A Closer Look of the Inner and Outer Planets - Science

Miami-Dade County Public Schools
Division of Academics
Benchmark Resources
Middle School
Comprehensive Science
September 2014
Ms. Perla Tabares Hantman, Chair
Dr. Lawrence S. Feldman, Vice-Chair
Dr. Dorothy Bendross-Mindingall
Ms. Susie V. Castillo
Mr. Carlos L. Curbelo
Dr. Wilbert “Tee” Holloway
Dr. Martin Karp
Dr. Marta Pérez
Ms. Raquel A. Regalado
Mr. Julian Lafaurie
Student Advisor
Mr. Alberto M. Carvalho
Superintendent of Schools
Ms. Maria L. Izquierdo
Chief Academic Officer
Office of Academics and Transformation
Dr. Maria P. de Armas
Assistant Superintendent
Division of Academics
Mr. Cristian Carranza
Administrative Director
Division of Academics
Department of Mathematics and Science
Dr. Ava D. Rosales
Executive Director
Department of Mathematics and Science
Table of Contents
Sixth Grade
SC.6.E.7.4 – Spheres’ Interactions …………………………………………………….……………… 5
SC.6.E.7.5 – Movement in the Atmosphere ………………………………………...………………..10
SC.6.P.13.1 – Does something have to be touching to interact? ………………………………… 15
SC.6.P.13.3 – Modeling Unbalanced Forces ……………………………………...…………………18
SC.6.L.14.1 – Hierarchical Organization of Organisms ………………...…………………………..21
SC.6.L.14.2 – Investigating Cell Theory …………………………………...…………………………25
SC.6.L.14.4 – Animal and Plant Cell Organelles .………………………..………………………….31
SC.6.L.14.5 – Organs Wanted ………………………………………….……………………………. 34
SC.6.L.15.1 – Organizing Organisms ...…………………………………………………...………….38
Seventh Grade
SC.7.E.6.2 – A Rocky Adventure …………………………………..……………………………..…..47
SC.7.E.6.4 – Dig It! …………………………………………………………………..………………… 51
SC.7.E.6.5 – Plate Tectonics …………………………………………………..…………………….. 67
SC.7.P.10.1 – The Electromagnetic Spectrum …………………………………..…………………. 79
SC.7.P.10.3 – Wave Behaviors ……………………………………………...………………………..86
SC.7.P.11.2 – The Power of Energy…… …………………………………...……………………….. 96
SC.7.P.11.4 – Socks and Temperature ……………………………………………………………..102
SC.7.L.15.2 – Evolution and Natural Selection ………………………………………………….…108
SC.7.L.16.1 – Toothpick Chromosomes …………………………………………………………… 116
SC.7.L.17.2 – Symbiosis …………………………………………………………………………….. 123
Eighth Grade
SC.8.E.5.3 – Hierarchical Relationships in Space ……………………..…………………………. 131
SC.8.E.5.5 – Star Classifications ……………………………………..……………………………..138
SC.8.E.5.7 – A Closer Look of the Inner and Outer Planets ……………………………………...141
SC.8.E.5.9 – Earth, Moon and Sun Relationships …………………………………..……………. 145
SC.8.P.8.4 – What’s the Matter? …………………………………………………………………….151
SC.8.P.8.5 – Elements, Compounds, Mixtures, Oh My! ………………………….……………....154
SC.8.P.9.2 – Changes of Matter ………………………………………………………………….… 159
SC.8.L.18.4 – Sorting Out Cycles in Nature …………………………………………………….… 167
Division of Academics – Department of Science
6th Grade Benchmark Resources
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Spheres’ Interactions
Benchmark(s): SC.6.E.7.4: Differentiate and show interactions among the geosphere,
hydrosphere, cryosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere.
SC.6.E.7.2: Investigate and apply how the cycling of water between the atmosphere and
hydrosphere has an effect on weather patterns and climate.
SC.6.E.7.3: Describe how global patterns such as the jet stream and ocean currents influence
local weather in measurable terms such as temperature, air pressure, wind direction and speed,
and humidity and precipitation.
SC.6.E.7.6: Differentiate between weather and climate.
SC.6.E.7.9: Describe how the composition and structure of the atmosphere protects life and insulates the
This lesson is intended to review or remediate content. At the end of this lesson students will show
mastery on identifying and giving examples of spheres interactions, differentiate weather and climate and
describe how the atmosphere protects life and insulate our planet.
Students will Know:
The five spheres of the Earth: geosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere, atmosphere, and
The composition of the five layers of the atmosphere.
The difference between weather and climate.
Students will Understand:
How the spheres of the Earth function and interact as a complex system influencing the
weather and the climate of a region.
That weather is the condition of the atmosphere at a particular place and time whereas
climate is the pattern of behavior of the atmosphere over a long period of time.
How the composition of the five layers of the atmosphere protects life and insulates the
Students will be able to Do:
Identify and give examples of spheres interactions.
Differentiate between weather and climate.
Give examples of how the atmosphere protects life and insulates the planet.
Essential Questions:
How do Earth's spheres interact to support life on our planet?
How do weather and climate differ?
How does the atmosphere protects life and insulates the planet?
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Probe, Video
clip, Teacher
Lesson Cycle:
I Do
Powerpoint presentation
Student worksheet
Use a 5 tabs foldable where students will collect information by
explaining the composition of each layer of the atmosphere and how
the layer protects the planet.
StudyJams Layers of the atmosphere
Complete a Venn diagram “Weather and Climate”. Give examples of
Studyjams Weather and climate
Check for understanding about the atmosphere
BBC bitesize
products such
as CER, DI
 Student worksheet.
 Layers of the atmosphere 5 tabs foldable explaining the
composition of each layer and how the layer protects the
 Venn diagram “Weather & Climate”
-Students will collect weather data over several days or weeks, graph
temperature data, and compare the temperature data collected with
averaged climate data where they live, to better understand the
differences between weather and climate.
- Writing activity: Think about what you have learned about Earth's
spheres. Each sphere is unique in its own way, yet depends on other
spheres to help sustain life on our planet. If you had to choose one
sphere to label as the "most important" sphere, which one would you
claim it to be? Support your opinion with factual evidence that supports
your claims.
Exit Slip
FCAT connection questions. See below
Answer key
On the board or on chart paper, write the words "Atmosphere”. Have
students brainstorm with a partner or in a group ideas about what the
atmosphere is. Let students share their ideas, and write these down in
a web or a list on the board or chart paper. Then ask “How does the
atmosphere interact with other spheres to support life in our planet?”
Use this discussion to formatively assess how much the students
already know about the spheres, and use this chance to discuss any
misconceptions that may arise.
Video to introduce the spheres of the Earth
We Do
Plants using the carbon dioxide during the process of
GRRM* Gradual Release of Responsibility Model
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Summative Assessment:
1-The climate of an area can be different from its weather. Which of the following statements describes
the climate of an area? (SC.6.E.7.6)
A.There should be heavy rains tomorrow morning.
B.The rains next week are expected to cause some flooding.
C.The average temperature from 1930–1996 was 23°C (74°F).
D.The high temperature on September 4, 2009, was 32°C (89°F).
2-Which two spheres interact when a glacier erodes rock?
A. the geosphere and the atmosphere
B. the biosphere and the geosphere
C. the biosphere and the cryosphere
D. the cryosphere and the geosphere
3-Identify the example that shows how the biosphere and atmosphere can interact.
A. people breathing in oxygen
B. plants obtaining nutrients from the soil
C. ocean waves breaking down rocks
D. animals eating other animals
4-When carbon dioxide dissolves from the air into the ocean -the interaction is between
A. the atmosphere and lithosphere
B. the atmosphere and biosphere
C. the atmosphere and atmosphere
D. the atmosphere and hydrosphere
5-The atmosphere surrounding Earth helps to maintain the various climates found around the world and
keeps Earth from becoming extremely cold all over. How does the atmosphere help to keep Earth
insulated and warm?
A. The atmosphere creates heat as Earth moves through space, helping to insulate Earth.
B. The atmosphere traps the heat generated by Earth's core and helps maintain Earth's climate.
C. The atmosphere helps spread the warmth from the water near the equator to other parts of Earth.
D. The atmosphere helps trap heat energy from the Sun and energy radiated from Earth to maintain the
6-Give an example of how the atmosphere can change the biosphere.
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Guided notes
Fill in the blanks as you watch the powerpoint presentation.
The ________________ (Water) is the liquid water component of the Earth. It includes
the oceans, seas, lakes, ponds, rivers and streams. It covers about 70% of the surface of the
Earth and is the home for many plants and animals. The hydrosphere, like the atmosphere, is
always in motion.
The _________________ ("icy cold water sphere") is the frozen part of Earth: the
glaciers, icebergs at sea, and the huge icecaps in Greenland and Antarctica. The cryosphere is
the term which collectively describes the portions of the Earth’s surface where water is in solid
form. It includes:
sea ice, lake ice, river ice, snow cover, glaciers, ice caps and ice sheets, and frozen ground
The ___________________ (Air) relates to meteorological features and phenomena
such as weather, clouds, or aerosols (particles in the air). It includes an ever‐ changing mixture
of gas and small particles located above and surrounding the Earth’s surface. It includes: ‐
Clouds ‐ Hurricanes and Cyclones ‐ Aurora ‐ Air Pollution/Aerosols ‐ Dust and Sand Storms
The _________________ (Life) is associated with living systems such as biomes or
ecosystems. This includes life on land, in the oceans and rivers, and even life we cannot see
with the naked eye. It includes:
‐ Coastal Biomes ‐ Forests ‐ Deserts ‐ Grasslands ‐ Urban/Agricultural Ecosystems
The ___________________ (Land) is associated with solid portions of the Earth. It
includes rocks, sediments and soils, surface landforms and the processes that shape the
surface. Features associated with this sphere can be broken down into a variety of different
processes and related surface landforms. Features are: Valley networks, river
channels/canyons, deltas, Sand dunes, wind streaks, Folds, faults, mountains, Volcanoes
Examples of sphere interactions:
-Humans (biosphere) built a dam out of rock materials (geosphere).
-Plants (biosphere) draw water (hydrosphere) and nutrients from the soil (geosphere) and
release water vapor into the air (atmosphere).
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Student handout
1-Identify each sphere of the Earth represented in the picture. Give examples of their features.
2-.Choose one of the pictures and describe at least 3 sphere interactions you can infer from the scene.
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Movement in the atmosphere
Benchmark(s): SC.6.E.7.5 Explain: how energy provided by the Sun influences global patterns
of atmospheric movement and the temperature differences between air, water, and land.
Also Assesses
SC.6.E.7.1 Differentiate among radiation, conduction, and convection, the three mechanisms by
which heat is transferred through Earth’s system.
This lesson is intended to review or remediate content. After this lesson students will be able to
explain how energy provided by the sun influences the temperature differences between air,
water, and land. Students will be able to explain the origin of sea breezes and land breezes. To
explore the content use any of the three options provided or you can differentiate using all three
activities depending on the needs of your students.
Students will Know:
 That heat can be transferred by conduction, convection and radiation, and that the
uneven heating of the earth’s surface creates weather patterns.
Students will Understand:
 That air, land and water heat at different rates. That heat is transferred due to the
difference in temperature. That uneven heating between land and water creates wind.
Students will be able to Do:
 Compare and contrast the three mechanisms of heat transfer: Conduction, convection
and radiation.
 Demonstrate and explain how land breeze and sea breeze are created due to the
uneven heating between land and water.
Essential Questions:
How is the energy from the sun transferred?
How is convection different to conduction and radiation?
How and why is wind created?
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Lesson Cycle:
I Do
ions, DI
such as
, Home
Exit Slip
You can begin this lesson with this Convection Current Demo:
Then use the following video to clarify any misconceptions:
Studyjams: Wind, Heat.
PPT “Movement in the atmosphere”
Guided notes and student handout “Movement in the atmosphere”
1- PPT “Movement in the atmosphere”
Guided notes and student handout “Movement in the atmosphere”
2- Lab activity “Hot, Hot, Hot”
3- Gizmo Coastal Winds and Clouds: Observe daily weather
conditions in a coastal region. Measure temperatures and wind
speeds at any location and use this data to map convection
currents that form during the day and night. Explain the origin
of land breezes and sea breezes.
1-Guided notes and student handout “Movement in the atmosphere”
-Foldable “Land breeze/ Sea breeze”: Fold the outer edges of the
paper to meet at the mid-point, forming a shutter fold. Ask students to
draw arrows indicating the general direction of air movement over the
sand and the water during the day (on the left) and after the sun goes
down (on the right). Label each side of the foldable with the
corresponding breeze (sea or land). Add any other useful information.
2-Lab “Hot, Hot, Hot” student handout.
3-Gizmo exploration guide: “Coastal Winds and Clouds”
Create a poster to illustrate how heat is transferred between air, land
and water. Make sure to label each part of the poster and use
vocabulary words: conduction, convection, radiation, sea breeze, land
FCAT connection.
Answer key:
1. B
2. D
3. B
4. A
GRRM* Gradual Release of Responsibility Model
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Summative Assessment:
1- Which is the major source of energy for most of Earth’s weather patterns?
A. earthquakes along fault zones
B. radiation received from the Sun
C. convection currents in Earth’s mantle
D. radioactive decay within Earth’s interior
2- Local winds and global winds are generally
A. influenced by Earth’s tilted axis.
B. unpredictable.
C. changing directions from day to day.
D. created by the unequal heating of Earth’s surface.
3- What is happening at point C in the diagram to
the right?
A. The sun warms Earth’s surface through radiation
B. The ground warms the atmosphere through
C. The air warms the ground through convection
D. Heat moves through the air due to convection
4- In the summer, coastal towns usually experience cool ocean breezes, as shown in the
diagram below.
Which process creates the type of ocean breeze shown?
A. Cool air above the ocean sinks and warm air above the land rises.
B. Cool air above the ocean rises and warm air above the land sinks.
C. Warm water evaporates and condenses above the ocean.
D. Warm water condenses and precipitates above the ocean.
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Identify and label the way in which heat is being transferred in the picture below (Radiation, Conduction
and Convection). Explain each scenario.
1. _____________________________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________________________________________
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Does something have to be touching to interact?
Benchmark(s): SC.6.P.13.1: Investigate and describe types of forces including contact forces and forces acting at a
distance, such) as electrical, magnetic, and gravitational. Students will then conduct an exploration involving
various types of forces and explain their results by contributing to a class data table and comparing and contrasting
the results of all the groups. An additional CPALMS activity is provided as an extension to this resource.
Summary: Students will be engaged in the lesson with a static electricity demonstration during which the students
will make observations and propose explanations.
Students will Know:
Forces can act on an object at a distance or by direct contact.
Common types of forces such as electrical, magnetic, gravitational, frictional (including air
resistance), and applied forces.
Students will Understand:
Applying a force requires energy and may lead to the movement or change in movement of an
Students will be able to Do:
Investigate the affect of various forces on objects.
Essential Question:
Do objects have to be touching to exert a force on one another?
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Lesson Cycle:
I Do
We Do
Probe, Video
clip, Teacher
Ask students if they think you can pick up the little pieces of paper
you just spilled on one of their desks "by accident," without touching
the pieces of paper with your hands. Have Yes responders move to
the right of the room and No's to the left.
Reveal a blown up balloon, rub it on your shirt then hover it over
the pieces of paper. Have students attempt to explain what
happened using words or pictures and labels in their notebook.
Electric Circuits Demo:
Set up a simple circuit.
Have students identify what happens to the light when the
circuit is not touching/closed.
Magnetic Forces Hands On Inquiry:
products such
as CER, DI
Students will use the centimeter side of a ruler to investigate forces
at a distance. Students will place a paperclip at 0cm and slowly
move the magnet from 10cm toward the magnet until the paperclip
jumps to the magnet. Students will do 3 trials and record the
distance where the magnet is when the paper clip was attracted.
A student from each team will come up to write their data on the
teacher created table on the board for class discussion comparing
results of all teams' experiments.
Were everyone's results similar? Why or why not?
What other observations did you make while studying forces
acting at a distance using magnets?
What observations did you make while studying contact forces
during the electric circuits demonstration?
Home Learning
Let’s Make Contact! – a CPalms resource
Exit Slip
See assessment items below
GRRM* Gradual Release of Responsibility Model
Summative Assessment Key: 1. A, 2. D, 3. Answers will vary
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Summative Assessment:
1. Carla pushes a toy car and lets it go. The toy car rolls and gradually comes to a stop. What would
make the car stop?
A. A force must be applied to the car in a direction opposite to that in which it is moving.
B. A force must be applied pushing the car forward in the same direction as the moving car.
C. A force must be applied in a direction pushing the car upward to make the car stop.
D. A force must be applied in a direction pulling the car downward causing the car to stop.
2. Gordon is making a list of forces for his science class. Which of the following should Gordon NOT
list as a force
A. gravity
B. friction
C. a push or pull
D. mass
3. Forces are required to move objects provide an example of how a force can be applied to an object through
contact and a second example in which the force acts at a distance.
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Modeling Unbalanced Forces
Benchmark(s): SC.6.P.13.3: Investigate and describe that an unbalanced force acting on an object
changes its speed, or direction of motion, or both.
Summary: Students will be engaged in the lesson by balancing index cards by leaning the cards against
each other and describing how they assume forces are acting on the cards. The forces they may include
are gravity and the pushing against each other. Students will then brainstorm a tug-of-war match among
classmates that they predict will end in a draw. This will require the students to describe how forces
affect the result of the match. Students will then create a Claim-Evidence-Reasoning (CER) to respond
to the essential question.
Students will Know:
 Forces acting on an object can be balanced or unbalanced
Students will Understand:
 Unbalanced forces acting on an object will change the motion (speed, direction or both) of an
Students will be able to Do:
 Investigate and explain that an unbalanced force acting on an object changes the direction of
motion of the object.
Essential Question:
How do objects react to forces?
Lesson Cycle:
I Do
Probe, Video
clip, Teacher
We Do
products such
as CER, DI
Provide each student with a pair of index cards and have
them lean the cards against each other without the cards
falling down. Have students draw a diagram of their cards
and label how the cards are pushing against each other.
Using a masking tape as a marker and rope, students will
design a tug-of-war with the students in the class in which
they predict a tie. During the development of the tug-of-war,
the teacher should probe prompt students to incorporate the
concept of force and have the students describe what would
determine if a team wins or if the game ends in a tie.
The students should then test their tug-of-war teams and
record their observations.
Students complete a Claim-Evidence-Reasoning responding
to the essential question (How do objects react to forces?).
The teacher may need to introduce the terms net force,
balanced force and unbalanced force if the terms did not
emerge from the tug of war exploration.
Division of Academics – Department of Science
As a home learning extension, students develop a Protective
Egg System.
Exit Slip
See assessment items below.
GRRM* Gradual Release of Responsibility Model
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Summative Assessment:
1. A box that is sitting against a wall has a mass of 5 kg. The box is pushed with a force of 10 N in the
direction shown, but the box does not move. What is the net farce acting on the box?
The net force acting on the box is 10 N.
The net force acting on the box is 50 N.
The net force acting on the box is 0 N.
The net force acting on the box is 40 N.
2. The object shown has several different forces acting on it. Calculate the net force acting on the
object and describe its motion, if any.
3. The box shown moves to the right with a force of 15 N. Which of the following situations would
cause the described motion of the box?
A push of 40 N to the left and a push of 25 N to the right
A push of 70 N to the right and a push of 55 N to the right
A push of 5 N to the left and a push of 10 N to the left
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Hierarchical Organization of Organisms
Benchmark(s): SC.6.L.14.1: Describe and identify patterns in the hierarchical organization of organisms from
atoms to molecules and cells to tissues to organs to organ systems to organisms.
Summary: Students will engage in the lesson by discussing prior knowledge of the relationship of the levels of
organization. Students will then use sets of images that will be prepared in envelopes prior to the lesson to explore
the hierarchy of living things and explain patterns across the sets of living things to describe the hierarchy.
Students should have the opportunity to extend their learning, potentially through home learning, by developing the
hierarchy for additional organisms. A short summative evaluation is also provided.
(Prior to the activity, the teacher will need to prepare a set of envelopes labeled A, B, and C for each group and
have the levels of organization images pre-cut and in the envelopes)
Students will Know:
The hierarchical organization of living things from atoms to organisms.
Students will Understand:
Each layer in the hierarchy consists of a grouping of the layer before.
Students will be able to Do:
Describe the patterns in the hierarchical organization of living things from atoms (least complex)
to organisms (most complex).
Arrange components of the hierarchy in the appropriate order.
