August 2015 - Education Queensland

August 2015
Home Economics Institute of Australia (Qld) 2015 State Conference: Home economics
The HEIA (Q) conference will bring home economics professionals together to explore a raft of
issues related to families, food, textiles, pedagogy and the Australian Curriculum through a lens that
demonstrates the power of Home Economics in developing important social, emotional, cognitive,
professional and environmental connections, both locally and globally. The program will be led by
two outstanding keynote speakers and supported by a mixture of well-known and new (to HEIA [Q])
quality presenters. For more information contact conference convenor Dr Janet Reynolds on
3393 0575 or visit their website.
Brisbane Convention and
Exhibition Centre, South Brisbane
Primary English Teaching Association Australia (PETAA) Workshop: The What and How of
Teaching Writing
This half-day workshop presented by Robyn Wild will enable participants to list what students need to
be taught as they learn to write; realise the inter-related nature of modelled, shared, guided and
independent writing and identify the importance of linking reading and writing programs as a support
for developing writers. For more information and to register contact PETAA on (02) 8020 3933 or visit
their website.
Heatley State Primary School,
Primary English Teaching Association Australia (PETAA) Workshop: Teaching
This half-day workshop presented by Robyn Wild begins by identifying the strategies that support
comprehension and seeing what else needs to be taught to students K-6 to help them learn to read.
Reading processes, contexts for reading, reading conventions, word identification strategies, and the
information process. For more information and to register contact PETAA on (02) 8020 3933 or visit
their website.
Heatley State Primary School,
1 August –
12 September
All employees
TAFE Queensland Gold Coast: Adobe Illustrator Creative Cloud Course Beginners to
The six-week course will cover the creation and editing of vector artwork such as logos, illustrations
and graphic artwork. For more information contact the TAFE Gold Coast or to register visit their
TAFE Gold Coast, Coomera
School leaders, school
OneChannel Web Conference: OneSchool Finance Screen and Menu Update
This session will provide an overview and demonstration of the updates to the OneSchool finance
screens and navigation pathways. For more information and to register visit OneChannel.
OneChannel web conference
Provisionally registered
Queensland College of Teachers (QCT) Workshop: Working with the Australian Professional
Standards for Teachers to Progress to Full Registration
This workshop is designed for Provisionally registered teachers and their supervisors/mentors. The
content includes The Australian Professional Standards for Teachers; evidence requirements;
strategies for gathering evidence and roles and responsibilities of provisionally registered teachers
and their mentors/supervisors. For more information contact QCT on 3377 4777 or visit their website.
Kevin Castle Conference Centre,
Teachers, school
leaders, school support
Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority (QCAA) Workshop: NAPLAN – Fractional
thinking in early primary
This practical workshop will unpack the conceptual understandings required for fractional thinking,
and will explore common error patterns that have been identified in the analysis of Queensland’s
NAPLAN data. Teachers will develop a toolkit of hands-on and digital strategies, activities and
resources that can be used immediately in class to teach fractions. For more information contact the
QCAA on 3864 0471 or visit their website.
QCAA, Brisbane
Prep teachers, school
Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority (QCAA) Workshop: Early Years –
Collaboration through networking
This workshop will provide Prep teachers and kindergarten teachers with opportunities to explore the
power of networking to share information for children’s positive transition to school. For more
information contact the QCAA on 3864 0471 or visit their website.
Fitzy’s Hotel and Convention
Centre, Loganholme
Teachers, school
leaders, public sector
DRUMBEAT Facilitator Training Workshop
Drumbeat is an evidence-based behavioural intervention program which offers an effective means of
supporting students who are disengaged or socially isolated. This training equips attendees with
skills to present the program. The facilitator workshops include sessions on managing challenging
behaviours, building therapeutic relationships and the core exercises of the program. For more
information contact the DRUMBEAT Administration Officer on (08) 9146 4444 or visit their website.
Gold Coast
School leaders
12th Convention of the International Confederation of Principals (ICP): Leading Educational
Leading Educational Design as the theme for this convention will guide participants to observe, to
think familiar issues in a new and innovative way, to discuss with colleagues from all over the world
and to meet many Finnish Principals and experts. For more information contact the conference
organisers on +358 10 320 0070 or visit their website.
Helsinki, Finland
3 August –
25 September
Japan Foundation: J-Basic Online for Teachers
The Japan Foundation provides an eight-week online course for teachers with a basic level of
Japanese who would like to build their language skills. Through this course teachers will develop a
working knowledge of Japanese grammatical structures and build their confidence and skills in using
Japanese effectively in the classroom. For more information contact the Japan Foundation or visit
their website.
Online course
Teachers, school
Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority (QCAA) Workshop: NAPLAN – How to read
challenging texts – making thinking visible
This workshop will show how the NAPLAN Reading test data indicates the need for a more strategic
approach to reading to improve student responses to challenging texts; provide practical strategies to
encourage metacognitive conversation to improve student performance on challenging texts and
higher-order questions and provide opportunities for teachers and curriculum leaders to participate in
an in-service package, designed for them to introduce the strategies to other teachers. For more
information contact the QCAA on 3864 0471 or visit their website.
RSL, Kingaroy
Fully registered
Queensland College of Teachers (QCT) Workshop: Reflective Practice and the Australian
Professional Standards for Teachers
This workshop will focus on the renewal of registration requirements, including both recency of
practice and continuing professional development. You will also engage with the Australian
Professional Standards for Teachers to reflect on your professional practice. For more information
contact QCT on 3377 4777 or visit their website.
Kevin Castle Conference Centre,
Teachers, school
Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority (QCAA) Workshop: Continuity of teaching
and learning in the early years
This workshop will provide Prep teachers and school curriculum leaders with opportunities to
understand the research and practices that support children’s successful transition to school. For
more information contact the QCAA on 3864 0471 or visit their website.
Fitzy’s Hotel and Convention
Centre, Loganholme
Teachers, school
leaders, school support
Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority (QCAA) Workshop: NAPLAN – Part-whole
thinking in upper primary
Part-whole thinking is a proven problem-solving strategy. State-wide trends in Queensland’s
NAPLAN data show that Year 5 students are having difficulty operating with whole numbers and
identifying the parts of a problem. This practical workshop will tackle common errors and will provide
teachers with hands-on activities, strategies and digital resources to teach the part-whole concept.
For more information contact the QCAA on 3864 0471 or visit their website.
QCAA, Brisbane
Teachers, school
Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority (QCAA) Workshop: Asking questions to
improve learning
This effective questioning workshop will focus on identifying the common errors in questioning and
the implications they have on learning, a simple and effective process for improving questioning that
causes students to think and a range of question types and alternatives to questions that engages
and extends student thinking. For more information contact the QCAA on 3864 0471 or visit their
RSL, Townsville
Teacher aides
OneChannel Web Conference: SupportStaff_Clicker 6 Part 1
Clicker is a supportive software application that has been used in Queensland schools and across
the world for many years. This latest version of Clicker provides even more functionality and
enhances the capacity for all students to engage more effectively with the curriculum. This is the first
in a series of four sessions looking at Clicker 6 and will identify what clicker is and how to use the
clicker document tools to support engagement with writing tasks for all students. For more
information and to register visit OneChannel.
OneChannel web conference
Teachers, school
leaders, eLearning coordinators, IT coordinators
OneChannel Web Conference: Create a learning experience – iTunes U
With iTunesU, it’s now easier than ever to unload the full potential of iPad in your classroom by
creating your own courses for iPad. Share your ideas in a powerful new way whilst your students
experience a rich, immersive learning environment using the iTunesU app for iPad. For more
information and to register visit OneChannel.
OneChannel web conference
Teachers, school staff
OneChannel Web Conference: Teachers, technology and the law
The presentation will discuss the implications of workplaces extending beyond physical boundaries
due to technology; highlight the Federal and State criminal laws that may be used to charge
cyberbullying offences; examine ways to mitigate and protect yourself against cyberbullying risk;
share key learning's from recent court cases involving teachers and Fair Work Australia social media
rulings and highlight other laws relating to technology. For more information and to register visit
OneChannel web conference
Teachers, guidance
OneChannel Web Conference: Traffic Lights guide – sexual behaviours
The learning intentions of this session include exploring the Traffic Lights framework to understand
normal, healthy sexual development, using the Traffic Lights framework to identify concerns, risks, or
problem sexual behaviours and applying strategies in line with student health and well-being and
student protection procedure. For more information and to register visit OneChannel.
OneChannel web conference
All employees
Autism Queensland Workshop: Peer Success: Practical strategies to support peer
This two-hour workshop will discuss ways or encouraging the development of social understanding
and peer success. For more information contact Autism Qld on 3273 0000 or to register visit their
Autism Queensland, Sunnybank
All employees
Autism Queensland Workshop: Reading and Writing Success
This two-hour workshop will discuss strategies to assist with communication breakdowns and
promote effective communication. For more information contact Autism Qld on 3273 0000 or to
register visit their website.
Autism Queensland, Sunnybank
4, 11 & 18
TAFE Gold Coast Short Course: Pro Tools – Studio Recording
Music industry professionals will take you through a series of workshops to extend your knowledge
and skills in ProTools. This three-hour evening course will cover microphone placement, choice and
technique; routing, patching and signal flow; recording basics; signal processing and mixing basics.
For more information contact TAFE Gold Coast on 5581 8931 or visit their website.
TAFE Gold Coast, Coomera
School leaders
Web Conference: The Annual Performance Review (APR) Process for Deputies and Principals
This session will provide an overview and detail a step-by-step guide for Principals and Deputy
Principals to complete their Performance Development Plan in their APR process using the recently
introduced format aligned to the AITSL Professional Standard for Principals. This 45 minute
afternoon session is available through iConnect.
