Nature
CS141 Introduction to Contemporary Latin America
CS201 The World in Question: Humanities Perspectives on our Current Era
CS261 American (US) Studies Second Year Seminar
Daniel Dempsey
Carbon Change Advisor
March 2012