T 3.2 Questionnaire Survey Analysis of the Responses by TURAS cities and regions Part A: Sustainability and Resilience as Objectives of Urban Development 1. Which meaning has the objective of “sustainable settlement development” in the current policy documents and planning concepts of your city/municipality? 2. Which meaning has the objective of “promotion of resilience” in your city´s policy documents and planning concepts? City or Region (in alphabetical order) Brussels Dublin 1. objective of sustainable settlement development Regional Sustainable Development Plan (PRD) aims to structure all regional policies towards a sustainable city. It places the environment at the heart of the regional development strategy by linking the various sector plans. This dynamic is also reflected across the entire metropolitan area, beyond the regional boundaries, which reinforces the synergies between the territories. It also allows monitoring of the sustainability of the public policies via the publication of an annual report and of multi-year reports relating to the impact of certain strategies. 2. objective of promoting resilience Related Public Documents The word resilience appears in no policy document for the moment but is being discussed for the upcoming new “Nature Plan” (resilience of the ecosystems). Regional Sustainable Development Plan (PRD) http://urbanisme.irisnet.be/lesreglesdujeu/lesplans-de-developpement/le-plan-regional-dedeveloppement-prd blueprint for sustainable settlement development in Dublin city; Framework for Sustainable Dublin (FSD) as a planning toolkit to prioritise actions and connect short-term measures to the longterm vision of a sustainable society; sustainability and quality of life as the overarching philosophies, informed all the policies and objectives of the Development Plan; creation of a shared vision of success with an emphasis on community engagement The promotion of resilience underlies all strands of the core strategy; emphasis on a clean healthy city with improvements in air and water quality and biodiversity value, the use of renewable energy sources, green technologies, the active pursuit of flood risk management and sustainable urban drainage systems; Reduce the city’s reliance on unsustainable energy and fuel sources and its contribution to climate change in order to secure a sustainable, lowcarbon future Regarding soil pollution management, all the regulations take into account that the Brussels soils are very deteriorated and all the relative obligations are aimed at trying to enhance the soils to recover their initial functionalities. 1 The PRD will be replaced by the Regional Sustainable Development Plan (PRDD) in 2013. http://www.prdd.be/news/planr%C3%A9gional-de-d%C3%A9veloppementdurable Nature Plan (upcoming) https://dl.dropbox.com/u/53386966/AteliersRa pportSynthese_20121211_FR.pdf Dublin City Development Plan 2011- 2017: www.dublincitydevelopmentplan.ie/ http://www.dublincitydevelopmentplan.ie/deli veryS3.php Sustainable Residential Development in Urban Areas 2009: http://www.environ.ie/en/Publications/Develo pmentandHousing/Planning/FileDownLoad,191 64,en.pdf Delivering Homes, Sustaining Communities (2007): http://www.environ.ie/en/Publications/Develo T 3.2 Questionnaire Survey Analysis of the Responses by TURAS cities and regions City or Region (in alphabetical order) Ljubljana 1. objective of sustainable settlement development and open governance; core strategy incl. 3 main components: Compact quality, green, clean, connected city; real economic recovery, creative networks, smart innovative city and creative sustainable neighbourhoods. important policies are adopted by the National Assembly or the Government (weak regional level); objective of sustainable settlement development is presented in Spatial Development Strategy (principal policy 2. objective of promoting resilience Related Public Documents Ensuring an adequate and resilient supply of wholesome and clean drinking water in compliance with EU and Irish National Legislation (Drinking Water Regulations 2007 and future amendments) Providing necessary infrastructure and the securing of corridors for utility infrastructure to match the compact spatial pattern of development Achieving the efficient use of natural resources, such as water Encouraging sustainable production, delivery and consumption of drinking water Reducing dependency on fossil fuels and improve energy efficiency in new and existing buildings and promote the use of renewable energy in the city's building stock Minimizing waste, with an emphasis on maximum recycling Using Flood Risk Assessment techniques, identification and management of these Risks to be put in place through the identification and protection of existing and proposed flood defences and the need for flood resilient urban and building design and construction. Developing greater co-ordination with the other planning authorities and EPA in the Greater Dublin Region with regard to infrastructural and climate change issues. pmentandHousing/Housing/FileDownLoad,209 1,en.pdf Spatial Framework - main context documents: National Spatial Strategy 2002 - 2020 www.irishspatialstrategy.ie National Climate Change Strategy 2007- 2012 (Currently under review) http://www.environ.ie/en/Environment/Atmos phere/ClimateChange/PublicationsDocuments/ FileDownLoad,1861,en.pdf Smarter Travel - A Sustainable Transport Future 2009-2020 http://www.smartertravel.ie/ Regional Planning Guidelines for the Greater Dublin Area www.rpg.ie/ Transport 21 www.transport21.ie National Level: Spatial Development Strategy in Slovenia (SPRS, 2004) Decree of the Spatial Order in Slovenia 2 T 3.2 Questionnaire Survey Analysis of the Responses by TURAS cities and regions City or Region (in alphabetical order) 1. objective of sustainable settlement development document for spatial and settlement development), guiding the spatial development across the entire national territory and setting guidelines for development within the European space (concept of spatial planning and management, land use and spatial protection); aim to resolve the existing and expected spatial issues in Slovenia, to redirect negative trends, and thus achieve a higher degree of spatial order; to enable coherent spatial development by the consideration and harmonization of different development needs and interests with public benefits in the areas of environmental protection, the conservation of nature and cultural heritage, the protection of natural resources, defense and protection against natural and other disasters. Ljubljana urban region’s objectives: (1) functioning conurbation – on average, more than 80% of people will have access to public areas and public transport within 300 meters of air distance by 2013, (2) creative people and successful companies –the added value per employee in the region will increase by 10% by the end of 2013 and (3) to become a region with a European capital, with the highest quality of life in Europe. 2. objective of promoting resilience Related Public Documents (executive document for the SPRS, 2004), available only in Slovene language; Spatial Planning Act (ZPNačrt, Official Gazette of RS, no. 33/2007, Validity: since 28/04/2007): diverse types of physical planning documents, their content and mutual relations, and procedures for their drafting and adoption; Environmental Agency of the Republic of Slovenia is a body of the Ministry of the Agriculture and Environment: http://www.arso.gov.si/en/ Environmental Atlas of Slovenia, Eionet in Slovenia, Environmental Indicators in Slovenia, Catalogue of Data Sources on the Environment, SOKOL - Eco-pics gallery Environmental Atlas of Slovenia, including the flooding waters and water protected areas http://gis.arso.gov.si/atlasokolja/profile.aspx?i d=Atlas_Okolja_AXL@ARSO& culture=en-US Regional Level: Regional Development Programme of the Ljubljana Urban Region 2007 - 2013: Osrednjeslovenska statistical region or so called Ljubljana urban region – LUR Expert Groundwork for the Preparation of the Regional Spatial Plan of Ljubljana Urban Region 3 T 3.2 Questionnaire Survey Analysis of the Responses by TURAS cities and regions City or Region (in alphabetical order) 1. objective of sustainable settlement development 2. objective of promoting resilience Related Public Documents (LUR) (2009): http://www.rralur.si/en/koncaniprojekti/spatial-plans/ Regional Development Programme of Ljubljana Urban Region 2007 - 2013 (pdf): http://www.rralur.si/fileadmin/user_upload/ra zvojni_dokumenti/prevedeni_RRP_LUR_20_04 _07_1_10_07.pdf Local Level: Municipality Spatial Plan for the Municipality of Ljubljana, adopted in 2010, changed in 2012 https://urbanizem.ljubljana.si/index3/, including goals for the sustainable settlement development in Ljubljana and wider Ljubljana urban region, available only in Slovene language but on this webpage some maps are also available in English language; Regulatory documents in regard to resilience, national level: water management drinking water supply acts (Pravilnik o spremembah in dopolnitvah Pravilnika o oskrbi s pitno vodo Ur. l. št. 41/2008); safe waste management act (Odredba o ravnanju z ločeno zbranimi frakcijami pri opravljanju javne službe ravnanja s komunalnimi odpadki Ur.l. RS, št. 21/2001); efficient use of energy and renewable energy resources 4 T 3.2 Questionnaire Survey Analysis of the Responses by TURAS cities and regions City or Region (in alphabetical order) 1. objective of sustainable settlement development 2. objective of promoting resilience Related Public Documents Resolucija o Nacionalnem energetskem programu /ReNEP/ (Ur.l. RS, št. 57/2004); Operativni program zmanjševanja emisij toplogrednih plinov do leta 2012 /OP-TGP/; Operativni program razvoja okoljske in prometne infrastrukture za obdobje 20072013 /OP-ROPI/; Nacionalni akcijski načrt za energetsko učinkovitost za obdobje 2008-2016 /ANURE/; Akcijski načrt za obnovljivo energijo 20102020 /AN OVE/); active protection of flood risk Water Law - Zakon o vodah, Uradni list RS, št. 67/02, 110/02, Zakon o spremembah in dopolnitvah Zakona o vodah (ZV-1A, Uradni list RS, št. 57/08, Pravilnik o metodologiji za določanje območij, ogroženih zaradi poplav in z njimi povezane erozije celinskih voda in morja, ter o načinu razvrščanja zemljišč v razrede ogroženosti, Uradni list RS, št. 60/07, Uredba o pogojih in omejitvah za izvajanje dejavnosti in posegov v prostor na območjih, ogroženih zaradi poplav in z njimi povezane erozije celinskih voda in morja, Uradni list RS, št. 89/08, Uredba o vsebini in načinu priprave podrobnejšega načrta zmanjševanja ogroženosti pred poplavami, Uradni list RS, št. 7/2010). All above mentioned documents related to resiliency matters are only available in Slovene language. 