Web conference
All employees
Queensland Futures Summit: Connecting and Engaging with Queensland
This summit will feature some of our State’s brightest and most innovative thought leaders. It will
examine policy initiatives to further Queensland’s social and economic growth. Guest speaker is
Professor Ian Frazer. For more information contact Business Manager, Nicole Conlon on 0408 110
943 or visit their website.
Hilton Hotel, Brisbane
All staff
OneChannel Web Conference: Web conference training 2 of 2
In this webinar we explore other moderator tools and look at how to discover recordings. Web
conferencing tools include VOIP, which enables either one-to-one or one-to-many voice
communication; live video via web cam; a shared whiteboard; chat; quizzes and polling. The polling
tool aggregates the poll results in real time. Web conferences also allow shared applications or
connected digital devices such as microscopes and data loggers, provide instructions to upload,
display and share learning objects and multimedia including podcasts. For more information and to
register visit OneChannel.
OneChannel web conference
OneChannel Web Conference: The basics – coding for primary schools
This session will introduce you to the SCRATCH coding language that has been developed by
students of the MIT exclusively to teach coding to people who are new to the matter. The SCRATCH
course is held over two sessions. In this session we will learn the basics of SCRATCH, to work your
way around the software and write your first simple Algorithm. For more information and to register visit
OneChannel web conference
Prep teachers, school
Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority (QCAA) Workshop: Early Years –
Collaboration through networking
This workshop will provide Prep teachers and kindergarten teachers with opportunities to explore the
power of networking to share information for children’s positive transition to school. For more
information contact the QCAA on 3864 0471 or visit their website.
Travelodge, Rockhampton
Teachers, beginning
Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority (QCAA) Workshop: Developing your
beginning and establishing teacher toolkit
Effective teachers enhance student learning. They have a deep and rich toolkit of strategies and
resources they draw on daily. Beginning and establishing teachers also need to build a toolkit. This
workshop will focus on explicitly labelling research-based pedagogical strategies and routines that
can be used immediately in the classroom, so teachers walk away with the how and the why of
classroom practice. For more information contact the QCAA on 3864 0471 or visit their website.
RSL, Townsville
All employees
SPELD Qld Seminar: Dispelling the Myths and Controversies – Improving Techer Knowledge
about AD/HD
This two-hour workshop presented by Dr Kathryn Gibbs, will cover the following: a brief introduction
and history about AD/HD; test instruments used to assist in making a diagnosis - what they do and
how they work; unpacking the DSM-IV and V - symptoms and behaviours of students with AD/HD;
what teachers know and understand about AD/HD; what it is like to live with AD/HD - the student
perspective; what it is like to live with AD/HD - the parent perspective and how schools and teachers
can respond to enhance the presence, participation and learning of students identified as having
AD/HD. For more information contact SPELD Qld on 3394 2566 or visit their website.
Queen Alexandra Home,
School leaders,
Catch Up Literacy Training
Catch Up Literacy is a structured one-to-one intervention proven to significantly improve the
achievement of learners who struggle with literacy. In this two-hour session participants will learn
how to deliver the program to struggling readers. The interactive online sessions cover: background;
assessing reading skills and selecting appropriate books and delivering the session and ongoing
monitoring. For more information contact Tracy Riley on 0488 010880 or visit their website.
All employees
Information and Technologies Branch Regional Roadshow
At the roadshow you can discover how IT can support your school to enhance teaching and learning;
find digital solutions for your business needs; and walk away with tips and tricks you can use in your
school the next day. Staff from ICT Support will be on hand to provide technical support and assist
delegates with any issues they are having with their devices. For more information contact ITB or to
register visit their website.
Metro Hotel Ipswich International,
Teacher aides
OneChannel Web Conference: SupportStaff_Board Maker Studio Part 3 Gadgets
Board Maker Studio is an application to enhance the capacity for students to engage with symbol
based activities. This is the third in a series of three sessions looking at this software and will explore
the extensive list of interactive tools that are available in Studio. We will provide a number of
examples of these gadgets in use and how they can enhance inclusive learning. For more
information and to register visit OneChannel.
OneChannel web conference
Fully registered
teachers, supply
OneChannel Web Conference: CPD – Audit
Find out how simple it is to submit your records for audit. The professional standards team from the
Queensland College of Teachers will be available to answer any questions you have in relation to the
audit. For more information and to register visit OneChannel.
OneChannel web conference
All staff
OneChannel Web Conference: The OECD’s Education Work
This research forum will present a comprehensive analysis of the function and development of the
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in the context of education. The
presenters will provide an account of the changing place of the Directorate for Education within the
OECD’s organisational structure since the 1990s, related to the rise of the Programme for
International Student Assessment (PISA) and the recent development of a cross-committee Skills
Strategy, associated with the establishment of the Programme for the International Assessment of
Adult Competencies (PIAAC). More specifically the focus will be on the contribution of PISA, and
related programs such as PIAAC, to the Organisation’s role in global educational governance. For
more information and to register visit OneChannel.
OneChannel web conference
Teachers, school
OneChannel Web Conference: 3Dfab: 3D printing – the hype
3D Printing promises to be one of the most disruptive technologies of the 21st Century. Join Ben
Paparoulas in the first of this three-part series to find out what the hype is all about, discover the
educational benefits of digital fabrication and learn how to get started. For more information and to
register visit OneChannel.
OneChannel web conference
Teachers, school
Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority (QCAA) Workshop: Subject Achievement
Indicators (SAIs) and BonSAI 2014 – all you need to know
This three-hour workshop provides information for those new to or re-engaging with the processes
surrounding assigning and checking subject achievement indicators (SAIs) and using the
BonSAI_2014 program. The workshop will focus on the purpose of SAIs and processes involved;
how SAIs are used in OP calculation and using BonSAI_2014 to assign and check SAIs. For more
information contact the QCAA on 3864 0471 or visit their website.
St James Parish Centre,
Teachers, school
Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority (QCAA) Workshop: Continuity of teaching
and learning in the early years
This workshop will provide Prep teachers and school curriculum leaders with opportunities to
understand the research and practices that support children’s successful transition to school. For
more information contact the QCAA on 3864 0471 or visit their website.
Travelodge, Rockhampton
Teachers, school
leaders, school support
Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority (QCAA) Workshop: NAPLAN – Algebraic
thinking in Junior Secondary
Algebra is often viewed as an abstract component of the mathematics curriculum; however, algebraic
thinking begins as soon as students solve problems involving unknown quantities. State-wide trends
in Queensland’s NAPLAN data show that Year 7 students are having difficulty operating with
equivalence and equations. This practical workshop will address common errors and will provide
teachers with hands-on activities, strategies and digital resources to teach algebraic thinking. For
more information contact the QCAA on 3864 0471 or visit their website.
QCAA, Brisbane
Queensland Art Teachers Association (QATA): Private Talk and Tour of Churchie Emerging
Art Prize
Participants will join the Director of Griffith University Art Gallery, Angela Goddard for a free private
tour of the Churchie Emerging Art Prize. This PD event will provide a great networking opportunity.
For more information contact QATA or to register visit the QATA website.
All employees
Epilepsy Queensland Workshop: Understanding Epilepsy
The topics covered in this half-day workshop include introduction to epilepsy, recognising the types
of seizures, seizure management, minimising triggers, first aid and emergency situations and
information about the resources available. For more information and to register, contact Epilepsy
Queensland on 3435 5000 or 1300 852 853 (outside Brisbane) or visit their website.
School leaders
2015 Combined Qld Principals’ Associations’ State Conference: The Art of Positivity
This conference will feature four keynote experts and three master classes. The international
educational expert is Dr Avis Glaze. She is one of Canada’s outstanding educators and a recognised
international leader. She is a consummate capacity builder in teaching, student improvement,
leadership development and school improvement and is skilled at motivating and inspiring teachers,
school leaders, system leaders, policy makers, politicians, parents and business leaders to realise
their potential in improving their schools. For more information contact QASSP on 3831 7011 or visit
their website.
Convention and Exhibition Centre,
Teachers, school
OneChannel Web Conference: Ready-made edStudios Part 2
This webinar will cover personalising and editing edStudios and will explore ready-made edStudios
such as Virtual memory box, Mathematics tool kit, Word a day challenge, Online class dictionary and
Glossary. Learn how you and your students can copy and customise these resources for your own
context. For more information and to register visit OneChannel.
OneChannel web conference
MultiLit – Spell-It Workshop
Spell-It teaches the rules, conventions, structure and logic of the English language, to enable
teachers to plan effective spelling lessons based on the needs of their students. This one-day
workshop, accompanying the purchase of the Spell-It Program, provides the essential information
and practical guidance necessary to implement the program successfully. For more information
contact MultiLit on (02) 9888 3818 or visit their website.
7 August –
18 October
Executive leaders,
public sector leaders,
Public Sector Management Program: Unit one: Managing within the Context of Government
This national four-unit course is a graduate certificate program, delivered over 15 months. This unit
provides the ‘big picture’ of government and the context within which public sector managers
operate. It develops an understanding of the institutional frameworks and conventions which guide
practice and ensure sustainable democratic processes. For more information contact the
Queensland Program Manager, Queensland University of Technology on 3138 1856 or visit the
program website.
Provisionally registered
Queensland College of Teachers (QCT) Workshop: Working with the Australian Professional
Standards for Teachers to Progress to Full Registration
This workshop is designed for Provisionally registered teachers and their supervisors/mentors. The
content includes The Australian Professional Standards for Teachers; evidence requirements;
strategies for gathering evidence and roles and responsibilities of provisionally registered teachers
and their mentors/supervisors. For more information contact QCT on 3377 4777 or visit their website.
