Lesson Plan 7

Lesson Plan : 7
The Coral Reef
Teacher: Ms. Mrs. Mr. Dr.
Chris Hadley
__May 22_
_90 min.____
(Circle one above)
Grade: First
Subject: Science, Math, Language Arts, Social Science
(minutes, hours, days, weeks)
(Attach copies of worksheets, lecture notes, rubrics, etc.)
Shells, coral, sea stars, seahorse, fish, pictures of fish and other living organisms in reef (appendix B-7), 30 maps
of our “coral reef” (appendix B-6), whiteboard, smartboard, dry erase marker, pieces of charcoal, porous brick,
tile, cement, and sponge, water, table salt, liquid bluing (found in bleaches), food coloring, 5 measuring
tablespoons, masking tape, permanent marker, 30 maps (appendix F-4), 30 worksheets (appendix B-8), 30
sheets for logbook (appendix A-3), 30 experiment logs (appendix A-7 ).
Worksheets and crafts adapted from/borrowed from:
Pictures of fish: Moorea Coral Reef Long Term Ecological Research Program
Illinois Goals, Learning Standards and Benchmark(s) (Include Benchmark Number):
STATE GOAL 11: Understand the processes of scientific inquiry and technological design to
investigate questions, conduct experiments and solve problems.
A. Know and apply the concepts, principles and processes of scientific inquiry.
11.A.1a Describe an observed event
11.A.1f Compare observations of individual and group results.
STATE GOAL 12: Understand the fundamental concepts, principles and interconnections of the life,
physical and earth/space sciences.
A. Know and apply concepts that explain how living things function, adapt and change.
12.A.1b Categorize living organisms using a variety of observable features (e.g., size, color, shape, backbone).
B. Know and apply concepts that describe how living things interact with each other and with their environment.
12.B.1a Describe and compare characteristics of living things in relationship to their environments.
STATE GOAL 17: Understand world geography and the effects of geography on society, with an
emphasis on the United States.
A. Locate, describe and explain places, regions and features on the Earth.
17.A.1a Identify physical characteristics of places, both local and global (e.g., locations, roads, regions, bodies of
B. Analyze and explain characteristics and interactions of the Earth’s physical systems.
17.B.1b Describe physical components of ecosystems
17.B.2b Explain how physical and living components interact in a variety of ecosystems including desert, prairie,
flood plain, forest, tundra
STATE GOAL 9: Use geometric methods to analyze, categorize and draw conclusions about points,
lines, planes and space.
B. Identify, describe, classify and compare relationships using points, lines, planes and solids.
9.B.1b Sort, classify and compare familiar shapes.
STATE GOAL 10: Collect, organize and analyze data using statistical methods; predict results; and
interpret uncertainty using concepts of probability.
A. Organize, describe and make predictions from existing data.
10.A.1a Organize and display data using pictures, tallies, tables, charts or bar graphs.
B. Formulate questions, design data collection methods, gather and analyze data and communicate findings.
10.B.1b Collect, organize and describe data using pictures, tallies, tables, charts or bar graphs.
STATE GOAL 3: Write to communicate for a variety of purposes.
A. Use correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, capitalization and structure.
3.A.1 Construct complete sentences which demonstrate subject/verb agreement; appropriate capitalization and
punctuation; correct spelling of appropriate, high-frequency words; and appropriate use of the eight parts of
Performance Objective(s) – Students will be able to…
(List Lower-Order Knowledge, Higher-Order Knowledge, Skill, and Affect as appropriate)
SWBT recognize living organisms that live in the coral reef (LO).
SWBT collect and organize data (LO).
SWBT interpret data collected (HO).
SWBT demonstrate how coral reefs form (LO).
SWBT give examples of living organisms in a coral reef (LO).
Introduction/Anticipatory Set/Advanced Organizer/Focusing Event:
In the corner of the room labeled coral reef, have a table set up with shells, coral, sea stars, seahorse, fish, etc.
Have the children look at them, examine them, and discuss them.
(Provide a description of the sequence of the instructional activities. Indicate both teacher and student activities.)
The teacher will….
Have children examine shells, coral, sea stars, seahorse,
fish, etc. that you have placed on a table in the coral reef
corner. While they are doing this, place fish and other
organisms on the floor around and under desks which will
act as coral reefs. Place some fish in schools (tangs,
goatfish, and dascyllus) some in pairs (butterfly fish) and
others by themselves.
Give each student a map that has “coral reefs” labeled on
it. Ask the students to be scuba divers and swim around
the room in the coral reefs (desks) locating various fish and
living organisms. Ask them to note them on their map
including name and number of each found.
As a class, have the students use the data collected to
make a class graph that represents the number of fish
Pass out math worksheets and have the students complete
Discuss all of the creatures that they have found. Discuss
color, size, schools of fish, pairs of fish, etc.
Put children in groups of four-six to share materials. Tell
them we are going to make “coral” for our reef by doing an
experiment that shows how coral grows. It will be done
over the course of the next few days. Have children bring
out their plastic bowls. Pass out pieces of charcoal, porous
brick, tile, cement, and sponge. Each student only needs
to put a few pieces in (not all). Put masking tape with
student names on each bowl. Pass out water, salt, and
liquid bluing. Also pass out tablespoon measuring spoons.
Ask students to pour two tablespoons of water, salt, and
liquid bluing over base material.
Pass out experiment observation forms to each student and
ask them to draw a picture of the experiment at the
The student will…
Examine items and discuss them.
Move around classroom locating items and completing
Participate in giving data to complete class chart.
Complete worksheet.
Participate in discussion.
Participate in experiment by following instruction.
Begin completion of experiment observation form.
Pass out maps and discuss location of coral reefs. Shade
in area on big map on the smartboard (have several
students help) and ask the students to shade on their own
Ask students to take out logbooks and write what they know
about coral reefs. Include animals, other living organisms,
and location.
Ask students to take out habitat charts and complete the
column for coral reef.
Shade area of map where coral reefs exist.
Write in logbooks.
Complete habitat chart.
Closure (set of key questions for comprehension or processing):
Think. Pair. Share.
Ask students to think of two things about a coral reef that they think are important and help describe a coral reef.
Pair and share.
Students’ ability to recognize living organisms that live in the coral reef will be assessed by the teacher through
informal observation and discussion.
Students’ ability to collect and organize data will be assessed by the teacher through observation and review of
student coral reef maps.
Students’ ability to interpret data collected will be assessed by the teacher review of worksheets.
Students’ ability to demonstrate how coral reefs form will be assessed by the teacher review of student created
experiments and experiment observation forms.
Students’ ability to give examples of living organisms in a coral reef will be assessed by the teacher review of
student created logbooks. This will be done at the end of the unit.
Accommodations for Individual Needs:
Student A: Give directions step by step and check in on her to see that she is on task.
Student B: Move close to student when giving direction.
Student C: Room should be set up for wheelchair to move freely. During scuba diving adventure, allow her to
complete with a partner so that her partner can help her see what is under any desk or on the floor if she cannot
see it. Have her partner show her the pictures so she can complete her map.
Have children bring any animal of their choice to show the class.
Reflections on the Strengths and/or Weaknesses of your Lesson and Teaching Performance: