THE ALIGN CONFERENCE HELD IN TURKEY FROM 11TH- 18TH NOVEMBER 2013. LEADERSHIP IN TIMES OF CRISIS SPEAKER: REV JOHN ABISAI (KENYA) TOPIC: BUILDING THE BROKEN WALLS AND ITS GATES IN TIMES OF CRISIS. TEXT: NEHEMIAH 1: 1 – 5 The world today is going through so many crisis ranging from a) Natural disasters of earthquakes, floods ,typhoons ,hunger, diseases just a few to mention b) Financial Crisis. Presently we have witnessed most of the world currencies depreciate their values causing high inflation on common items that most people use. c) Political crisis. Most nations of the world are out to search for the best political system that can work well for their different nations but all in vain. d) Security crisis. The world today is insecure both at home and abroad. Reports of explosives, shootings, people taken hostages and many other insecurity activities. e) Family lives in Crisis. In the resent past many terrifying incidences have happened within our societies. An incident in Eldoret where a father stabbed three daughters to death just because he had a misunderstanding between him and his wife. Over and again husbands and wives have turned to kill one another. Divorce is normal in families today and this literally shows that families are in Crisis. In our basic text from the book of Nehemiah 1: 1-5 presents the nation of Judah in crisis. The crisis is described in the following three ways 1) The remnants were in great distress 2) The walls had been broken down 3) The gates had been burnt up. WHY NEHEMIAH IS CONCERNED ABOUT THE FALLEN WALLS AND THE BURNT GATES. The Importance of Walls and Gates to the Jewish Community. The lack of a wall the Jews were facing assimilation into the culture of their neighbours. In those days a city without a wall was easy pickings for any robber band. Jews concerned for security, had scattered among other nationalities in small villages outside Jerusalem. There they were intermarrying and gradually losing their own language, culture and most important, their religion. A wall would give them a chance to make Jerusalem a truly Jewish city, keeping it safe and controlling who came and went. As a Leader learn to be Guided by the following four principles when attending to issues during crisis. 1) SEEK TO HEAR THE STILL SMALL VOICE OF GOD. Elijah finds himself in a crisis after he had experienced a great miracle of God sending fire from heaven to consume the sacrifice that was laid on his Alter after all other false prophets of Baal had failed the same with their gods. He then had put all of them to death. The next day Jezebel the wife to King Ahab sends threatening message to Elijah and he decides to flee for his life. Before God gave him the next instructions a number of things are happening. There is a mighty wind that tears rocks a part, an earthquake, and a great fire but God was not within all those and therefore Elijah remains under hiding until a still small voice calls out. Many a times when leaders are faced with crisis there is always a temptation of wanting to react in the direction of the crisis. Either by misusing our position and authority as leaders. This does not only happen during crisis but even at the peak of our excitements. Many a times we make big promises which we never fulfil in the end of the day. At such a time the enemy speaks more loudly than our saviour. Jesus says in John 10:3 “To him the gatekeeper opens, and the sheep hear his voice” A few more examples: Matthew 14: 22-31 In those verses the disciples are in a crisis with the storm and their master Jesus is not with them. Imagine how these great fisher men Peter and Andrew with the rest struggled to save their lives with their great experiences in the lake. We need to depend on Him more than we may relay on our experiences in various fields. When Peter saw Jesus coming walking on the water he wanted to be sure of his voice “Lord, if you are the one, tell me to come” and Jesus told him come. As long as Peter focused on him who called him, he kept on moving. The moment he came to his human thinking of what a man can and cannot do he started sinking. We do not go by sight but by faith in him who can do all things amen. Moses was given a very clear instruction by God to speak to the rock before the elders of Israel to give water. Moses out of stress goes to normal way of striking the rock with his rod. Though God honoured him by bringing forth water later on he summoned him on Mt. Sinai and Moses never came back for not having obeyed his word. He saw Canaan by never entered it. 1 Cor.9:27 “But l roughly treat my body, and bring it into subjection, lest that by means, when i have preached to others, l myself should be disqualified” It is important that in times of crisis we seek to hear clearly before we take the next step. An incident happened as we were travelling by bus from Izmir to Ephesus. We had been travelling for many hours and most of us were tired and hungry and needed some food. The tour guide gave out a bottle of water to each member of our team and after that he gave out a small item that looked like a biscuit and as he gave out he never spoke a word. Seemingly he wanted to finish giving to everyone before he gave instructions as to what the item was for. A number of our team without information broke thinking that it was a biscuit only to realise that it was a piece of clay that the tour guide intended to teach us when we visit the city of Ephesus. Over time and again l learned from a mother hen that she never releases her young chicks to the outside before she teaches them on different types of sounds that would guide them through their life time. 2) A LEADER MUST LIVE AN EXEMPLARY LIFE. A good leader will always say like the Apostle Paul follows me as l follow Christ. In times of crisis leadership which simply mean walking a head of the flock or group is vital. At such a time a leader will give encouragement and motivation for the new start. During the trip to Rome, Paul and all other prisoner had a shipwreck and everyone lost hope for survival. Paul who was always connecting to his master had a message of hope and gave food to those that were on board Acts 27: 33-38. 3) MENTORING IS IMPORTANT FOR THE NEXT GENERATION Jesus commanded us in the great commission to make disciples. As one speaker put it, mentoring one is doubling and tripling yourself. However it is important to also say that mentoring has its own challenges. a) At times a mentee gets a sense of being at the same level with his mentor. This can easily cause disobedience in the way they act and at times they may feel they know it all. b) At times they become over enthusiastic c) At time it is like they take a spiritual sleep. This is a time when they take in no more new ideas. At all these different periods a mentor must exercise patience and love and never give until he achieves his objective. A good example is Barnabas and John Mark. Though John Mark left the apostles during the first missionary journey Apostle Paul felt the young man was no good. Thank God for Barnabas who never gave up on him. As Paul is about to die he comments on John Mark whom he refers to as the most suitable to him at that time. 4) AT TIMES OF CRISIS, BE A RISK TAKER. Sometimes we are so comforted in our comfort zones. AT times Crisis helps us to discover the other face of God. When an eagle teaches the young ones on how to fly she will always carry them on her wings and fly to high and at the time when they do not expect, the mother eagle shuts her wings suddenly and the young eagle have no choice but to struggle for their lives and in turn they learn how to fly. It is an opportunity that ushers us in to new things.