RSL, Townsville
Teachers, school
Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority (QCAA) Workshop: NAPLAN – How to read
challenging texts – making thinking visible
This workshop will show how the NAPLAN Reading test data indicates the need for a more strategic
approach to reading to improve student responses to challenging texts; provide practical strategies to
encourage metacognitive conversation to improve student performance on challenging texts and
higher-order questions and provide opportunities for teachers and curriculum leaders to participate in
an in-service package, designed for them to introduce the strategies to other teachers. For more
information contact the QCAA on 3864 0471 or visit their website.
Brothers Sports Club, Bundaberg
School leaders, school
OneChannel Web Conference: OneSchool Finance Screen and Menu Update
This session will provide an overview and demonstration of the updates to the OneSchool finance
screens and navigation pathways. For more information and to register visit OneChannel.
OneChannel web conference
Teachers, school
leaders, public sector
The 21st Biennial World Conference: Educating Gifted and Talented Children – Turning
research into practice
The World Council for Gifted and Talented Children’s conference brings together leaders in the field
of gifted and talented education to promote communication and share best practices and
experiences. For more invitation contact the conference organisers or visit their website.
Odense, Denmark
School leaders
Web Conference: Unpacking the Australian Professional Standard for Principals (APSP)
This morning session will support Principals, Deputy Principals and Heads of Program to use the
APSP and the Leadership Profiles to support reflection as part of Phase 1 of the Annual Performance
Review process. This 45 minute session is available through iConnect.
Web conference
School leaders
Web Conference: Unpacking the Australian Professional Standard for Principals (APSP)
This afternoon session will support Principals, Deputy Principals and Heads of Program to use the
APSP and the Leadership Profiles to support reflection as part of Phase 1 of the Annual Performance
Review process. This 45 minute session is available through iConnect.
Web conference
Teacher aides
OneChannel Web Conference: SupportStaff_Clicker 6 Part 2
Clicker is a supportive software application that has been used in Queensland schools and across
the world for many years. This latest version of Clicker provides even more functionality and
enhances the capacity for all students to engage more effectively with the curriculum. This is the
second in a series of four sessions looking at Clicker 6 and will explore the various wizards and
templates available for Clicker and identify how the wizards can be used to make quick and effective
learning tasks for all students. For more information and to register visit OneChannel.
OneChannel web conference
1HR staff
OneChannel Web Conference: WRIS A snapshot of the IR Act
The management of work-related obligations and entitlements is specified by Industrial Relations
law. Since 2010, private sector IR has been covered by the national IR system, with public sector
remaining in the state jurisdiction. This session aims to provide a snapshot of the Qld IR Act and how
changes to the Act affect us as HR Practitioners for DET. For more information and to register visit
OneChannel web conference
OneChannel Web Conference: Online Safety – ThinkUKnow
ThinkUKnow is an Internet safety program delivering interactive training to parents, carers and
teachers through primary and secondary schools using a network of accredited trainers. ThinkUKnow
has been developed by the Australian Federal Police (AFP) and Microsoft Australia. School staff can
register and host parents at their school or provide parents with details on how to access from home.
For more information and to register visit OneChannel.
OneChannel web conference
Teachers, HOCs
Financial Literacy: Prep to Year 6 Australian Curriculum Resources
This workshop introduces the MoneySmart Teaching program which aims to engage students in a
fun way with real life money experiences and supports teachers, both professionally and personally,
in building their capacity and confidence to deliver consumer and financial literacy education in their
classroom and across the whole school. MoneySmart Teaching uses consumer and financial literacy
as a context for teaching and learning in English, mathematics and science, with all of the units of
work aligned to the P-6 Australian Curriculum. For more information and to register visit their website.
Mount Isa School of the Air, Mount
Fully registered
Queensland College of Teachers (QCT) Workshop: Reflective Practice and the Australian
Professional Standards for Teachers
This workshop will focus on the renewal of registration requirements, including both recency of
practice and continuing professional development. You will also engage with the Australian
Professional Standards for Teachers to reflect on your professional practice. For more information
contact QCT on 3377 4777 or visit their website.
RSL, Townsville
Teachers, school
Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority (QCAA) Workshop: Subject Achievement
Indicators (SAIs) and BonSAI 2014 – all you need to know
This three-hour workshop provides information for those new to or re-engaging with the processes
surrounding assigning and checking subject achievement indicators (SAIs) and using the
BonSAI_2014 program. The workshop will focus on the purpose of SAIs and processes involved;
how SAIs are used in OP calculation and using BonSAI_2014 to assign and check SAIs. For more
information contact the QCAA on 3864 0471 or visit their website.
RSL, Townsville
School leaders,
teachers, school staff
KidsMatter: Facilitating Component 1 – A positive school community
This event familiarises participants with the target areas of Component 1 focusing on a school
community that promotes mental health and well-being, and developing respectful relationships,
belonging and inclusion. It also includes the target areas for Component 3 home-school collaborative
relationships, support for parenting and collaborative working relationships. This also considers
whole-school staff processes and prepares participants to effectively deliver the professional learning
to the staff group with a combination of face-to-face and online PD. For more information contact
Michael Hardie, KidsMatter Primary on 3512 8500, or to register visit their website.
Brisbane Catholic Education
Centre, North Lakes
School leaders,
teachers, school staff
KidsMatter: Facilitating Component 2 – Social and emotional learning for students
This event familiarises participants with the target areas of Component 2 focusing on providing
effective social and emotional learning (SEL) curriculum and the opportunities for all students to
practise and transfer their social and emotional skills. It also considers whole-school staff processes
and prepares participants to effectively deliver the professional learning to the staff group. For more
information contact Michael Hardie, KidsMatter Primary on 3512 8500, or to register visit their
Brisbane Catholic Education
Centre, North Lakes
11 August –
13 October
All employees
TAFE Queensland Gold Coast: Adobe Dreamweaver Creative Cloud Course Beginners to
The six-week course will cover the creation and editing of vector artwork such as logos, illustrations
and graphic artwork. For more information contact the TAFE Gold Coast or to register visit their
TAFE Gold Coast, Coomera
Teachers, HODs
Financial Literacy: Secondary Australian Curriculum Resources
Money can bring freedom, choice, opportunity and confidence but it can also destroy! This workshop
will provide you with the necessary resources to support your students to become financially-savvy.
MoneySmart Teaching uses consumer and financial literacy as a context for teaching and learning in
English, mathematics, science, economics and business with all units of work aligned to the Years 710 Australian Curriculum and based around real life money experiences. For more information and to
register visit their website.
Mount Isa School of the Air, Mount
School leaders
Queensland Association of State School Principals (QASSP) Lift People, Lift Performance:
Emerging Leaders – Creating a Climate of High Expectations
This webinar will allow participants to draw on critical leadership success factors to build a portfolio of
personal ideas and relational strategies to implement with your staff and community stakeholders. It
is intended for emerging leaders. For more information contact QASSP on 3831 7011or to register
visit their website.
School leaders,
Catch Up Literacy Training
Catch Up Literacy is a structured one-to-one intervention proven to significantly improve the
achievement of learners who struggle with literacy. In this two-hour session participants will learn
how to deliver the program to struggling readers. The interactive online sessions cover: background;
assessing reading skills and selecting appropriate books and delivering the session and ongoing
monitoring. For more information contact Tracy Riley on 0488 010880 or visit their website.
School leaders
OneChannel Web Conference: Creating a Climate of High Expectations
This Queensland Association of State School Principals (QASSP) master class is part of the Lift
People: Lift Performance Series presented by Glenn Searle. It will allow you to draw on critical
leadership success factors to build a portfolio of personal ideas and relational strategies to implement
with your staff and community stakeholders. This webinar is intended for emerging leaders. For more
information contact QASSP on 3831 7011 or visit their website.
OneChannel web conference
All employees
WorkCover Queensland: Safety Workshop (HMT)
This Hazardous Manual Tasks (HMT) two- hour workshop is designed to introduce participants to the
basics of identifying and managing the risks created in the workplace by hazardous manual tasks.
For more information contact WorkCover Queensland on 1300 362 128 or to register visit their
WHSQ Office, Eastside Building,
Teachers, school
OneChannel Web Conference: 3Dfab: Embracing 3D printing
You’ve heard the hype, you know what it’s all about and now you’re ready to embrace digital
fabrication with 3D printing. Join Ben Paparoulas in the second of this three-part series to learn
where it all begins and explore the range of software, countless filaments and the process of
designing and printing. For more information and to register visit OneChannel.
OneChannel web conference
Teachers, school
Financial Literacy: Australian Curriculum Resources Prep to Year 12
This workshop will provide you with the necessary resources to support your Prep to Year 12
students to become financially-savvy. MoneySmart Teaching uses consumer and financial literacy
as a context for teaching and learning in English, mathematics, science, economics and business
with all units of work aligned to the Prep - Year 10 Australian Curriculum and based around real life
money experiences. For more information and to register, email Brendan Baillie, Convener.
Cloncurry State School P-12,
Public sector
BiiG Network: Public Sector Innovation Workshop – Leading for Innovation
This Business Innovation and Improvement in Government (BiiG) workshop will give public sector
leaders insights into the new meta skills that leaders need in order to catalyse innovation, the nexus
between leadership and innovation and how to build a culture of innovation. For more information
contact Rebecca Hannan, Manager BiiG Network on 0407 817 690 or visit their website.
Ibis Styles Verona Hotel,
Mount Isa
Prep teachers, school
Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority (QCAA) Workshop: Early Years –
Collaboration through networking
This workshop will provide Prep teachers and kindergarten teachers with opportunities to explore the
power of networking to share information for children’s positive transition to school. For more
information contact the QCAA on 3864 0471 or visit their website.