Essential Question:
How are our bodies and the bodies of other complex living things organized?
Lesson Cycle:
I Do
The teachers will display the terms: Atoms, Molecules, Cells, Tissues,
Organs, Organ Systems, Organisms (with or without associated images)
Probe, Video
and have students discuss the meaning of the terms and relationship to
clip, Teacher
each other.
We Do
Using the envelopes prepared prior to the activity (described in the
summary), groups of students will organize the contents of envelope A.
The teacher will facilitate the students’ discussion to ensure accuracy
and understanding. Students will use the remaining envelopes in a
similar manner noting similarities and differences among the three sets.
You Do
products such
as CER, DI
Using examples from the previous exploration, students will describe the
patterns in the hierarchical organization of living things from atoms to
organisms and discuss the importance of each level.
Home Learning
Have students use different organisms to develop models of hierarchical
organization from atoms to organisms and compare and contrast these
Division of Academics – Department of Science
See below
Exit Slip
GRRM* Gradual Release of Responsibility Model
Summative Assessment Key:
1. D
2. C
3. D
4. B
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Summative Assessment:
Humans and other complex organisms have a hierarchical system of organization. Which of the
following statements is true regarding this system of organization?
A. Atoms are made of cells.
B. Organs are made of organ systems.
C. Cells are made of tissues.
D. Organs are made of tissues.
The nervous system is the body's switchboard, sending signals between different parts of the
body. The central hub of the nervous system is the brain. The brain is an example of which level
of hierarchical organization within the body?
A. cell
B. tissue
C. organ
D. organ system
In a human body, which of the following represents the highest level of structural organization?
A. an atom in the lung
B. lung tissue
C. the lungs
D. the respiratory system
Epithelial tissue covers the entire surface of many organisms. Which term describes the structure
directly below tissues in the hierarchical organization of life?
A. atoms
B. cells
C. molecules
D. organs
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Envelope A
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Envelope B
Envelope C
Investigating Cell Theory
Adopted from CPalms: http://www.cpalms.org/Public/PreviewResourceLesson/Preview/40202
Benchmark(s): SC.6.L.14.2: Investigate and explain the components of the scientific theory of
cells (cell theory): all organisms are composed of cells (single-celled or multi-cellular), all cells
come from pre-existing cells, and cells are the basic unit of life.
Summary: Students will engage in a discussion of prior knowledge to develop an anchor chart.
Students will then explore the components of cell theory through a variety of multimedia
sources. Students will continue to research the components of cell theory and collaborate on
presenting their findings.
Students will Know:
 all organisms are composed of cells (single-celled or multi-cellular)
 all cells come from pre-existing cells
 cells are the basic unit of life
Students will Understand:
 All living things display the 3 components of cell theory and each may be applied in a
variety of scenarios
Students will be able to Do:
 Investigate and explain and justify the components of cell theory.
Essential Question:
What characteristics do all living organisms have in common?
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Lesson Cycle:
We Do
Begin the lesson with the Think-Ink-Pair-Share method to
assess prior. The teacher will ask students to THINK about
the following question: "What characteristics do living
organisms share?" Then, they will INK (write) their
responses in their notebooks. Students will PAIR up with a
shoulder buddy to discuss their answers. Finally, students
will SHARE their responses with the group. The teacher
will record responses on an anchor chart that will remain
on the wall throughout the lesson.
Show "Introduction to the Characteristics of Life" (3:40) on
YouTube. After viewing, ask the students to share
additional ideas about the characteristics of living things
and add student ideas to the anchor chart.
I Do
Probe, Video
clip, Teacher
Have the students set up a 4-column foldable or table.
Head the columns with the following headings:
Date, Scientist, Discovery, and What is the significance of
the discovery?
Using the Discovery Education Video, All Living Things Are
Made of Cells, students will gain information about the first
two components of cell theory.
The final component can be observed using the Bacteria
Cam at www.cellsalive.com. The middle intermediate
from can be adjusted by typing a number into the box
below the image and pressing enter on your keyboard.
Sharing the link with students and letting them manipulate
the slides would be an appropriate incorporation of the
district’s BYOD policy into the activity. Alternatively,
computer stations with the website open can be used.
Have the students create a table in their notebooks with
these column headings: source and evidence to support
cell theory tenant. Have the students label each row with
one tenant of the cell theory. Introduce students to the
rubric for their cell theory presentation (see below)
Assign each student to a partner. They will work together
to complete this investigation and to create a presentation.
Student pairs will move through the stations to find
evidence to support each of the cell theory components.
Each student will record his/her findings in the tables.
Division of Academics – Department of Science
products such
as CER, DI
Finally, revisit the anchor chart. Ask students what they
learned about their understanding of common
characteristics of living organisms.
After students have completed the activity, discuss the
evidence cited by the students. Have students present
their information and justify their evidence.
Exit Slip
Have students create a paper slide video to the Mr. Parr
song "Cells from Other Cells" on YouTube. Students will
create slides (pictures/diagrams) for each verse and chorus.
Once they have illustrated the entire song, they play the
song through speakers and record a video of the slides that
correspond to the song.
See assessment items below
GRRM* Gradual Release of Responsibility Model
Summative Assessment Key
1. A 2. A 3. C
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Summative Assessment:
1. Which of the following is something that all living organisms have in common?
A. They all contain at least one cell.
B. They all need a source of oxygen.
C. They all use other organisms for food.
D. They all find mates to reproduce.
2. If a person cuts his or her finger, eventually the cut will heal and the skin will be whole
again. How does the gap created by the cut get filled?
A. Cells below the cut make copies of themselves and the new cells fill the gap.
B. Cells on either side of the cut pull toward each other until they close the gap.
C. Cells are harvested from other parts of the body and brought to fill the gap.
3. Why are cells considered to be the basic units of life?
Cells have their own organs.
All cells can produce their own food.
The cells do the work that keeps all organisms alive.
Cells form tissues and organs in every living organism.
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Multimedia Project : Cell Theory Presentation Rubric
Teacher Name:
Student Name: ________________________________________
Evidence to
Presentation contains an
Presentation contains an
image that strongly supports
image that supports the
the component of cell theory.
component of cell theory.
of support
Evidence to
of support
Presentation contains an
image that weakly
supports the component
of cell theory.
Image does not provide
support for cell theory
Students have clearly stated
their justification for selecting
the image to support the cell
theory component and
demonstrate good
understanding of how the
image supports the
Presentation contains an
image that strongly supports
the component of cell theory.
Students have stated their
justification for selecting the
image to support the cell
theory component.
Students' justification is
incomplete and/or does
not completely justify their
reason for using the
The students' justification is
incorrect OR the students did
not justify their reasoning for
selecting the image.
Presentation contains an
image that supports the
component of cell theory.
Presentation contains an
image that weakly
supports the component
of cell theory.
Image does not provide
support for cell theory
Students have clearly stated
their justification for selecting
the image to support the cell
theory component and
demonstrate good
understanding of how the
image supports the
Students have stated their
justification for selecting the
image to support the cell
theory component.
Students' justification is
incomplete and/or does
not completely justify their
reason for using the
The students' justification is
incorrect OR the students did
not justify their reasoning for
selecting the image.
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Evidence to
Presentation contains an
image that strongly supports
the component of cell theory.
Presentation contains an
image that supports the
component of cell theory.
Presentation contains an
image that weakly
supports the component
of cell theory.
Image does not provide
support for cell theory
of support
Students have clearly stated
their justification for selecting
the image to support the cell
theory component and
demonstrate good
understanding of how the
image supports the
Source information collected
for all graphics, facts and
quotes. All documented in
desired format using
Students have stated their
justification for selecting the
image to support the cell
theory component.
Students' justification is
incomplete and/or does
not completely justify their
reason for using the
The students' justification is
incorrect OR the students did
not justify their reasoning for
selecting the image.
Source information collected
for all graphics, facts and
quotes. Most documented in
desired format using
Source information
collected for graphics,
facts and quotes, but not
documented in desired
Very little or no source
information was collected.
Attractiveness Makes excellent use of font,
color, graphics, effects, etc. to
enhance the presentation.
Makes good use of font,
Makes use of font, color,
color, graphics, effects, etc. to graphics, effects, etc. but
enhance to presentation.
occasionally these detract
from the presentation
Use of font, color, graphics,
effects etc. but these often
distract from the presentation
Three or fewer misspellings
and/or mechanical errors.
More than 4 errors in spelling
or grammar.
No misspellings or
grammatical errors.
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Four misspellings and/or
grammatical errors.
Animal and Plant Cell Organelles
Benchmark(s): SC.6.L.14.4: Compare and contrast the structure and function of major
organelles of plant and animal cells, including cell wall, cell membrane, nucleus, cytoplasm,
chloroplasts, mitochondria, and vacuoles.
Summary: This activity will help students reinforce their understanding of the organelles that are
present in animal and plant cells. Students will also review the function of each organelle and
the type(s) of cell the organelle is present in. Students will explore a variety of sources included
a hands-on investigation, video, and text to gather information regarding cells and their
Students will Know:
 The organelles which are present in animal and plant cells.
Students will Understand:
 Understand the function of each organelle.
Students will be able to Do:
 Create a model of cell complete with all the proper organelles and describe the function
of those organelles
Essential Question:
Do plant and animal have cells that are more similar to each other or more different than each
Lesson Cycle:
I Do
Display graphics of both plant and animal cells (posters,
Cells Alive, Discovery Ed). Have students compare and
Probe, Video
contrast the two cells.
clip, Teacher
We Do
Students will examine plant and animal cells under a
Investigations, microscope. During the examination students should take
detailed observations in both written and pictorial forms for
each sample observed.
Students will view Nerdy Plant Cell meets Cool Animal Cell
then use the video to clarify their observations and use the
content of the video to explain the observed differences.
Students should use the Discovery Education article “Cells”
as an additional source of information. Applying an active
reading strategy such as predictive vocabulary pre-reading,
text-coding should be used when reading the text and one
sentence summaries of each section.
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Using the information gathered from the investigation,
articles, and video, students will complete a CER in
response to the essential question.
“Do plant and animal have cells that are more similar to
each other or more different than each other?”
Students should:
 Using information from the three sources (personal
observations, reading, video) draw and label a concept
map that shows the similarities and differences between
a plant cell and an animal cell.
 Cite the source of your evidence for each label on your
Exit Slip
See below
products such
as CER, DI
GRRM* Gradual Release of Responsibility Model
Summative Assessment Key:
1. B
2. D
3. B
4. Answers will vary, but should include the following differences
Additional structure in plants
Additional Function
Cell Wall
Plant cells are rigid.
Larger vacuole
Storage of water
Makes food (photosynthesis)
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Summative Assessment:
1. A cell can be seen by looking through a microscope. Seeing which of these organelles
would let you know that you are looking at a plant cell?
A. mitochondria
B. chloroplast
C. cell membrane
D. nucleus
2. In an animal, a muscle cell requires more energy than other cells. Because of this, you
would expect to find more of which type of organelles in muscle cells than in other cells?
A. vacuoles
B. chloroplasts
C. cell walls
D. mitochondria
3. Jordan is making a model of a cell. Where should Jordan place all of the cell's
A. the nucleus
B. the cytoplasm
C. the cell membrane
D. the vacuole
4. Summarize the difference between plant and animal cells. Be sure to include the
structure that make the cells different as well as the functions the cells can perform as a
result of the different structures.
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Organs Wanted
Benchmark(s): SC.6.L.14.5: Identify and investigate the general functions of the major systems
of the human body (digestive, respiratory, circulatory, reproductive, excretory, immune, nervous,
and musculoskeletal) and describe ways these systems interact with each other to maintain
Summary: Students will create “Wanted” posters for the various organs in the human body.
Each poster will have to contain important information about that specific organ. Students will
then have to group organs into “organ gangs” that work together (organ systems). Students will
then have to explain why they grouped the organs together and how each “organ gang” helps
maintain homeostasis in the human body. This lesson has been modified from the lesson at the
following website: http://sciencespot.net/Media/organtrail.pdf
Students will Know:
 The organ systems of the human body and their functions
Students will Understand:
 How the organ systems work together to maintain homeostasis
Students will be able to Do:
 Explain the functions of the organ systems and how they work together to maintain
 Develop a “Wanted” poster
Essential Question: Explain how the organ systems of the human body maintain homeostasis.
Lesson Cycle:
I Do
We Do
Probe, Video
clip, Teacher
products such
as CER, DI
Discuss with the students how different parts of a system
can work together to accomplish a greater goal. Ask
students to describe how this happens in the human body.
Students will be assigned an organ and complete an “Organ
Wanted Poster”. Students will research any necessary
information required to complete the poster.
Students will group their “Organ Wanted Posters” into
“organ gangs” (organ systems) based on the functions
organ and which other organs they work with.
Students will explain the interactions among “organ gangs”
and should focus on the system level functions and how
interaction maintain homeostasis.
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Students will discuss what would happen to the “organ
neighborhood” (entire body) if one “organ gang” were
Exit Slip
See assessment questions below as part of the student
activity sheet.
GRRM* Gradual Release of Responsibility Model
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Student Activity Sheet
Student Name:___________________________________________ Date:_________ Period:______
There are many organs out there that are wanted by Sheriff Brainmatter. It’s your job as a Sheriff’s Deputy to
help find these wanted organs! You will need to create “Organ Wanted” posters and then group the “Organ
Wanted” posters into appropriate groups depending on the organ’s specialty.
Organ Wanted Posters should include the following information:
1. Organ Name
2. Drawing and description of what the organ looks like.
3. Location in the human body
4. Wanted For (Function of the organ)
5. Known Associates (Organs it works with)
Figuring out the “Organ Gangs”:
Once you have finished your Organ Wanted Posters, organize the wanted posters into “organ gangs” (organ
system) that work together. Place your grouped posters onto a bulletin board or whiteboard.
Assessment Questions: Answer these question on separate sheet of paper or in your science journals.
1. Describe how you decided which organs should be grouped together.
2. Compare and contrast digestive system and circulatory system.
3. Describe how different organ systems (organ gangs) work together to maintain homeostasis in the
human body.
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Student Name:__________________________ Period:______________
Organ Wanted!
Organ Name: ____________________________________________________________________________
Physical Description: ____________________________________________________________________
Wanted For (Function): ___________________________________________________________________
Know Associates (Organs it works with): ____________________________________________________
Other Important Information:_______________________________________________________________
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Organizing Organisms
Adapted from: http://oceanservice.noaa.gov/education/yos/curriculum/ecologybyinquiry.pdf
Benchmark: SC.6.L.15.1: Analyze and describe how and why organisms are classified
according to shared characteristics, with emphasis on the Linnaean system combined with the
concept of Domains.
Students will be engaged with grouping invertebrates and presented information about the
diversity of life in the six kingdoms. Students will then explore various possibilities of grouping
organisms based on shared characteristics and have the opportunity to classify a set of
organisms into the six kingdoms. Students will then be presented with a DI menu to provide
varied forms of creating a Claim-Evidence-Reasoning to explain their thinking about the
essential question. Students can then enrich their understanding on the Linnaean system of
classification by
Prior to implementing this resource, teachers should ensure all needed images are separated
for groups by activity (invertebrate grouping and kingdom identification). Additionally, the
Invertebrate images can be found at the link above on pages 16-19 of the pdf.
Students will Know:
 The structure of the Linnaean system of classification.
 The basic characteristics of the Domains Bacteria, Archaea and Eukarya and the
Kingdoms Protist, Fungus, Plant and Animal.
Students will Understand:
 How and why organisms are classified according to shared characteristics
Students will be able to Do:
 Describe the Linnaean system of classification.
 Classify organisms into Domains and Kingdoms.
Essential Question:
How and why are organisms classified?
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Lesson Cycle:
We Do
Present cards of invertebrate drawings to small groups.
Point out that one characteristic that can be used to
separate the set of organisms into two groups is the
presence or absence of wings noting that these two large
groups still contain very different organisms (Neither an ant
or an earthworm have wings).
Present the “Domains and Kingdoms” table provided below
or other source of similar information to review the domains
and kingdoms and model how the information from the
pictures can be used to classify all the invertebrates as
I Do
Probe, Video
clip, Teacher
products such
as CER, DI
Have students create their own groupings of the
invertebrates. Students should note the members of larger
groups (such as winged and wingless) and more narrow
groups. Their final classified organisms should resemble
how the Linnaean system of classification goes from broad
Domains to specific species.
Provide students with a set of mystery organisms that the
students will classify into kingdoms. A sample set is
provided below.
Students will respond to the essential question based on
their experiences in this lesson in the form of a ClaimEvidence-Reasoning.
Students may select from a variety of creation/presentation
styles to share their CERs such as a creating a poem/song,
comic strip, poster, or RAFT written response.
1. If a scientist discovers a new species how do you
think they classify it?
2. Given an organism of an unknown kingdom,
members of which kingdom were the most difficult to
classify? Why?
GRRM* Gradual Release of Responsibility Model
Exit Slip
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Kingdom Identification
(Note that students only need to identify the kingdom, but the organisms have also
need identified.)
1. Anthrax - bacteria
2. L.casei – fungi
3. Kelp - protista
4. Leech - animal
5. Sea sponge - animal
6. Moss - plant
7. Bread mold - fungi
8. Mycorrhizae - fungi
9. Water lily - plant
10. Protazoa - protista
11. Blue-green algae - bacteria
Summative assessment
1. C
2. Protista
3. C
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Summative Assessment:
1. According to the modern classification system, which list is written correctly from least
specific to most specific?
A. species, genus, family, order
B. phylum, class, genus, order
C. class, order, genus, species
D. phylum, order, species, family
2. Into which kingdom would you classify this euglena?
3. A scientists discovered a new species organism and is trying to classify it into one of the
kingdoms. The possible kingdoms have been narrowed down to animal and fungi. Which of the
following characteristics would be most helpful in determining the proper kingdom?
A. Absence of a nucleus
B. Absence of a chloroplast
C. Absorbing nutrients from the environment
D. Having many cells
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Division of Academics – Department of Science
This organism can cause illness and
death in humans and is among the
simplest of living things. It reproduces
asexually and can be found living in soil.
Although it looks like an aquatic plant, this is
actually a colony of many unicellular
Often found in yogurt, this helpful
prokaryote is thought to improve the
health of our digestive systems.
Often viewed as a parasite, this blood sucker
has been used in medical treatments including
the pain management of chronic back pain.
Division of Academics – Department of Science
This is among the simplest members of its
kingdom. It is a multicellular organism that has a
body full of pores and channels allowing water to
circulate. This circulating water does more than
keep the sea creature wet. The moving water
allows it to filter water of bacteria, protists, and
debris from other living things as a source of
If you buy some bread and don’t eat it fast
enough, this organism will gladly eat it for
you. This unicellular organism can often
develop strong hair-like structures on
bread because of its durable cell wall.
The shortest member of its kingdom, this
will grow on just about any surface as long
as it has a moist environment and some
Division of Academics – Department of Science
It’s not the plant in the picture, but the
round objects growing on the roots. They
provide an important benefit to the plant by
turning nitrogen gas into a useable fertilizer
for the plant. Be careful not to confuse this
organism with a plant. It has a cell wall, but
doesn’t have chloroplast.
You can see two of the specialized structures
in this picture that should help identify it.
While this organism is photosynthetic, it’s
not a plant. We know this because it lacks
a nucleus.
The organisms need a microscope to see,
but they can move around and eat just like
we do.
Division of Academics – Department of Science
7th Grade Benchmark Resources
Division of Academics – Department of Science
A Rocky Adventure
From CPalms
Benchmark(s): SC.7.E.6.2: Identify the patterns within the rock cycle and relate them to surface events
(weathering and erosion) and subsurface events (plate tectonics and mountain building).
To teach this lesson, begin with an engagement which consist of showing students samples of igneous,
sedimentary and metamorphic rocks and ask them if they know why the rocks look different from each
other. After a brief discussion, tell students that they are going to pretend to be a rock and they will be
moving through the rock cycle and recording what is happening to them as they go. In the explore
section of the lesson each student (representing a rock) will travel through the rock cycle and complete a
travel information worksheet. Students will see the following stations set up around the room: Earth’s
Interior, Soil, River, Oceans, Clouds, Mountains, and Volcanoes and the teacher will direct students to
their starting station. Students will roll a paper dice which will gives them information about what
happens to their rock which they will record on their travel sheet and then move on to the next station as
directed by the instructions on the dice. As students are completing the activity, the teacher will move
around the room asking students guiding questions which are provided for this activity. During the
explain portion, students will create a cartoon drawing of their path through the rock cycle which they will
share with other students. After the cartoons have been shared, the teacher will guide students through
a class discussion on the rock cycle and provide any additional information that is missing from the
students’ explanations. Students will then write a conclusion statement in their science journals. The
elaboration/extension portion consists of students explaining how erosion can have both a positive and
a negative effect on the rock cycle. The exit slip is three questions about the rock cycle.