5 T 3.2 Questionnaire Survey Analysis of the Responses by TURAS cities and regions City or Region (in alphabetical order) London (municipality of Barking & Dagenham) 1. objective of sustainable settlement development Definition of sustainable development is contained in the municipality’s Local Development Framework (LDF), document is required by English law and sets out the broad principles of spatial development; key principles as follows: Better engaging with the community in the planning of the borough early on, and throughout the preparation of planning policies Moving development plans from purely land use to a broader 'spatial planning approach' - reflecting a broader range of strategies Assessing policies against the principles of achieving sustainable communities to ensure that social, economic and environmental considerations are taken into account in the preparation of planning policies Ensuring that the Local Development Framework reflects the aspirations identified in the Barking and Dagenham Partnership Community Strategy. 2. objective of promoting resilience Related Public Documents The meaning of resilience within the municipality depends on the service being offered; However, it broadly means ensuring that communities are enabled to handle change without adverse effect. The concept of resilience is applied both to people and to the environment. It is a key component of sustainability. municipality’s Local Development Framework (LDF): http://www.lbbd.gov.uk/environment/planning policy/localdevelopmentframework/pages/ho me.aspx The LDF consists of the following documents: a) Development Plan Documents A Core Strategy setting out the general spatial vision, objectives and core policies for future development Proposals Map Borough Wide Development Policies setting out detailed policies to control development and deliver the vision, objectives and policies of the core strategy Site Specific Allocations showing all sites that have been identified for development or which will be protected from development Barking Town Centre Area Action Plan shows how we plan to develop and improve Barking Town Centre over the coming years A Joint Waste Development Plan Document setting out a planning strategy to 2020 for sustainable waste management. This has been developed in conjunction with neighbouring municipalities A Statement of Community Involvement setting out how we will involve the community in producing the Local Development Framework. b) Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) Saturation Point - Addressing the health 6 T 3.2 Questionnaire Survey Analysis of the Responses by TURAS cities and regions City or Region (in alphabetical order) Nottingham 1. objective of sustainable settlement development fundamental part of the city’s spatial strategy and plans for regeneration, transport and climate change; interpreted as something which concerns the long-term, re-use, social inclusion, development and public transport, accessibility to homes, jobs, amenities and services. 2. objective of promoting resilience important part of regeneration, transport and climate change; more specifically used as matters of business, economics, environmental risks, water usage, energy efficiency, low carbon, decentralized power generation and air quality. 7 Related Public Documents impacts of hot food takeaways, provides guidance on the location of hot food takeaways. Biodiversity - Provides guidance to developers, householders and planners on protecting, creating and improving biodiversity during the development process. Trees and Development - Guides developers and householders on legislation, planning requirements and the protection of trees. Residential Extensions and Alterations Provides guidance for people who want to extend and improve their home. Barking Station Masterplan - Provides further detail on the Barking Station area, Site Allocation BTCSSA3. Draft Urban Design Framework Nottingham City Council Aligned Core Strategy: http://www.nottinghamcity.gov.uk/index.aspx? articleid=722 The Nottingham Local Plan (also New Local Plan LAP out soon – includes regeneration sites data): http://www.nottinghamcity.gov.uk/CHttpHandl er.ashx?id=536&p=0 Nottingham Community Climate Change Strategy: http://www.nottinghamcity.gov.uk/CHttpHandl er.ashx?id=33519&p%20v Nottingham Green Partnership: http://www.nottinghamcity.gov.uk/onenotting ham/index.aspx?articleid=12834 T 3.2 Questionnaire Survey Analysis of the Responses by TURAS cities and regions City or Region (in alphabetical order) Rotterdam 1. objective