Ocean International Hotel, Mackay
School leaders,
teachers, school staff
KidsMatter: Facilitating Component 1 – A positive school community
This event familiarises participants with the target areas of Component 1 focusing on a school
community that promotes mental health and well-being, and developing respectful relationships,
belonging and inclusion. It also includes the target areas for Component 3 home-school collaborative
relationships, support for parenting and collaborative working relationships. This also considers
whole-school staff processes and prepares participants to effectively deliver the professional learning
to the staff group with a combination of face-to-face and online PD. For more information contact
Michael Hardie, KidsMatter Primary on 3512 8500, or to register visit their website.
Brisbane Catholic Education
Centre, Springwood
School leaders,
teachers, school staff
KidsMatter: Facilitating Component 2 – Social and emotional learning for students
This event familiarises participants with the target areas of Component 2 focusing on providing
effective social and emotional learning (SEL) curriculum and the opportunities for all students to
practise and transfer their social and emotional skills. It also considers whole-school staff processes
and prepares participants to effectively deliver the professional learning to the staff group. For more
information contact Michael Hardie, KidsMatter Primary on 3512 8500, or to register visit their
Brisbane Catholic Education
Centre, Springwood
ACHPER Queensland: Brisbane HPE Conference
The conference aims to provide teachers with applicable information and strategies to enhance
teaching and learning. This will be addressed through a focus on collaboration, questioning and
building upon ideas to continually improve our outcomes. With a wide offering of topics and sessions,
teachers will be provided with latest curriculum, research and industry practices, to gain the most
from their profession. For more information contact ACHPER Qld on 3895 8383 or visit their website.
Iona College, Brisbane
Public sector
Business Innovation & Improvement in Government (BiiG): Introduction to Innovation
This workshop will give an introduction to innovation in the public sector, drawing on case studies
and examples from both the private and public sector. For more information contact Rebecca
Hannan, Manager BiiG Network, or to register visit the BiiG website.
Ibis Styles Verona Hotel,
Mount Isa
Teachers, school
Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority (QCAA) Workshop: Continuity of teaching
and learning in the early years
This workshop will provide Prep teachers and school curriculum leaders with opportunities to
understand the research and practices that support children’s successful transition to school. For
more information contact the QCAA on 3864 0471 or visit their website.
Ocean International Hotel, Mackay
MultiLit – PreLit Workshop
Prep PreLit is evidence-based and best practice, designed to complement a play-based learning
environment and can be taught to a whole class, small groups, or individually. The program
comprises 108 short, prescriptive lessons within which skills and concepts are taught explicitly and
systematically in a hierarchical sequence. There are two main components: phonological awareness
and oral language development through story book reading. MultiLit is a research initiative of
Macquarie University. For more information contact MultiLit on (02) 9888 3818 or visit their website.
14 August –
25 October
Executive leaders,
public sector
employees, teachers
Public Sector Management Program: Unit two: Managing Self and Others
This national four-unit course is a graduate certificate program, delivered over 15 months. This unit
provides insights into key individual and group behaviours, and offers skills for communicating with
and managing people and teams. For more information contact the Queensland Program Manager,
Queensland University of Technology on 3138 1856 or visit the program website.
Queensland Association of Mathematics Teachers (QAMT) Forum
This one-day event for Mathematics teachers Prep-Tertiary includes a selection of workshops,
networking and a Q&A style forum. For me information contact QAMT on 3365 6505 or visit their
Brisbane Grammar School,
Gregory Terrace, Brisbane
All employees
National Science Week Forum: Smashing the Glass Ceiling - Women in Queensland Science
and the Ambition to Succeed and Make a Difference
A panel of Queensland’s leading women scientists will talk about their pathways to careers in science
and their advice for considering a career in science as well as discuss the challenges for women
scientists wishing to get into more senior positons. The free forum will also look at the mentoring
programs offered to women scientists to help smash the glass ceiling. For more information contact
Mathilde Desselle, Women in Technology on 3346 2746 or visit the National Science Week website.
The Edge, Stanley Place, Brisbane
Cultural Centre, South Bank
Teachers, school
leaders, public sector
ACER Research Conference 2015: Learning assessments – Designing the future
This Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) conference aims to connect teachers,
education leaders and policy makers with the latest assessment research to inform teaching and
learning. Researchers will present on new ways of thinking about assessment, innovative classroom
assessments, and designing assessments to improve learning and assessing general capabilities
such as creativity and problem solving. For more information contact Margaret Taylor, ACER on
(03) 9277 5403 or visit their website.
Crown, Southbank, Melbourne
All employees
SAP Training: SAP Getting Started
This instructor-led training will provide SAP users with the knowledge and skills to effectively
navigate the SAP Portal and SAP. This course is a pre-requisite for all other SAP courses. For more
information contact Financial Business Systems on 3034 6166 or to register visit their website on
Computer Lab, Floor 12, Education
All employees
SAP Training: Business Intelligence (BI) Basics
This half-day instructor-led training will provide SAP users with the knowledge and skills to utilise BI
for enhanced reportings. This BI course will cover running and manipulating a BI report, exceptions
and conditions and sending, printing and exporting a BI report. For more information contact
Financial Business Systems on 3034 6166 or to register visit their website on OnePortal.
Computer Lab, Floor 12, Education
Teachers, school
leaders, school support
Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority (QCAA) Workshop: NAPLAN – Part-whole
thinking in upper primary
Part-whole thinking is a proven problem-solving strategy. State-wide trends in Queensland’s
NAPLAN data show that Year 5 students are having difficulty operating with whole numbers and
identifying the parts of a problem. This practical workshop will tackle common errors and will provide
teachers with hands-on activities, strategies and digital resources to teach the part-whole concept.
For more information contact the QCAA on 3864 0471 or visit their website.
Travelodge, Rockhampton
School leaders, school
OneChannel Web Conference: OneSchool Finance Screen and Menu Update
This session will provide an overview and demonstration of the updates to the OneSchool finance
screens and navigation pathways. For more information and to register visit OneChannel.
OneChannel web conference
OneChannel Web Conference: Online Literature Festival: Teacher practice session
Come along to our teacher practice sessions so you can be prepared to participate in the Online
Literature Festival which is bigger and better than ever this year. Besides supporting you with feeling
confident about the web conferencing tools and environment, we will include strategies and literacy
activities designed to support student learning and outcomes. Information about the authors will also
be provided. For more information and to register visit OneChannel.
OneChannel web conference
17 August –
4 September
The Learning Place Online Literature Festival
A range of professional development sessions for teachers is available as part of this Online
Literature Festival. For more information and to register visit the Festival website on the Learning
Online through the Learning Place
17-18 August
& 2-4
Executive leaders,
public sector employees
UQ Business School: Innovation Management
Australia’s longest running executive short course on innovation management run by one of the
world’s top innovation bloggers, this course will equip you with the skills necessary to lead innovation
for sustainable competitive advantage. The course is based on international best practice and
presents an integrated framework to help managers lead innovation within their organisations. You
will meet with leading innovation industrialists who reveal cutting edge practice in innovation strategy,
development and implementation. For more information contact UQ Business School Executive
Education on 3346 7111 or visit their website.
UQ Business School Executive
Venue, Brisbane
17-18 August
& 9-11
Executive leaders,
public sector employees
UQ Business School: Strategic Marketing
This course will enable you to understand and up-skill on the latest marketing tools, concepts and
strategies including key components of strategic marketing planning, and how to develop, evaluate
and implement successful marketing strategies. The course focuses on the application of marketing
principles to practice, employing concepts and strategies relevant to today's business world. In
particular, it will focus on strategic marketing, branding, communication and customer service.
Limited spaces remaining. For more information contact UQ Business School Executive Education
on 3346 7111 or visit their website.
UQ Business School Executive
Venue, Brisbane
All employees
SAP Training: SAP Reporting and enquiries
This full-day instructor-led training will provide SAP users with the knowledge and skills to make
enquiries and run reports in SAP. For more information contact Financial Business Systems on 3034
6166 or to register visit their website on OnePortal.
Computer Lab, Floor 12, Education
All employees
WorkCover Queensland: Health and wellbeing professional development workshop
This half-day workshop will provide attendees with a five-step process to implement a work health
and wellbeing program; practical information, tools and activities to help effectively manage worker
health. The workshops are best suited to people with beginner to intermediate experience in health
and wellbeing and/or for people who develop and coordinate work health and wellbeing programs.
For more information contact WorkCover Queensland on 1300 362 128 or to register visit their
Outrigger, Surfers Paradise
School leaders
Australian Council for Educational Research: Leading Thinkers Breakfast – The Future of
Assessment is one of the hottest topics in education at the moment, and ACER values your input to
the current debates .In conjunction with Research Conference 2015, Professor Geoff Masters AO,
CEO of ACER and author of Reforming Educational Assessment: Imperatives, principles and
challenges is hosting a Leading Thinkers breakfast to discuss the future of assessment. You will
have the opportunity to meet Dr Gabrielle Matters (co-author of Queensland's recent review into
senior assessment and tertiary entrance), Professor Jim Pellegrino (Learning Science Research
Institute at the University of Chicago, Illinois), Dr Rukmini Banerji (CEO, Pratham, India), Professor
Claire Wyatt-Smith (ACU) and other conference presenters. For more information contact Margaret
Taylor, ACER on (03) 9277 5403 or visit their website.
Crown Complex, Melbourne
Teacher aides
OneChannel Web Conference: SupportStaff_Clicker 6 Part 3
Clicker is a supportive software application that has been used in Queensland schools and across
the world for many years. This latest version of Clicker provides even more functionality and
enhances the capacity for all students to engage more effectively with the curriculum. This is the third
in a series of four sessions looking at Clicker 6 and will explore how clicker grids can be edited to suit
the context, curriculum and needs of a wide range of students. For more information and to register
visit OneChannel.
OneChannel web conference
OneChannel Web Conference: Online Literature Festival: Teacher practice session
Come along to our teacher practice sessions so you can be prepared to participate in the Online
Literature Festival which is bigger and better than ever this year. Besides supporting you with feeling
confident about the web conferencing tools and environment, we will include strategies and literacy
activities designed to support student learning and outcomes. Information about the authors will also
be provided. For more information and to register visit OneChannel.
OneChannel web conference
Teachers, school
leaders, eLearning coordinators, IT coordinators
OneChannel Web Conference: Create a learning experience – iTunes U
With iTunesU, it’s now easier than ever to unload the full potential of iPad in your classroom by
creating your own courses for iPad. Share your ideas in a powerful new way whilst your students
experience a rich, immersive learning environment using the iTunesU app for iPad. For more
information and to register visit OneChannel.
OneChannel web conference
OneChannel Web Conference: Road safety in health education
Join David Murray from Road Safety Education and take a look at the opportunities provided by the
Health and PE curriculum using road safety as a learning context. This session will look at the
following road safety content: road safety in the Health & PE curriculum; best evidence – road safety
education research; governmental guidelines on choosing road safety education programs and
RYDA – the Queensland Y11 program. For more information and to register visit OneChannel.
OneChannel web conference
Teachers, school
leaders, school support
Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority (QCAA) Workshop: NAPLAN – Algebraic
thinking in Junior Secondary
Algebra is often viewed as an abstract component of the mathematics curriculum; however, algebraic
thinking begins as soon as students solve problems involving unknown quantities. State-wide trends
in Queensland’s NAPLAN data show that Year 7 students are having difficulty operating with
equivalence and equations. This practical workshop will address common errors and will provide
teachers with hands-on activities, strategies and digital resources to teach algebraic thinking. For
more information contact the QCAA on 3864 0471 or visit their website.
Travelodge, Rockhampton
Teachers, school
Peer Support Implementation Training: Primary Implementation Workshop
This workshop investigates a whole-school approach to developing and maintaining a positive school
culture and the Peer Support Program. For more information contact the Peer Support Foundation on
02 9905 3499 or visit their website.
Teachers, school
Peer Support Implementation Training: Secondary Implementation Workshop
This workshop investigates a whole-school approach to developing and maintaining a positive school
culture and the Peer Support Program. For more information contact the Peer Support Foundation on
02 9905 3499 or visit their website.
OneChannel Web Conference: Making a game – coding for primary schools
This session will introduce you to the SCRATCH coding language that has been developed by
students of the MIT exclusively to teach coding to people who are new to the matter. The SCRATCH
course is held over two sessions. In the second session we will build on our new skills to build and
publish a basic game. For more information and to register visit OneChannel.
OneChannel web conference
OneChannel Web Conference: Online Coaching Modules – Mathematics
Find out how easy it is to use this self-paced module. Discover new and exciting resources, develop
and consolidate your content knowledge and pedagogical practice in mathematics. The session will
also highlight how completion of the modules can align with your QCT requirements and with the
APST. For more information and to register visit OneChannel.
OneChannel web conference
Teachers, school
Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority (QCAA) Workshop: Subject Achievement
Indicators (SAIs) and BonSAI 2014 – all you need to know
This three-hour workshop provides information for those new to or re-engaging with the processes
surrounding assigning and checking subject achievement indicators (SAIs) and using the
BonSAI_2014 program. The workshop will focus on the purpose of SAIs and processes involved;
how SAIs are used in OP calculation and using BonSAI_2014 to assign and check SAIs. For more
information contact the QCAA on 3864 0471 or visit their website.
Kedron Wavell Services Club,
Prep teachers, school
Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority (QCAA) Workshop: Early Years –
Collaboration through networking
This workshop will provide Prep teachers and kindergarten teachers with opportunities to explore the
power of networking to share information for children’s positive transition to school. For more
information contact the QCAA on 3864 0471 or visit their website.
Quality Hotel, Mermaid Waters
All employees
SPELD Qld Seminar: Auditory Processing
Auditory processing is not about one’s hearing ability - it is about the processing of that information in
the brain. Difficulties with auditory processing can cause problems with reading and spelling as well
as general classroom learning. To bring about positive results it is important to identify the difficulty
and learn strategies to cope with the disorder. Practical ideas for managing CAPD as well as the use
of software will be discussed. For more information contact SPELD Qld on 3394 2566 or visit their
Queen Alexandra Home,
School leaders,
Catch Up Literacy Training
Catch Up Literacy is a structured one-to-one intervention proven to significantly improve the
achievement of learners who struggle with literacy. In this two-hour session participants will learn
how to deliver the program to struggling readers. The interactive online sessions cover: background;
assessing reading skills and selecting appropriate books and delivering the session and ongoing
monitoring. For more information contact Tracy Riley on 0488 010880 or visit their website.
Teachers, HODs, Youth
Support Coordinators
Financial Literacy: Junior secondary Australian Curriculum Resources
Money can bring freedom, choice, opportunity and confidence but it can also destroy! This workshop
will provide you with the necessary resources to support your students to become financially-savvy.
MoneySmart Teaching uses consumer and financial literacy as a context for teaching and learning in
English, mathematics, science, economics and business with all units of work aligned to the Years 710 Australian Curriculum and based around real life money experiences. For more information and to
register visit this website.
Lourdes Hill College, Hawthorne
All employees
SAP Training: SAP Purchasing
This instructor-led training will provide SAP users with the knowledge and skills to procure
Computer Lab, Floor 12, Education
goods and services through shopping carts, purchase orders and general purpose
expenditure vouchers (GPEV). For more information contact Financial Business Systems on
3034 6166 or to register visit their website on OnePortal.
Executive leaders,
managers, directors,
business managers
UQ Business School: The Leadership Challenge
In this course you will re-examine how strong leaders build culture and align it with strategy to
effectively transform organisations. Drawing from contemporary research and consulting, you will see
how the best leaders apply their knowledge, skills and influence to achieve tangible business results
in rapidly changing environments. For more information contact UQ Business School Executive
Education on 3346 7111 or visit their website.
UQ Business School Executive
Venue, Brisbane
All employees
SAP Training: SAP Assets
This half-day instructor-led training will provide SAP users with the knowledge and skills to
manage assets in SAP. For more information contact Financial Business Systems on 3034 6166
or to register visit their website on OnePortal.
Computer Lab, Floor 12, Education
1HR staff
OneChannel Web Conference: WRIS Risks of terminating temp staff
This webinar aims to provide up-to-the-minute information about recent QIRC instructions and
decisions, as well as revisit the fundamental definition of temporary employees. For more information
and to register visit OneChannel.
OneChannel webinar
All employees
WorkCover Queensland: Health and wellbeing professional development workshop
This half-day workshop will provide attendees with a five-step process to implement a work health
and wellbeing program; practical information, tools and activities to help effectively manage worker
health. The workshops are best suited to people with beginner to intermediate experience in health
and wellbeing and/or for people who develop and coordinate work health and wellbeing programs.
For more information contact WorkCover Queensland on 1300 362 128 or to register visit their
Brisbane International, Virginia
Teachers, HODs
Financial Literacy: Secondary Australian Curriculum Resources
This workshop will provide you with the necessary resources to support your students to become
financially-savvy. MoneySmart Teaching uses consumer and financial literacy as a context for
teaching and learning in English, mathematics, science, economics and business with all units of
work aligned to the Years 7-10 Australian Curriculum and based around real life money experiences.
For more information and to register visit their website.
Murrumba State Secondary
College, Murrumba Downs
Teachers, school
OneChannel Web Conference: 3Dfab: Up and Running
Join Ben Paparoulas in the final of this three-part series to discuss practical implications of 3D
printing within your school setting and learn tricks to improve your 3D printing experiences in this
collaborative session. Come prepared with any questions or issues you may be experiencing. For
more information and to register visit OneChannel.
OneChannel web conference
Teachers, school
OneChannel Web Conference: Memory and attention
The Science of Learning Research Centre (SLRC) will provide an overview of the Science of
Learning research that is exploring the different facets of attention and memory, and how these relate
to brain structure and function at various stages of development, linking in with the content of Web
conference #2. They will offer some concrete strategies for educators at all year levels with regards
to optimizing varied memory systems, and consider ways to capture, maintain and enhance
attention. For more information and to register visit OneChannel.
OneChannel web conference
Teacher aides
OneChannel Web Conference: SupportStaff_Clicker Apps
Clicker is a supportive software application that has been used in schools for many years. With the
use of iPads and mobile devices now embedded in education, Clicker has developed a series of four
apps that provide the functionality of Clicker to be used on the iPad. This session will explore the
various apps and how they can be used on the iPad to support learning. For more information and to
register visit OneChannel.
OneChannel web conference
Teachers, school
leaders, school support
Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority (QCAA) Workshop: NAPLAN – Fractional
thinking in early primary
This practical workshop will unpack the conceptual understandings required for fractional thinking,
and will explore common error patterns that have been identified in the analysis of Queensland’s
NAPLAN data. Teachers will develop a toolkit of hands-on and digital strategies, activities and
resources that can be used immediately in class to teach fractions. For more information contact the
QCAA on 3864 0471 or visit their website.
QCAA, Brisbane
Teachers, school
Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority (QCAA) Workshop: Continuity of teaching
and learning in the early years
This workshop will provide Prep teachers and school curriculum leaders with opportunities to
understand the research and practices that support children’s successful transition to school. For
more information contact the QCAA on 3864 0471 or visit their website.
Quality Hotel, Mermaid Waters
Teachers, school
Queensland Educational Leadership Institute (QELi) Program: Mentoring Skills for Educators
This program is designed to develop and amplify your proficiency to work effectively with others.
Your own performance, together with the performance of others, will be enhanced through skilfully
applying mentoring techniques that build trust, productivity and efficiency in the workplace. The
program will affirm why mentoring assists in building a collaborative and inclusive workplace culture,
enabling better interactions and outcomes for all educators, both in the classroom and within the
broader school community. For more information contact QELi on 3007 5222 or visit their website.
Australian Catholic University
Centre, Brisbane
School leaders,
Catch Up Information Webinar
Catch Up Literacy and Catch Up Numeracy are structured one-to-one interventions proven to
significantly improve the achievement of learners who struggle with literacy and numeracy.
This one-hour information session gives an overview of the Catch Up interventions and their
implementation and management in schools (or other settings). You can ask questions to help you
decide whether these interventions would be suitable for struggling students in your school. For more
information contact Tracy Riley on 0488 010880 or visit their website.
All employees
Epilepsy Queensland Workshops: Understanding Epilepsy and Midazolam Administration
The topics covered include introduction to epilepsy, recognising the types of seizures, seizure
management, minimising triggers, first aid and emergency situations and Midazolam administration.
There will also be information about the resources available. For more information and to register,
contact Epilepsy Queensland on 3435 5000 or 1300 852 853 (outside Brisbane) or visit their website.
Gabba Towers, Woolloongabba
School leaders,
teachers, business
services managers
Queensland Education Leadership Institute (QELi): Mentoring Skills for Educators
This program is designed to develop and amplify your proficiency to work effectively with others.
Your own performance, together with the performance of others, will be enhanced through skilfully
applying mentoring techniques that build trust, productivity and efficiency in the workplace. The
program will affirm why mentoring assists in building a collaborative and inclusive workplace culture,
enabling better interactions and outcomes for all educators, both in the classroom and within the
broader school community. For more information contact QELI on 3007 5222 or visit their website.
MultiLit - MiniLit Workshop
This two-day workshop trains teachers in the delivery of MultiLit’s MiniLit program which targets
struggling young readers in Year 1. The workshop provides easy to implement practical advice; video
of live demonstrations; extensive practice through role-play and help in developing your own road
map for your school. MultiLit is a research initiative of Macquarie University. For more information
contact MultiLit on (02) 9888 3818 or visit their website.
Teachers, school
The 9th International Conference: Adolescent Success – Bright Futures for Young
This conference is aimed specifically at the needs of young adolescents and how teachers best cater
for their needs in a school setting. Junior Secondary teachers from around Australia, New Zealand
and the world come together to share best practice and learn strategies to implement in their
classrooms and schools. For more information contact Adolescent Success on 3720 8711 or visit
their website.
Gold Coast Convention and
Exhibition Centre, Broadbeach
Teachers, school
leaders, public sector
Leading a Digital School Conference: Digital classrooms – digital schools
This digital education technology conference will examine three themes in depth and provide focused
professional development around BYOT, Flipped Learning and Change Now. For more information
contact the conference organiser on 1800 760 108 or visit their website.
Crown Conference Centre,
The Learning Place Online Literature Festival PD for Teachers with Kate Durbin
OneChannel web conference
For this mentoring session, Kate Durbin, Arts Queensland Poet in Residence, will discuss meeting high
schoolers where they are at in order to get them engaged and excited about writing poetry. Whatever
forms of social media, video games, emojis, selfies, and other platforms students are interested in can be
vital spaces for them to create poems. Whatever topics they are interested in, from Taylor Swift to current
political issues to dramas in their personal lives, can be fodder for their poetry. For more information visit
OneChannel or the Online Literature Festival website.
Teachers, school
leaders, school support
Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority (QCAA) Workshop: NAPLAN – Algebraic
thinking in Junior Secondary
Algebra is often viewed as an abstract component of the mathematics curriculum; however, algebraic
thinking begins as soon as students solve problems involving unknown quantities. State-wide trends
in Queensland’s NAPLAN data show that Year 7 students are having difficulty operating with
equivalence and equations. This practical workshop will address common errors and will provide
teachers with hands-on activities, strategies and digital resources to teach algebraic thinking. For
more information contact the QCAA on 3864 0471 or visit their website.
Brothers Leagues Club, Ipswich
Teachers, Literacy
Financial Literacy: Years 3 - 6 Australian Curriculum Resources
This workshop introduces the MoneySmart Teaching program which aims to engage students in a
fun way with real life money experiences and supports teachers, both professionally and personally,
in building their capacity and confidence to deliver consumer and financial literacy education in their
classroom and across the whole school. MoneySmart Teaching uses consumer and financial literacy
as a context for teaching and learning in English, mathematics and science, with all of the units of
work aligned to the P-6 Australian Curriculum. For more information and to register visit this website.
ISQ Professional Learning Centre,
All employees
Get Active Queensland Accreditation Program
This free training can lead to recognised accreditation in coaching, officiating and sports first aid. For
more information contact Steve Paulsen, Department of National Parks, Recreation, Sport and
Racing on 3338 9265 or visit their website.
Swimming Queensland: Teacher Workshop
This workshop will provide valuable professional development on teaching learners with disability.
The practical session will cover the following course competencies: limitations and capabilities on
land and in the water; entries and exits; biomechanics, stroke simulation and adjustments and
programming. For more information contact Swimming Queensland on 3390 2011 or visit their
Anglican Church Grammar School,
East Brisbane
PETAA Workshop: Improving Student’s Writing
This Primary English Teaching Association Australia workshop presented by Alison Davis, will
explore a range of evidence-based teaching approaches that support effective writing instruction. It
will explore eight different teaching approaches that can be used to develop an engaging and
motivating writing program. Based on evidence that showed how the writing achievement of students
can be improved, this session will describe and explain links between writing and student voice,
metacognition, formative assessment and explicit instruction. Teachers will gain lots of practical
ideas which can be implemented immediately in their writing program. For more information contact
PETAA on (02) 8020 3900 or to register visit their website.
Sherwood State School, Brisbane
All employees
SAP Training: Business Intelligence (BI) Semi-Power User
This instructor-led training will provide SAP users with the knowledge and skills to utilise BI for
enhanced reportings. This BI course will cover Business explorer and BEx analyser, advanced
workbook creation and BEx query designer. For more information contact Financial Business
Systems on 3034 6166 or to register visit their website on OnePortal.
Computer Lab, Floor 12, Education
Teachers, beginning
Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority (QCAA) Workshop: Developing your
beginning and establishing teacher toolkit
Effective teachers enhance student learning. They have a deep and rich toolkit of strategies and
resources they draw on daily. Beginning and establishing teachers also need to build a toolkit. This
workshop will focus on explicitly labelling research-based pedagogical strategies and routines that
can be used immediately in the classroom, so teachers walk away with the how and the why of
classroom practice. For more information contact the QCAA on 3864 0471 or visit their website.
QCAA, Brisbane
The Learning Place Online Literature Festival PD for Teachers: The Storyboard with Narelle
In this session, Narelle Oliver outlines what a storyboard is and how she uses storyboards to
structure the steps of her picture books and unillustrated narrative writing. She then shows how this
device can be used to help students create a clear and logical structure for their narrative writing.
This storyboard approach assists with plot development, pace, and ensuring that each paragraph
progresses the story arc in a satisfying way. For more information and to register, visit the Online
Literature Festival website.
Online web conference
School leaders, school
OneChannel Web Conference: OneSchool Finance Screen and Menu Update
This session will provide an overview and demonstration of the updates to the OneSchool finance
screens and navigation pathways. For more information and to register visit OneChannel.
OneChannel web conference
Teachers, school staff
OneChannel Web Conference: Simple Web Design with Adobe Muse
The Internet is an essential communication platform so developing skills to be able to produce quality
websites is very important. Adobe Muse is a website creation tool for people who can’t or don't want
to code. It is a website creation tool for designers who want to worry more about the look and the
content rather than the back end code. Websites are a great example of multimodal text and
students who can develop skills to construct their learning with this type of communication will have a
distinct advantage. For more information and to register visit OneChannel.
OneChannel web conference
Teachers, school
leaders, school support
Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority (QCAA) Workshop: NAPLAN – Fractional
thinking in early primary
This practical workshop will unpack the conceptual understandings required for fractional thinking,
and will explore common error patterns that have been identified in the analysis of Queensland’s
NAPLAN data. Teachers will develop a toolkit of hands-on and digital strategies, activities and
resources that can be used immediately in class to teach fractions. For more information contact the
QCAA on 3864 0471 or visit their website.
Colonial Club, Cairns
School leaders,
Catch Up Numeracy Training
Catch Up Numeracy is a structured one-to-one intervention proven to significantly improve the
achievement of learners who struggle with numeracy. In this two-hour session participants will learn
how to deliver the program to struggling learners. The interactive online sessions cover: background;
assessing numeracy skills and selecting appropriate numeracy activities and delivering the session
and ongoing monitoring. For more information contact Tracy Riley on 0488 010880 or visit their
Teachers, school staff
OneChannel Web Conference: Simple Web Design with Adobe Muse
The Internet is an essential communication platform so developing skills to be able to produce quality
websites is very important. Adobe Muse is a website creation tool for people who can’t or don't want
to code. It is a website creation tool for designers who want to worry more about the look and the
content rather than the back end code. Websites are a great example of multimodal text and
students who can develop skills to construct their learning with this type of communication will have a
distinct advantage. For more information and to register visit OneChannel.
OneChannel web conference
24 August
Executive leaders,
public sector employees
Emerging Leaders Program: Module 4 – Navigating Risk, Ethics and Politics
This program is offered by QUT in partnership with the Public Service Commission. It is designed to
offer a flexible, work-based, blended learning program that develops leadership skills and supports
career development. There are 9 ELP modules to choose from to enable further skill development in
certain areas or to work towards a related postgraduate qualification. This unit content focuses on
current issues in risk, politics and ethics; frameworks and theories related to ethical decision making;
risk management and power relationships, environmental, institutional and social responsibility; selfevaluation; codes of conduct, stakeholder perceptions and reputational management; and the
development of managerial courage. For more information contact the Public Service Commission or
visit the Emerging Leaders Program website.
Queensland University of
Technology, Gardens Point
Executive leaders,
public sector employees
UQ Business School: Strategic Supply Chain Management
The objective of this course is to support strategic decision makers as well as operational managers
to develop an understanding of how to and operational issues using a range of practical problem
solving tools. This course will enable you to identify the current challenges facing supply chains and
the issues within your own organisation. Learn about best practice and future directions in supply
chain management. For more information contact UQ Business School Executive Education on 3346
7111 or visit their website.
UQ Business School Executive
Venue, Brisbane
PETAA Workshop: Explicit teaching strategies for reading comprehension
This Primary English Teaching Association Australia workshop presented by Alison Davis, will have
an intensive focus on approaches to explicit teaching of reading comprehension strategies, along
with exploring the specific implications of transferring theory into classroom instruction. Participants
will learn how readers control and use comprehension strategies, pursue an in depth focus of
comprehension strategies: prior knowledge, prediction, visualisation, inference and summarisation
and use fiction and non-fiction text to develop metacognitively-rich teaching and learning for
classroom instruction. For more information contact PETAA on (02) 8020 3900 or to register visit
their website.
Ironside State School, St Lucia
All employees
WorkCover Queensland: Health and wellbeing professional development workshop
This half-day workshop will provide attendees with a five-step process to implement a work health
and wellbeing program; practical information, tools and activities to help effectively manage worker
health. The workshops are best suited to people with beginner to intermediate experience in health
and wellbeing and/or for people who develop and coordinate work health and wellbeing programs.
For more information contact WorkCover Queensland on 1300 362 128 or to register visit their
Brolga Theatre, Maryborough
starts 3
Teacher aides
OneChannel Web Conference: SupportStaff_Clickers 6 Part 4
Clicker is a supportive software application that has been used in Queensland schools and across
the world for many years. This latest version of Clicker provides even more functionality and
enhances the capacity for all students to engage more effectively with the curriculum. This is the
fourth in a series of four sessions looking at Clicker 6 and will explore how activities produced in
Clicker 6 can be exported to the suite of Clicker apps available for the iPad. It will also identify how to
import the activities to the Clicker apps on your iPad. For more information and to register visit
OneChannel web conference
Science Teachers’ Association of Queensland (STAQ) Webinar: Beyond Science Content –
Science as a human endeavour
This is the first of four webinars and will focus on teaching beyond science content and incorporating
science as a human endeavour, science inquiry skills and science literacy into your science lessons.
It will also provide teachers with a model of how to address science as a human endeavour in their
classrooms and resources. The second webinar will be 27 October. For more information contact
Gaynor Johnson on 0430 731 120 or to register visit the STAQ website.
Teachers, school
leaders, school support
Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority (QCAA) Workshop: NAPLAN – Algebraic
thinking in Junior Secondary
Algebra is often viewed as an abstract component of the mathematics curriculum; however, algebraic
thinking begins as soon as students solve problems involving unknown quantities. State-wide trends
in Queensland’s NAPLAN data show that Year 7 students are having difficulty operating with
equivalence and equations. This practical workshop will address common errors and will provide
teachers with hands-on activities, strategies and digital resources to teach algebraic thinking. For
more information contact the QCAA on 3864 0471 or visit their website.
Colonial Club, Cairns
25 August &
1, 8
TAFE Gold Coast Short Course: Pro Tools – Composition
Music industry professionals will take you through a series of workshops to extend your knowledge
and skills in ProTools. This three-hour evening course using ProTools as a composition tool, using
loops and samples, virtual instruments, score editor and MIDI programming and processing. For
more information contact TAFE Gold Coast on 5581 8931 or visit their website.
TAFE Gold Coast, Coomera
Teachers, school
ACER Showcase
This two-hour Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) event will provide a free,
interactive demonstration of innovative assessments designed to improve learning in the Queensland
classroom. For more information contact ACER on 3238 9005 or to register visit their website.
North Bundaberg State High
School, North Bundaberg
PETAA Workshop: Teaching Writing - Approaches to motivate and engage writers
This Primary English Teaching Association Australia workshop presented by Alison Davis will explain
and demonstrate a range of teaching approaches that incorporate the research around explicit
instruction, formative assessment, student agency and inquiry and discuss how these approaches
can be used to improve writing achievement. Included in this workshop will be the approaches of
shared writing, guided writing, collaborative writing, innovation on text, a range of peer/pair writing
approaches, language experience and quick writes.. For more information contact PETAA on (02)
8020 3900 or to register visit their website.
Whitfield State School, Whitfield
Public sector
Public Sector Network Webinar Series: Why Cloud? Or Why Not Cloud?
The move to cloud and an as-a-service model has been a common talking point the past few years,
but as time goes on, the shift from talk to action has begun. What priorities will lead IT to consider
cloud? The contact centre is at the heart of numerous government departments, and as customer
expectations rise, and digital channels become available to reduce effort for everyday transactions;
agencies are now driven to transform the way they engage with the public. How will the “Cloud First”
approach affect that discussion? For more information and to register, visit their website.
All employees
WorkCover Queensland: Health and wellbeing professional development workshop
This half-day workshop will provide attendees with a five-step process to implement a work health
and wellbeing program; practical information, tools and activities to help effectively manage worker
health. The workshops are best suited to people with beginner to intermediate experience in health
and wellbeing and/or for people who develop and coordinate work health and wellbeing programs.
For more information contact WorkCover Queensland on 1300 362 128 or to register visit their
The Rec Club, Kingston
OneChannel Web Conference: Online Coaching Modules – Reading
Find out how easy it is to use this self-paced module. Discover new and exciting resources, develop
and consolidate your content knowledge and pedagogical practice in the teaching of reading. The
session will also highlight how completion of the modules can align with your QCT requirements and
with the APST. For more information and to register visit OneChannel.
OneChannel web conference
Prep teachers, school
Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority (QCAA) Workshop: Early Years –
Collaboration through networking
This workshop will provide Prep teachers and kindergarten teachers with opportunities to explore the
power of networking to share information for children’s positive transition to school. For more
information contact the QCAA on 3864 0471 or visit their website.
QCAA, Brisbane
School leaders,
Catch Up Numeracy Training
Catch Up Numeracy is a structured one-to-one intervention proven to significantly improve the
achievement of learners who struggle with numeracy. In this two-hour session participants will learn
how to deliver the program to struggling learners. The interactive online sessions cover: background;
assessing numeracy skills and selecting appropriate numeracy activities and delivering the session
and ongoing monitoring. For more information contact Tracy Riley on 0488 010880 or visit their
PETAA Workshop: Teaching Writing – Using action research to improve literacy outcomes
This Primary English Teaching Association Australia (PETAA) workshop presented by Alison Davis
will focus on the role of teaching and learning through action research that is planned, implemented
and monitored with a specific focus on inquiry into the needs of students and how effective our
literacy instruction is for improving outcomes, using student assessment data to plan and monitor
instructional practices and designing effective literacy blocks with a focus on explicit instruction and
strong links between reading and writing This workshop will also explore aspects of both reading and
writing and exemplify how teaching and learning can effectively be responsive to the diverse needs
of our students. For more information contact PETAA on (02) 8020 3900 or to register visit their
Whitfield State School, Whitfield
Teachers, school
KidsMatter: Getting Started for Action Teams
This session provides information about the content of KidsMatter, its underpinning mental health
concepts and processes and tools for aiding implementation of KidsMatter while supporting school
priorities and strategic planning. Schools receive all the resources to begin the KidsMatter journey..
For more information contact KidsMatter on 1800 543 767 or visit their website.
Warrigal Road State School,
Eight Mile Plains
All employees
WorkCover Queensland: Health and wellbeing professional development workshop
This half-day workshop will provide attendees with a five-step process to implement a work health
and wellbeing program; practical information, tools and activities to help effectively manage worker
health. The workshops are best suited to people with beginner to intermediate experience in health
and wellbeing and/or for people who develop and coordinate work health and wellbeing programs.
For more information contact WorkCover Queensland on 1300 362 128 or to register visit their
Community Workers Club,
Teachers, school
leaders, guidance
OneChannel Web Conference: Applying for MF:ML Financial Assistance
This session will cover applying for My Future: My Life financial assistance and will outline what
constitutes evidence of eligibility, the application process, inclusions and exclusions, resource
request form, quotes and invoices, how an application is assessed and the importance of the SET
plan. For more information and to register visit OneChannel.
OneChannel web conference
Teacher aides
OneChannel Web Conference: SupportStaff_Clicker 6 Part 5
Clicker is a supportive software application that has been used in Queensland schools and across
the world for many years. This latest version of Clicker provides even more functionality and
enhances the capacity for all students to engage more effectively with the curriculum. This is the fifth
in a series of sessions looking at Clicker 6 and will identify how clicker can be customised to support
individual users. It will explore what can be customised and how these setting can be accessed for
individuals. For more information and to register visit OneChannel.
OneChannel web conference
Teachers, school
Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority (QCAA) Workshop: Subject Achievement
Indicators (SAIs) and BonSAI 2014 – all you need to know
This three-hour workshop provides information for those new to or re-engaging with the processes
surrounding assigning and checking subject achievement indicators (SAIs) and using the
BonSAI_2014 program. The workshop will focus on the purpose of SAIs and processes involved;
how SAIs are used in OP calculation and using BonSAI_2014 to assign and check SAIs. For more
information contact the QCAA on 3864 0471 or visit their website.