Students will Know:
 The three main types of rocks are igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary.
Students will Understand:
 The type of rocks that form depends on the conditions under which the material is located such
as exposure to weathering and erosion on the surface of Earth and heat and/or pressure within
the Earth.
Students will be able to Do:
 Illustrate and explain the changes rocks undergo in the rock cycle.
Essential Question: Differentiate between igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks including what
must occur in the rock cycle for them to form and what specific surface and subsurface events lead to
changes in rock types.
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Lesson Cycle:
I Do
We Do
Probe, Video
clip, Teacher
Show students a few samples of igneous, metamorphic and
sedimentary rocks and ask them if they know why the rocks
look different from each other.
Tell the students that they are going to pretend to be a rock.
They will be moving through the rock cycle and recording
what is happening to them as they go.
Go to the following website to find the "Ride the Rock cycle"
worksheets and dice. (prepare ahead of time)
Guiding Questions:
What is the rock cycle?
What types of rocks are formed in the rock cycle?
What causes the rocks to undergo changes?
products such
as CER, DI
Students will work individually. Give each student a
 Set up the following stations in the classroom: Earth’s
Interior, Soil, River, Oceans, Clouds, Mountains,
 Prepare the paper dice for each station.
 Send equal numbers of students to each station. Each
student will roll the paper dice and record what
happened to them (listed on the dice). They will then
go to whatever station is listed on the dice.
 They will roll the dice at the new station, record the
information and move as directed until their worksheet
is filled.
Analyze and Conclude: Students will create a cartoon
drawing of their path through the rock cycle.
Class Discussion: how long the cycles would take, discuss
types of rock and what can happen to them
Comparing and Contrasting: Students will share their
“cycle” with another student in the class
Check for Understanding: Have students write conclusion
statements in their science journals. Students should
discover the following: The rock cycle is a continuous
pathway of changing rock. There are forces on the surface of
the Earth and underneath the Earth that cause these
Teacher Explanation: Rocks are continually changing.
Forces inside the earth bring them closer to the surface and
forces on the earth sink them back down.
Have the students explain how erosion can have both a
positive and a negative effect on the rock cycle.
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Exit Slip
Compare and contrast the three types of rocks including how
they are each formed.
GRRM* Gradual Release of Responsibility Model
Summative Assessment Key:
1. C
2. D
3. B
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Summative Assessment:
1. Many small rocks fall to the bottom of the ocean or a river. A scientist notices rock layers that
have formed on the ocean bottom. What type of rock is this?
a. Lava
b. Igneous
c. Sedimentary d. Metamorphic
2. When heat and pressure transform a rock type into another rock type, what rock type is formed?
a. Diamonds
c. Sedimentary
b. Metamorphic
d. Igneous
3. The diagram below shows a rock sample and an identification key.
After observing the structure of this rock, how should it be classified?
a. volcanic
b. sedimentary
c. metamorphic
d. igneous
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Dig It! (A Thematic Integrated Geology Unit)
SC.7.E.6.4: Explain and give examples of how physical evidence supports scientific theories that Earth
has evolved over geologic time due to natural processes.
SC.7.E.6.3 : Identify current methods for measuring the age of Earth and its parts, including the law of
superposition and radioactive dating.
SC.7.N.1.5 :Describe the methods used in the pursuit of a scientific explanation as seen in different fields
of science such as biology, geology, and physics.
MAFS.6.NS.3.8 :Solve real-world and mathematical problems by graphing points in all four quadrants of
the coordinate plane. Include use of coordinates and absolute value to find distances between points
with the same first coordinate or the same second coordinate
LAFS.68.WHST.1.2 :Write informative/explanatory texts, including the narration of historical events,
scientific procedures/ experiments, or technical processes.
a. Introduce a topic clearly, previewing what is to follow; organize ideas, concepts, and
information into broader categories as appropriate to achieving purpose; include
formatting (e.g., headings), graphics (e.g., charts, tables), and multimedia when useful to
aiding comprehension.
b. Develop the topic with relevant, well-chosen facts, definitions, concrete details, quotations,
or other information and examples.
c. Use appropriate and varied transitions to create cohesion and clarify the relationships
among ideas and concepts.
d. Use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary to inform about or explain the topic.
e. Establish and maintain a formal style and objective tone.
f. Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from and supports the information
or explanation presented.
To teach this lesson, begin with an engagement which consists of students viewing an assortment of
pictures around the room such as images of extinct creatures, actual paleontological dig sites, and areas
on Earth where rock layers are visible. A short movie clip of Jurassic Park will be shown to demonstrate
an example of a paleontologist and draw on potential prior knowledge. Students will be told that they will
be paleontologists for this activity, learning how to uncover fossils and determining their relative age
based on the relative age of the rock layer in which they were found. In the explore section of the lesson,
students will complete an investigative activity, Digging in the Tub to determine the relative age of rock
layers and fossils. During this activity, students will use appropriate scientific techniques that will emulate
the work of paleontologists, including excavation and data collection. Students will analyze their data and
class data during the explain portion of the lesson using a large table and graph at the front of the room.
Students will participate in a discussion about what students learned in the activities and the teacher
should revisit guiding questions to ensure that students have mastered the concepts. Students will
complete a CER (Claim, Evidence, Reasoning) for the following question: How do you know which rock
layer and/or fossils is the oldest and which is the youngest? The elaboration/extension portion offers
several options such as students investigating an additional dig involving models of various animals to
simulate an evolution discussion, or artifacts of different cultures could be buried and then unearthed by
other students who would then use their knowledge of cultures to determine the artifact's origin(Social
Studies connection). The exit slip requires students to analyze a diagram of rock layers and answer
Students will Know:
Division of Academics – Department of Science
The Law of Superposition states that in horizontal rock layers the lower layers of rock are older
than the upper layers of rock.
Students will Understand:
 A geologic event such as folding or faulting of rock layers can break and or shift the horizontal
rock layers.
Students will be able to Do:
 Using the Law of Superposition, determine the relative age of rock layers and fossils and explain
the effect that folding, faulting or other geologic events can have on determining the relative age
of rocks and fossils.
Students will apply appropriate scientific techniques that will emulate the work of paleontologists,
including excavation and data collection.
Students will solve a real-world problem by graphing points on a coordinate plane and finding the
distances between the points.
Students will write an informative text on a semi-imagined experience using effective technique,
well chosen facts, and domain specific vocabulary.
Essential Question: Apply the Law of Superposition to determine the relative age of rock layers and
fossils and demonstrate an understanding that evidence exists to support that Earth has evolved over
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Lesson Cycle:
I Do
Probe, Video
clip, Teacher
We Do
The teacher can be as creative/dramatic as they want
setting the stage for the project. The room can be filled with
images of extinct creatures, actual paleontological dig sites,
and areas on Earth where rock layers are visible. Students
can be told that they will be paleontologists for the next few
days, learning how to uncover fossils and determining their
relative age based on the relative age of the rock layer in
which they were found. Teachers can show a short
(appropriate) clip of Jurassic Park or simply show an
image of Alan Grant from the movie to demonstrate a
popular example of a paleontologist and draw on
potential prior knowledge. Teachers may choose to
explain the difference between archaeologists and
Guiding Questions: (for teacher and to be used during
 What does the depth of a rock layer or fossil tell you
about its age?
 How do paleontologists ensure accurate data
collection during an excavation?
 How could the conditions of a real paleontological
dig site be described?
What can fossils tell scientists about the evolution of the
Earth in the area they are found?
Activity #1 Digging in the Tub (Teacher instructions
Dig It lesson plan Procedures (see attached document)
Dig It Investigation Sheet (see attached document)
Examples of images are also attached that could be
used to print, laminate, and cut (rather than puzzles)
*Teachers should demonstrate how to set up and use the
grid on top of the plastic tub
*Make sure students document the exact location of each
piece (including depth) as they find it on the grid and graph
*Idea: the fossils kits with the tub of sand work well for this
Activity #2 Big Dig-(optional)
Teacher instructions attached
Dig It lesson plan Procedures (see attached document)
Division of Academics – Department of Science
products such
as CER, DI
Dig It Investigation Sheet (see attached document)
(Dig It Investigation Sheet is attached)
Teachers can use a teacher created chart or graph paper
for students to document the location of their fossils.
Interpretations of the relative age of each fossil should be
documented. A class-size version of the graph/chart should
be made available to transfer each group's data so
everyone can see. The format of the Journal writing can be
dependent on the teacher.
Class Discussion: Students must refer to their data and
the class data. The teacher should revisit guiding questions
to ensure that students have mastered the material.
Students will complete:
A CER (Claim, Evidence, Reasoning) for:
How do you know which rock layer and/or fossil is the
oldest and which is the youngest?
You Do
Exit Slip
Journal Entry
Explain what you learned in this activity with the focus on
how to use the Law of Superposition to determine the
relative ages of rock layers and fossils.
Possible extension would be an additional dig involving
models of various animals to simulate an evolution
discussion. Teachers could obtain a model/puzzle skeleton
of a bird, lizard, and dinosaur then bury each and have the
students compare the bones and physical structures and
develop a thesis on which animal most likely evolved from
the dinosaur. Or discussion could happen using images
Teachers could also involve Social Studies and have
students create/find artifacts related to various cultures they
studied. These artifacts could be buried and then unearthed
by other students who would then use their knowledge of
the cultures to determine the artifact's origin.
Create a 3-D model of rock layers including fossils, index
fossils, intrusions, extrusion, folds and faults. Students
must label all rock layers and parts and explain which
layers of rocks are the oldest and youngest and which
fossils are considered index fossils. Why?
Analyze diagram and answer questions.
GRRM* Gradual Release of Responsibility Model
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Summative Assessment Key:
1. A
2. B
3. D
4. D
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Summative Assessment:
1. The relative age of a rock is:
A. its age compared with the ages of other rocks.
B. less than the age of the fossils the rock contains.
C. the number of years since the rock formed.
D. its age based on how much carbon-14 the rock contains.
2. Which method is most appropriate for finding out which of the layers to the
right is the youngest?
A. Radioactive dating using half-life
B. Applying the Law of Superposition
C. Analyzing the color of the layers
D. Measuring the thickness of the layer
3. Two fossils that appear to be from the same type of organism are found in two different layers of rock.
The layers of rock are shown below.
Which can be determined from the location of the fossils?
A. the prey of the organisms
B. the predators of the organism
C. the cause of death for each organism
D. the relative age of each organism
4. Base your answer to this question on the geologic cross section below. Overturning has not occurred.
The dike and sills shown in the cross section are igneous intrusions.
Which of these rock layers is the oldest?
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Student version/handout
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Division of Academics – Department of Science
Dig It! Teacher Instructions
Part 1: Digging in the Tub
-one clear plastic tub per group (approx. size of large shoe box)
-playground sand, soil, loose clay, pebbles (enough to fill each tub about ¾ of the way)
-wooden puzzles with 10-12 big pieces (with animal or plant images), alternatively could print and
laminate images on card stock and cut out
-plastic spoons (sturdy), at least one per group
-small paint brushes, at least one per group
-tape (masking tape to secure the string)
-graph paper (optional)
-ruler (one per group)
Procedures Prior to student arrival
(and in between classes as necessary)
-pour a small amount of sand into the tub
-randomly place a puzzle piece on top of the layer of sand
-pour soil into the tub, and place another puzzle piece on that layer of soil, repeat using different ground
covering materials until there are enough layers so that each member of the group will be able to find at
least one puzzle piece
*if desired, can use cardboard or other material between layers to create a fold/fault line
During the Investigation
-encourage students to use tools appropriately (as they saw/read about prior to investigating)
-encourage students to use string to create a coordinate grid on top of the plastic tub prior to digging and
then document the exact location of each piece (including depth) as they find it, either on graph paper or
a grid
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Part 2: Big Dig (optional)
-large sandbox/in ground sand pit, use multiple materials to create the layers (ex. soil, sand, pebbles,
clay, etc…)
-large wooden puzzle pieces (suggest dinosaurs, ex bcbones.com)
-masking tape to secure the string
-garden trowels (one per group)
-large paint brushes (one per group)
-graph paper (optional)
-meter sticks (one per group)
Procedures Prior to student arrival
(and in between classes as necessary)
-bury the puzzle pieces randomly throughout the sandbox/pit, making sure that they are at various
depths and distances from each other
-bury enough pieces so that each student will find at least one
*throughout the day, the digging of the students will create natural folds and faults in the layers so that
different classes will find different layers at different depths, this could be shared later to demonstrate
changes over time
During the Investigation
-explain to the students that the sandbox/pit represents a very large dig site (entire state, country, etc…
so that items at the same depth may not be in the same rock layer)
-encourage students to use tools appropriately (as they saw/read about prior to investigating)
-encourage students to use string to create a coordinate grid on top of the pit/sandbox prior to digging
and then document the exact location of each piece (including depth) as they find it, either on graph
paper or a grid
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Dig It! Investigation Sheet
Part 1: Digging in the Tub
Draw below what layers you observe when viewing the tub from the side
Excavation – use string to create a coordinate grid on the top of your tub similar to the one below
Data - On the chart below, indicate the location of your fossils as viewed from above (be sure write the
depth, in cm, of the fossil also next to each point)
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Analysis –
Which fossil was the oldest? How do you know? _____________________________________
What evidence can you gather from your excavation that the area you were digging in has changed over
time? ________________________________
Daily Journal (describe below your “experience” during the dig and your scientific findings):
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Part 2: Big Dig
Excavation – use string to create a coordinate grid on the top of your tub similar to the one below
Data - On the chart below, indicate the location of your fossils as viewed from above (be sure write the
depth, in cm, of the fossil also next to each point)
Draw below what layers you believe existed in the area you were digging
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Analysis –
Which fossil was the oldest? How do you know? _____________________________________
What evidence can you gather from your excavation that the area you were digging in has changed over
time? ________________________________
Daily Journal (describe below your “experience” during the dig and your scientific findings):
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Name ___________________________________________ Date
_______________________________________________ Period __________________
Law of Superposition – younger rocks lie above older rocks in an undisturbed sequence. Fossils are
the same age as the rock layer in which they are found, with older fossils in the older rock layers.
Using the diagram and key below, answer the following questions:
1. What fossil is the oldest? How do you know?
2. What fossil is the youngest? How do you know?
3. Which has been around longer: birds or reptiles? How did you know?
4. Using what you know about how rocks formed, how did the intrusion form?
5. There is a layer of extrusive rocks in the diagram, how did it get there? What event happened?
6. Which is younger, the intrusion or rock layer C? How do you know?
7. There is grass growing on top of all the layers, yet there are remains of sea life below, how is that
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Title: Plate Tectonics
Benchmark(s): SC.7.E.6.5 Explore the scientific theory of plate tectonics by describing how the movement of
Earth’s crustal plates causes both slow and rapid changes in Earth’s surface, including volcanic eruptions,
earthquakes, and mountain building.
Summary: This lesson is designed to both provide students with direct instruction on the Theory of Plate Tectonics
as well as to give students a chance to explore plate tectonics through a hands on lab. If the teacher feels as if
their students would be better served to do one or the other, this lesson can definitely be modified. As it has been
written, the lesson starts with an introduction to plate tectonics through an engaging video (embedded in the
PowerPoint that shows clips of different types of geologic activity. The students can be prompted before the video
with a guiding question. For the “I do” portion after the video, students will take guided notes (attached) as the
teacher leads them through a PowerPoint. Students will copy the highlighted words into blanks on their guided
notes. Periodically, students will also answer questions on the left side of their journal (when prompted.) The left
side questions are meant to be checks for understanding to assess whether students are following along. During
the “we do” portion of the lesson, students will be paired or grouped together to complete the “Plate Tectonics Lab.”
This lab takes students through a number of steps to illustrate the difference between plate boundaries through the
manipulation of a Milky Way bar (mini) or modeling clay. As the students complete each part of the lab, they will
answer the questions associated with each boundary. At the end of the lab they will answer the conclusion
questions. If time permits, students will complete the independent practice worksheet on their own (if there is no
time they can do this for homework.) For lesson closure, students will be given approximately 10 minutes to
complete their exit slips.
Students will Know: Students will know that the Earth’s crust is broken into plates and that these plates move due
to convection currents in the Earth’s mantle. They will also know how to identify different types of plate boundaries
by the direction that they are moving.
Students will Understand: Students will understand that different types of plate boundaries cause different
landforms and geologic activity. They will also understand that most geologic activity on Earth occurs at the
boundaries of tectonic plates.
Students will be able to Do: Explain why plate movement occurs on Earth and identify which types of plate
boundaries cause certain landforms and geologic activity. Students will also predict types of geologic activity they
might find at a particular plate boundary.
Essential Question: How does Earth’s surface change over time?
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Lesson Cycle:
I Do
Assessment Probe,
Video clip, Teacher
Introduction: One-minute video placed in the beginning of the PowerPoint to
engage students on how plate tectonics affect us. In the event that the embedded
video does not play properly, you can find the video through Discovery Education
titled: An Introduction to Continental Drift
“I do”: PowerPoint presentation on plate tectonics with guided notes (attached.)
Students will copy the highlighted word into the blanks in their guided notes and
then answer the check for understanding questions on the left side of the journal
when prompted.
Labs, Investigations,
DI Opportunities
“We do”: Students will complete the Plate Tectonics lab in pairs or groups. The
lab uses 2 small Milky Way bars per group for materials. It can be adapted to be
done with modeling clay as well. Students will answer the questions as they go
along with the lab.
Student products
such as CER, DI
“We do”: Students will answer the conclusion questions on the plate tectonics lab
Research, Home
“You do”: If time allows, students can work on the independent practice worksheet
on plate tectonics (attached.) If time doesn’t allow during class, this can be
assigned for homework.
Exit Slip
Closure: Exit slip (attached)
To download the PowerPoint presentation, copy and paste the below link into your
web browser:
GRRM* Gradual Release of Responsibility Model
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Exit Slip Name _______________________________________ Date _______________ Period __________
2. The Andes Mountains are the longest of all of the
1. Imagine that far away in the universe in an
world’s continental mountain ranges. Which of the
undiscovered location, there is a planet very
following correctly explains how this mountain range was
similar to Earth. However, the core of this
planet is not very hot, and its mantle is
uniformly cool rock. Temperature differences
influence the movement of materials within
Earth. A planet with a cool mantle should
experience different levels of activity on its
surface. How would this be most likely to
influence activity on this planet’s surface?
This planet would still experience movement of
geologic features, such as volcanoes, earthquakes,
and mountain building.
If the mantle did not have cool rock sinking and
hot rock rising, there would be even more volcanic
eruptions, earthquakes, and mountain building.
If the mantle did not have cool rock sinking and
hot rock rising, there would not be hot magma rising to
the surface as volcanic eruptions, but tectonic plates
would still move past each other causing earthquakes
and mountain buildings.
If the mantle did not have cool rock sinking and
hot rock rising, there would not be hot magma rising to
the surface as volcanic eruptions, and the flow
responsible for moving the tectonic plates would not
occur, so the continents would probably remain in one
Which of the following is most responsible for the
formation of new crust at the edge
of a tectonic plate?
a. mountain building at a continent-continent
convergent boundary
b. magma rising up from the mantle at a divergent
c. two tectonic plates sliding past one another at
a transform boundary.
d. Subduction of one oceanic plate under another
at a convergent boundary.
5. According to the Theory of Plate Tectonics, the
movement of plates can form Mountain ranges
and valleys. Within the next 100 million years, the
Great Rift Valley in Africa will most likely become
a. Folded mountain range
b. Flat eroded plain
c. Desert covered with lava
d. Wider and deeper valley
Tectonic plates collided, and Earth’s crust
was pushed upwards
b. Tectonic plates separated, and exposed
magma boiled upwards.
c. Tectonic plates slid past each other and
pushed material upwards.
d. Tectonic plates collided, and thousands of
volcanoes were formed.
4. The Great Rift Valley in Africa is a land feature on
Earth’s surface caused by the movement of crustal
plates. Continued movement of the plates is gradually
making the rift deeper. How are the plates around the
Great Rift Valley moving?
a. The plates are colliding.
b. One plate is sliding beneath a less dense
c. The plates are grinding against one
another along a fault.
d. The plates are spreading apart and
moving in opposite directions.
