Article Title: A review of detection range testing in aquatic passive


Article Title: A review of detection range testing in aquatic passive acoustic telemetry studies

Journal Title: Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries

Authors: Kessel S. T.


, Cooke S. J., Heupel M. R., Hussey N. E., Simpfendorfer C. A., Vagle S. and Fisk A. T.

* Author for correspondence: email -

; Phone - +1-519-253-3000 Ext:

4730; Fax - +1-591-971-3616


Address - University of Windsor, Great Lakes Institute for

Environmental Research, 401 Sunset Ave, Windsor, ON, N9B 3P4, Canada

Online Resource 1. Full list of all 378 papers assessed in this review:

Aarestrup K, Thorstad EB, Koed A, Svendsen JC, Jepsen N, Pedersen MI, Okland F (2010) Survival and progression rates of large European silver eel Anguilla anguilla in late freshwater and early marine phases.

Aquat Biol 9 (3):263-270. doi:10.3354/ab00260

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Abecasis D, Erzini K (2008) Site fidelity and movements of gilthead sea bream ( Sparus aurata ) in a coastal lagoon

(Ria Formosa, Portugal). Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 79 (4):758-763. doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2008.06.019

Able KW, Grothues TM, Turnure JT, Byrne DM, Clerkin P (2012) Distribution, movements, and habitat use of small striped bass ( Morone saxatilis ) across multiple spatial scales. Fishery Bulletin 110 (2):176-192

Acolas ML, Anras MLB, Veron V, Jourdan H, Sabatie MR, Bagliniere JL (2004) An assessment of the upstream migration and reproductive behaviour of allis shad ( Alosa alosa L.) using acoustic tracking. ICES J Mar Sci

61 (8):1291-1304. doi:10.1016/j.icesjms.2004.07.023

Adams A, Wolfe RK, Barkowski N, Overcash D (2009) Fidelity to spawning grounds by a catadromous fish,

Centropomus undecimalis . Mar Ecol-Prog Ser 389:213-222. doi:10.3354/meps08198

Afonso P, Fontes J, Guedes R, Tempera F, Holland KN, Santos RS (2009a) A Multi-Scale Study of Red Porgy

Movements and Habitat Use, and Its Application to the Design of Marine Reserve Networks. In: Nielsen

JL, Arrizabalaga H, Fragoso N, Hobday A, Lutcavage M, Sibert J (eds) Tagging and Tracking of Marine

Animals with Electronic Devices, vol 9. Reviews-Methods and Technologies in Fish Biology and Fisheries.

Springer, Dordrecht, pp 423-443. doi:10.1007/978-1-4020-9640-2_25

Afonso P, Fontes J, Holland KN, Santos RS (2008) Social status determines behaviour and habitat usage in a temperate parrotfish: implications for marine reserve design. Mar Ecol-Prog Ser 359:215-227. doi:10.3354/meps07272


Afonso P, Fontes J, Holland KN, Santos RS (2009b) Multi-scale patterns of habitat use in a highly mobile reef fish, the white trevally Pseudocaranx dentex , and their implications for marine reserve design. Mar Ecol-Prog

Ser 381:273-286. doi:10.3354/meps07946

Afonso P, Fontes J, Santos RS (2011) Small marine reserves can offer long term protection to an endangered fish.

Biol Conserv 144 (11):2739-2744. doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2011.07.028

Aitken JP, O'Dor RK, Jackson GD (2005) The secret life of the giant Australian cuttlefish Sepia apama

(Cephalopoda): Behaviour and energetics in nature revealed through radio acoustic positioning and telemetry (RAPT). J Exp Mar Biol Ecol 320 (1):77-91. doi:10.1016/j.jembe.2004.12.040

Alos J, Cabanellas-Reboredo M, March D (2012) Spatial and temporal patterns in the movement of adult twobanded sea bream Diplodus vulgaris (Saint-Hilaire, 1817). Fish Res 115:82-88. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2011.11.025