of sustainable settlement development to become an attractive residential city with quality residential environments and high standard public space 2. objective of promoting resilience Related Public Documents aims to climate proof the city and to reduce CO2 emissions by 50% in 2025 Sofia The main strategic objective of Sofia Municipality formulated in the Development Plan is: To achieve accelerated economic growth, higher living standards, sustainable and balanced development; enhancing urban development while preserving the natural environment. Following this objective, the main documents formulate practically identical sets of priorities and specific targets, completed further with programs for implementation. Priority axis 1 - Increasing competitiveness through promotion of knowledge based economy and information society: Priority axis 2 - Development and modernization of transport and engineering infrastructure Priority axis 3 - Improving living conditions and quality of the living environment Priority axis 4 - Development of international cooperation for European territorial cohesion, deepening partnerships Promotion of urban resilience is provided in all composing parts of the main planning documents and is considered as guiding principle and basic horizontal policy, as it is with preservation of natural resources, “green” policy, energy efficiency improvement, social cohesion policy etc. Moreover, there is now a new requirement for all municipal districts and administration structures to be provided with special contingency plans for risk and hazard management. Spatial Development Strategy 2030: http://www.rotterdam.nl/DSV/Document/Stad svisie/432312_Leaflet.pdf Waterplan: http://www.rotterdam.nl/GW/Document/Wat erloket/Waterplan%202%20samenvatting%20E ngels.pdf RCP publications: http://www.rotterdamclimateinitiative.nl/en/e nglish_2011_design/publications Spatial planning in Bulgaria is regulated in two laws – the Territorial Planning Act and the Regional Development Act. First of them defines the rules for longer term planning and the main construction regulations, second – the rules for medium and short term strategic planning and programming, with accent on the financial and organizational aspects for the implementation. All these planning documents are to be interrelated horizontally and vertically, with common priority basis. These documents are also correlated with sectoral strategic documents covering specific development goals. Their adoption is to be based on extensive public consultations, which is the way to achieve the needed social balance of interests and to provide for implementation partnerships. The main strategic documents for the socioeconomic and spatial development of Sofia Municipality are: Master Plan of Sofia City and Sofia Municipality with time scale 2030 and beyond 8 T 3.2 Questionnaire Survey Analysis of the Responses by TURAS cities and regions City or Region (in alphabetical order) Stuttgart 1. objective of sustainable settlement development and European integration Priority axis 5 – Promotion of institutional capacity for effective management and development of Sofia 2. objective of promoting resilience Sustainable settlement development is a very important issue. The aim is to warrant diversity, high quality of life, mobility; economic strength in the long term; other aspects such as the enhancement of public transport (expansion of the urban rail network=S-Bahn), the support of intermunicipal industrial areas and the energyand climate protection concept. This is on the one hand documented in the mandatory “Regional Plan” by the general principles and several aims of regional planning, which the municipalities have to obey. Apart from the direct effects of the Regional plan on the municipalities, the VRS-as representative of public concerns- examines their land use plans whether they respect the goals and restrictions. The term “resilience” isn’t yet included in the mandatory region’s policy documents, but the objectives connected to it, are part of several planning principles. Apart from that several research projects and best-practice projects deal with the aspect of resilience, with an emphasis on climate change. Especially the Energy and Climate Protection Concept (Energie- und Klimaschutzkonzept Region Stuttgart) amends the Regional Plan concerning this topic. Examples from Regional Plan 2009: 1) Durable protection and improvement of the natural environment and its capacity to provide and to regenerate natural goods for men as well as to treat and to balance pollution; (2) Protection and development of public spaces in the region according to their natural potential for the protection of biodiversity and as natural habitat for flora and fauna, for recreation, agriculture and forestry, and for the preservation of natural balance and climatic functions. Examples for general principles in the Regional Plan 2009: 1.1.1.(G) aim of regional development is to open up opportunities for continuing high 9 Related Public Documents District (Oblast) Sofia 2007 - 2015 Development Strategy Development Plan of Sofia Municipality 2007 - 2013, A new type for our national practice is under preparation now – an Integrated Plan for Urban Regeneration and Development of Sofia City 2014-2020. Mandatory “Regional Plan”: http://www.region-stuttgart.org/aufgabenund-projekte/regionalplanung/regionalplan/ http://www.regionstuttgart.org/fileadmin/regionstuttgart/04_Info rmationen_und_Download/04_01_Veroeffentli chungen/04_04_02_Berichte/regionalplan_200 9_text.pdf general principles and several aims of regional planning, which the municipalities have to obey; the VRS -as representative of public concerns - examines the municipalities´ land use plans whether they respect the goals and restrictions. Sustainable settlement development is also connected to other aspects of regional policy, for example: the enhancement of public transport (expansion of the urban rail network=SBahn), the support of inter-municipal industrial areas and the energy-and climate protection concept (Sitzungsvorlage 245/2012, T 3.2 Questionnaire Survey Analysis of the Responses by TURAS cities and regions City or Region (in alphabetical order) 1. objective of sustainable settlement development economic performance, based on sustainable, socially balanced, ecological, and economically efficient development of the region that provides sufficient and suitable housing and preserves and creates working places; (2) maintenance of the diversity of landscapes and promoting their natureoriented development, also for recreation purposes, sustainable advancement of infrastructure facilities in the municipalities. The development of settlement, open space, and transport should be aligned to resource efficiency (natural and financial), sustainability, social cooperation, and the integration and (social) mobility of all sections of the population. 1.1.3 (G) For spatial development and organization of the region the climate protection is central. A reduction of climateeffective emissions and climate adaptation should be implemented on local and regional level. 2. objective of promoting resilience Related Public Documents Planungsausschuss): http://www.regionstuttgart.org/i2ebridge/Suche Examples for research and best-practise -> see question no. 5 Examples for aims of sustainable settlement in the Regional Plan 2009: 1.2.2(G) In view of the dense agglomeration, a sustainable and resource saving spatial development should be greatly aspired. This applies in particular to: the maintenance, protection, and development of open spaces for livelihood and recreation; 10 T 3.2 Questionnaire Survey Analysis of the Responses by TURAS cities and regions City or Region (in alphabetical order) Ludwigsburg (city within the region of Stuttgart) 1. objective of sustainable settlement development safeguarding of a productive agriculture and forestry and their natural basics for production, especially soil; avoidance of emissions from private and industrial activities as well as transport; hazard prevention in regard to flooding, extreme weather and other natural hazards; preservation, development, and reuse of buildings and settlements as well as technical and social infrastructure; protection of cultural heritage; reduction of land use for settlement and transportation purposes; environmentally friendly processing of the mobility and transportation needs of the population and economy; Environmentally friendly extension of the infrastructure for traffic and communication. The objective of sustainable development is very relevant in the planning concepts of the city. Since 2004 integrated urban development process that reclaims and updates 11 thematic fields on the level of the whole city. On the level of the urban districts the development plans (STEP „Stadtteilentwicklungspläne“) submit also a spatial account. At the same time, sustainable settlement development is a topic within town 2. objective of promoting resilience Related Public Documents Resilience is considered within the guiding principle of sustainable development. At present there are not yet concrete planning concepts in regard to resilience. Within the framework of the project „KlimaMORO“ first analyses and action approaches have been developed on regional level in close cooperation with the VRS. However, these approaches have not been implemented so far. Documentation of the process: http://www.ludwigsburg.de/,Lde/start/stadt_b uerger/stadtentwicklung.html 11 All relevant documents are available on the city´s homepage: www.ludwigsburg.de T 3.2 Questionnaire Survey Analysis of the Responses by TURAS cities and regions City or Region (in alphabetical order) 1. objective of sustainable settlement development planning and urban land use planning (“Bauleitplanung“, including local development plans / master plans (“BPläne”), land-use plans (“Flächennutzungspläne”), and open space planning (“Freiflächenentwicklungskonzept”, “Grünleitplan”). The principle of “inner development” previous to “outer development” is pursued by the local administration and the municipal council (“Gemeinderat”). 2. objective of promoting resilience 12 Related Public Documents