6. The youngest rocks on the ocean floor are typically
located near what feature?
a. A mid-ocean ridge
b. A continental shelf
c. An abyssal plain
d. A subduction trench,
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Date_____________________ Period_______
Plate Tectonics Lab
The top solid layer of the Earth is called the lithosphere. It is made of the crust and the top solid part of
the mantle. It is broken into small sections called plates. The plates fit together like a puzzle on the
surface of the Earth but they aren’t connected. Each plate floats independently on the asthenosphere (a
molten plastic-like portion of the mantle below the lithosphere). Below the lithosphere and asthenosphere
lies the rest of the mantle and the core (as pictured above). The location where two plates are touching is
called a plate boundary. Plates interact with each other at this boundary. If plates are moving into each
other, the boundary is called a convergent boundary. If the plates are moving away from each other, the
boundary is a divergent boundary. If one plate is sliding past the other plate, the boundary is called a
transform boundary. During this activity you will model all of these boundaries while comparing the layers
of a Milky Way candy bar to the lithosphere, asthenosphere, and mantle of the Earth.
Obtain two small Milky Way candy bars. DON’T eat either of them yet!! (you will each get to eat
one later)
Try to divide one of your candy bars in half without squishing it (as much as possible) (don’t do
this to both candy bars…save one for later)
1. Look at the 3 main layers of the Milky Way. In the boxes below, just describe each of the layers on
the candy bar (For example, the top chocolate layer is hard, dark, waxy, and breaks into pieces easy,
Division of Academics – Department of Science
2. Which of the layers of the Milky Way candy bar is the most like the lithosphere? How are
they similar?
3. Which of the layers of the Milky Way candy bar is the most like the asthenosphere? How are
they similar?
4. Which of the layers of the Milky Way candy bar is the most like the lower mantle? How are
they similar?
5. Does this candy bar have layers that represent the inner and outer cores?
Unwrap the other candy bar.
Press on the top of the candy bar lightly with your fingernail in several spots to make a
few cracks across the top. The broken chocolate pieces represent tectonic plates.
Hold each end of the candy bar with your thumb and forefinger
SLOWLY stretch the candy bar, pulling it no more than 1/2 inch.
6. Which type of plate boundary did you create? Why do you say this?
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7. Draw a picture of what you see in the box below.
8. If the caramel beneath was really magma from the asthenosphere of the Earth. Where
would the newest crust form? Near the outer edges of the candy bar or where the candy bar
split? Why?
Slowly push the stretched candy bar back together and keep pushing until it crumples the
You should see the chocolate pieces crumble, become “up-lifted,” or slide beneath one
9. Which type of plate boundary did you create? Why do you say this?
10. Draw a picture of what you see in the box below.
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11. What do you think the “up-lifted” pieces of chocolate represent if this was the real
lithosphere rather than a candy bar? (What parts of the crust are lifted up on Earth) Why do you
say this?
12. On Earth, the plates actually get uplifted or they get pushed beneath each other. What do
you think would happen to a plate that was being pushed underneath another plate and pushed
into the asthenosphere/mantle? (Remember the asthenosphere/mantle is molten hot).
1. State the Theory of Plate Tectonics.
2. What are the evidences here on Earth to support the Theory of Plate Tectonics?
3. Can you use a Snicker’s candy bar to model the Theory of Plate Tectonics? Explain why or
why not.
4. Why is the Earth’s lithosphere considered a giant jigsaw puzzle?
5. List and define the three types of tectonic plate boundaries.
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6. Our crust is divided into many plates. Using the map below, color or highlight the plate
boundaries using three separate colors. Fill in the key below with the colors you're using.
7. Using your map, draw a star where there would be new crust.
8. Using your map, draw a triangle where there would be mountains.
9. Using your map, draw a circle where there would be earthquakes due to a fault line.
10. Locate Florida. What's the name of the tectonic plate that we live on?
11. Locate Australia. What's the name of the tectonic plate that Australians live on?
12. In California, the San Andreas Fault causes many earthquakes. Locate California on the
world map. Which two plates grind against one another to cause these earthquakes?
Division of Academics – Department of Science
13. Haiti is located just southeast of Florida. In 2010, Haiti experienced a terrible earthquake.
Why do you think that happened?
14. The Theory of Continental Drift states that all of the continents were, at one point, joined
together as one in a supercontinent called Pangaea. Over time, Pangaea broke apart, due to
plate tectonics. Do you think that the continents could ever be joined together again into another
supercontinent? Why or why not? Explain in complete sentences.
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Name____________________________________ Date___________________ Period______
Plate Tectonics Independent Practice
4. In your own words, state the theory of plate tectonics?
5.Describe what happens when two plates carrying oceanic crust collide.
6. Describe what happens when two plates carrying continental crust collide
7. Describe what happens when a plate carrying oceanic crust collides with a plate carrying continental crust.
8. Explain what force caused the movement of the continents from one supercontinent to their present positions.
9. A scientific _________________ is a well-tested concept that explains a wide range of observations.
10. Breaks in Earth’s crust where rocks have slipped past each other are called _________________.
11.The lithosphere is broken into separate sections called _________________.
12. A(n) _________________ is a deep valley on land that forms along a divergent boundary.
13. The geological theory that states that pieces of Earth’s crust are in constant, slow motion is called
Use the figure below to answer the questions that follow:
1. Name and describe the feature of the ocean floor shown at A.
2. What type of boundary is shown at B? ___________________________
3. Where is the newest crust found in this diagram? How do you know?
Division of Academics – Department of Science
4. What process is shown at C? Why does this occur?
5. Why does the oceanic crust travel underneath the continental crust? When one crust travels underneath
another what is this called?
6. Why are there mountains located on the coastline? What type of boundary did they form on?
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Draw each type of boundary
Boundary Type
Essential Question
– Rigid upper _________________________ broken.
– Large slabs of rock are called ________________________.
– Move in different ______________________________.
– Convection currents in Earth’s mantle _____________________
Convection transfer of energy between earth’s hot
________________ and its cooler ______________________.
• There are three main types of plate
• Boundaries are where one plate meets another.
• Most ______________________ activity happens along plate
– Two plates ______________ horizontally past each other.
– Creates _______________________ in crust.
– Creates _________________________________.
Boundary Type
– Two plates move _______________________ each other.
– When one plate goes down beneath the other and melts in the mantle
it is called _________________________.
– ______________________ are created at subduction zones.
– These boundaries create many __________________ and
– Tectonic Plates move apart.
– _________________________________ and mid ocean ridges form.
– New Crust forms when _______________________ cools.
Boundary Type
Boundary Type
Division of Academics – Department of Science
The Electromagnetic Spectrum
From CPalms
Benchmark(s): SC.7.P.10.1: Illustrate that the Sun’s energy arrives as radiation with a wide range of
wavelengths, including infrared, visible, and ultraviolet, and that white light is made up of a spectrum of
many different colors.
To teach this lesson, begin with an engagement which consist of placing students in groups of three and
showing students a NASA picture of the Sun’s radiation going to Earth and the Earth’s magnetosphere
protecting/shielding the Earth and then ask questions which students will answer on a white board. In the
explore section of the lesson each group will complete an activity of arranging information cards of
different types of electromagnetic radiation on the electromagnetic spectrum. The teacher will have a set
of guiding questions that she/he will ask the groups as they are working on the activity. After all the
groups have arranged their cards, each group will write the answers to a set on questions on the white
board and then the teacher will randomly call on students from each group to answer the questions.
During the explain portion, the teacher and students will have a discussion about what they learned in
the activity and also revisit their responses to questions from the engagement portion of the lesson. The
teacher will provide any information that the students need in order to have a better understanding of the
electromagnetic spectrum. The students will then create a visual that shows they have mastered the
electromagnetic spectrum including that the different types of radiation (waves) are arranged by
wavelength (longest to shortest), the frequency (lowest to highest) and energy (lowest to highest). The
visual should also include the color spectrum of visible light and the different uses of each type of
radiation. The elaboration/extension portion consists of students doing research about two questions:
Why is visible light the only part of the electromagnetic spectrum we can see without special equipment?
and Why is UV radiation dangerous to us but not radio waves? The exit slip is three questions about the
electromagnetic spectrum.
Students will Know:
 The Sun’s energy arrives as radiation which consists of a variety of types of electromagnetic
Students will Understand:
 The energy from the Sun is arranged on the electromagnetic spectrum based on the wave’s
 Each type of electromagnetic radiation has specific uses and/or applications.
Students will be able to Do:
 Compare and contrast the types of radiation in terms of their arrangement on the electromagnetic
spectrum and their common uses and/or applications.
Essential Question: Compare and/or contrast the variety of types of radiation present in radiation from
the Sun.
Lesson Cycle:
I Do
Students are in groups of 3. Number each student from 1 to 3.
Show students a NASA picture of the Sun’s radiation going to Earth
and the Earth’s magnetosphere protecting/shielding the Earth. (see
Probe, Video
clip, Teacher
Ask: What event is this picture showing us?
2s write down all of the groups’ observations on the white board.
Randomly call on students to share groups’ answers.
Division of Academics – Department of Science
We Do
products such
as CER, DI
Guiding Questions:
 What types of energy are coming from the Sun?
 Based on what piece of information did your arrange the
 Which electromagnetic waves have the longest
 Which electromagnetic waves have the shortest
Activity: (Materials are attached to the document)
Ask: Many forms of energy (or radiation) come from the Sun. What
are they? 3s add their groups’ answers to the observations on the
white wipe boards. Give each group the strip of paper depicting a
wave and the 7 information cards about electromagnetic waves. (
see attachment) Tell the students that they are to read the cards
and put them in order along the wave picture.
Ask: What specific information did your groups use to organize
cards? What other information did the cards provide?
After all the groups have arranged their cards, 1s answer the
following questions on the white wipe boards.
Which electromagnetic wave has the longest wavelength?
Which electromagnetic wave has the shortest wavelength?
What wave property increased as the wavelength decreased?
What happens to the energy as the wavelength decreases?
Randomly call on students to share the groups’ answers.
Direct Instruction/Discussion: The electromagnetic spectrum is
the entire range of electromagnetic waves arranged according to
their wavelengths. Radio waves have the longest wavelengths and
gamma rays have the shortest. As the wavelengths get shorter, the
frequencies get higher and the energy het higher. All of these
electromagnetic waves come from the Sun (but they also come
from other sources as well)
Returning to the NASA picture in the engagement activity: The
Earth’s magnetosphere (magnetic fields surrounding the Earth) acts
like a shield, protecting the Earth from harmful radiation such the
Gamma rays. Other radiation (infrared, visible light and UV
radiation) are able to penetrate the magnetosphere to enter our
Home Learning
Students can complete a visual that shows the electromagnetic
spectrum with the different types of waves (energy) arranged based
on wavelength from longest to shortest and frequency from lowest
to highest. The visual should also include which ends of the
electromagnetic spectrum have the lowest or highest amounts of
energy. Students can also include different types of uses for each
type of energy.
Why is visible light the only part of the electromagnetic spectrum
we can see without special equipment?
Why is UV radiation dangerous to us but not radio waves?
Division of Academics – Department of Science
List the types of the Sun’s radiation from longest to shortest
 Explain what happens to the frequency of the waves as the
wavelength decreases.
 Identify which colors of visible light have the longest and
shortest wavelengths.
GRRM* Gradual Release of Responsibility Model
Exit Slip
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Summative Assessment:
1. Astronauts on a spaceship in outer space notice their instruments detect energy from the Sun. Which of the
following provides evidence that the Sun’s energy is moving through outer space?
Molecular collisions of visible light and infrared radiation
Electromagnetic radiation in the form of radio waves
Electromagnetic radiation in the form of matter
Molecular collisions of gas atoms
Why did you choose your answer?
2. The light that you see is part of a group of waves called the electromagnetic spectrum. They have different
lengths, as shown below.
Which of the following is true about radio waves?
the same frequency as microwaves.
They have
B. They have a lower frequency than microwaves.
C. They have a higher frequency than microwaves.
D. Their frequency varies; it can be higher or lower than that of microwaves.
Why did you choose your answer?
3. When solar radiation crosses space and moves toward Earth, it consists of many types of radiation. Together,
these radiation types are known as the electromagnetic spectrum. Which of the following properties differentiates
among the different types of radiation found in the electromagnetic spectrum?
c. Temperatures
d. Chemical makeup
Why did you choose your answer?
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Student version/handout
Image above from NASA website: http://sec.gsfc.nasa.gov/popscise.jpg
NASA image is NOT copyrighted – it may be used for educational or informational purposes; however,
acknowledge NASA as source of image. To see all of NASA’s Image Use Policy, please visit the following website.
Radio Waves
Gamma Rays
Used for communication.
Given off by radioactive
Used for satellite
decay and exploding
communication and
Lowest frequency and
cooking food.
lowest energy waves.
Waves with the highest
Low frequency, low
With wavelengths
frequency, the highest
energy waves.
measuring over 30cm
energy, and the shortest
(some can be more than
With wavelengths
wavelengths of all the
1 km).
measuring between
electromagnetic waves.
1mm and 30cm.
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Infrared waves
Given off by vibrating
molecules in any matter
(including YOU).
Detected and felt as heat.
With wavelengths shorter
than microwaves.
X Rays
Able to go through soft
High frequency, high
energy waves.
With wavelengths longer
than the Gamma rays.
Ultraviolet waves
Causes skin cells to
make vitamin D.
Used to kill bacteria in
hospitals, on food, …
With wavelengths longer
than the
X rays.
Also called ultraviolet
radiation or uv light.
Visible light
The only part of the
spectrum we can see.
With wavelengths shorter
than infrared and longer
than ultraviolet.
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Cut these two wave strips out and tape together for one long one to give to each student group. Use with the 7
On the previous page, cut up the table to create the 7 cards – one set per group.
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Wave Behaviors
SC.7.P.10.3 Recognize that light waves, sound waves, and other waves move at different speeds in different
SC.7.P.10.2 Observe and explain that light can be reflected, refracted, and/or absorbed.
To teach this lesson, begin with an engagement which consists of showing students a pencil in a beaker of water
and asking them to explain why the pencil appears broken. Also, show the Study Jam Video-Light Absorption,
Refractions and Reflection and have a short discussion on wave behaviors. In the explore section of this lesson
students will complete light wave behavior activities at five different stations and complete questions for each
activity. During the explain portion, students will participate in a class discussion and share their findings for each
activity. The teacher will provide a summary of reflection, refraction and absorption of light by providing notes and
examples of each type of wave behavior. Then students will complete anchor charts for reflection, refraction and
absorption of light. The elaboration/extension portion consists of students researching reflection, refraction and
absorption of sound waves in order to create a presentation which demonstrates each type of wave behavior for
sound along with an explanation for each one. The exit slip is four questions about the refection, refraction and
absorption of light and sound waves.
Students will Know:
 Light waves, sound waves and other waves move at different speeds in different materials.
Students will Understand:
 Light can be reflected, refracted, and/or absorbed.
Students will be able to Do:
 Compare and contrast reflection, refraction and absorption of light.
 Demonstrate and explain real world examples of reflection, refraction and absorption of light.
Essential Question: How does light interact with matter?
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Lesson Cycle:
We Do
products such
as CER, DI
Place a beaker containing water and a pencil at each group’s table.
Ask students to write down observations about how the pencil
appears and why it appears that way.
Show students a Study Jams Video: Light Absorption, Reflection
and Refraction
Have students revisit what they wrote about the pencil in the water
and allow them to make any changes they think is necessary. Ask
students to share their observations and explanations about the
appearance of the pencil.
I Do
Probe, Video
clip, Teacher
Home Learning
Exit Slip
Ask students to explain absorption, reflection and refraction of
light.(short discussion)
Guiding Questions: (teacher will walk around while students
are completing the activities and ask these questions)
1. Do waves such as light move at the same speed through
air (gas) and liquid?
2. What is refraction of light and why does it occur?
3. What occurs during reflection of light?
4. What is absorption of light?
Activities: Wave Behaviors (five stations)
Student worksheet with procedures is attached at the end of
this document.
Students will rotate through five stations with six minutes at each
station. Students must answer all questions in complete sentences.
Class Discussion: Students will share their findings with the class
during a discussion. The teacher can guide students understanding
of wave behaviors by asking them to also think about the demo and
video in the engagement portion of this lesson. The teacher should
provide students with appropriate definitions and examples of
reflection, refraction and absorption (see attached notes). The
teacher probe students towards an explanation of the color
spectrum of visible light and that the color that you see is reflected
while the other colors are absorbed. Objects appear white when all
colors are reflected and objects appear black when all colors are
Students will complete anchor charts that explain reflection,
refraction and absorption of light.
Research reflection, refraction and absorption of sound waves.
Create a presentation which demonstrates each type of wave
behavior for sound along with an explanation for each one.
1. Explain why the pencil inside the beaker of water
appears broken.
2. Explain why your image appears in a mirror.
3. Explain why an apple appears red.
GRRM* Gradual Release of Responsibility Model
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Summative Assessment:
1. When Shereen stood in front of one funny mirror at the amusement park, it made her look very tall and
skinny. The next mirror made her look really short and wide. Which statement best explains why Shereen
looked so different from one mirror to the next?
The mirrors refracted light waves differently.
The mirrors absorbed different amounts of light.
The mirrors absorbed different types of light waves.
The mirror surfaces reflected light waves differently.
2. A pelican hunts fish in the water. As the pelican flies above the water’s surface, why must it aim for the fish in a
slightly different place than where the fish appears to be located?
A. Light reflects off the fish, except for light of the wavelength the fish absorbs, making the fish hard to
B. Water absorbs most of the light, so not much light reaches the pelican’s eyes.
C. Energy from the ocean waves is transferred to the light waves.
D. Light waves are refracted as they travel from air to water.
The diagram below demonstrates how a magnifying lens can make a penny appear larger.
What property of the magnifying lens is most responsible for allowing it to magnify the penny?
A. It can reflect right
B. It can refract light
C. It can increase the intensity of light
D. It can increase the wavelength of light
4. When a straw is placed in a glass of fresh water, it appears to bend. Salt water is more dense than fresh water.
Which of the following is true?
The density of the substance that light passes through determines how much it is refracted.
The refraction of the image of the straw is caused by the glass acting like a lens.
Light is refracted by all substances at the same angle.
The shape of the liquid determines how much the light is refracted.
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Student handout
Wave Behaviors
Name ___________________________________ Date _____________ Period ______
Stations activity directions: Perform the procedure that is listed under to each station. Then answer the questions
for each station in complete sentences.
Station 1: I’m Rich
1. Move your eye so that it is
parallel (even) with the surface
of the water in the glass.
2. Slowly change your angle of
observation of the surface
from parallel to the surface to
looking straight above the coin
in the glass (see diagram).
1. Briefly describe your observations of the surface of the water as you moved your eye from the
side to straight above the glass:
2. How many coins do you see on the surface when you began looking parallel to the surface?
3. How many coins do you see when you are at a 45 degree angle to the surface of the water?
4. Why do you think that you see three coins? Is reflection, refraction or both involved in this trick?
Station 2: You may need a magnifying glass
If you are reading this, you are probably using a magnifying glass.
If you are reading this without a magnifying glass, I bet your eyes hurt.
After you have read this, answer the questions below.
Hold the magnifying glass up and try to view other people in your group from 3 feet away.
Division of Academics – Department of Science
1. What does the first procedure say?
2. What are some common uses for magnifying glasses?
3. Why are you able to see the procedures more clearly using a magnifying glass? What is
happening to light?
4. What happens when you try to view your group members through a magnifying glass from three
feet away? Why do you think this happens?
Station 3: Working with colors
1. Lay out all the construction paper colors in front of you.
2. Order the colors in order from largest to shortest wavelength. (black and white not included)
3. Take the black paper and the white paper and put them both 2 inches away from the light on the
overhead projector for 40 seconds.
4. Feel each sheet of paper directly after and observe which feels hotter.
1. What type of electromagnetic wave are you observing in this station?
2. List the colors in order from longest to shortest wavelength:
3. Which color absorbs all light? Which color reflects all light?
4. When you held the black and white papers up to the lamp, which one felt hotter after 40 seconds?
Why do you think that happened?
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Station 4: Mirrors
1. Place a protractor at a 90 degree angle to the mirror.
2. Shine the flashlight at a 30 degree angle to the mirror (using the protractor as a guide).
3. The angle that the light that goes into the mirror is called the angle of incidence.
4. The angle that the light goes out of the mirror is called the angle of reflection.
1. When you shined the light at the mirror, what happened to its ray? Reflection, refraction or
absorption? How do you know?
2. When you shined the light towards the mirror at an angle of incidence (light going in) of 30
degrees, what was the angle of reflection? Was it equal to the angle of incidence or different?
3. When you stand to the side of a mirror, why can’t you see your own reflection? (think about the
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Station 5: Prism
1. Place your prism on a blank sheet of white paper.
2. Take your flashlight and shine it through
3. Observe what you see on the white sheet of
1. What did you observe happen to the light when it went through the prism?
2. Why do you think that this happened to the light? Was it reflected, refracted or absorbed?
How do you know?
3. If you look through the prism, can you see in front of you or do you see to the side or you?
Why do you think this happens?
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Notes for Students
When light changes direction as it bounces off
a smooth, shiny surface
Why it’s similar:
Both change direction
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The bending of a wave as it moves from one
medium to another
Why it’s similar:
Both look broken
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Waves that are “soaked up” by a substance
Why it’s similar:
Both ”soak up”
Division of Academics – Department of Science
The Power of Energy
From CPalms
Benchmark(s): SC.7.P.11.2: Investigate and describe the transformation of energy from one form to another
Summary: Prior knowledge will be assessed using the students understanding of the word “energy”. Then
students will have an exploratory experience regarding types of energy and energy transformations that they can
observe around their classroom and school. Students will explain their understanding of energy transformations
through and analysis of additional energy transformation images and have the opportunity to find new images to
discuss in groups and present to the class.
Students will Know:
Students will know how to identify different forms of energy, including all potential and kinetic
Students will Understand:
Energy is not created or destroyed, only transformed from one type to another. Kinetic energy is
transformed into potential energy and vice-versa. They will also understand that most energy
transformations usually produce some thermal energy as waste.
Students will be able to Do:
Students will be able to identify different types of energy transformations and real world
applications. They will also be able to explain that energy is never gained or lost in a closed
system, only transformed from one type to another.
Essential Question: How does energy change forms?
Lesson Cycle:
I Do
Probe, Video
clip, Teacher
Display the word "energy" on the board. Give each student an index card
and ask students to draw or write the first thing that comes to mind when
they hear the word "energy." Go around the room and have students
share what they wrote.
Ask students to move around the room and classify their drawings and
words into categories according to what they wrote or drew on the cards.
For example, if one student drew a plug and another drew a TV, they can
group themselves together. Have students discuss why they think they
belong together and ask each group to choose a category or title for their
group. (The TV and plug can be categorized as "electricity").
Discuss groupings and different kinds of energy, use index cards to
create a graphic organizer on a bulletin board or chart paper with the
word "energy" in the middle. (sample below for example)
Division of Academics – Department of Science
We Do
Take students on an "energy" scavenger hunt around your school. Point out
any object or machine that runs on energy and ask students the following
1. What is it?
2. What is it used for?
3. What kind of energy does it use?
For example you can stop by an air conditioning unit. Students would
identify it; say that it is for cooling rooms, and that it uses electrical
energy. Prompt students into telling you what other kinds of energy it
produces. (examples: thermal, sound, mechanical).
Point out examples of potential and kinetic energy. For example, if
you see someone mowing the lawn, students may see kinetic
energy. Make sure to ask where the kinetic energy comes from
(electrical from the machine, chemical or motion from the person
pushing the lawn mower).
products such
as CER, DI
Home Learning
Exit Slip
Continue to walk and challenge students to identify other objects on our walk
that use energy.
Divide students into pairs.
Hand out a picture card to each group (Attached below). Have groups
identify the item and explain what energy transfers/transformations are
happening. (Example- TV- electrical to heat, to light to sound). As groups
share, ask students if they agree or disagree with each other's
assessments. Ask students to suggest types of energy that they think also
apply to the object.
Have students find a picture of an object that uses energy. They can find
pictures online, use magazines or newspapers, or take pictures. In small
groups, students should share their pictures.
Provide construction paper for students to glue pictures onto and have them
work together to annotate the images with the transfers of energy happening
in the pictures. Groups will present their pictures and transformations of
Exit Slip (attached)
GRRM* Gradual Release of Responsibility Model
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Date _____________
Period ________
2. To bring heavy boxes down a flight of stairs, Tyrone
1. Tabitha ate a turkey sandwich and an apple
uses a ramp. He slides the boxes down the ramp. The
for lunch. Later that day, she ran 2 miles
during soccer practice. Which of the following movement transforms one type of energy into two other
forms. Which of the following describes the way that most
energy transformations occurred between
of the energy is transformed?
lunchtime and the end of Tabitha’s run?
a. Thermal energy was converted to kinetic energy.
b. Mechanical energy was converted to chemical
c. Electrical energy was converted to thermal
d. Chemical energy was converted to mechanical
Why? ______________________________________
3. All of the devices below either use or produce
electrical energy. Which one converts mechanical
energy to electrical energy?
Electrical drill
Wind turbine
Electric guitar
Why? _____________________________________
E. Potential energy into chemical energy and
mechanical energy.
F. Potential energy into light energy and
mechanical energy.
G. Potential energy into sound and chemical
H. Potential energy into heat and kinetic
4. What type of energy is always given off and
is not always useful during an energy
Give an example of this energy being given off
Many towns and cities in the US rely on windmills to generate electrical power. Explain how
windmills use the Law of Conservation of energy when generating electricity. (Hint: Where
does the energy come from?)
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Example of graphic organizer
Helps you do
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Division of Academics – Department of Science
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Socks and Temperature (A Heat Transfer Activity)
From CPalms
SC.7.P.11.4: Observe and describe that heat flows in predictable ways, moving from warmer objects to
cooler ones until they reach the same temperature.
SC.7.N.1.4: Identify test variables (independent variables) and outcome variables (dependent variables)
in an experiment.
LAFS.68.RST.1.3: Follow precisely a multistep procedure when carrying out experiments, taking
measurements, or performing technical tasks.
To teach this lesson, begin with an engagement which consists of showing students a video of a
chocolate Easter bunny melting and asking them to explain why this is happening to the bunny. Students
will share their answers but misconceptions will not be corrected at this time. In the explore section of
the lesson students will work in groups to complete an experiment that investigates if the temperature
inside of a sock is warmer than outside the sock. During the explain portion students will create a graph
of their data and record their results on the class data table at the front of the room. Students will
participate in a class discussion about the results of the experiment and explain why there was very little
change in temperature between the inside and outside of the sock. Students will suggest how the
experiment could be changed so there is a change in temperature which results from the flow of heat
from a warmer area to a colder area. The students will be asked to explain why their feet sometimes feel
cold if they don’t wear socks. A CER (Claim, Evidence and Reasoning) will be completed by each
student based on the original questions for this activity. In the elaboration/extension portion students
apply their knowledge of heat flow to real world examples. The exit slip asks students to apply heat flow
to specific examples.
Students will Know:
 Heat is a form of energy. Heat moves from warmer objects to cooler ones until they reach the
same temperature.
Students will Understand:
 When an object or substance loses heat, its temperature will decrease and when it gains heat, its
temperature will increase.
 The loss or gain of heat may result in a temperature change and possibly a change in state (i.e.
liquid to gas).
Students will be able to Do:
 Explain how heat (energy) flows from one object to another resulting in a change in temperature
and possibly a change in state of matter.
Essential Question: Using real world examples, explain that adding heat to or removing heat from a
system may result in a temperature change and possibly a change in state.
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Lesson Cycle:
GRRM* Gradual Release of Responsibility Model
I Do
Show this 1 minute video of a chocolate Easter bunny
Probe, Video
 Melting bunny video
clip, Teacher
After viewing the video clip with the class, have students
move into small groups (2 students preferred) and discuss
within their group why the bunny is melting and concentrate
on the flow of energy.
Ask students to share their answers but don’t correct
misconceptions at this time. Please come back to this after
students complete the activity.
We Do
Guiding Questions: (teacher should walk around during the
activity and ask students these questions)
1. What are socks used for? (guide students to say "to
warm your feet")
2. What is heat?
3. Is the temperature inside a sock warmer than
outside a sock?
4. How does heat move in the environment?
Activity: Socks and Temperature: A Heat Transfer
The activity sheet is attached to the end of document.
1. The teacher should begin by asking the class "Why
do we wear socks?" - Guide students to say "to
warm your feet".
2. Ask students "What will happen to the air INSIDE
the sock compared to air outside the sock?".
Give students 2 minutes to discuss in their group.
3. Have the students write a hypothesis (prediction) on
the Sock and Temperature Worksheet that
addresses the question "Is the temperature inside
of a sock warmer than outside the sock?"
4. The students will measure and record air
temperatures inside and out of a sock by following
the activity directions listed on the Sock and
Temperature Worksheet. (Remind students to
measure the temperature using Celsius in science
products such
as CER, DI
Division of Academics – Department of Science
1. Using their recorded temperature data, have the
students create a graph.
2. Have students record their data on class data table
in front of the room.
3. Next students answer the question "Describe how
the energy flowed in your experiment on your
Sock and Temperature Worksheet."
4. Instruct students to complete the conclusion
statement on the worksheet.
5. Class discussion: Ask students to share their
results of this activity and explain why there was no
net flow of heat in or out of the sock. Ask students to
explain how they could change the procedures in
this activity so there would be movement of heat
from a warmer area to a cooler area. Ask students to
explain why their feet sometimes feel cold if they
don’t wear socks? Suggestion: Give students a
beaker of cold water and instruct them to measure
the temperature of the water every minute for ten
minutes so they can see a temperature change
which results from heat flowing from the air
surrounding the beaker of water to the cold water.
6. Revisit the video of the melting bunny from the
engagement. Why did the bunny melt?
7. Students will complete a CER (Claim, Evidence and
Reasoning) for this activity using the original
question on the worksheet.
You Do
Home Learning
Answers will vary but should state that there was no net flow
of heat in or out of the sock. The temperatures stayed the
same or had very little variation. This is because net heat
flow always travels from an area of higher to lower heat
concentration. Since the temperatures inside and outside the
sock were the same, heat energy is flowing in and out of the
sock at the same rate
Working in their group, students will brainstorm real world
scenarios that fit the conditions listed below. Have students
make sure to describe the flow of heat energy in their
scenarios. Students may write answers on a separate sheet
of paper or dry erase board so they can be shared with the
rest of the class.
1. A metal heats up
2. Food cools down
3. A liquid freezes and then melts
Example scenarios:
Division of Academics – Department of Science
#1 - the iron grate on a BBQ grill increases in
temperature as heat flows away from the burning
coals and into the iron grate.
#2 - after dinner, Alice placed her leftover soup into
the refrigerator. Heat stored in the soup will flow out
into the cooler air of the refrigerator.
#3 - Roger's freezer has an automatic ice cube
maker. Relatively warmer water gives off heat
energy to the colder surrounding air in the freezer
until it freezes. He then takes ice cubes out of the
cold freezer and into a glass of tea on a hot day.
After 15 minutes, the ice cubes have melted
because heat energy from the air surrounding the
glass of tea flows into the glass. This raises the
temperature inside the glass, melting the ice.
Exit Slip
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Explain why cans of warm soda will become cold when
placed in a cooler of ice.
1. Explain why food does not freeze in a refrigerator.
2. Draw a picture showing the flow of heat to and from
a hot potato and room temperature potato sitting on
a kitchen counter.
Summative Assessment:
1. Anna pours herself some room-temperature soda from a bottle and adds four ice cubes. In a few
minutes the ice cubes are smaller and the soda is much colder. Which of the following best
explains the change in temperature of the soda?
A. Heat flowed from the soda to the ice cube and caused it to partially melt.
B. Coldness flowed from the ice cube to the soda, making the soda colder.
C. The cold water from the melting ice went into the soda, replacing the warmer water that
was in the soda.
D. The water from the melting ice makes the soda more dilute, and the lower concentration
makes the temperature lower.
2. Jeffery brings a book from air-conditioned apartment to a balcony on a hot summer day.
How will the cool book interact with the outside air?
A. Heat from the book will move to the air.
B. Heat from the air will move to the book.
C. Coolness from the book will move to the air.
D. Coolness from the air will move to the book.
3. An empty paper cup is the same temperature as the air in the room. A student fills the cup with
cold water. Which of the following describes how thermal energy is transferred?
A. Thermal energy is transferred from the cold water to the cup until they are at the same
B. Thermal energy is transferred from the cup to the cold water until they are at the same
C. Thermal energy is transferred from the cup to the cold water until the cup has no more
thermal energy.
D. Thermal energy is not transferred between the cup and the cold water.
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Student handout
Sock and Temperature Activity
Question: Is the temperature inside of a sock warmer than outside the sock?
Hypothesis: ____________________________________________________
Directions: Materials- 1 sock, 2 thermometers per group. 1 sheet of graph paper per student
1) Design and draw a data table on the graph paper
a. Come up with a title for the data table
b. Label each column at the top
2) Carefully place a thermometer INSIDE the sock resting on the table and another NEXT
TO the sock also resting on the table. Let stand for 2 minutes.
3) Record temperatures every 30 seconds for 10 minutes
a. One person is timer and reads the thermometer
b. One person NEATLY records data in data table designed in step 1
Identify your variables.
Best type of graph to use ___________________________
Independent Variable _________________________________
Dependent Variable __________________________________
Constant Variables ___________________________________
Draw your graph and don’t forget to give your graph a title and label both the X & Y-axis.
In the space below, describe the energy flow in your experiment.
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Title: Evolution and Natural Selection
Benchmark(s): SC.7.L.15.2: Explore the scientific theory of evolution by recognizing and explaining ways in
which genetic variation and environmental factors contribute to evolution by natural selection and diversity of
Summary: This lesson is intended to review the Theories of Evolution and Natural Selection. Students will be
introduced to the concept with a brainpop video where the teacher can stop and probe students to assess their
prior knowledge. The powerpoint presentation is intended to introduce the Theory of Evolution and then segue
into how the Theory of Natural Selection explains the process. Students will then participate in a demo
modeling natural selection through many generations. They will demonstrate their mastery by completing a
worksheet on Natural Selection and subsequently completing an exit slip with FCAT aligned questions.
Students will Know:
 That the Theory of Evolution states that there is a gradual change of species over many generations
and that natural selection is a theory that helps to explain evolution.
Students will Understand:
 That species change over generations due to random mutations in their DNA. The more favorable
traits for an organisms environment enable them to survive long enough to reproduce and pass on that
trait. The less favorable traits cause organisms to die before reproducing and passing on those traits.
Survival of the fittest!
Students will be able to Do:
 Complete the worksheet and explain why different organisms are able to survive in their environments
due to their unique traits. They will also explain that favorable traits are passed on while unfavorable
traits are not, leading to the gradual change of species over generations. They will show mastery by
scoring at least an 80 percent on their exit slip.
Essential Question: How do species change over time?
Lesson Cycle:
I Do
Bellringer (attached)
Probe, Video
Introduction: Brainpop – Natural Selection
clip, Teacher
Demonstration “I do”: PowerPoint with guided notes (attached). Students will be
required to answer questions 1-5 on the left side of their guided
notes. (think-pair-share format)
Division of Academics – Department of Science
We Do
“We do”: Teacher will pass out natural selection game cards (wing
sizes) to students in a random order.
Teacher will give students following directions:
• All of you will be members of a single species.
• Receive a card w/ the trait of your bird.
• Once your receive card, Please memorize the trait.
• Everybody will stand up when I say so.
• Groups of you will die, if you die, please sit down.
Students will answer questions on left side of guided notes and then
go over them together with the class.
“You do”: Students will complete the natural selection independent
practice worksheet.
Exit Slip
Exit Slip attached.
products such
as CER, DI
Teacher will facilitate the natural selection game with students by
going through the slides.
GRRM* Gradual Release of Responsibility Model
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Evolution Exit Slip Name: ___________________________ Date________________ Period_______
1. Chameleons can change color to match the color of their surroundings. If a chameleon was born with a
mutation that prevented it from being able to change color, why would it be unlikely to pass on this trait?
a. The gene would mutate again before it was passed on.
b. The trait would be recessive, so it would not be passed on.
c. The chameleon would be unlikely to survive long enough to reproduce and pass on the trait.
d. The chameleon would have to find another chameleon with the same trait to pass the trait on.
2. A scientist is studying the fossils of giraffes from different regions and different time periods. What would the
scientist be most likely to learn about?
a. How the color of giraffes changed over time
b. How the spots on giraffes changed over time
c. How the height of giraffes changed over time
d. How the behavior of giraffes changed over time
3. Scientists have found evidence in the fossil record that the structure of certain animals has changed over
time. What is the best explanation of why animal populations adapted over time?
a. Species change because of use or disuse of traits.
b. Species became extinct and were replaced by better-adapted species.
c. Fossils remains provide clues as to why certain species have changed over time.
d. Certain mutations in species have become more prevalent over time through natural sections.
4. Doctors once prescribed antibiotics automatically “just in case” an infection might happen. Now doctors are
careful to avoid overuse of antibiotics. The change is based on what doctors understood about bacteria an
natural selection. Which of the following statements best explains why doctors limit their use of antibiotics?
a. Doctors now know some bacteria have mutations that are resistant to antibiotics.
b. Doctors now know that bacteria have been the same throughout history and have never changed
since antibiotics were first utilized.
c. Doctors now know that antibiotics do not work to fight bacterial infections; therefore, they do not rely
on them like they once did.
d. Doctors now know that antibiotics cause bacteria to multiply more quickly than they would if they
were not treated with antibiotics.
5. Before the invention of the light bulb, Americans burned oil in lamps for light. Whale oil was popular biofuel
for these lamps. Ship crews would hunt whales for their oil. They searched for the largest whales they could
find so that they could obtain as much whale oil as possible. How mighty decades of whale hunting possibly
affect the natural selection of the species?
a. The whales lost their legs.
b. The whales became slower.
c. The whales became smaller.
d. The whales changed their calls.
6. How does natural selection lead to evolution?
a. Stronger offspring kill weaker members of the species
b. Individuals that are better adapted to their environment survive and reproduce
c. Overproduction provides food for stronger members of the species
d. Environmental changes kill weaker members of the species
7. Describe the theory of Natural Selection.
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Name: _________________
Date: ____________
1. Have humans always existed as a species, or did humans start as a different animal that changed over
2. What does the word "evolution" mean?
Name: _________________
Date: ____________
1. Have humans always existed as a species, or did humans start as a different animal that changed over
2. What does the word "evolution" mean?
Name: _________________
Date: ____________
1. Have humans always existed as a species, or did humans start as a different animal that changed over
2. What does the word "evolution" mean?
Name: _________________
Date: ____________
1. Have humans always existed as a species, or did humans start as a different animal that changed over
2. What does the word "evolution" mean?
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Guided Practice Wing Cards
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Think – Pair – Share: List one similarity and 1 difference that you can
see between the two organisms:
1. Similarity:__________________________________________
2. Difference:
Stop and Jot: Which rabbit has a better chance at surviving in
the North Pole? Why?
What do you think would happen to the rabbit population if all of the
snow melted in the North Pole?
Why is it important to have genetic variation in a species gene pool?
Natural Selection Game
Did you survive? ________
Which genes will be passed down to the next generation?
How will the next generation look?
Essential Question:
Evolution and Natural Selection Guided Notes
explains how living things descended from earlier organisms.
It also states that species can change ______________________
over time.
Evolution results in certain species thriving while other species go
Wooly mammoth: Extinct
Elephant: still exists
____________________________ – A characteristic that helps an
organism to survive.
_________________________________ – Different traits that exist
within the gene pool of a species.
Genetic variation can happen randomly through
_______________________ to DNA.
_________________________________: the process by which
individuals that are ______________________________________ to
the environment are
________________________________________________ than
other members of the same species.
Natural Selection states that individuals that are the best adapted
traits are able to _____________________ long enough to reproduce
and ___________________________________________ on.
Traits that are not good _____________________________ are not
passed on because individuals with those traits
_____________________________________________to reproduce.
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Toothpick Chromosomes
From CPalms
Benchmark(s): SC.7.L.16.1 Understand and explain that every organism requires a set of instructions
that specifies its traits, that this hereditary information (DNA) contains genes located in the chromosomes
of each cell, and that heredity is the passage of these instructions from one generation to another.
To teach this lesson, begin with an engagement which consists of asking students to answer a group of
questions in their journals about characteristics and how they are passed from parents to offspring. The
teacher should begin a short discussion by asking several students to share their answers without
correcting misconceptions at this time. In the explore section of the lesson students will investigate the
connections between chromosomes, genes, and traits that are inherited in a guided inquiry lesson
entitled Toothpick Chromosomes. The students will model how traits are passed from parents to
offspring by using toothpicks which represent chromosomes and dots represent genes. As students are
completing the activity, the teacher will move around the room asking students the guiding questions
which are provided for this activity. During the explain portion, students will participate in a class
discussion to clarify their ideas. After the discussion, students will review their answers to the questions
from the engagement portion of the lesson and make any necessary changes based on what they have
learned about the relationship between DNA, chromosomes, genes and traits. Students will then create a
diagram which illustrates the relationship between DNA, chromosomes and genes. The
elaboration/extension portion consists of students creating a model to show how they inherited a trait
from their parents such as tongue rolling, attached ear lobes, or another of the traits that were discussed
at the beginning of the lesson. For the exit slip students will complete three questions about the
relationship between DNA, chromosomes, genes and traits.
Students will Know:
 Every organism has DNA which is the genetic material that has a set of instructions that
determines its characteristics.
Students will Understand:
 Chromosomes are made of DNA and sections of the chromosome are called genes which
determine traits in organisms.
 Heredity is the passing of the traits from one generation to another.
Students will be able to Do:
 Identify and/or explain that hereditary information (DNA) contains genes located in the
chromosomes of each cell and/or that heredity is the passage of these instructions from one
generation to another.
Essential Question: Create a model which illustrates and explains that hereditary information (DNA)
contains genes located in the chromosomes of each cell and/or that heredity is the passage of these
instructions from one generation to another.
Lesson Cycle:
I Do
Engage the student using the following questions:
Probe, Video
 How many of you know someone who looks very much like
clip, Teacher
one of their parents?
 How many of you have been told, "You look just like your
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How many of you can roll your tongue?
How many of you have attached earlobes? Unattached
Hold up your thumbs-let's see who has a straight thumb and
who has a curved thumb?
When you clasp your hands together interlacing your fingers,
do you put your left thumb over your right thumb or your right
thumb over your left one?
How do you think characteristics are passed on from parents
to the children? If you look more like one parent than the
other, do you think you inherited more from them than the
other parent?
Have the students write down their ideas of how
characteristics are passed from parents to children in their
notebooks. For each question, ask several students to share
Uncovering Student Ideas in Science Volume 2, page 129
(accessible in the learning village) has a great probe
called "Baby Mice" that could be used to introduce this
lesson as well.
We Do
Guiding Questions: (questions that teacher will ask students
while they are completing the activity)
 How are traits passed from parents to the children?
 If a child looks more like one parent than the other, does that
mean that he/she inherited more genes from that parent than
the other?
 What is a chromosome?
 What is a gene?
 How are genes and chromosomes related?
Activity: Toothpick Chromosomes
Students will be investigating the connections between
chromosomes, genes, and traits that are inherited in a guided inquiry
Tell the students: You will be modeling how characteristics are
passed from parents to offspring in this activity. You will work
independently; following the directions you will be given.
Pass out a bag of toothpicks for each pair of students, the Genetics
Cross Diagram and the student directions worksheet. Have the
students follow the directions on the worksheet. The students will be
modeling how traits are passed from parents to offspring by using
toothpicks which represent chromosomes and the dots on the
toothpicks represent genes. Walk around and observe students as
they are working and assist ones who are having difficulty.
Division of Academics – Department of Science
products such
as CER, DI
After students complete the worksheet have a class discussion to
clarify their ideas.
Go over these points with the students:
What did the toothpicks represent? What did the dots on the
toothpicks represent?
When you crossed the purple and the white flowers and got
all purple offspring was it because the offspring only inherited
the purple genes? What was the reason?
Where are chromosomes found in a cell? What are
chromosomes made of?
Tell students: In your notebooks, look back at what you wrote at the
beginning of the lesson about how traits are passed from parents to
children. Now write down what you have learned about the
relationships between DNA, chromosomes, genes, and traits:
Chromosomes are made of DNA. Sections of the chromosome are
called genes. The genes determine traits in organisms. Heredity is
the passing of the traits from one generation to another.
Have students copy a diagram in their notebook similar to the one
below to show the relationship between DNA, chromosomes, and
To determine if students have a solid understanding of the concepts,
have them create a model to show how they inherited a trait from
their parents such as tongue rolling, attached earlobes, or another of
the traits that were discussed at the beginning of the lesson.
Or have them continue to work with the purple and white genes in
pea plants and answer these questions:
Exit Slip
1. What would be the possible offspring if you crossed a flower
with a purple gene and a white one with a flower that had
only white genes? Only purple genes?
2. Could two white flowers produce plants with purple flowers?
Why or why not?
 How are traits passed from parents to the children?
 If a child looks more like one parent than the other, does that
mean that he/she inherited more genes from that parent than
the other?
How are genes and chromosomes related?
GRRM* Gradual Release of Responsibility Model
Summative Assessment Key:
1. D
2. A
3. D
4. B
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Summative Assessment:
1. Genes determine whether you have dimples, what color eyes you have, and even the ability to
roll your tongue. Which is the role of a gene in inheritance?
A. The gene contains chromosomes that show an organism’s traits.
B. The gene gets messages from its cell about showing certain traits.
C. The gene has nerves that send messages to the brain controlling specific traits.
D. The gene is a section of DNA that controls a trait that the organism inherits.
2. All living things have genes to produce specific characteristics. Which of the following best
describes the word gene?
A. A gene is a factor that controls a trait.
B. Genes are replicated chromosome.
C. Genes are the same as recessive allele.
D. A gene is a rung of the DNA ladder.
3. Which of these determines whether a fertilized egg develops into a toad, a snake, or a lizard?
A. the sex of the egg
B. the age of the egg
C. the size of the egg
D. the genes of the egg
4. In guinea pigs, brown hair is dominant to white hair. The diagram shows chromosomes from a
male guinea pig with brown hair and a female guinea pig with white hair.
A white-haired offspring resulting from the cross of these two guinea pigs MOST likely inherited
genes from which two chromosomes?
A. 1 and 2
B. 1 and 3
C. 2 and 4
D. 3 and 4
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Genetic Cross Diagram
Female Parent
Male Parent
Male Gametes
Female Gametes
Possible Offspring
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Toothpick Chromosomes
Student Directions
1. The toothpicks represent chromosomes and the dots on the toothpicks represent genes. Pick
out two toothpicks with a purple dot and two with a white dot. The purple dots represent the gene
for purple flower color in pea plants and the white dots represent the gene for white flower color.
2. Now place the two purple toothpicks in the male parent box on the Genetics cross diagram and
place the two white toothpicks in the female box on the diagram. We place two toothpicks
because there are two copies or forms of the gene in each parent. When flowers reproduce, the
male and female gametes (sperm and eggs) get one chromosome or one copy of the gene for
each trait. Show this by placing one toothpick in each of the boxes labeled Male Gametes and
Female Gametes.
3. During fertilization and egg and a sperm combine to form one cell. Use the boxes labeled
Possible Offspring to show the possible combinations of dots (genes). What color flowers do you
think will be produced? Make a prediction and record it here: ___________________
4. Go get a slip of paper from the envelope labeled First Generation to see if you are right. Follow
the directions on the slip of paper.
5. Second Generation Prediction:
6. After you have used your Genetics Cross Diagram to determine what color the second generation
of flowers will have, write down your findings here:
7. Go get the answers from the envelope labeled Second Generation to see if you are correct. If not,
see your teacher or another student group for help.
Division of Academics – Department of Science
First Generation Answers
A scientist named Gregor Mendel actually did this experiment and found that all the flowers that were
produced were purple. The flowers that were produced have a gene for purple and a gene for white but
only the purple gene shows up. Mendel called this a dominant gene because it dominates, or covers up,
the gene for white flowers which we call a recessive gene.
Now, suppose that two of these pea plants (which have one gene for purple flowers and one gene for
white flowers) reproduce. What color flowers do you think their offspring would have?
Make a prediction and record it on your worksheet under Second Generation Prediction.
Use the Genetics Cross Diagram and your toothpicks to figure out the results of this cross. This time start
with a purple and a white toothpick for the male and a purple and a white toothpick for the female. Follow
the same procedure as you did before to model the possible offspring.
Second Generation Answers
You should have found that it is possible to have purple and white offspring in this cross. You may have
noticed that you would have more purple than white offspring.
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Benchmark(s): SC.7.L.17.2: Compare and contrast the relationships among organisms, such as
mutualism, predation, parasitism, competition, and commensalism.
Summary: During this lesson, students will be expected to distinguish between symbiotic relationships.
To get students started, they will be asked to reflect on their own relationships with their friends and then
watch a brainpop video that relates symbiotic relationships with their own relationships. The “I do” will be
a quick PowerPoint briefly introducing types of relationships to the students using definitions, visual
representations and real world examples. The “we do” will be done using video clips that show particular
symbiotic relationships. After each video, students will need to identify the type of relationship depicted
and then explain how they know. The ”you do” will be done with an independent practice worksheet that
infuses literacy and students mastery will be assessed with an exit slip.
Students will Know: Students will know how to identify different types of relationships between organisms
including mutualism, commensalism, parasitism and predation.
Students will Understand: Students will know how to distinguish between different symbiotic relationships
and convey that these relationships occur naturally between organisms of different species.
Students will be able to Do: Students will be able to read excerpts describing symbiotic relationships or
predation and identify which type of relationship the excerpt is describing. Students will also be able to
explain why they chose their answer.
Essential Question: How do organisms interact with each other?
Lesson Cycle:
I Do
Probe, Video
clip, Teacher
We Do
Bellringer: A question asking students to reflect on types of
relationships that they have with their friends.
Introduction: Brainpop: Symbiosis
I do: PowerPoint with guided notes introducing mutualism,
commensalism, parasitism and predation. Students will take
guided notes (attached) by filling in the blanks on their sheet with
words highlighted in the powerpoint.
DI Opportunities
Several videos are embedded into the powerpoint. If the videos
will not play through the powerpoint, each can be downloaded or
accessed individually using the links below:
Symbiosis Botfly Video
Symbiosis Shark and Cleaner Fish Video
Clownfish and Sea Anemone
Tongue Biter and Snapperh
Symbiosis Tiger and Deer Video
Videos depicting each relationship will be shown.
Video1: Botfly and Human
Video 2: Shark and cleaner fish
Video 3: Clownfish and sea anemone
Video 4: Tongue biter and Snapper
Video 5: Tiger and Deer
Division of Academics – Department of Science
After each video, students will be asked to identify the relationship
being depicted in the video and then explain why they thought that
was the correct answer. They can do this in pairs after each video.
(handout on left side of guided notes.)
Research, Home
Additional practice scenarios are available below.
Apply the essential question (How do organisms interact with each
other?) to a local habitat such as the Everglades or coral reefs and
describe examples of each symbiotic relationship
Exit Slip
Exit Slip (attached)
Student products
such as CER, DI
GRRM* Gradual Release of Responsibility Model
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Name _______________________________ Date _______________________ Period ________
Think of a relationship that you have with a person. It can be a good one, bad one or one that really
doesn’t affect you either way. Explain the relationship with that person and what your role is.
Name _______________________________ Date _______________________ Period ________
Think of a relationship that you have with a person. It can be a good one, bad one or one that really
doesn’t affect you either way. Explain the relationship with that person and what your role is.
Name _______________________________ Date _______________________ Period ________
Think of a relationship that you have with a person. It can be a good one, bad one or one that really
doesn’t affect you either way. Explain the relationship with that person and what your role is.
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Name ______________________________ Date __________________ Period _____
Exit Slip
1. Symbiotic relationships include mutualism, commensalism, and parasitism. Which of the
following is a commensal relationship?
a. a bird pollinating a flower
c. a hawk eating a mouse
b. a mosquito biting a dog
d. a bird building a nest in a tree
Why did you choose this answer?
2. Which of the following best describes a parasitic interaction? (SC.7.L.17.2)
a. Microorganisms making nitrogen available to plants Microorganisms in the digestive tract
causing inflammation and ulcers.
b. Microorganisms in the digestive tract of cows helping break down plant material.
c. Microorganisms in the digestive tract of humans helping convert substances to useable
Why did you choose this answer?
3. Lichens are actually made of two organisms: algae and fungi. The alga provides food for the
fungus, while the
fungus provides protection for the algae. This type of relationship, where both organisms benefit,
is known as:
a. predation
c. mutualism
b. parasitism
d. commensalism
Why did you choose this answer?
4. When a bird builds its nest in a tree, the bird benefits because the trees branches provide a place for
protection from predators. In return, the tree is neither helped nor hurt by the birds nest. This
type of
symbiotic relationship is known as:
a. Predation
c. commensalism
d. Parasitism
Why did you choose this answer?
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Name _____________________________________
Date ___________________
Period _____
1. The mistletoe plant digs roots into a tree branch and takes food from the tree. But mistletoe also
makes some food for itself because its leaves are green and it has chlorophyll.
This is an example of :____________________________because
2. As a “hermit” I find predators pesky to deal with on my long wanderings. So I load an anemone on
my back and scuttle over to the neighboring reef-hey, it's always safer for me to travel with a living
shield! And I suppose the anemone likes the idea of a change of environment and more food to
choose from.
This is an example of :_____________________________because
3. The anglerfish's natural predatory skills makes it a choice host for me-there are plenty of nutrients for
a little bacterium like me inside its body. Of course, the anglerfish couldn't get nearly enough food on
its own, so I give off a nice gentle glow that it can use for the purpose of luring more prey.
This is an example of :_____________________________because
4. I am a bacterium that lives on the roots of the soybean plant. I take nitrogen from the soil and make it
available for the plant to grow. In return, the soybean plant provides me with carbohydrates for food.
This is an example of :_____________________________because
5. I am a barnacle living on the skin of a whale. I adhere to the outer layer of the whales thick skin, so I
go wherever he goes. Living on the whale gives me a free ride to many more food sources that I
would not have been able to get to without some help. The whale is not harmed by me since I do not
interfere with his life, not irritate his skin, but I don't do anything to help him out. he doesn't seem to
mind me hitching a ride, so it's cool.
This is an example of :_____________________________because
6. I am an algae, being held in place by a fungus. Together, we are called a lichen. Man, do we have it
good. I feed him nutrients that I create through the process of photosynthesis. (That's right, I'm a
producer). In return, he holds me in place so I can gather sunlight without being pushed around by
the wind. We are like two best friends, helping each other out in need.
This is an example of :_____________________________because
7. I am a flea that lives on the back of a dog. I feed off of and find my home in the skin of many different
animals. The dog does his best to try and get rid of me by scratching and biting, but I just keep
digging further and further.
This is an example of :_____________________________because
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Directions: For each situation below classify the relationship as mutualism, commensalism, or parasitism.
Describe which organisms are helped and how they are helped. Describe which organisms are harmed,
and how they are harmed.
A large beetle spreads its wings to fly revealing a teeny tiny hitchhiker
going for a free ride. The mini scorpion often travels by hiding under the
wing covers of large beetles. Not only does it get a lift to a new
destination (place), but it gains protection from predators. The pincers
(claws) of the scorpion are too small to affect its beetle host,.
This is an example of _____________________________________________because
Scuttling silently across the ocean floor, the tiny candy
cane striped legs of the boxer crab extend sideways.
Unknown to the crab and lurking around, is a hungry
predator, ready to make a quick snack of the crab. The
crab is not defenseless though. Growing around the
crab’s front claws are tiny creatures called sea anemones.
These sea anemones protect the crab as they contain
stinging cells which deter any possible attacker.
Meanwhile, the anemones get a free ride to all different
sorts of food sources.
This is an example of ________________________________________________because
Leaping from the edge of a rock face to almost certain death, a grasshopper plunges into a pool of water
where it drowns. Suicide? Nope. Inside the body of the grasshopper squirms a tiny hairworm. Upon
arrival in its grasshopper host, the worm releases chemicals that wreak havoc on the grasshopper’s
central nervous system, causing the grasshopper to eventually kill itself. When the grasshopper hits the
water, the hairworm, now three or four times longer than the grasshopper, can swim away and join its
fellow hairworms.
This is an example of
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8th Grade Benchmark Resources
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Hierarchical Relationships in Space
Adapted from Earth Science – A CPalms resource
Benchmark(s): SC.8.E.5.3 - Distinguish the hierarchical relationships between planets and other
astronomical bodies relative to the solar system, galaxy, and universe, including distance, size, and
Summary: To teach this lesson, begin by engaging students with the “Scale of the Universe” interactive
video simulation. Students will then work in groups and use a laptop computer with internet access, to
view the Structure of the Universe PowerPoint presentation and to take notes into their lab notebooks.
Next, using their notes, have students create an 8.5” x 14” individual poster organizing the items listed
on the activity direction sheet in logical order.
Students will Know:
 the universe contains billions of galaxies and stars
 between objects in space in the context of light and space travel
Students will Understand:
 a hierarchical relationship exists between objects in space.
Students will be able to Do:
 organize objects in space by their relative distance, relative size, and general composition.
 Create an illustrated poster demonstrating an understanding of the hierarchical relationships
between planets and other astronomical bodies.
Essential Questions:
 What makes up the universe?
 What is the structure of the universe?
 How are distances in space measured?
Lesson Cycle:
I Do
Allow students time to interact with Scale of the Universe
video simulation to help bring size, and distance of the
Probe, Video
objects in the universe into perspective.
clip, Teacher
Division of Academics – Department of Science
We Do
After you have showed the discussed the “Scale of the
Universe” animation, explain to students they will take an
imaginary trip to the universe with 5 stops. Since this is an
imaginary trip, we can also assume travel at the speed of
Background Information:
The distance measurement unit we use depends on what we
are measuring. For instance, within our Solar System, or
other solar systems, the common unit is the Astronomical
Unit (AU). One AU equals the average distance between the
Earth and the Sun (149,597,887.7 km or 150,000,000 km).
For almost everything else, stars, galaxies, etc…, an
appropriate measurement unit is the light-year.
We can calculate distance of one light-year by knowing the
speed that light travels – 299,792,458 km/sec (186,287.5
miles per second). At this speed, light can travel 9.46 x 1015
meters (5,878,786,100,000 miles in one year). This is called
a light-year.
products such
as CER, DI
Exit Slip
Students will create individual posters using legal sized
(8.5”x14”) paper in order to demonstrate an understanding of
the hierarchical relationships between planets and other
astronomical bodies relative to the solar system, galaxy, and
universe. (See “Activity” below)
Create a picture book explaining to younger students what a
light year is. Begin by explaining what distance is and how
long it takes to travel a short distance. Then discuss traveling
longer distance such as the distance to the sun and the
nearest star. Use illustrations, diagrams, and everyday
examples to assist younger students to understand the
Students will display their completed posters in the classroom
for everyone to view while conducting a gallery walk at the
end of the class. After viewing the posters, have students
prepare a Venn Diagram comparing and contrasting the
relative distance, relative size, and general composition of
astronomical bodies in the universe.
GRRM* Gradual Release of Responsibility Model
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Summative Assessment:
Use the following terms to complete questions 1 and 2.
Asteroid belt
Our Solar System
Whirlpool Galaxy
1. Order these objects based on size from smallest to largest.
2. If you were able to travel through the enormous distances in space, in what order would you
expect to visit or pass these objects?
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Image Credit: Simulation Curriculum’s Starry Night
Stop 1 (Station 1):
You have traveled 8 minutes since you left Earth – at this time your distance traveled equals to the
distance between the Earth and the Sun. This is how long it takes light to reach Earth from the sun at a
speed of light, 300,000 km/s. The distance from Earth to the Sun is 150 million kilometers which equals
one astronomical unit (AU). Study the diagrams and answer the following questions in your science
1. How many planets are 1 AU or less from the Sun?
2. Would all of the planets be on the same side of the Sun as the Earth? Why?
Stop 2 (Station2):
You have traveled 0.16 years (58 days) since leaving Earth – Look back at the Sun. It is at a distance of
10,000 AU and the only thing you see is a very bright star in a sea of blackness. The distance you have
traveled is so big that kilometers and astronomical units are becoming too difficult to handle. A new unit
is introduced to you by the team of scientists – the light year. A light year (ly) is the distance that light
travels in 1 year. Light year is
equivalent to 63,240 AU. Since you
have traveled 0.16 years at the
speed of light, you have been
traveling for 0.16 ly. One AU equals
the average distance between the
Earth and the Sun (149,597,887.7 km
or 150,000,000 km).
Image Credit: Simulation Curriculum’s Starry Night
Answer the following questions in
your notebook:
3. Why aren’t you able to see the
planets around the Sun?
4. Calculate how far (in kilometers)
you are from home (Earth).