Arundel Hills Country Club, Gold
Teachers, school
leaders, school support
Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority (QCAA) Workshop: NAPLAN – Fractional
thinking in early primary
This practical workshop will unpack the conceptual understandings required for fractional thinking,
and will explore common error patterns that have been identified in the analysis of Queensland’s
NAPLAN data. Teachers will develop a toolkit of hands-on and digital strategies, activities and
resources that can be used immediately in class to teach fractions. For more information contact the
QCAA on 3864 0471 or visit their website.
Mercure, Townsville
Teachers, school
Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority (QCAA) Workshop: Continuity of teaching
and learning in the early years
This workshop will provide Prep teachers and school curriculum leaders with opportunities to
understand the research and practices that support children’s successful transition to school. For
more information contact the QCAA on 3864 0471 or visit their website.
QCAA, Brisbane
MultiLit Reading Tutor Program Workshop
This one-day workshop trains teachers in the delivery of the MultiLit Reading Tutor Program which
targets students in Year 2 through to young adults who have not acquired the basic skills needed to
become functional readers. The program covers Word Attack Skills, Sight Words and Reinforced
Reading and will teach students how to generalise into connected text, as well as assisting in
improving students’ reading accuracy, fluency and comprehension. An easy to follow lesson format is
employed which is explicit, structured and systematic in approach. Book selection is addressed
within the workshop. MultiLit is a research initiative of Macquarie University. For more information
contact MultiLit on (02) 9888 3818 or visit their website.
School leaders,
Catch Up Numeracy Training
Catch Up Numeracy is a structured one-to-one intervention proven to significantly improve the
achievement of learners who struggle with numeracy. In this two-hour session participants will learn
how to deliver the program to struggling learners. The interactive online sessions cover: background;
assessing numeracy skills and selecting appropriate numeracy activities and delivering the session
and ongoing monitoring. For more information contact Tracy Riley on 0488 010880 or visit their
Australian Literacy Educators’ Association (ALEA): Creating Literate, Literary Children in The
Literary Age
This session will explore how teachers can create a literate, literary child in the digital age. The
presenter is Sarah Brennan, well-known international children’s author and speaker. For more
information and to register visit their website.
Our Lady of Dolours Primary
School, Mitchelton
Executive leaders,
public sector employees
UQ Business School: Enhancing the Customer Experience
The world’s consistently top-performing businesses are acutely aware of the way their customers
perceive interactions with them, fully embracing the customer experience at every touchpoint. Getting
this right is a critical success factor, but doing it well is easy to say and hard to do! This course is
designed to help executives, owners and managers understand, audit and improve the total
customer experience. For more information contact UQ Business School Executive Education on
3346 7111 or visit their website.
UQ Business School Executive
Venue, Brisbane
School leaders
2015 AASE/WAESPAA Joint National Conference: Engagement for Learning – Behaviour
Leads the Way
This conference of the Australian Association of Special Education and the Western Australian
Education Support Principals and Administrators’ Association joint conference will present the very
best local, national and international special education professionals and educators of students with
diverse learning needs. For more information contact the conference manager on (02) 9744 5252 or
visit their website.
Esplanade Hotel, Fremantle
The Learning Place Online Literature Festival PD for Teachers with Tamsin Janu
Tamsin Janu is a shortlisted author for the Children’s Book Council of Australia awards for her
wonderful novel, Figgy in the world. In this session, Tamsin will discuss how to write about 'place' in a
realistic and engaging way. She will discuss how students can learn to write about place through
journaling, and give examples from her own work. She will also talk about how to write characters
from a different culture, and why she believes diversity in children's literature is important for all
children. For more information and to register, visit the Online Literature Festival website.
Online web conference
Teachers, school
leaders, school support
Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority (QCAA) Workshop: NAPLAN – Algebraic
thinking in Junior Secondary
Algebra is often viewed as an abstract component of the mathematics curriculum; however, algebraic
thinking begins as soon as students solve problems involving unknown quantities. State-wide trends
in Queensland’s NAPLAN data show that Year 7 students are having difficulty operating with
equivalence and equations. This practical workshop will address common errors and will provide
teachers with hands-on activities, strategies and digital resources to teach algebraic thinking. For
more information contact the QCAA on 3864 0471 or visit their website.
Mercure, Townsville
MultiLit – Work Attack Skills: Extension Program
This one-day workshop trains teachers in the delivery of MultiLit's Word Attack Skills Extension
program. This program is for older students in the second half of Year 3 through to young adults who
are experiencing on-going reading difficulties. The focus is upon instruction in the decoding of multisyllable words and words with complex letter patterns. MultiLit is a research initiative of Macquarie
University. For more information contact MultiLit on (02) 9888 3818 or visit their website.
All employees
Get Active Queensland Accreditation Program
This free training can lead to recognised accreditation in coaching, officiating and sports first aid. For
more information contact Steve Paulsen, Department of National Parks, Recreation, Sport and
Racing on 3338 9265 or visit their website.
Gold Coast
Beginning and Establishing Teachers’ Association (BETA) Conference: Thinking on Your Feet
This conference is for supply, contract and pre-service teachers and offers professional development
to help career development. Behaviour specialist Mark Davidson will present the keynote
presentation offering practical strategies for classroom behaviour management. For more information
contact BETA or visit their website.
Riverglenn, Indooroopilly
Swimming Queensland Teacher Workshop
This free workshop will advance participant’s knowledge in competitive swimming. The practical
session will include developing the swimming technique of novice swimmers, swimming strokes and
corrections and skill acquisition needed to transition into competition. For more information contact
Karla Dillon, Swimming Queensland on 3390 2011or to register visit their website.
Swimming Queensland Teacher Workshop
This free workshop will advance participant’s knowledge in competitive swimming. The practical
session will include developing the swimming technique of novice swimmers, swimming strokes and
corrections and skill acquisition needed to transition into competition. For more information contact
Karla Dillon, Swimming Queensland on 3390 2011or to register visit their website.
Mount Isa
Executive leaders
Public Sector Commission (PSC) Masterclass: Leadership coaching for change
This free one-day masterclass will be presented by Dr Geoff Abbott, Queensland University of
Technology. For more information contact the PSC on 3003 2800 or to register visit their website.
Queensland University of
Technology, Gardens Point
Campus, Brisbane
Teachers, school
leaders, school support
Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority (QCAA) Workshop: NAPLAN – Part-whole
thinking in upper primary
Part-whole thinking is a proven problem-solving strategy. State-wide trends in Queensland’s
NAPLAN data show that Year 5 students are having difficulty operating with whole numbers and
identifying the parts of a problem. This practical workshop will tackle common errors and will provide
teachers with hands-on activities, strategies and digital resources to teach the part-whole concept.
For more information contact the QCAA on 3864 0471 or visit their website.
Maroochy Surf Club,
School leaders, school
OneChannel Web Conference: OneSchool Finance Screen and Menu Update
This session will provide an overview and demonstration of the updates to the OneSchool finance
screens and navigation pathways. For more information and to register visit OneChannel.
OneChannel web conference
Teacher aides
OneChannel Web Conference: SupportStaff_DPG overview
This morning session will look at what the Digital Practice Guide is and how it relates to your role.
This web conference is designed to provide support to those engaged in the Digital Practice Guide.
For more information and to register visit OneChannel.
OneChannel web conference
Teacher aides
OneChannel Web Conference: SupportStaff_DPG overview
This afternoon session will look at what the Digital Practice Guide is and how it relates to your role.
This web conference is designed to provide support to those engaged in the Digital Practice Guide.
For more information and to register visit OneChannel.
OneChannel web conference
The Learning Place Online Literature Festival PD for Teachers with Jackie French
In this web conference, Jackie French will discuss ‘How to use historical fiction in the classroom’ and
the stories behind some of her historical fiction books. She will identify sources students can use to
dig up history themselves to stimulate their own writing. For more information and to register, visit
OneChannel or the Online Literature Festival website.
OneChannel web conference
31 August – 1
All employees
Information and Technologies Branch Regional Roadshow
At the roadshow you can discover how IT can support your school to enhance teaching and learning;
find digital solutions for your business needs; and walk away with tips and tricks you can use in your
school the next day. Staff from ICT Support will be on hand to provide technical support and assist
delegates with any issues they are having with their devices. For more information contact ITB or to
register visit their website.
Logan Entertainment Centre,
Logan Central
31 August – 1
School leaders
SASPA 2015 Conference: World Class Learners – What Does it Take?
The South Australian Secondary Principals’ Association (SASPA) conference designed to explore
our thinking further through focussing on the pedagogy (what is learnt and how it is learnt), the
profession (in particular, educational leadership) and the politics (Government policy and how it is
translated by systems). For more information contact SASPA on (08) 8463 5810 or visit their website.
Adelaide Oval, Adelaide
31 August2 September
All employees
Australian Government: Security in Government Conference 2015
This conference is targeted at senior executives responsible for managing security in agencies,
officers from all levels of government who contribute to the development of security capability and
response, and security practitioners from the public sectors. For more information contact the
Security in Government Conference Coordination on (02) 6141 3717 or visit their website.
National Convention Centre,
31 August 1 September &
Executive leaders,
public sector employees
UQ Business School: Finance and Accounting
The course teaches how financial data is generated and reported, as well as how it is used for
decision making, analysis, and valuation. It teaches the core concepts of finance and accounting in a
straightforward and easy-to-understand manner, including terminology and principles, financial
statements, distinction between income and cash flow, and valuation. You will learn how financial
data is used to make business decisions and to evaluate an organisation's performance. For more
information contact UQ Business School Executive Education on 3346 7111 or visit the website.
UQ Business School Executive
Venue, Brisbane
Updated 25 August 2015