Approved SWiP May 2012 CHiP 12_14 FACULTY OF HEALTH AND LIFE SCIENCES Link Lecturer Standards (2014) for all pre-registration progammes and post registration community nursing programmes 1 I. Standards Foster and strengthen the partnership between the university and the practice placement areas II. Criteria is familiar with agreed structures for partnership working and communications (e.g. between Link Lecturer, Course Lead, Practice Education Unit (PEU4)/ placement provider (e.g./LEL1) a) keeps accurate records of the nature and time of all contact with student/ practice assessor/ placement staff/ LEL. b) students are provided with the name of their Link Lecturer/Course Lead prior to commencement of placement. Link Lecturer/Placement Lead 2/Course Lead, as appropriate III. Evaluation/Evidence Decisions regarding placement availability are agreed by all parties, and recorded. Records of contacts/visit times for each placement/ student/ practice assessor Student/ practice assessor placement evaluation (within module evaluation) Up to date records in PEU4 of placement names and contact numbers in placement profiles on PEMS (including placement profile and Placement Learning Quality Assurance Tool). For post registration community nursing programmes: Managers Protocol , Checklist and Learning Agreements, and placement profiles. c) identifies key individuals within the placement provider, (e.g. - Service manager, Practice Development Lead, LEL and establishes effective communication & decision-making processes. d) ensures telephone numbers/email/ contact details are available to students and practice assessors3 and inform placement area of any periods of leave, and appropriate cover. e) ensures Faculty of Health and Life Sciences contact numbers are available in the placement area and accessible via PEMS and PEU and/or Course Lead.. 2 To contribute to the preparation of students for practice in conjunction with the programme team and placement staff /LEL as appropriate 1 a) is fully conversant with all aspects of student preparation for practice. b) contributes as appropriate to student preparation for practice. c) is fully conversant with the placement profile and aware of the way in which students are inducted into their link placement area(s), and evaluations of this for their link area. d) act as a link between student and practice staff in regard to any disclosures the student makes that they wish to share with the placement provider (compliance with approved Records of preparation for practice for each programme/placement Student & LEL evaluations of placement induction Practice staff are aware of and have addressed issues that impact upon student performance (e.g. recorded in the Practice LEL means Learning Environment Lead/Clinical Placement Facilitator or equivalent Identified person with responsibility for placement/practice within each programme 3 A practice assessor is the person supporting a student in practice and who undertakes practice assessment e.g. mentor, practice teacher, practice educator, clinic tutor, clinical supervisor, clinical educator, practice teacher, practice supervisor. 4 Practice Education Unit 2 guidance ) e) monitors provision and effectiveness of student orientation/induction to the practice area by placement staff / LEL. 3a For all prequalifying students and post registration community nursing programmes except paramedic and social work pre registration students Visit students whilst on placement in order to monitor and support the students’ progress and learning experience 3b For paramedic students only Visit students whilst on placement in order to monitor and support the students’ progress and learning experience – paramedic students only 5 a) visit each student a minimum of once per placement (or 3 months pre registration)5. b) is familiar with the relevant learning outcomes and practice competencies/criteria. c) supports the student/practice assessor in relating available opportunities in the placement area to the expected module learning outcomes and assessment criteria. d) is familiar with the processes for supporting a student failing in practice relevant to each programme in their link area. e) provides additional support when problems are identified (by student/ practice assessor), and reports to the Placement Lead/ Programme Lead/ LEL/ Academic and PEU Team as appropriate. f) know where to access the local and understand the University processes for incident reporting in order to offer guidance to students. Assessment Document). Link lecturer visit and other contact records. Student evaluations Practice assessor evaluations Records of supporting a student failing in practice in student’s files. Records of meetings with practice assessors re students following guidance available on PEU web pages: a) visit each station/resource centre once per year b) will email individual CS/practice assessor on a monthly basis c) will visit station to co-inside with a CS Meeting d) contact with students will be on a 4-6 week basis, throughout the year and this will in the main be achieved whilst in University premises e) is familiar with the learning outcomes and practice competencies/criteria undertaken in their link placement areas. f) supports the student/practice assessor in relating available opportunities in the placement area to the expected module learning outcomes and assessment criteria. g) is familiar with the processes for supporting a student failing in practice relevant to each programme in their link area. h) provides additional support when For some programmes e.g. Adult Nursing (Swindon) this visit may be organised within a placement team structure rather than individual link lecturers. November 2014 i) 3c For social work students only: Visits students for the establishing the learning agreement and visits/contacts the student again at a midway** point during the placement 4 5 **This may be via Skype for students at a long distance from the University Support the practice assessors in their assessment of students’ achievement of competence Act as a resource for placement learning and as a link into the University November 2014 a) b) c) d) e) f) problems are identified (by student/ practice assessor), and reports to the Placement Lead/ Programme Lead/ Personal/Professional Tutor and PEU Team as appropriate. be familiar with the local and University processes for incident reporting in order to offer guidance to students. complete Quality Assurance processes for the placement setting (using QAPL or PLEAT as agreed by PEU, and confirming practice educator/practice supervisor meets agreed criteria) chair learning agreement meeting at start of placement provide preparation for practice assessment workshops complete midway meeting Is familiar with the processes for supporting students and able to provide guidance in relation to University policy, procedures and guidance (e.g. resources available on ces-for-supporting-students Is familiar with the learning outcomes and practice competencies/criteria undertaken in their link placement areas. a) ensures that student/practice assessor have access to programme and module specific placement information. b) promotes awareness of how to access the PEU Web pages and PEMS and all relevant resources to students and practice assessors. c) provides support to all practice assessors in applying the assessment & moderation processes utilising tripartite (student/ practice assessor/ link lecturer) meetings as required. d) in collaboration with the service manager, support practice assessors in developing their mentoring and assessment skills. a) supply information about educational opportunities provided by the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences (e.g. Continuing Professional Development (CPD)/ Learning Beyond Registration (LBR) provision/ practice education/practice assessing courses & other learning resources) as appropriate. Evidence: All student learning contract records, student and practice assessor placement evaluations, PEMS Reports, PEU Practice Educator/supervisor records. Student/practice assessor evaluations, Placement Audit (PLEAT)/ QAPL quality assurance evidence. Community Practice Teacher team meeting minutes PEMS Reports Link lecturer placement contact records Student competence achievement records Placement Provider /University reports from Register of practice assessors Managers Protocol , Checklist and Learning Agreements, and placement profiles. PEMS holds current placement profiles for each pre-registration placement area The Course Lead for post registration community nursing programmes holds placements profiles Link Lecturer placement contact/visit records b) disseminate good practice regarding placement learning/integration of theory and practice, including interprofessional learning. c) supports students/ practice assessors reflection in and on practice. Practice assessor/student evaluations Curriculum reflects current practice Link Lecturer/Placement Lead/ Course Lead as appropriate d) in conjunction with the service manager, review as appropriate that the placement profile(s) are accurate and up to date (minimum of prior to placement allocation). Review this information annually or more frequently if there are significant placement changes. Update the placement profile (via PEMS where relevant). e) advise programme teams re: practice developments which impact upon the curriculum. f) be a resource for the practice area in relation to programme curriculum development / changes to placement patterns. 6 Contribute, with Placement Lead, to the identification, development and maintenance of quality placements a) be aware of the placement provider process for planning placements of all student groups supported in the practice area. b) work in partnership with the service manager / LEL to actively support the delivery required placement numbers. c) work in partnership with the service manager / LEL to actively support the delivery of NHS commissioned placement numbers d) contribute positively to enhancing the capacity of practice environments and utilising the available experiences in new and evolving ways. e) positively contribute to the resolution of challenges to quality and capacity issues in supporting Placement Leads and LELs. f) seek out potential for new placement opportunities (in partnership with Placement Lead/LEL as appropriate). Additional placements are explored/developed in partnership with placement colleagues 7 Contribute towards quality assurance of placement learning provision a) Audit/quality assurance processes completed in partnership with placement colleagues /LEL/ link lecturer PEU (via PEMS for pre-registration) November 2014 involvement in undertaking and monitoring placement audit/quality assurance processes specific to programme requirements and in partnership with placement colleagues b) contribute and respond as appropriate to the programme and placement audit annual review processes. All pre-registration audit/quality assurance records to be available to both PEU and placement provider (e.g. through PEMS) Link Lecturer/Placement Lead/Course Lead as appropriate c) discuss regularly (e.g. minimum of twice each year) with the placement provider (LEL) any issues relating to the quality of the placement. d) share responsibility for addressing issues of concern re: placement quality (in conjunction with Service manager/ LEL, Practice Education Unit colleagues). e) be familiar with the number of practice assessors available using the information/ reports on numbers provided by the Placement Provider (e.g. live register), and is conversant with data protection guidance. November 2014 Issues of quality concern are addressed by placement provider/ programme/PEU as appropriate in a timely manner. Programme Annual Review