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Stop 3 (Station 3):
You have arrived at Alpha Centauri. You
have traveled 4.3 light years (ly) from Earth –
Looking back toward the Sun, you can see
other stars. Sirius is the brightest star seen
from Earth’s Northern Hemisphere and is 8.6
light years (ly) from Earth. The other star is
Alpha Centauri at 4.3 light years (ly) from
Earth and can be seen anywhere south of
Miami, Florida. One Light year is equivalent
to 63,240 AU.
Answer the following questions in your
science notebook:
Image Credit: Simulation Curriculum’s Starry Night
5. Calculate how far Alpha Centauri is (in AU) from Earth.
6. How far away is Sirius form Earth in AU?
Stop 4 (Station 4):
You have traveled 160.000 years
since leaving Earth – At this distance
you have entered emptier space and
all the stars you have been observing
have merged into a spiral shaped
structure. This is the Milky Way
galaxy, our home galaxy. The Milky
Way galaxy is 100,000 light years (ly)
across. From this distance you
Image Credit: Simulation Curriculum’s Starry Night
observe the Sun as just one of billions
of stars. The Sun is located about
two-thirds from the center of the Milky Way.
7. What conclusion can you draw by observing the Milky Way diagram regarding where most stars seem
to be concentrated in our galaxy.
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Stop 5 (Station 5):
You have traveled 16 million years since leaving Earth – At this distance the Milky Way now is seen as
part of family of galaxies called Local Group of Galaxies. Mutual gravitational forces hold all galaxies
together, just as gravitational forces in our solar system hold the planets in orbit around the Sun.
You decide to write a letter to your science teacher about the wonderful trip you have experienced. How
would you address your letter? In other words, what is your cosmic address back home? You need to
include the following: galaxy, planet system, planet, hemisphere, continent, country, state, city, street and
number, school, classroom number and teacher’s name.
Image Credit: Simulation Curriculum’s Starry Night
Division of Academics – Department of Science
SC.8.E.5.3 - Distinguish the hierarchical relationships between planets and other astronomical bodies
relative to the solar system, galaxy, and universe, including distance, size, and composition.
Activity: Using the 8.5”x14” legal sized paper provided, each group member will complete a poster
illustrating how the following celestial objects can be arranged in logical order. You must write a label
and description for each object listed.
Solar System
International Space
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Star Classifications
Benchmark(s): SC.8.E.5.5: Describe and classify specific physical properties of stars: apparent
magnitude (brightness), temperature (color), size, and luminosity (absolute brightness).
Summary: To teach this lesson, begin by engaging students with a song about the types of
stars, (Mr. Parr’s Types of Stars) and have students sing along a few times until they become
familiar with the song. Next, students will examine a set of stars to identify distinguishing
characteristics. A good variety of images can be found by conducting a Google images search
of “image of stars”. Lead into a discussion of how organizing information can help us learn
more about objects and their similarities and differences. Elicit examples the students may
already be familiar with in science (Animal Kingdoms, elements, types of clouds, etc.) Invite
them to be scientists who study the stars and to discover patterns and classes. Students will
then conduct the Star Light, Star Bright: Exploring How Stars are Classified using the star set
attachment. Students will create star posters and hang them around the classroom. Allow
students to use these posters to answer questions regarding the classification of star according
to its physical properties and where its location is on the H-R Diagram.
Students will Know:
 that stars can be classified according to their physical properties: apparent magnitude
(brightness), temperature (color) and absolute brightness (luminosity).
Students will Understand:
 the information displayed on a Hertzprung-Russell (H-R) diagram.
 that much of what we know about stars came from scientists who studied patterns which
appear when star surface temperature and luminosity are plotted.
Students will be able to Do:
 Classify a group of stars according to their physical properties.
Essential Question:
 Explain importance and purpose of the H-R diagram. And how it can be used to classify
stars according to their physical properties.
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Lesson Cycle:
I Do
Probe, Video
clip, Teacher
Watch Mr. Parr’s Types of Stars song video on you tube
and have students sing along a few times until the words
become familiar.
Give each group a set of star images (or display for the
class) and have students identify difference among the
stars. Students may identify different colors, sizes, and
brightness. Discuss briefly how easy it was to describe the
stars in this way using these categories and how someone
who never saw stars could know a tremendous amount of
information about them.
Students will conduct Star Light, Star Bright: Exploring How
Stars are Classified using the star set attachment.
Note: the stars are labeled by name, temperature and
absolute brightness (the circled number).
products such
as CER, DI
Instruct each group to arrange the stars on the poster
boards which communicates the most information.
Challenge them to consider a way that presents all the
information discussed. Explain importance and purpose of
the H-R diagram and ask probing questions as students use
it to answer: Where are the largest stars? Where are the
coolest and dimmest stars? Where are the coolest and
brightest stars? Where are the hottest and dimmest stars?
Where are the hottest and brightest stars? What do you
think... colors tell us about temperatures of stars? ...
temperature tells us about luminosity? ... size tells us about
Each group will present and explain their poster
arrangement to the class. Hand out H-R diagrams to each
student. Have them examine the title and the axis labels.
Identify the location of our sun on it.
Exit Slip
Each student will write a paragraph explaining what they did
and what they observed about the star data collected.
We Do
GRRM* Gradual Release of Responsibility Model
Teacher Notes: Use the following link to print teacher instructions for the student activity: Star
Light, Star Bright: Exploring How Stars are Classified.
Student Handouts:
Star Light, Star Bright: Exploring How Stars are Classified using the star set attachment.
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Summative Assessment:
When all groups have reported on their findings, ask the class to summarize conclusions from
these observations:
1. What can we say about small stars? (less luminous, mostly white and yellow)
2. What can we say about medium stars? (all temperatures and extremes in luminosity;
most of the stars are medium sized)
3. What can we say about large stars? (coolest; most luminous, mostly orange and red)
4. Why do you think the bigger stars are more luminous? (they have more mass)
Division of Academics – Department of Science
A Closer Look of the Inner and Outer Planets
Benchmark(s): SC.8.E.5.7: Compare and contrast the properties of objects in the Solar System,
including the Sun, and moons to those of Earth, such as gravitational force, distance from the
Sun, speed, movement, temperature, and atmospheric conditions.
Summary: “Begin by engaging students with the "K" (what they already know) of the KWL chart
(there is a KWL chart attached to the lesson in the Formative Assessment section if needed).
Teacher can show a video or a visual so that the students can visualize the planets. Suggested
 Solar System 101 (National Geographics)
 The Solar System - A Brief Glance
The students will work in small groups of 2-3 (depending on computer access available) to
research all of the 8 planets in the Solar System. To keep the students focused on the aligned
standard and the Guiding Questions you may choose to use the attached Inner and Outer
Planet Research Handout for students to record and organize their research.
Resources for students use when researching the inner and outer planets:
 http://solarsystem.nasa.gov/kids/index.cfm
 http://www.planetsforkids.org/
Then the students will work in their groups to complete a Venn Diagram comparing one inner
and one outer planet. In the Venn diagram, the students should write specific properties that
make the inner and outer planets similar and different. Suggestion: The teacher can assign
student groups a specific characteristic to compare if desired.
Using the research they've conducted, their KWL Charts, their Venn Diagrams, and their Inner
and Outer Planet Research Handout students will work individually to create a solar system
The attached Student Checklist can be used with the students to keep them on track and aware
of the teachers expectations.
Students will Know:
 The different properties of the inner and outer planets in our Solar System and compare
them to Earth.
Students will Understand:
 The similarities and differences of the inner and outer planets and their moons, and
compare and contrast this information with the Earth and its moon.
Students will be able to Do:
 Complete a Venn Diagram comparing one inner and one outer planet.
 Using the research they've conducted, their KWL Charts, their Venn Diagrams, and their
Inner and Outer Planet Research Handout students will work individually to create a
solar system poster.
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Essential Question:
Name the inner and outer planets, and explain how they are different and why they are
Lesson Cycle:
The teacher can start the lesson with a KWL graphic
organizer that will be completed by the students. Then the
teacher can show a video, from the suggested video links
above, to help the students can visualize the planets.
Students will complete a Venn Diagram with their research
and organize it into their KWL charts.
products such
as CER, DI
Students will use the Venn Diagrams they completed along
with their research (organized into their KWL charts) to
create a Solar System poster comparing an inner and outer
planet of their choosing. The teacher can use the following
Poster Rubric to measure the students’ development of their
Solar System posters. This attached Student Poster
Checklist can be shared with students to keep them on track
(blank sections are included on the student checklist for
teachers to easily add their own items).
An appropriate extension for this lesson, tied to both of the
aligned standards would be a writing assignment addressing
the following prompt.
We Do
I Do
Probe, Video
clip, Teacher
"If you could live on any other planet besides Earth
which one would you choose and why?"
Exit Slip
Students should be instructed to include details for how they
will survive based on their research on atmospheric
conditions and common characteristics of the planet. For
example, if the planet has extreme temperatures or limited
oxygen how might they ensure their survival?
Students will conduct a gallery walk and compile a list of 5
characteristics for each of the inner and outer planets based
on the information obtained from the student made posters.
Using this information.
GRRM* Gradual Release of Responsibility Model
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Summative Assessment:
1. What do you think the temperature is on the planets closest to sun? Why?
2. Where is Earth located? Is it an inner or outer planet?
3. Compare and contrast the properties of inner and outer planets.
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Student handouts
Venn Diagram
Inner and Outer Planet Research Handout
Checklist for Solar System Poster
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Earth, Moon and Sun Relationships
Benchmark(s): SC.8.E.5.9: Explain the impact of objects in space on each other including: 1.
The Sun on the Earth including seasons and gravitational attraction 2. The Moon on the Earth,
including phases, tides, and eclipses, and the relative position of each body.
Summary: Students are engaged in a discussion of the Sun, Moon, Earth system and use a
video to reference for the discussion. Then the students will engage in an exploration of the
seasons, tides, phases of the moon, and eclipses. The minimum materials needed include light
sources, globes, and a representation of the moon (an additional round object). Based on the
exploration, students will explain the interaction of the Sun, Moon and Earth including
positioning to describe the various events.
Students will Know: explain how the relative positions of the Earth, moon and Sun are
responsible for the moon phases. The amount of the moon’s face that is illuminated by the Sun
depends on where the moon is in relation to the earth and Sun.
Students will Understand: recognize that the moon does not produce its own light, but reflects
the light of the Sun.
Students will be able to Do: To know where the moon is in relation to the Sun and the Earth
during each of the following moon phases:
Essential Question:
How do the Sun, Earth, and moon interact to influence seasons, tides, phases, and eclipses?
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Lesson Cycle:
I Do
You Do
We Do
Probe, Video
clip, Teacher
products such
as CER, DI
Students are engaged in a discussion on the Earth-Sun-Moon
system including the interactions among the three objects and the
effects on the Earth.. The video linked below can be used as a
source of reference for the discussion.
BBC - Astronomy and Space
In small groups, students create a model of seasons, eclipses,
moon phases, and tides and go through each phase.
The materials needed are light sources, globes, and a
representation of the moon (an additional round object.). If
organizing the groups as stations for each concept, the season
station will not need a representation of the moon, but
thermometers may be used as an additional tool.
Students use the “Influenced Events” table (below) to explain the
interactions among the Sun, Moon, and Earth. The students
should share their understandings with the class. The teacher
should facilitate the student discussion to avoid and correct
misconceptions. Prepared images or a PowerPoint my aid the
Students research a rare event related to the concepts and
describe why they are unique.
Examples are: super moon, red moon, total solar eclipse
Exit Slip
Summative assessment (below).
GRRM* Gradual Release of Responsibility Model
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Summative Assessment:
1. Earth revolves around the Sun, and the Moon revolves around Earth. The Moon’s orbital path is
sometimes above and sometimes below the plane of Earth’s orbit, as shown in the diagram below.
What would happen if Earth’s orbit and the Moon’s orbit were in the same plane? SC.8.E.5.9
Eclipses would occur every month.
The Moon would not have phases.
All sides of the Moon would be visible from Earth.
The same side of the Moon would always face the Sun.
2. What force causes tides?
The Earth's gravitational pull.
The sun's gravitational pull.
The moon's gravitational pull.
The wind
3. Which of the following statements correctly explains why we experience seasons?
A. As the Earth moves away from the Sun, we change from summer to fall to winter. As the Earth
moves closer to the Sun, we change from winter to spring to summer.
B. As the Earth spins on its axis, we experience seasons. Each 1/4 spin of the Earth on its axis
represents a change in season.
C. Earth's tilt on its axis means one hemisphere leans toward the Sun, causing it to experience
warmer temperatures. As Earth revolves around the Sun, a different hemisphere leans toward the
Sun, causes warmer temperatures in that hemisphere.
D. The Moon moving in front of the Sun causes temperatures on Earth to drop, which causes winter.
When it moves behind the Sun, a rise in temperature causes summer.
4. Draw a diagram showing OR describe the difference between how a full moon and new moon are
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Student Directions: For the Sun and Moon columns, describe the role each object play for the given
events. For the Earth column, describe the observable effect of the given events. (Note: The sun has
some influence on all of the events, but the moon only has an influence on 3 of 4 of the events.)
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Using a light source, globe, and other round object to represent the moon (when necessary) model how
each even occurs, describe your model and respond to the questions below
1. Eclipses
A. Model description
B. Draw a diagram to show the placement of the Earth, Moon, and Sun during a solar eclipse.
Describe how this is different from a lunar eclipse.
2. Seasons
A. Model description
B. Draw a diagram that illustrates the changes of the seasons. Label the positions of the Earth in
which each season is observed.
Division of Academics – Department of Science
3. Phases of the Moon
A. Model description
B. Create a diagram to show the phases of the moon.
4. Tides
A. Model description
B. Draw a diagram the system of the Earth, Moon, and Sun to show the highest possible tides.
Division of Academics – Department of Science
What’s the Matter?
Benchmark(s): SC.8.P.8.4: Classify and compare substances on the basis of characteristic physical
properties that can be demonstrated or measured; for example, density, thermal or electrical
conductivity, solubility, magnetic properties, melting and boiling points, and know that these properties
are independent of the amount of the sample.
Summary: Students will engage with an NBC Learn video to see how physical properties can be used
to isolate gold from complex mixture of minerals. Students will then be able to explore the physical
properties or various materials, either though an investigation of the properties of a set of materials
(website linked below) or by separating materials, similarly to the video, using an essential lab.
Students can then explain their understanding of physical properties through a Claim-EvidenceReasoning (CER).
Students will Know: All matter has certain physical properties that can be used to classify or distinguish
materials from one another.
Students will Understand: Each material has a unique set of physical properties and the properties are
the same regardless of the sample size.
Students will be able to Do: Test the physical properties of various materials to classify the materials
according to the physical properties.
Essential Question:
Scientists often find mysterious materials. Why are physical properties important for identifying
unknown substances?
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Lesson Cycle:
Introduce the essential question to students to assess prior
After the video:
Have students discuss the following questions.
What processes would need to take place to extract gold
from the land?
How can physical properties be used to isolate gold from the
Have students explore the physical properties of matter with
the “What’s the Matter” activity. If students have not yet
performed the inquiry version of this activity in the essential
lab document, the essential lab should be used.
Probe, Video clip,
Where does gold come from? How is it harvested or mined?
Use the NBC Learn video, Modern Day Gold Rush, to
engage students in the use of physical properties
During the video:
Have students make observation of the landscape from
which gold is mined and describe how the gold is being
I Do
Investigations, DI
Student products
such as CER, DI
Students complete a CER for the essential question.
Research, Home
Research the physical properties of crude oil and develop a
plan for removing oil from water and from sandy beaches to
be used as an oil spill cleanup plan.
Exit Slip
Complete the Summative Assessment
GRRM* Gradual Release of Responsibility Model
Summative Assessment Key:
1. C
2. D
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Summative Assessment
5. Look at the two pictures below. They show what happened when two solid blocks were each put in
a jar containing a liquid. Based just on what you can see in the pictures, what can you say about the
blocks and the jars? SC.8.P.8.4
The liquid in the jars must be water.
The block in jar 1 weighs more than the block in jar 2.
The block in jar 1 is floating lower in its liquid than is the block in jar 2.
The block in jar 1 must be made of metal and the block in jar 2 must be made of wood.
6. After students completed a science investigation on electrical conductivity, the teacher gave them a
copy of this chart listing groups of elements. The students' task is to determine which group of
elements are all electrical conductors.
Group A
Group B
Group C
Group D
Which group should they choose?
A. Group A
B. Group B
C. Group C
D. Group D
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Title: Elements, Compounds, Mixtures, Oh My!
Benchmark(s): SC.8.P.8.5: Recognize that there are a finite number of elements and that their atoms
combine in a multitude of ways to produce compounds that make up all of the living and nonliving
things that we encounter.
SC.8.P.8.9 Distinguish among mixtures (including solutions) and pure substances.
Summary: To teach this lesson, begin by stating the expected outcome of the lesson by reviewing the
essential question. Engage students by discussing compounds and mixtures they may find in everyday
life. Next, show students the BBC Compounds and Mixtures video to expose them to content. Use the
E, C, M PowerPoint slide 1 to frontload vocabulary and contrast elements, compounds, and mixtures.
Allow students the opportunity to explore the atom and the development of simple molecules and
mixtures of elements and compounds so they may attain a visual representation of the terminology
through practice using the Build a Molecule phET Simulation. Students can practice identifying
elements, compounds, and mixtures using the ECM manipulatives where they cut out and categorize
pictorial examples of elements, compounds, and mixtures of each. In lieu of the manipulatives, students
can also create Frayer models of each term where the definition, an illustration, common examples and
synonyms for each term is provided in an organizer. These activities can be easily constructed in the
Interactive Science Notebooks on the “Student” side. Teachers can check for understanding by
probing students about their decisions and asking them to share their work. The lesson can be
elaborated/extended to include student reflection in the ISN for HW, where the Essential Questions are
answered using evidence from activities done in class or notes taken for the day. Reinforcement can
also be established using an extended handout that entails the classifying elements, compounds, and
mixtures. Finally, teachers can assess students authentically through fun and games by using the
E,C,M PowerPoint. Here, images are provided where students work in teams to classify. If there is a tie,
you can ask students to identify blood as an element, compound, or mixture to really get them thinking.
Teachers can also assess acquisition of benchmark content using the summative assessment
questions provided as an exit slip.
Students will Know:
 the hierarchical relationship between atoms, elements and compounds.
Students will Understand:
 atoms combine in many ways to make up all matter.
 a model or simulation of atoms, elements, and compounds, such as the Build a Molecule
simulation, is a necessary learning tool as these particles are too small to be seen by the naked
Students will be able to Do:
 analyze models of materials to classify materials as elements, compounds or mixtures
Essential Questions:
 How would you differentiate between an atom, an element, and a compound?
 What is the relationship between atoms, elements, compounds, and mixtures?
Division of Academics – Department of Science
products such
as CER, DI
We Do
Lesson Cycle:
I Do
Probe, Video
clip, Teacher
Demonstration 
Game or
Present the essential question to students before starting
the lesson
Engage by asking students to discuss mixtures found in
everyday life and how they are able to know this
Observe BBC Compounds and Mixtures
Use E,C,M PowerPoint first slide to explain difference
between elements, compounds, and mixtures.
Use Build a Molecule phET simulation to construct simple
molecules from atoms and differentiate compounds from
mixtures of elements and compounds.
Use E, C, M Manipulatives to categorize the diagrams of
each. Students need glue, scissors, and template. This
can easily be incorporated on the student-centered side
of an ISN.
Students create a graphic organizer using the Frayer
Model for elements, compounds, and mixtures. Where
they define, provide pictorial example, list common
examples, and synonyms for each term.
Revisit essential question through open discussion or
have students answer the EQ in their ISN for HW and
provide examples.
Elements, Compounds, and Mixtures Reinforcement:
Identify each substance in a diagram to reinforce lesson.
Use E,C,M PowerPoint and three colored index cards per
group that indicate element, compound, or mixture. Show
PowerPoint and wait for groups to decide which index
card to hold up while determining what is seen.
GRRM* Gradual Release of Responsibility Model
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Summative Assessment:
1. Two types of models that can be used to show details of the structures of cells are shown below.
Which of the following describes a limitation of the drawing but NOT the clay model?
It does not represent the main parts of a cell.
It does not contain the correct number of nuclei.
It cannot represent a living cell, since a true cell is three-dimensional.
It cannot represent a living cell, since the cytoplasm should be in constant motion.
2. Living and nonliving things are made up of matter. Which of the following statements is true about
Nonliving and living things can be made up of combined elements.
Living things are composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen only.
Living things are made up of elements, and nonliving things are made of minerals.
Nonliving things are composed of pure substances, while living things are made of more
complex units.
3. Ocean water is a combination of salt and water. Which of the following best describes the
composition of ocean water?
It is an element, since water is found in all living things.
It is a suspension, since particles can be found in ocean water.
It is a compound, since it results from the combination of elements.
It is a solution, since it is made up of one substance dissolved in another.
Division of Academics – Department of Science
4. Jimmy put some dirt and water into a jar, put the lid on, and then shook the jar. The contents of the
jar turned brown. Jimmy set the jar on the table and checked back every 5 minutes for 20 minutes.
The pictures show what Jimmy saw. Which of the following best explains what happened in the jar?
The dirt and
water combined to form new
The water
and dirt combined to form a heterogeneous mixture
C. The water dissolved some of the dirt particles, creating a solution
D. The dirt broke down into elements and settled in the jar according to density.
5. Which of the following statements regarding the periodic table of elements is true?
A. The periodic table does not list all of the known elements in the universe.
B. All elements on the periodic table are made up of the same fundamental particles: protons,
neutrons and electrons.
C. The properties of elements can be predicted by their positions in the periodic table, but their
bonding patterns cannot be predicted.
D. All nonliving things consist of elements on the periodic table; all living things consist of
things that are not listed on the periodic table.
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Student handout: see links provided
E, C, M Manipulatives
Elements, Compounds, and Mixtures Reinforcement
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Changes of Matter
Benchmark(s): SC.8.P.9.2 - Differentiate between physical changes and chemical changes.
Summary: In this activity, students will observe indicators of physical and chemical changes
through various stations throughout the room. It is important to set up stations with materials
beforehand. It is best to have students in groups of 4 to 5 if there are large classes to reduce the
amount of materials needed to complete the activity. Engage students by observing a YouTube
Properties of Matter rap video. Upon watching the video, solicit student responses on types of
changes observed. Next, explain the differences between chemical and physical changes.
Provide students with the Station Activity handout, recall the directions, and locate the stations
around the school. Allot 5-6 minutes per station as students rotate around the school. As
students carry out the procedures, they must look for indicators that identify the change that is
occurring. Once finished, students summarize the activity in their conclusion and analysis. It is
best to revisit the essential question and allow students to share their responses in order to do
so. Extend student thinking by applying the lesson concept to the natural process of breathing
and ask students to defend their response.
Students will Know: They are conducting investigations of physical and chemical changes that
“models” what might occur in real life
Students will Understand: What indicators can help determine whether a physical or chemical
change has occurred
Students will be able to Do: Provide evidence to prove that a chemical and/or physical change
has occurred from an investigation
Essential Question:
How could you differentiate between a physical and chemical change?
What are some indicators that a physical or chemical change has occurred?
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Lesson Cycle:
I Do
We Do
Students observe the Youtube Properties of Matter Rap, an
educational video about the properties of matter and
physical/chemical changes set to the music of Justin
Bieber's "Boyfriend" with scientific pictures found from
Demonstration google image search. Ask students what examples of
physical and chemical changes they noticed throughout the
In groups, students navigate to each station activity.
Students will follow the directions and record whether it is a
physical or chemical change.
Teachers must prepare 9 stations with the following
1. A cup of cornstarch, dropper, measuring spoon,
beaker of water and dropper
2. A piece of apple or banana on a paper towel
3. A cup or beaker of baking soda and vinegar, an
empty cup or beaker and dropper
4. A cup or beaker of salt, water and a spoon
5. A cup or beaker of water and bleach, yellow food
coloring, and a dropper
6. Paper towel and play dough
7. An antacid tablet and a cup or beaker of water
8. A Ziploc bag of diaper polymer (cut a diaper and
take out the insides in a Ziploc bag and shake it), a
measuring spoon and a cup or beaker of water
9. A beaker with water, two empty cups or beakers,
magnesium sulfate and sodium carbonate
products such Students complete an activity handout where they record
as CER, DI
their observations at each station.
Revisit the Essential Question and provide students with
feedback on the day’s activities.
Students will extend their thinking and write a paragraph in
the ISN answering the following question based on today’s
lesson and their prior knowledge.
When we breathe, we breathe in oxygen O2 and breathe out
carbon dioxide CO2. Is this an example of a chemical
change or a physical change? Support your reasoning.
Exit Slip
Students complete the benchmark assessment.
GRRM* Gradual Release of Responsibility Model
Division of Academics – Department of Science
SC.8.P.9.2 Summative Assessment
1. A student adds water and sugar to a jar and seals the jar so that nothing can get in or out.
The student then finds the mass of the jar containing the water and sugar. After some sugar
dissolves, the student finds the mass of the jar and its contents again.
What will happen to the mass of the jar containing the water and sugar after some of the sugar
A. The mass will stay the same.
B. The mass will increase.
C. The mass will decrease.
D. The mass will depend on how much sugar dissolves.
2. Robert is hiking through the forest and writing down his observations. He steps on a branch
and it breaks into several pieces. Which of the following best describes the resulting
properties of the branch?
A. The density of the branch decreased, since it now takes up less space.
B. The molecular arrangement of the branch changed as the broken pieces changed
C. The total mass of the branch pieces is the same, and only a physical change has
D. The chemical composition of the branch changed as the broken pieces reacted with
the environment.
3. You spill a little water on a tile floor but do not have time to wipe it up. A few hours later,
most of the water is gone. What happened to the water?
A. The water molecules were destroyed
B. The water molecules got smaller and now take up less space
C. The water molecules became a gas and are now in the air
D. The water molecules broke down into hydrogen and oxygen atoms, which are now in
the air
4. Helium gas is used in balloons. When helium gas is cooled enough, it becomes a liquid.
What do you think happens when helium turns into a liquid?
A. Some of the helium has turned into water
B. The helium has turned into a different liquid
C. Some helium has turned into water, some into another liquid and the rest is helium
D. It is all still helium, but in a liquid form
5. Chemical changes involve a change in the composition of a substance. Which of the
following is NOT an indicator that a chemical change has occurred?
A. Color change
Division of Academics – Department of Science
B. Change in mass
C. Formation of a precipitate
D. Increase or decrease in temperature
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Name: _______________________________________ Period: ________
Changes of Matter Activity
Date: ____________
Question: What are some clues that a chemical change has occurred?
Background Information: Chemical changes occur when a substance combines with another to form
a new substance or, alternatively, decomposes into two or more different substances. These processes
are called chemical reactions and, in general, are not reversible except by further chemical reactions.
Physical changes are changes affecting the form of a chemical substance, but do not change the
chemical composition of that substance. A physical change involves a change in physical properties.
Station 1
 Physical
 Chemical
Station 2
 Physical
 Chemical
Station 3
 Physical
 Chemical
Station 4
 Physical
 Chemical
Station 7
 Physical
 Chemical
Station 5
 Physical
 Chemical
Station 8
 Physical
 Chemical
Station 6
 Physical
 Chemical
Station 9
 Physical
 Chemical
Directions: In this activity, you will observe both physical and chemical changes. Make sure
that the person conducting the experiment in your group wears gloves at all times. It is important
to read the procedures for each station first and form a hypothesis for each station prior to
conducting each task. Make observations before you determine whether you have witnessed a
physical or chemical change.
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Station 1: Mix a tablespoon of cornstarch and 50 ml of water in a plastic cup or beaker. Use a
dropper to put one drop of iodine solution into the beaker. Record your observations.
Station 2: Observe a piece of cut fruit on a paper towel. It was cut fresh this morning. Record
you observations.
Station 3: Measure out 1 teaspoon of baking soda and place it in a cup or beaker. Place five
drops of vinegar onto the baking soda. Record you observations.
Station 4: Mix a tablespoon of salt in 100 ml of water and stir. Record you observations.
Station 5: Fill a beaker with 50 ml of water. Put one drop of yellow food coloring into the water
and stir with a spoon. Put five drops of bleach into the colored water. Record you observations.
Station 6: Create a cat out of play dough. Record your observations.
Station 7: A tablet is provided for you. Place half of a tablet in a cup or beaker of water. Record
you observations.
Station 8: Place one tablespoon of the polymer into a beaker or plastic cup and add 50 ml of
water. Record you observations.
Station 9: Teacher led demonstration. Wait for or call your teacher over to the station when
ready. Watch as your teacher combines two clear colorless solutions. One is a sodium
carbonate solution and the other was a magnesium sulfate solution. Record your observations.
Teacher directions for Station 9:
 Pour 100 mL of water in one clear plastic cup and add 10 g (about 1 tablespoon) of
magnesium sulfate. Stir until the solution is clear.
 Pour 50 mL of water in another clear plastic cup and add 5 g (about 1 teaspoon) of
sodium carbonate. Stir until the solution is clear.
 Hold up the two clear colorless solutions and slowly pour the smaller amount into the
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Collect Data and make observations
 Light
 Color
 Bubbles/gas
1. Corn
Starch &
 Precipitate
 Heat
 No changes occurred
 Other: _________________________________________
 Light
 Color
 Bubbles/gas
2. Fruit
 Precipitate
 Heat
 No changes occurred
 Other: _________________________________________
 Light
 Color
 Bubbles/gas
3. Baking
Soda &
 Precipitate
 Heat
 No changes occurred
 Other: _________________________________________
 Light
 Color
 Bubbles/gas
4. Salt
 Precipitate
 Heat
 No changes occurred
 Other: _________________________________________
 Light
 Color
 Bubbles/gas
5. Food
 Precipitate
 Heat
 No changes occurred
& Bleach
 Other: _________________________________________
 Light
 Color
 Bubbles/gas
6. Play
 Precipitate
 Heat
 No changes occurred
 Other: _________________________________________
 Light
 Color
 Bubbles/gas
7. Tablet
 Precipitate
 Heat
 No changes occurred
 Other: _________________________________________
 Light
 Color
 Bubbles/gas
8. Diaper
 Precipitate
 Heat
 No changes occurred
 Other: _________________________________________
9. Sodium
 Color
 Bubbles/gas
Carbonat  Light
 Precipitate
 Heat
 No changes occurred
Magnesiu  Other: _________________________________________
m Sulfate
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Physical or Chemical Change?
Change: _________________________________
Change: _________________________________
Change: _________________________________
Change: _________________________________
Change: _________________________________
Change: _________________________________
Change: _________________________________
Change: _________________________________
Conclusion and Analysis:
The purpose of this activity was
It was observed that stations
__________________________________________________________________ were all examples of
___________________________________________________________ because
___________________________________________________________. Meanwhile, stations
____________________________________________________________________ were examples of a
_______________________________________________________________ because
_____________. I learned that in order to identify whether or not a chemical change has occurred, I can
look for indicators such as
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Sorting Out Cycles in Nature
Benchmark(s): SC.8.L.18.4: Cite evidence that living systems follow the Laws of Conservation
of Mass and Energy.
Summary: To begin this lesson, introduce the lesson topic as biogeochemical cycles in nature.
Break down the word meaning using its word parts to allude to the cycles found in nature.
Introduce the Essential Questions for the lesson. Next, students will observe the Discovery
Education video segment, Earth Cycles and try to identify the various cycles within the video.
Encourage students to practice note-taking skills while observing the video. Recap through
discussion with the students, the cycles presented in the video. Jog their thoughts by reminding
them to continue to think about how the cycles demonstrate the Law of Conservation of Mass
and Energy as they continue with the next activity. Next, put the students into collaborative
groups. You will need to print cards for the Carbon Cycle Card activity for each group. You will
also need a large print out or poster of the Carbon Cycle for one of the group investigations
(investigation C). In the first Investigation, all groups will sort their cards to identify the different
ways carbon cycles in the ecosystem as a source (release carbon) or a carbon sink (absorb
carbon). Discuss their findings and correct student misunderstandings of any card they felt was
difficult to sort. Refer back to the Essential Question and observe student responses. Commend
students on their work together and separate the next investigations so that each group can
conduct an investigation at their achievement levels. Inform all groups that they have 15-20
minutes to come up with their findings to share with the class. Have each group explain their
results to everyone else. All other students must pay attention in order to complete their
worksheet, leaving them engaged at all times. Finally, recap the carbon cycle activity’s purpose
and outcome to the students by referring to the essential question and allowing a student to
share a modified response or support the previous answer stated by classmates earlier. Explain
that the home learning assignment is to provide evidence in their writing to answer the essential
question in their ISN. Students can take the summative assessment at the end of the lesson or
study using the BYOD options and the Pearson textbook pages to take the assessment the
following class.
Students will Know: Various cycles in nature (water, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen) obey the Law of
Conservation of Mass and Energy.
Students will Understand: Students will be able to explain that living systems obey the Law of
Conservation of Mass and the Law of Conservation of Energy.
Students will be able to Do: Students will be provided the opportunity to investigate the Law of
Conservation of Mass and Energy by planning and carrying out a scientific investigation.
Essential Question:
Can you provide an example of how a living system obeys the Law of Conservation of Mass?
Can you give an example of how a living system obeys the Law of Conservation of Energy?
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Lesson Cycle:
I Do
Probe, Video clip,
Use the Essential Questions of the lesson to assess prior
knowledge of students. Watch the Discovery Education
Earth Cycles video segment and ask students to look for the
different cycles in nature. Tell students to see if they can
answer the essential question based on the video segment.
Encourage students to take notes on the cycles as the video
plays along.
(Earth Cycles video segment within Standard Deviants
Teaching Systems: Earth Science Module 08: Earth
Investigate the cycling of carbon through the nature through
collaborative groups using the Carbon Cycle Cards (21
cards per group) and the Carbon Cycle Activity worksheet.
The whole class conducts investigation A together where
they identify carbon sources in nature (processes that
release carbon) and carbon sinks (processes that absorb
carbon). Share your findings and relay this back to the Law
of Conservation of Mass and Energy in open discussion. Let
students continue to explore by differentiating Investigations
B, C, and D.
Have each group choose a spokesperson and share their
Student products
such as CER, DI
Students complete the Carbon Cycle Activity worksheet.
Research, Home
Answer the Essential Questions in your ISN in a paragraph.
Use evidence from the day’s activities and the video to
support your reasoning.
Exit Slip
Complete the Summative Assessment
Investigations, DI
GRRM* Gradual Release of Responsibility Model
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Teacher Guide
Carbon Cycle Card Activity
(Adapted from Carbon Cycle Activity)
Essential Question: How does carbon dioxide cycle through the ocean, land, and
Materials: Print out of Carbon Cycle cards (21) for the number of groups you wish to create and
a large image or poster of the Carbon Cycle for Investigation B.
Investigation A
Place each card image-side up on a tabletop or desk. Ask students to sort the cards into two
categories: images of organisms, activities, or processes that release carbon dioxide (sources)
vs. those that absorb carbon dioxide (sinks). If students are unsure about some cards, have
them set those aside.
1) Read the backs of the cards in the “uncertain” pile. After discussing, put these in the
correct category.
2) Count the cards in each group. Which has more, sources or sinks? (sources)
3) Distinguish between natural processes and human activities depicted on the cards.
a) For the natural processes, which ones release carbon dioxide?
b) Which ones absorb carbon dioxide?
c) What absorbs about half of the carbon dioxide being generated by humans
burning fossil fuels for transportation and electricity? (the ocean)
d) For human (anthropogenic) sources, which ones involve burning of fossil fuels?
Investigation B
Use only human-based source cards. Ask students to sort cards into human-use categories
such as manufacturing of products, transportation, electricity, and other categories by using
both the image and the text. Ask students to select three cards representing activities that are
part of their daily lives.
1) Ask students to describe their three cards and how each activity is incorporated into their
2) Ask students to brainstorm ways they might reduce their emissions of carbon dioxide.
Investigation C
Using a poster or large image of the carbon cycle, place the cards in the appropriate places in
the cycle, taking care to match the processes (e.g., respiration, photosynthesis, etc.) shown in
the cycle.
Investigation D
Thinking about the processes represented by the images (e.g., photosynthesis, decay, etc.),
sort the cards into slow-acting or infrequent processes vs. fast-acting or frequent processes.
1) If sources release carbon dioxide faster than natural processes can handle it, what
would you expect to happen in the system?
Summative Assessment Key: 1) C 2) A 3) A 4) B 5) A 6) D
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Summative Assessment
Write the letter that best answers the question in the space provided.
___ 1.
The diagram shows how the organisms get energy.
What goes in the box labeled Energy source?
A. a fish
B. soil
C. the sun
D. water
___ 2.
The graph shows the changes in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere over more
than 40 years.
Which of the following is the best conclusion you can draw from the graph?
A. The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has been steadily increasing since 1960.
B. The data set is too irregular to determine how the amount of carbon dioxide has changed.
C. Fossil fuels have caused carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere to increase since 1960.
D. Carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere have been increasing since the last ice age.
Division of Academics – Department of Science
___ 3.
Which best explains the process of a biogeochemical cycle?
A. It is a cycle that passes the same molecules around over and over in the biosphere.
B. It is a cycle that passes the same molecules in one direction through an ecosystem.
C. It is a cycle that occurs once a year in the biosphere.
D. It is a cycle that occurs monthly within the biosphere.
___ 4.
Which of the following is one way that carbon enters the atmosphere?
A. Through animal waste.
B. Through the process of photosynthesis
C. Through carbon fixation
D. Through sediment weathering and erosion
___ 5.
Carbon exists in many forms on Earth. The diagram below shows part of the
carbon cycle. What is happening in Step 1?
A. Animals are releasing energy into the environment and storing carbon.
B. Animals are decomposing and releasing carbon into the soil.
C. Animals are converting carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to oxygen.
D. Animals are breaking down organic molecules and releasing carbon dioxide into the
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Student version/handout
Use the worksheet link provided Carbon Cycle Activity worksheet
Investigation A
Place each card image-side up on a tabletop or desk. Sort the cards into two categories: images
of organisms, activities, or processes that release carbon dioxide (sources) vs. those that
absorb carbon dioxide (sinks). If you are unsure about some cards, set those aside.
1) Read the backs of the cards in the “uncertain” pile. After discussing, put these in the
correct category.
2) Count the cards in each group. Which has more, sources or sinks? (sources)
3) Distinguish between natural processes and human activities depicted on the cards.
e) For the natural processes, which ones release carbon dioxide?
f) Which ones absorb carbon dioxide?
g) What absorbs about half of the carbon dioxide being generated by humans
burning fossil fuels for transportation and electricity? (the ocean)
h) For human (anthropogenic) sources, which ones involve burning of fossil fuels?
Investigation B
Use only human-based source cards. Sort cards into human-use categories such as
manufacturing of products, transportation, electricity, and other categories by using both the
image and the text. Select three cards representing activities that are part of your daily lives.
1) Describe their three cards and how each activity is incorporated into their day.
2) Brainstorm ways they might reduce their emissions of carbon dioxide.
Investigation C
Using a poster or large image of the carbon cycle, place the cards in the appropriate places in
the cycle, taking care to match the processes (e.g., respiration, photosynthesis, etc.) shown in
the cycle.
1) Draw the poster, making sure to label all the processes and steps/
Investigation D
Thinking about the processes represented by the images (e.g., photosynthesis, decay, etc.),
sort the cards into slow-acting or infrequent processes vs. fast-acting or frequent processes.
1) If sources release carbon dioxide faster than natural processes can handle it, what
would you expect to happen in the system? Write your response.
Division of Academics – Department of Science
Federal and State Laws
The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida adheres to a policy of
nondiscrimination in employment and educational programs/activities and strives
affirmatively to provide equal opportunity for all as required by law:
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 - prohibits discrimination on the basis of
race, color, religion, or national origin.
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended - prohibits discrimination in
employment on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, or national origin.
Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 - prohibits discrimination on
the basis of gender.
Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA), as amended prohibits discrimination on the basis of age with respect to individuals who are at
least 40.
The Equal Pay Act of 1963, as amended - prohibits gender discrimination in
payment of wages to women and men performing substantially equal work in the
same establishment.
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 - prohibits discrimination against
the disabled.
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) - prohibits discrimination
against individuals with disabilities in employment, public service, public
accommodations and telecommunications.
The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA) - requires covered
employers to provide up to 12 weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave to “eligible”
employees for certain family and medical reasons.
The Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978 - prohibits discrimination in
employment on the basis of pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions.
Florida Educational Equity Act (FEEA) - prohibits discrimination on the basis of
race, gender, national origin, marital status, or handicap against a student or
Florida Civil Rights Act of 1992 - secures for all individuals within the state
freedom from discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin,
age, handicap, or marital status.
Veterans are provided re-employment rights in accordance with P.L. 93-508 (Federal Law) and
Section 295.07 (Florida Statutes), which stipulates categorical preferences for employment.
Revised 9/2008