Alos J, March D, Palmer M, Grau A, Morales-Nin B (2011) Spatial and temporal patterns in Serranus cabrilla habitat use in the NW Mediterranean revealed by acoustic telemetry. Mar Ecol-Prog Ser 427:173-186. doi:10.3354/meps09042

Andrews KS, Levin PS, Katz SL, Farrer D, Gallucci VF, Bargmann G (2007) Acoustic monitoring of sixgill shark movements in Puget Sound: evidence for localized movement. Can J Zool-Rev Can Zool 85 (11):1136-

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Andrews KS, Quinn TP (2012) Combining fishing and acoustic monitoring data to evaluate the distribution and movements of spotted ratfish Hydrolagus colliei . Marine Biology 159 (4):769-782. doi:10.1007/s00227-


Andrews KS, Williams GD, Farrer D, Tolimieri N, Harvey CJ, Bargmann G, Levin PS (2009) Diel activity patterns of sixgill sharks, Hexanchus griseus : the ups and downs of an apex predator. Animal Behaviour 78 (2):525-


Anras MLB, Cooley PM, Bodaly RA, Anras L, Fudge RJP (1999a) Movement and habitat use by lake whitefish during spawning in a boreal lake: Integrating acoustic telemetry and geographic information systems.

Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 128 (5):939-952. doi:10.1577/1548-


Anras MLB, Gyselman EC, Jorgenson JK, Kristofferson AH, Anras L (1999b) Habitat preferences and residence time for the freshwater to ocean transition stage in Arctic charr. Journal of the Marine Biological

Association of the United Kingdom 79 (1):153-160

Anras MLB, Lagardere JP, Lafaye JY (1997) Diel activity rhythm of seabass tracked in a natural environment:

Group effects on swimming patterns and amplitudes. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences

54 (1):162-168. doi:10.1139/cjfas-54-1-162

Aprahamian MW, Jones GO, Gough PJ (1998) Movement of adult Atlantic salmon in the Usk estuary, Wales.

Journal of Fish Biology 53 (1):221-225. doi:10.1006/jfbi.1998.0675

Arechavala-Lopez P, Uglem I, Fernandez-Jover D, Bayle-Sempere JT, Sanchez-Jerez P (2012) Post-escape dispersion of farmed seabream ( Sparus aurata L.

) and recaptures by local. Fish Res 121:126-135. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2012.02.003

Arechavala-Lopez P, Uglem I, Sanchez-Jerez P, Fernandez-Jover D, Bayle-Sempere JT, Nilsen R (2010)

Movements of grey mullet Liza aurata and Chelon labrosus associated with coastal fish farms in the western Mediterranean Sea. Aquaculture Environment Interactions 1 (2):127-136. doi:10.3354/aei00012

Arendt MD, Lucy JA, Evans DA (2001a) Diel and seasonal activity patterns of adult tautog, Tautoga onitis , in lower

Chesapeake Bay, inferred from ultrasonic telemetry. Environmental Biology of Fishes 62 (4):379-391. doi:10.1023/a:1012266214143

Arendt MD, Lucy JA, Munroe TA (2001b) Seasonal occurrence and site-utilization patterns of adult tautog, Tautoga onitis (Labridae), at manmade and natural structures in lower Chesapeake Bay. Fishery Bulletin 99 (4):519-


Aunins A, Olney JE (2009) Migration and spawning of American shad in the James River, Virginia. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 138 (6):1392-1404. doi:10.1577/t08-160.1

Awruch CA, Frusher SD, Stevens JD, Barnett A (2012) Movement patterns of the draughtboard shark

Cephaloscyllium laticeps (Scyliorhinidae) determined by passive tracking and conventional tagging.

Journal of Fish Biology 80 (5):1417-1435. doi:10.1111/j.1095-8649.2012.03249.x

Bacheler NM, Buckel JA, Hightower JE, Paramore LM, Pollock KH (2009) A combined telemetry - tag return approach to estimate fishing and natural mortality rates of an estuarine fish. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 66 (8):1230-1244. doi:10.1139/f09-076


Bajer PG, Chizinski CJ, Sorensen PW (2011) Using the Judas technique to locate and remove wintertime aggregations of invasive common carp. Fisheries Management and Ecology 18 (6):497-505. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2400.2011.00805.x

Baktoft H, Aarestrup K, Berg S, Boel M, Jacobsen L, Jepsen N, Koed A, Svendsen JC, Skov C (2012) Seasonal and diel effects on the activity of northern pike studied by high-resolution positional telemetry. Ecol Freshw

Fish 21 (3):386-394. doi:10.1111/j.1600-0633.2012.00558.x

Balfry S, Welch DW, Atkinson J, Lill A, Vincent S (2011) The effect of hatchery release strategy on marine migratory behaviour and apparent survival of Seymour river steelhead smolts ( Oncorhynchus mykiss ).

PLoS One 6 (3):12. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0014779

Bansemer CS, Bennett MB (2009) Reproductive periodicity, localised movements and behavioural segregation of pregnant Carcharias taurus at Wolf Rock, southeast Queensland, Australia. Mar Ecol-Prog Ser 374:215-

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Barnett A, Abrantes KG, Stevens JD, Bruce BD, Semmens JM (2010) Fine-scale movements of the broadnose sevengill shark and its main prey, the gummy shark. PLoS One 5 (12):10. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0015464

Barnett A, Abrantes KG, Stevens JD, Semmens JM (2011) Site fidelity and sex-specific migration in a mobile apex predator: implications for conservation and ecosystem dynamics. Animal Behaviour 81 (5):1039-1048. doi:10.1016/j.anbehav.2011.02.011

Barth CC, Anderson WG, Henderson LM, Peake SJ (2011) Home range size and seasonal movement of juvenile lake sturgeon in a large river in the hudson bay drainage basin. Transactions of the American Fisheries

Society 140 (6):1629-1641. doi:10.1080/00028487.2011.641881

Bassett D, Montgomery J (2011) Home range use and movement patterns of the yellow moray eel Gymnothorax prasinus . Journal of Fish Biology 79 (2):520-525. doi:10.1111/j.1095-8649.2011.03018.x

Bégout M-L, Lagardére J-P (1995) An acoustic telemetry study of seabream ( Sparus aurata L.): first results on activity rhythm, effects of environmental variables and space utilization. Hydrobiologia 300-301 (1):417-

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Bellquist LF, Lowe CG, Caselle JE (2008) Fine-scale movement patterns, site fidelity, and habitat selection of ocean whitefish ( Caulolatilus princeps ). Fish Res 91 (2-3):325-335. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2007.12.011

Bendall B, Moore A (2008) Temperature-sensing telemetry - possibilities for assessing the feeding ecology of marine mammals and their potential impacts on returning salmonid populations. Fisheries Management and

Ecology 15 (5-6):339-345. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2400.2008.00624.x

Bendall B, Moore A, Quayle V (2005) The post-spawning movements of migratory brown trout Salmo trutta L.

Journal of Fish Biology 67 (3):809-822. doi:10.1111/j.1095-8649.2005.00786.x

Bennett RH, Childs AR, Cowley PD, Naesje TF, Thorstad EB, Okland F (2011) First assessment of estuarine space use and home range of juvenile white steenbras, Lithognathus lithognathus . Afr Zool 46 (1):32-38

Berge J, Capra H, Pella H, Steig T, Ovidio M, Bultel E, Lamouroux N (2012) Probability of detection and positioning error of a hydro acoustic telemetry system in a fast-flowing river: Intrinsic and environmental determinants. Fish Res 125:1-13. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2012.02.008

Bertelsen RD, Hornbeck J (2009) Using acoustic tagging to determine adult spiny lobster ( Panulirus argus ) movement patterns in the Western Sambo Ecological Reserve (Florida, United States). N Z J Mar Freshw

Res 43 (1):35-46

Bessudo S, Soler GA, Klimley AP, Ketchum JT, Hearn A, Arauz R (2011) Residency of the scalloped hammerhead shark ( Sphyrna lewini ) at Malpelo Island and evidence of migration to other islands in the Eastern Tropical

Pacific. Environmental Biology of Fishes 91 (2):165-176. doi:10.1007/s10641-011-9769-3

Bishop MA, Reynolds BF, Powers SP (2010) An in situ, individual-based approach to quantify connectivity of marine fish: ontogenetic movements and residency of lingcod. PLoS One 5 (12):e14267. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0014267

Blanchfield PJ, Tate LS, Plumb JM, Acolas ML, Beaty KG (2009) Seasonal habitat selection by lake trout

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Ecol 43 (3):777-787. doi:10.1007/s10452-009-9266-3

Boubee J, Jellyman D, Sinclair C (2008) Eel protection measures within the Manapouri hydro-electric power scheme, South Island, New Zealand. Hydrobiologia 609:71-82. doi:10.1007/s10750-008-9400-6

Brooking P, Doucette G, Tinker S, Whoriskey FG (2006) Sonic tracking of wild cod, Gadus morhua , in an inshore region of the Bay of Fundy: a contribution to understanding the impact of cod farming for wild cod and endangered salmon populations. ICES J Mar Sci 63 (7):1364-1371. doi:10.1016/j.icesjms.2006.03.022


Brown H, Benfield MC, Keenan SF, Powers SP (2010) Movement patterns and home ranges of a pelagic carangid fish, Caranx crysos , around a petroleum platform complex. Mar Ecol-Prog Ser 403:205-218. doi:10.3354/meps08465

Buria L, Walde SJ, Battini M, Macchi PJ, Alonso M, Ruzzante DE, Cussac VE (2007) Movement of a South

American perch Percichthys trucha in a mountain Patagonian lake during spawning and prespawning periods. Journal of Fish Biology 70 (1):215-230. doi:10.1111/j.1095-8649.2006.01297.x

Campbell HA, Hewitt M, Watts ME, Peverell S, Franklin CE (2012) Short- and long-term movement patterns in the freshwater whipray ( Himantura dalyensis ) determined by the signal processing of passive acoustic telemetry data. Marine and Freshwater Research 63 (4):341-350. doi:10.1071/mf11229

Campbell HA, Watts ME, Sullivan S, Read MA, Choukroun S, Irwin SR, Franklin CE (2010) Estuarine crocodiles ride surface currents to facilitate long-distance travel. Journal of Animal Ecology 79 (5):955-964. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2656.2010.01709.x

Carlisle AB, Starr RM (2009) Habitat use, residency, and seasonal distribution of female leopard sharks Triakis semifasciata in Elkhorn Slough, California. Marine Ecology Progress Series 380. doi:10.3354/meps07907

Carlson J, Heupel M, Bethea D, Hollensead L (2008) Coastal Habitat Use and Residency of Juvenile Atlantic

Sharpnose Sharks ( Rhizoprionodon terraenovae ). Estuaries and Coasts 31 (5):931-940. doi:10.1007/s12237-008-9075-2

Chamberlin JW, Kagley AN, Fresh KL, Quinn TP (2011) Movements of yearling chinook salmon during the first summer in marine waters of Hood Canal, Washington. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 140

(2):429-439. doi:10.1080/00028487.2011.572006

Chapman DD, Pikitch EK, Babcock E, Shivji MS (2005) Marine reserve design and evaluation using automated acoustic telemetry: a case-study involving coral reef-associated sharks in the Mesoamerican Caribbean.

Marine Technology Society Journal 39 (1):42-55

Chateau O, Wantiez L (2007) Site fidelity and activity patterns of a humphead wrasse, Cheilinus undulatus

(Labridae), as determined by acoustic telemetry. Environmental Biology of Fishes 80 (4):503-508. doi:10.1007/s10641-006-9149-6

Chateau O, Wantiez L (2008) Human impacts on residency behaviour of spangled emperor, Lethrinus nebulosus , in a marine protected area, as determined by acoustic telemetry. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 88 (4):825-829. doi:10.1017/s0025315408001434

Chateau O, Wantiez L (2009) Movement patterns of four coral reef fish species in a fragmented habitat in New

Caledonia: implications for the design of marine protected area networks. ICES J Mar Sci 66 (1):50-55. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsn165

Childs AR, Cowley PD, Næsje TF, Booth AJ, Potts WM, Thorstad EB, Økland F (2008a) Estuarine use by spotted grunter Pomadasys commersonnii in a South African estuary, as determined by acoustic telemetry. African

Journal of Marine Science 30 (1):123-132. doi:10.2989/ajms.2008.

Childs AR, Cowley PD, Naesje TF, Booth AJ, Potts WM, Thorstad EB, Okland F (2008b) Do environmental factors influence the movement of estuarine fish? A case study using acoustic telemetry. Estuarine Coastal and

Shelf Science 78 (1):227-236. doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2007.12.003

Chittenden C, Rikardsen A, Skilbrei O, Davidsen J, Halttunen E, Skardhamar J, McKinley S (2011) An effective method for the recapture of escaped farmed salmon. Aquaculture Environment Interactions 1 (3):215-224. doi:10.3354/aei00021

Chittenden CM, Beamish RJ, Neville CM, Sweeting RM, McKinley RS (2009) The use of acoustic tags to determine the timing and location of the juvenile coho salmon migration out of the Strait of Georgia,

Canada. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 138 (6):1220-1225. doi:10.1577/t09-037.1

Chittenden CM, Jensen JLA, Ewart D, Anderson S, Balfry S, Downey E, Eaves A, Saksida S, Smith B, Vincent S,

Welch D, McKinley RS (2010a) Recent salmon declines: a result of lost feeding opportunities due to bad timing? PLoS One 5 (8):10. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0012423

Chittenden CM, Melnychuk MC, Welch DW, McKinley RS (2010b) An investigation into the poor survival of an endangered Coho salmon population. PLoS One 5 (5):e10869

Chittenden CM, Sura S, Butterworth KG, Cubitt KF, Plantalech Manel-la N, Balfry S, ØKland F, McKinley RS

(2008) Riverine, estuarine and marine migratory behaviour and physiology of wild and hatchery-reared coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch (Walbaum) smolts descending the Campbell River, BC, Canada.

Journal of Fish Biology 72 (3):614-628. doi:10.1111/j.1095-8649.2007.01729.x

Claisse JT, Clark TB, Schumacher BD, McTee SA, Bushnell ME, Callan CK, Laidley CW, Parrish JD (2011)

Conventional tagging and acoustic telemetry of a small surgeonfish, Zebrasoma flavescens , in a structurally


complex coral reef environment. Environmental Biology of Fishes 91 (2):185-201. doi:10.1007/s10641-


Clarke C, Lea JSE, Ormond RFG (2011) Reef-use and residency patterns of a baited population of silky sharks,

Carcharhinus falciformis , in the Red Sea. Marine and Freshwater Research 62 (6):668-675. doi:10.1071/mf10171

Coleman FC, Scanlon KM, Koenig CC (2011) Groupers on the edge: shelf edge spawning habitat in and around marine reserves of the northeastern Gulf of Mexico. Prof Geogr 63 (4):456-474. doi:10.1080/00330124.2011.585076

Collins AB, Heupel MR, Motta PJ (2007) Residence and movement patterns of cownose rays Rhinoptera bonasus within a south-west Florida estuary. Journal of Fish Biology 71 (4):1159-1178. doi:10.1111/j.1095-


Collins AB, Heupel MR, Simpfendorfer CA (2008) Spatial distribution and long-term movement patterns of cownose rays Rhinoptera bonasus within an estuarine river. Estuaries and Coasts 31 (6):1174-1183. doi:10.1007/s12237-008-9100-5

Comeau LA, Campana SE, Castonguay M (2002) Automated monitoring of a large-scale cod ( Gadus morhua ) migration in the open sea. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 59 (12):1845-1850. doi:10.1139/f02-152

Comeau LA, Sonier R, Hanson JM (2012) Seasonal movements of Atlantic rock crab ( Cancer irroratus Say) transplanted into a mussel aquaculture site. Aquac Res 43 (4):509-517. doi:10.1111/j.1365-


Conrath CL, Musick JA (2010) Residency, space use and movement patterns of juvenile sandbar sharks

( Carcharhinus plumbeus ) within a Virginia summer nursery area. Marine and Freshwater Research 61

(2):223-235. doi:10.1071/mf09078

Cooke SJ, Hinch SG, Farrell AP, Patterson DA, Miller-Saunders K, Welch DW, Donaldson MR, Hanson KC,

Crossin GT, Mathes MT, Lotto AG, Hruska KA, Olsson IC, Wagner GN, Thomson R, Hourston R, English

KK, Larsson S, Shrimpton JM, Van der Kraak G (2008) Developing a Mechanistic Understanding of Fish

Migrations by Linking Telemetry with Physiology, Behavior, Genomics and Experimental Biology: An

Interdisciplinary Case Study on Adult Fraser River Sockeye Salmon. Fisheries 33 (7):321-339. doi:10.1577/1548-8446-33.7.321

Cooke SJ, Iverson SJ, Stokesbury MJW, Hinch SG, Fisk AT, VanderZwaag DL, Apostle R, Whoriskey F (2011)

Ocean Tracking Network Canada: A network approach to addressing critical issues in fisheries and resource management with implications for ocean governance. Fisheries 36 (12):583-592

Cooke SJ, Niezgoda GH, Hanson KC, Suski CD, Phelan FJS, Tinline R, Philipp DP (2005) Use of CDMA Acoustic

Telemetry to Document 3-D Positions of Fish: Relevance to the Design and Monitoring of Aquatic

Protected Areas. Marine Technology Society Journal 39 (1):31-41

Cote D, Moulton S, Frampton PCB, Scruton DA, McKinley RS (2004) Habitat use and early winter movements by juvenile Atlantic cod in a coastal area of Newfoundland. Journal of Fish Biology 64 (3):665-679. doi:10.1046/j.1095-8649.2003.00331.x

Cote D, Ollerhead LMN, Gregory RS, Scruton DA, McKinley RS (2002) Activity patterns of juvenile Atlantic cod

( Gadus morhua ) in Buckley Cove, Newfoundland. Hydrobiologia 483 (1-3):121-127. doi:10.1023/a:1021367225993

Cote D, Ollerhead LMN, Scruton DA, McKinley RS (2003) Microhabitat use of juvenile Atlantic cod in a coastal area of Newfoundland determined by 2D telemetry. Mar Ecol-Prog Ser 265:227-234. doi:10.3354/meps265227

Cote D, Scruton DA, Niezgoda GH, McKinley RS, Rowsell DF, Lindstrom RT, Ollerhead LMN, Whitt CJ (1998) A coded acoustic telemetry system for high precision monitoring of fish location and movement: Application to the study of nearshore nursery habitat of juvenile Atlantic cod ( Gadus morhua ). Marine Technology

Society Journal 32 (1):54-62

Cowley PD, Kerwath SE, Childs AR, Thorstad EB, Okland F, Naesje TF (2008) Estuarine habitat use by juvenile dusky kob Argyrosomus japonicus (Sciaenidae), with implications for management. African Journal of

Marine Science 30 (2):247-253. doi:10.2989/ajms.2008.

Crook DA, Koster WM, Macdonald JI, Nicol SJ, Belcher CA, Dawson DR, O'Mahony DJ, Lovett D, Walker A,

Bannam L (2010) Catadromous migrations by female tupong ( Pseudaphritis urvillii ) in coastal streams in

Victoria, Australia. Marine and Freshwater Research 61 (4):474-483. doi:10.1071/mf09170


Crossin G, Hinch S, Cooke S, Welch D, Batten S, Patterson D, Van Der Kraak G, Shrimpton J, Farrell A (2007)

Behaviour and physiology of sockeye salmon homing through coastal waters to a natal river. Marine

Biology 152 (4):905-918. doi:10.1007/s00227-007-0741-x

Crossin GT, Hinch SG, Welch DW, Cooke SJ, Patterson DA, Hills JA, Zohar Y, Klenke U, Jacobs MC, Pon LB,

Winchell PM, Farrell AP (2009) Physiological profiles of sockeye salmon in the Northeastern Pacific

Ocean and the effects of exogenous GnRH and testosterone on rates of homeward migration. Mar Freshw

Behav Physiol 42 (2):89-108. doi:10.1080/10236240902846770

Crossman JA, Forsythe PS, Baker EA, Scribner KT (2009) Overwinter survival of stocked age-0 lake sturgeon. J

Appl Ichthyol 25 (5):516-521. doi:10.1111/j.1439-0426.2009.01310.x

Curry RA, Van de Sande J, Whoriskey FG (2006) Temporal and spatial habitats of anadromous brook charr in the

Laval River and its estuary. Environmental Biology of Fishes 76 (2-4):361-370. doi:10.1007/s10641-006-


D'Anna G, Giacalone VM, Pipitone C, Badalamenti F (2011) Movement pattern of white seabream, Diplodus sargus

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Dagorn L, Holland KN, Itano DG (2007a) Behavior of yellowfin ( Thunnus albacares ) and bigeye ( T-obesus ) tuna in a network of fish aggregating devices (FADs). Marine Biology 151 (2):595-606. doi:10.1007/s00227-006-


Dagorn L, Pincock D, Girard C, Holland K, Taquet M, Sancho G, Itano D, Aumeeruddy R (2007b) Satellite-linked acoustic receivers to observe behavior of fish in remote areas. Aquat Living Resour 20 (4):307-312. doi:10.1051/alr:2008001

Daniel AJ, Hicks BJ, Ling N, David BO (2011) Movements of radio- and acoustic-tagged adult koi carp in the

Waikato River, New Zealand. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 31 (2):352-362. doi:10.1080/02755947.2011.576205

Danylchuk AJ, Cooke SJ, Goldberg TL, Suski CD, Murchie KJ, Danylchuk SE, Shultz AD, Haak CR, Brooks EJ,

Oronti A, Koppelman JB, Philipp DP (2011) Aggregations and offshore movements as indicators of spawning activity of bonefish ( Albula vulpes ) in The Bahamas. Marine Biology 158 (9):1981-1999. doi:10.1007/s00227-011-1707-6

Davidsen JG, Finstad B, Okland F, Thorstad EB, Mo TA, Rikardsen AH (2011) Early marine migration of European silver eel Anguilla anguilla in northern Norway. Journal of Fish Biology 78 (5):1390-1404. doi:10.1111/j.1095-8649.2011.02943.x

Davidsen JG, Rikardsen AH, Halttunen E, Thorstad EB, Okland F, Letcher BH, Skardhamar J, Naesje TF (2009)

Migratory behaviour and survival rates of wild northern Atlantic salmon Salmo salar post-smolts: effects of environmental factors. Journal of Fish Biology 75 (7):1700-1718. doi:10.1111/j.1095-8649.2009.02423.x

Dawson CL, Starr RM (2009) Movements of subadult prickly sharks Echinorhinus cookei in the Monterey Canyon.

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Dedual M (2002) Vertical distribution and movements of brown bullhead ( Ameiurus nebulosus Lesueur 1819) in

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Degrandchamp KL, Garvey JE, Colombo RE (2008) Movement and habitat selection by invasive Asian carps in a large river. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 137 (1):45-56. doi:10.1577/t06-116.1

Del Real SC, Workman M, Merz J (2012) Migration characteristics of hatchery and natural-origin Oncorhynchus mykiss from the lower Mokelumne River, California. Environmental Biology of Fishes 94 (2):363-375. doi:10.1007/s10641-011-9967-z

Delaney DG, Johnson R, Bester MN, Gennari E (2012) Accuracy of using visual identification of white sharks to estimate residency patterns. PLoS One 7 (4):e34753

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